path: root/macros/latex/contrib/mitthesis/examples/cover_page_samples/latex_sources/One_author_one_degree.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/mitthesis/examples/cover_page_samples/latex_sources/One_author_one_degree.tex')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/mitthesis/examples/cover_page_samples/latex_sources/One_author_one_degree.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/mitthesis/examples/cover_page_samples/latex_sources/One_author_one_degree.tex
index 9b426eb0e3..c5e4db50b3 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/mitthesis/examples/cover_page_samples/latex_sources/One_author_one_degree.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/mitthesis/examples/cover_page_samples/latex_sources/One_author_one_degree.tex
@@ -31,51 +31,32 @@
% If you are using multiple languages, load the babel package in your fontset file, before the fonts.
-%%%%%%%%%%% Hyperref setting and metadata %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%%%%%%%%%% Metadata %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-\newcommand*\YourName{John H. Lienhard}% <====== CHANGE TO YOUR NAME !!!
+% Most of the document metadata is created automatically.
+% The following items should be adjusted to match your work. <================= !!!!!!!!!!
+ pdfsubject={Template for writing MIT theses with the mitthesis class},
+ % Change this to briefly state topic of your thesis
+ pdfkeywords={Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT},
+ % Add keywords that will help search engines and libraries to find your work.
+ % Includes the name[s] of the author[s]
+ % (If you have used \DocumentMetadata, at line 15, you can just put "\CopyrightAuthor," for the names.)
-% Be sure to change the following to your own information! <======== !!!
+ pdfurl={},
+ % If you have a url for the thesis, put it here. Otherwise delete this.
+ % (MIT Libraries will put your thesis in DSPACE with a persistent url after you submit it.)
+ pdfcontactemail={},
+ % You can put a [permanent] email address into the metadata, if you like.
+ % Otherwise delete this.
- pdftitle={MIT thesis template},
- pdfkeywords={\YourName, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT},
- pdfauthor={\YourName},
-% pdfauthor={{John H. Lienhard, V}},% if you have a comma in your name, surround by {..}
- pdfauthortitle={Professor of Mechanical Engineering},
- pdfcaptionwriter={\YourName},
- pdfurl={},
- pdfcontactemail={},
- pdfcontactaddress={77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 3-166},
- pdfcontactcity={Cambridge, MA},
- pdfcontactpostcode={02139},
- pdfcontactcountry={USA},
- pdfcontacturl={},
- pdfsubject={Template for writing MIT theses with the mitthesis class},% briefly state what this document is about
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- citecolor=Blue3,% from xcolor package
- urlcolor=violet,% from xcolor package
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-% anchorcolor=yellow,% not all pdf viewers recognize this field (although Firefox does)
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- \hypersetup{pdfcopyright={Copyright © \DegreeYear\ by \YourName. \PDFRightsText},}% 1st and 3rd commands are defined by class file.
+ pdfauthortitle={},
+ % If you have a title, you can include it here.
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End preamble %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
@@ -137,8 +118,6 @@
%%% Titlepage
- \cleardoublepage% for two-sided printing, this puts abstract on a right-hand (odd) page, possibly inserting a blank page
- % if the the class option [twoside] is omitted, the command just begins a new page
% The abstract environment creates all the required headers and footnote.
% You only need to add the text of the abstract itself in the file abstract.tex