path: root/macros/latex/contrib/mitthesis/MIT-Thesis.tex
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+% !TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
+% !BIB TS-program = biber
+% !BIB program = biber
+% This file is MIT-Thesis.tex, a template for producing MIT theses with the mitthesis class.
+% Version: 1.00, 2023/06/17
+% Author: John H. Lienhard (c) 2023. Reuse under the MIT license:
+% Documentation:
+%% Don't modify the \DocumentMetadata command unless you know what it does.
+%% If this command throws an "undefined" error, your latex system is out of date: try commenting this command out.
+ pdfstandard = a-2b,
+ pdfversion = 1.7,
+ lang = en-US,
+% debug = {xmp-export}, % output xmpi file to directly examine metadata
+% option [twoside] gives facing-page behavior for printing; omitting it will eliminate even-numbered blank pages.
+% option [lineno] provides line numbers, as for editing
+% option [mydesign] loads titlesec, enumitem, caption, subcaption - you may edit the mydesign.tex file as you like it.
+% option [fontset] is a keyvalue which can be:
+% pdftex or unicode engines: defaultfonts, libertine, lucida
+% pdftex only: fira-newtxsf, newtx, newtx-sans-text
+% unicode engines (luatex): heros-stix2, stix2, termes, termes-stix2
+% if no key value is given, fonts default to CMR (pdftex) or LMR (unicode), i.e., "the latex font".
+% You can edit the fontset files or you can write your own, myfonts.tex, and do [fontset=myfonts].
+% If you are using multiple languages, load the babel package in your fontset file, before the fonts.
+%%%%%%%%% Packages used in sample chapters (not otherwise required) %%%%%%%
+%% Package for code listing in Appendix A.
+%% Set chemical formulas nicely
+%% Latin filler used in Chapter 1, with a test for package version date
+%%%%%%%%% Graphics path (to figure files) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% Can set graphicspath to point to specific directories containing figures (the current directory is searched automatically)
+%% For instance, to search a subdirectory of the current directory called "figures" and a parallel directory called "art", set:
+% \graphicspath{ {figures/} {../art/} }% For details see:
+%%%%%%%%% Representative set-up for biblatex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\addbibresource{mitthesis-sample.bib}%% <== change to YOUR bib file <=================
+%% These two commands enable line breaks in long URLs in the bibliography (delete if you don't want that)
+% biblatex is very powerful, and you can customize most aspects the reference list and citations.
+%%%%%%%%%% Option to use natbib %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%% add bibliography to table of contents
+%%% You can use this to rename the bibliography section
+%%% Can adjust space between bibliography items (change 4pt to something else; don't drop last two lengths, they are stretchable "glue")
+%\setlength\bibsep{4pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}
+%%%%%%%%%% Table related packages %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\usepackage{booktabs}% better quality tables
+\usepackage{array}% additional options for table columns
+%\usepackage{dcolumn} % alignment on decimal places
+%%%%%%%%%% Option for "double spacing" %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% Back in the typewriter era, double spaced lines were convenient for editing with a pencil.
+%% In typography, the separation between lines is called "leading", and it is usually set in
+%% proportion to the font size (i.e., when the font is loaded). If you really feel the need
+%% to change the line separation, the most attractive results will be obtained by changing the
+%% leading in proportion to the the current font size, rather than just doubling the space.
+%% The setspace package provides a tool for changing line separation (use these here)
+%\setstretch{1.1}% you can choose some other value for the stretch of space between lines
+%% Use the these commands AFTER the frontmatter
+%\singlespacing % will turn these effects off (you can use these anywhere in the document)
+%% The best result may be to stay with leading selected by the typographer who set up the font.
+%%%%%%%%%%% Hyperref setting and metadata %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\def\YourName{John H. Lienhard}% <====== CHANGE TO YOUR NAME !!!
+% Be sure to change the following to your own information! <======== !!!
+ pdftitle={MIT thesis template},
+ pdfkeywords={\YourName, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT},
+ pdfauthor={\YourName},
+ pdfauthortitle={Professor of Mechanical Engineering},
+ pdfcaptionwriter={\YourName},
+% pdfcaptionwriter={{John H. Lienhard, V}},% if you have a comma in your name, surround by {..}
+ pdfurl={},
+ pdfcontactemail={},
+ pdfcontactaddress={77 Massachusetts Avenue, Room 3-166},
+ pdfcontactcity={Cambridge, MA},
+ pdfcontactpostcode={02139},
+ pdfcontactcountry={USA},
+ pdfcontacturl={},
+ pdfsubject={Template for writing MIT theses with the mitthesis class},% briefly state what this document is about
+ colorlinks=true,
+ linkcolor=blue,
+ citecolor=blue,
+ urlcolor=violet,
+ filecolor=red,
+% anchorcolor=yellow,% not all pdf viewers recognize this field (Firefox does)
+% colorscheme=phelype,% overrides link, cite, url, file colors with a preset scheme, through \DocumentMetadata
+ pdfborder={0 0 0},
+ bookmarksnumbered=true,
+ bookmarksopen=true,
+ bookmarksopenlevel=1,
+% pdfpagemode=UseNone,% this option means don't open bookmarks panel
+ pdfpagelayout=SinglePage,
+ pdfdisplaydoctitle=true,
+ pdfstartview=Fit,
+ pdfnewwindow=true,
+ pdfcopyright={Copyright © \DegreeYear\ by \YourName. \PDFRightsText},% definitions made by class file, don't change
+ pdflicenseurl={\CCurl},% definition made by class file, don't change
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%% End preamble %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%% edit the following commands to match your thesis %%%%%%%%%%
+\title{The Atomic Theory as Applied To Gases, with Some Experiments on the Viscosity of Air}
+% \Author{Author full name}{Author department}[Author's first PREVIOUS degree][Author's second PREVIOUS degree][...
+% Note that third, fourth, fifth, and sixth arguments are optional [] and may be omitted
+% note on names: most of the following names are made up; Silas Holman was a professor at MIT in the 19th century.
+\Author{Silas W. Holman}{Department of Physics}%[B.S. Physics, MIT, 1876]
+%\Author{Luisa Hernández}{Department of Research}[B.S. Mechanical Engineering, UCLA, 2018][M.S. Stellar Interiors, Vulcan Science Academy, 2020][MBA, Ferengi School of Management, 2022]
+% Use once for each degree fulfilled by thesis
+\Degree{Bachelor of Science in Physics}{Department of Physics}
+%\Degree{Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering}{Department of Mechanical Engineering}
+% If there is more than one supervisor, use the \Supervisor command for each.
+\Supervisor{Edward C. Pickering}{Professor of Physics}
+%\Supervisor{Secunda Castor}{Department of Mechanical Engineering}
+% Professor who formally accepts theses for your department (e.g., the Graduate Officer, Professor Sméagol,...)
+% If more than one department, use more than once
+\Acceptor{Primus Castor}{Professor of Wetlands Engineering}{Graduate Officer, First Degree Department}
+%\Acceptor{Tertius Castor}{Professor of Log Dams}{Graduate Officer, Second Degree Department}
+% If your title page is overflowing (from too many names, degrees, etc.), you can scale
+% down the Signature block at the bottom with this command, or use another creative solution...
+% Usage: \DegreeDate{Month}{year}
+% Valid degree months are September, February, or June.
+% Date that final thesis is submitted to department
+\ThesisDate{May 18, 1876}
+%%%%%% Choose whether to have a CREATIVE COMMONS License %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% If you are using a cc license, put details of your cc license here.
+% Omit this command if you are not using a cc license.
+\CClicense{CC BY-NC-ND 4.0}{}
+%%% Titlepage
+ \cleardoublepage% for two-sided printing, this puts abstract on a right-hand (odd) page, possibly inserting a blank page
+ % if the the class option [twoside] is omitted, the command just begins a new page
+%%%%%%%%% Contents that you need to write follows %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% \includeonly{acknowledgments,biography,chapter1,chapter2,...,appendixa,...}
+% for usage, see
+%%% Frontmatter (write this material in the mentioned files) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+% The abstract environment creates all the required headers and footnote.
+% You only need to add the text of the abstract itself in the file abstract.tex
+ \input{abstract.tex}% in this case, use \input rather than \include because you are inside an environment
+ \cleardoublepage
+ \cleardoublepage
+\include{biography.tex}% optional, see MIT Libraries
+ \cleardoublepage
+%%% Table of contents and lists of stuff (edit only if you want different lists) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \pdfbookmark[0]{Table of Contents}{toc}%
+ \cleardoublepage
+ \phantomsection
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\textbf{\listfigurename}}%
+ \cleardoublepage
+ \phantomsection
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\protect\textbf{\listtablename}}%
+ \cleardoublepage
+%%% Chapters of thesis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% If you really feel the need to engage in "double spacing", you can start here...
+%%% Appendicies of thesis %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%%% Bibliography %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+{\raggedright% to avoid stretched white space and split urls; DELETE if you prefer justified text
+% biblatex also supports chapter-by-chapter bibliography,
+% see the biblatex manual, section 3.14.3
+%%%% Option for natbib %%%%%%%%%%%%%
+%% use an appropriate style (.bst) and your own .bib file[s]
+ \ No newline at end of file