path: root/macros/latex/contrib/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.animations.tex
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1 files changed, 538 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.animations.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/mercatormap/mercatormap.doc.animations.tex
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+% !TeX root = mercatormap.tex
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+% include file of mercatormap.tex (manual of the LaTeX package mercatormap)
+An animation in the context of map drawing is considered to be a direct movement
+from a starting position to a final position with possible adaption of
+scale denominators.
+This package does not provide animation production, but allows to create a
+PDF with a sequence of maps (frames) following such an animation path.
+\subsection{Animation Environment}
+\begin{docEnvironment}[doc new=2024-07-31]{mrcAnimation}{\marg{options}}
+ According to the given \meta{options}, the environment loops over the
+ \meta{environment content} several times generating \textit{frames}
+ for an external animation program.
+ A detailed description for the \meta{options} is found in \Fullref{ref:animOptions}.
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Basically, the position is moved from
+ a given \refKey{mermap/anim/start-position} with time index |0|
+ following an orthodrome
+ to a \refKey{mermap/anim/final-position} with time index |1|.
+ \item
+ This time interval $[0,1]$ is divided into \refKey{mermap/anim/frames}.
+ The current frame number is denoted by \refCom{mrcAnimFrame},
+ the current time is denoted by \refCom{mrcAnimTime}, and
+ the current position is denoted by
+ \refCom{mrcAnimLatitude} and \refCom{mrcAnimLongitude},
+ alternatively by the named positon \docValue{AnimNP}.
+ \item
+ During movement, a time dependent sequence of \refKey{mermap/anim/scale-denominators}
+ defines the current scale denominator \refCom{mrcAnimScaleDenom}.
+ \item
+ The frames may have an equal time distance or have different time
+ distances using a \refKey{mermap/anim/timewarp}. This could be used
+ to slow down movement near ground and to speed up with more height.
+ \end{itemize}
+ The generated sequence of frames is applicable for
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Movement along an orthodrome from starting to final position with an unchanged
+ common scale denominator.
+ \item Zoom in or out on a fixed position.
+ \item Combination of both animations.
+ \item Animated orthodrome drawing on a static map.
+ \end{itemize}
+ For more complex animations, several \refEnv{mrcAnimation} environments may be
+ used consecutively.
+ \mrcNPdef{heathrow}{51.4678}{-0.4548}
+ \mrcNPdef{fiumicino}{41.8151}{12.2508}
+ \begin{tcbraster}[raster height=22cm,raster columns=4,raster rows=7,
+ tile,size=minimal,boxsep=1pt,colback=black!20 ]
+ \begin{mrcAnimation}
+ {
+ named-start-position = heathrow,
+ named-final-position = fiumicino,
+ frames = 36,
+ scale-denominators = 0/1000000 - 0.3/8000000 - 0.7/8000000 - 1/1000000,
+ timewarp-slow-start-final = 1.5,
+ }
+ \begin{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mermapset
+ {
+ named flex scale = \mrcAnimScaleDenom:AnimNP,
+ }
+ \mrcmap
+ [
+ type = reference,
+ named position = AnimNP,
+ source = topplusopen web,
+ tex width = \tcbtextwidth,
+ tex height = \tcbtextheight
+ ]{london-roma-\mrcAnimFrame}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[above left,font=\fontsize{3.5pt}{3.5pt}\sffamily]
+ at (mrcmap.south east) {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \end{mrcAnimation}
+ \end{tcbraster}
+ % \usepackage{fontawesome5}
+ \mrcNPdef{heathrow}{51.4678}{-0.4548}
+ \mrcNPdef{lax}{33.9421}{-118.4088}
+ \mrcNPdef{reykjavik}{64.1289}{-21.9369}
+ \begin{tcbraster}[raster height=22cm,raster columns=2,raster rows=4,
+ tile,size=minimal,boxsep=1pt,colback=black!20 ]
+ \begin{mrcAnimation}
+ {
+ named-start-position = heathrow,
+ named-final-position = lax,
+ frames = 8,
+ }
+ \begin{tcolorbox}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \mrcmap
+ [
+ type = areafit,
+ area = {heathrow,lax,reykjavik},
+ source = topplusopen web,
+ tex width = \tcbtextwidth,
+ tex height = \tcbtextheight,
+ flex area fit = 8mm,
+ ]{london-lax-\mrcAnimFrame}
+ \mrcdrawmap
+ \node[above left,font=\fontsize{3.5pt}{3.5pt}\sffamily]
+ at (mrcmap.south east) {\mrcmapattribution};
+ \mrcclipmap
+ \mrcNPdraworthodrome[red,very thick]{heathrow}{AnimNP}
+ \node[red!70!black,rotate=\mrcAnimAngle]
+ at (\mrcNPcs{AnimNP}) {\large\faPlane};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \end{mrcAnimation}
+ \end{tcbraster}
+\subsection{Animation Options}\label{ref:animOptions}
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = start-position,
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{latitude}/\meta{longitude}},
+ doc description = initially |51.4779/0|
+ },
+ {
+ doc name = named-start-position,
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{name}},
+ }
+ }
+ Starting position of the animation given by
+ \meta{latitude} and \meta{longitude} or by a named position using \meta{name}.
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = final-position,
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{latitude}/\meta{longitude}},
+ doc description = initially |51.4779/0|
+ },
+ {
+ doc name = named-final-position,
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{name}},
+ }
+ }
+ Final position of the animation given by
+ \meta{latitude} and \meta{longitude} or by a named position using \meta{name}.
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = position,
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{latitude}/\meta{longitude}},
+ doc description = initially |51.4779/0|
+ },
+ {
+ doc name = named-position,
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{name}},
+ }
+ }
+ Fixed position of the animation given by
+ \meta{latitude} and \meta{longitude} or by a named position using \meta{name}.
+ This sets \refKey{mermap/anim/start-position} and
+ \refKey{mermap/anim/final-position} to the identical value.
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = frames,
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{frame number}},
+ doc description = initially |20|
+ },
+ }
+ Integer \meta{frame number} for the animation, at least |2|. For maps made with tiles,
+ even a large \meta{frame number} typically results in limited downloads,
+ because the tiles a reused as far as possible. For WMS maps, every frame
+ could give another download!
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ doc parameter = {\colOpt{=true\textbar false}},
+ doc description = {default |true|, initially |false|},
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = drop-first-frame,
+ },
+ {
+ doc name = drop-last-frame,
+ },
+ }
+ If several \refEnv{mrcAnimation} environments are used consecutively,
+ the end frame of one animation is identical to the start frame of the
+ next animation. These options allow to remove one superfluous connecting frame.
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = drop-no-frame,
+ doc description = {no value, initially set},
+ },
+ }
+ Reset to drop no frames.
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = scale-denominators,
+ doc parameter = {=\marg{time and scale sequence}},
+ doc description = {initially |0/25000-1/25000|},
+ },
+ }
+ The \meta{time and scale sequence} has to obey the following pattern:
+ \par
+ \meta{time$_1$}|/|\meta{scale$_1$} |-|
+ \meta{time$_2$}|/|\meta{scale$_2$} |-| $\ldots$ |-|
+ \meta{time$_n$}|/|\meta{scale$_n$}
+ \par
+ The time values have to be taken from the interval $[0,1]$ and have to be
+ strictly monotonically increasing, i.e.
+ \par
+ $0\le$ \meta{time$_1$} $<$
+ \meta{time$_2$} $<$ $\ldots$ $<$
+ \meta{time$_n$} $\le 1$
+ \par
+ If not given, time and scale for time $0$ and $1$ are automatically added
+ as constant continuation.\par
+ Depending on the current time value \refCom{mrcAnimTime}, the current
+ scale denominator \refCom{mrcAnimScaleDenom} is interpolated from this
+ sequence using a logarithmic approach.
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = common-scale-denominator,
+ doc parameter = {=\marg{scale denominator}},
+ doc description = {initially |25000|},
+ },
+ }
+ This is a shortcut for\par
+ \refKey{mermap/anim/scale-denominators} |=|\\
+ \hspace*{5mm} |0/|\marg{scale denominator} |- 1/|\marg{scale denominator}
+ \par
+ Thereby, a fixed \marg{scale denominator} is set for the animation.
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = timewarp,
+ doc parameter = {=\meta{macro}},
+ doc description = initially \texttt{\textbackslash mrcTimewarpIdentity}
+ },
+ }
+ \meta{macro} has to be a fully expandable \LaTeX\ macro with one parameter.
+ The expansion has to be a valid |expl3| \meta{floating point expression}
+ denoting a strictly monotonically increasing function mapping from
+ the interval \mbox{$[0,1]$} into \mbox{$[0,1]$} again.
+ This timewarp may slow down and accelerate time over the span from $0$ to $1$.
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = mrcTimewarpIdentity,
+ doc parameter = {=\marg{time}},
+ },
+ }
+ Identity function from \mbox{$[0,1]$} into \mbox{$[0,1]$}.
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = timewarp-identity,
+ doc description = {no value, initially set}
+ },
+ }
+ Sets \refKey{mermap/anim/timewarp} to \refCom{mrcTimewarpIdentity}.
+ This means that time flows constantly.
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = mrcTimewarpSlowStart,
+ doc parameter = {=\marg{exponent}\marg{time}},
+ doc description = {default |2|}
+ },
+ }
+ Function term $t^{\text{\meta{exponent}}}$
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = timewarp-slow-start,
+ doc parameter = \colOpt{=\meta{exponent}},
+ doc description = {default |2|}
+ },
+ }
+ Sets \refKey{mermap/anim/timewarp} to \refCom{mrcTimewarpSlowStart}\marg{exponent}.
+ \par
+ If $\text{\meta{exponent}}>1$ is used, time flows slower at the begin of the
+ interval \mbox{$[0,1]$}. This can be used, if a low scale denominator is
+ present at begin of a movement and is becoming larger later. Here, for smoothness,
+ you may want this to have slower speed near ground and larger speed later.
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = mrcTimewarpSlowFinal,
+ doc parameter = {=\marg{exponent}\marg{time}},
+ doc description = {default |2|}
+ },
+ }
+ Function term $1 - (1-t)^{\text{\meta{exponent}}}$
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = timewarp-slow-final,
+ doc parameter = \colOpt{=\meta{exponent}},
+ doc description = {default |2|}
+ },
+ }
+ Sets \refKey{mermap/anim/timewarp} to \refCom{mrcTimewarpSlowFinal}\marg{exponent}.
+ \par
+ If $\text{\meta{exponent}}>1$ is used, time flows slower at the end of the
+ interval \mbox{$[0,1]$}. This can be used, if a large scale denominator is
+ present at begin of a movement and is becoming lower later. Here, for smoothness,
+ you may want this to have slower speed near ground at the end.
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = mrcTimewarpSlowStartFinal,
+ doc parameter = {=\marg{exponent}\marg{time}},
+ doc description = {default |2|}
+ },
+ }
+ Combination of \refCom{mrcTimewarpSlowStart} and \refCom{mrcTimewarpSlowFinal}
+ using case discrimination for the first and the second half of the intervall.
+ doc keypath = anim,
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = timewarp-slow-start-final,
+ doc parameter = \colOpt{=\meta{exponent}},
+ doc description = {default |2|}
+ },
+ }
+ Sets \refKey{mermap/anim/timewarp} to \refCom{mrcTimewarpSlowStartFinal}\marg{exponent}.
+ \par
+ If $\text{\meta{exponent}}>1$ is used, time flows slower at the begin and at the end of the
+ interval \mbox{$[0,1]$}. This can be used, if a low scale denominator is
+ present at begin of a movement, becomes larger in the middle, and finally
+ is becoming lower later. Here, for smoothness,
+ you may want this to have slower speed near ground at the begin and the end.
+\subsection{Macros inside the Animation Environment}\label{ref:animMacros}
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = mrcAnimFrame,
+ },
+ {
+ doc name = l_mermap_anim_frame_int,
+ },
+ }
+ The current frame number ranging from $1$ to \refKey{mermap/anim/frames}.
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = mrcAnimTime,
+ },
+ {
+ doc name = l_mermap_anim_time_fp,
+ },
+ }
+ The current time ranging from $0$ to $1$.
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = mrcAnimScaleDenom,
+ },
+ {
+ doc name = l_mermap_anim_scaledenom_fp,
+ },
+ }
+ The current scale denominator according to \refKey{mermap/anim/scale-denominators}.
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = mrcAnimLatitude,
+ },
+ {
+ doc name = l_mermap_anim_lat_fp,
+ },
+ }
+ The latitude of the current position.
+ doc new = 2024-07-31,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = mrcAnimLongitude,
+ },
+ {
+ doc name = l_mermap_anim_lon_fp,
+ },
+ }
+ The longitude of the current position.
+ doc new = 2024-08-05,
+ ]{
+ {
+ doc name = mrcAnimAngle,
+ },
+ {
+ doc name = l_mermap_anim_angle_fp,
+ },
+ }
+ Current angle between the tangent vector to the orthodrome and
+ the current parallel circle.
+ The current named position.