path: root/macros/latex/contrib/lineno/lnosuppl.tex
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-%% LNoSuppl.tex -- U.L.
- [2011/02/16 documenting supplementary files]
-\title{\LARGE \bf Supplementary files belonging \\
- to the \textit{lineno.sty} distribution \\[1ex]
- \normalfont \Large
- Lazy \texttt{ASCII}\,$\to$\,\texttt{PDF} listings}
-\author{Uwe L\"uck}
-%% hyperref settings from makedoc.cfg 2011/02/14:
- \ifpdf
-% bookmarks=false, %% 2010/12/22
-% bookmarksnumbered,
- bookmarksopen, %% 2011/01/24!?
- bookmarksopenlevel=2, %% 2011/01/23
-% pdfpagemode=UseNone,
-% pdfstartpage=10,
-% pdfstartview=FitH,
- citebordercolor={ .6 1 .6},
- filebordercolor={1 .6 1},
- linkbordercolor={1 .9 .7},
- urlbordercolor={ .7 1 1}, %% playing 2011/01/24
- \else
- draft
- \fi
-\newcommand*{\lcurl}[2][]{%% `mirror', \url #2 2011/02/14
- \texttt{#2}\footnote{%
- \url{}}}
-\newcommand*{\Verbatiminput}[1]{%% 2011/02/14
- \small\verbatiminput{#1}\normalsize}
- \ifx\protect\@typeset@protect #1%
- \else
- \ifdim\lastskip>\z@\ignorespaces\fi
- \fi}
-\texttt{lineno.sty} is a macro package made by
-Stephan~I.~B\"ottcher for attaching line numbers to
-\LaTeX\ documents. Some people have used it for revising
-submittings in collaboration with referees or co-authors.
-Documentations are nowadays preferred to be in
-Adobe's \texttt{PDF}---so \texttt{lineno.sty}'s
-documentation is \lcurl[lineno/]{lineno.pdf}.
-\texttt{ednotes.sty} uses \texttt{lineno.sty} for critical
-editions, combining it with Alexander~I.~Rozhenko's
-\texttt{manyfoot.sty}---this was Christian Tapp's idea,
-who then hired me for adding the \TeX nical details.
-In doing this, I had to change some internals of
-\texttt{lineno.sty}, so Stephan transferred maintenance
-to me; then some of my macro files that I originally had
-made for \texttt{ednotes.sty} wandered into the
-\texttt{lineno} directory of CTAN---because they turned
-out not to need \texttt{ednotes.sty},
-just to work as extensions of \texttt{lineno.sty}\,.
-Now, I haven't had the time for making \texttt{.dtx} versions
-of the \texttt{.sty} files for \texttt{ednotes}.
-Therefore, ordinary \texttt{.pdf} documentation for
-the remaining \texttt{.sty} files of \texttt{lineno}
-is missing.
-What you see here is nothing but a somewhat structured listing
-of the additional \texttt{.txt} and \texttt{.sty} files in
-\texttt{PDF}, deriving from the \texttt{verbatim} package and
-its \cs{verbatiminput} command. I hope the high quality
-(scalable) output is worth it.
-By contrast, the new package \texttt{fnlineno.sty} added in 2011 for
-footnote line numbers is documented in \lcurl[lineno/]{fnlineno.pdf}
-in high quality, using the \lcurl{nicetext} bundle.
-\leavevmode\hfill \textit{U.\,L.}
-\section{The \texttt{.txt} files}
-\subsection{Summary: \texttt{README.txt}}
-\subsection{Licenses/Copyright: \texttt{COPYING.txt}}
-\subsection{Update summaries: \texttt{CHANGEs.txt}}
-%% rm. 2011/02/16:
-% \subsection{Files and subdirectories: \texttt{FILEs.txt}}
-% \verbatiminput{FILEs.txt}
-\subsection{Source file infos: \texttt{SRCFILEs.txt}}
-\section{Tabular and array environments}
-\texttt{lineno.sty}'s package options \texttt{edtable},
-\texttt{longtable}, and \texttt{nolongtablepatch}
-redefine \LaTeX\ tabular and array environments
-such that \texttt{lineno} and \texttt{ednotes} commands
-can be used inside. The code for these options resides
-in separate files at present. We are listing them here.
-\section{\cs{linelabel} and notes from \textit{math} mode:
- \notinaux{\\} \texttt{ednmath0.sty}}
-\section{Extended line number references: \texttt{vplref.sty}}
-\texttt{vplref.sty} is input through the \texttt{lineno}
-package option \texttt{addpageno}. This adds page numbers
-to line number references to distant sides---using the
-\texttt{varioref} package from the \LaTeX\ distribution.
-end of LNoSuppl.tex