path: root/macros/latex/contrib/joinbox/joinbox.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/joinbox/joinbox.tex')
1 files changed, 516 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/joinbox/joinbox.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/joinbox/joinbox.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb6d7916ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/joinbox/joinbox.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+ {
+ \section*{Index}
+ \markboth{Index}{Index}
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Index}
+ The~italic~numbers~denote~the~pages~where~the~
+ corresponding~entry~is~described,~
+ numbers~underlined~point~to~the~definition,~
+ all~others~indicate~the~places~where~it~is~used.
+ }
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+ pdfstartview=FitH,
+ pdfinfo = {
+ Title = The package joinbox ,
+ Subject = A LaTeX3 package ,
+ Author = Geng Nan
+ }
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+\DeclareDocumentEnvironment { noteen } { +b } {
+ \par\textbf{\textsf{NOTE:~}}#1\par
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+} {}
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+ \begin{itemize}[labelwidth=\l_tmpa_dim, align=left]
+ #2
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+} { }
+\keys_define:nn { joinbox/doc } {
+ opt .tl_set:N = \l_opt_tl,
+ desc .tl_set:N = \l_desc_tl,
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+ { initially~\texttt{\l_init_tl} }
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+ \pkg{joinbox}盒子拼接宏包
+ \rlap{\makebox[4cm][r]{
+ \normalsize $\Longrightarrow$ \color{red}
+ \protect\hyperlink{en}{English Version}
+ \protect\hypertarget{zh}{}
+ }}
+\author{\textit{耿楠} \texttt{<>}}
+\date{\the\year 年\the\month 月\the\day 日\qquad \vers
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{joinbox} \oarg{拼接方式} \marg{对象1} \marg{对象2}
+ \cs{joinbox*} \oarg{拼接方式} \marg{对象1} \marg{对象2}
+ \end{syntax}
+ 用于拼接两个对象。 该命令需要用两个必选参数\marg{对象1}和
+ \marg{对象2}指定需要拼接的对象。拼接对象将被置于coffin中,
+ 然后按需求进行拼接。
+ 在可选项\oarg{拼接方式}中,可以通过key-value指定输出结果
+ 基线位置、 输出尺寸(垂直拼接是输出宽度,水平拼接是输出高度)
+ 和拼接间距。
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{joinfigs} \oarg{拼接方式} \marg{文件名称列表}
+ \cs{joinfigs*} \oarg{拼接方式} \marg{文件名称列表}
+ \end{syntax}
+ 用于拼接多个图像。该命令需要用一个必选参数\marg{文件名称列表},
+ 用于指定需要拼接图像,文件名称中可以包含路径,不同文件名称之
+ 间用英文逗号进行分隔,最少需要有1个图像文件名称。
+ 在\oarg{拼接方式}可选项中,可以通过key-value指定结果基线位置、
+ 输出尺寸(垂直拼接是输出宽度,水平拼接是输出调试)、拼接间距。
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{joinset} \marg{拼接方式}
+ \end{syntax}
+ 用于通过key-value指定拼接结果中的基线位置、
+ 输出尺寸(垂直拼接是输出宽度,水平拼接是输出调试)、拼接间距。
+\begin{option}{ opt = baseline, desc = {= \meta{t,vc,H,b}}, init=b }
+ 设置joinbox或joinfigs拼接结果的输出基线位置,目前支持:
+ \item |t|--- 盒子顶端水平线、
+ \item |vc|---盒子水平中心线、
+ \item |H|---盒子内容基线、
+ \item |b|---盒子底端水平线。
+ 默认基线\fbox{
+ \joinbox{\LaTeX 科技排版}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+ baseline=t\fbox{
+ \joinbox[baseline=t]{\LaTeX 科技排版}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+\begin{option}{ opt = outlen, desc = {= \meta{dim}}, init=0pt }
+ 设置joinbox或joinfigs拼接结果的输出尺寸,对于垂直拼接,设置
+ 输出宽度,对于水平拼接,设置输出高度。
+ 若指定的输出尺寸$\le 0$,则表示使用被拼接对象中的最小尺寸输出。
+ 输出宽度\fbox{
+ \joinbox[outlen=2cm]{\LaTeX 科技排版}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+ 输出高度\fbox{
+ \joinbox*[outlen=0.2cm]{\LaTeX 科技排版}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+\begin{option}{ opt = sep, desc = {= \meta{dim}}, init=0pt }
+ 设置拼接对象之间的间距。
+ 垂直间距\fbox{
+ \joinbox[sep=5pt]{\LaTeX 科技排版}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+ 水平间距\fbox{
+ \joinbox*[outlen=0.2cm,sep=5pt]
+ {\LaTeX 科技排版}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+ \joinbox*[outlen=0.04\textheight,sep=-5pt]
+ {
+ \joinbox[sep=5pt]{\LaTeX 科技排版}
+ {\qquad\LaTeX~Typesetting\qquad}
+ }{
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.2]{expl3}
+ }
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{latexframe}\quad
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{tl-lion}\quad
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{expl3}
+ \joinfigs[outlen=3cm, sep=5pt]
+ {latexframe, tl-lion, expl3}
+ \joinfigs*[outlen=1.3cm, sep=5pt]
+ {latexframe, tl-lion, expl3}
+ \joinbox*[outlen=0.20\textheight, sep=5pt]
+ {
+ \joinfigs[outlen=0.25\textwidth]
+ {latexframe, tl-lion, expl3}
+ }{
+ \joinfigs[outlen=0.25\textwidth]
+ {expl3, tl-lion, latexframe}
+ }
+ \pkg{joinbox} package for Joinning Boxs or Figures
+ \rlap{\makebox[2.5cm][r]{
+ \normalsize $\Longrightarrow$ \color{red}
+ \protect\hyperlink{zh}{中文版本}
+ \protect\hypertarget{en}{}
+ }}
+\author{Nan Geng \texttt{<>}}
+\date{\today\qquad \vers}
+\pkg{joinbox} is a box joinning package based on l3coffins developed with expl3,
+which provides the \cs{joinbox} and \cs{joinfigs} macros for vertical or horizontal
+joinning of boxes. Different types of joinning can be set up with the options or
+\cs{joinset} macro.
+Boxes can be joined vertically or horizontally. When using vertical joinning, all
+boxes to be joined will keep same width, while when using horizontal joined, all
+boxes to be joined will keep same height.
+The \cs{joinbox} and \cs{joinfigs} macros without star are used for vertical joinning,
+while the \cs{joinbox*} and \cs{joinfigs*} with star are used for horizontal joinning.
+\subsection{\cs{joinbox} for Two Contents Joinning }
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{joinbox} \oarg{options} \marg{content1} \marg{content2}
+ \cs{joinbox*} \oarg{options} \marg{content1} \marg{content2}
+ \end{syntax}
+ Used to join two contents. It requires two arguments \marg{content1} and
+ \marg{content2} to specify the objects to be joined. The contents will
+ be placed in the coffin respectively and then joined.
+ In the \oarg{options}, the typeout baseline, typeout size
+ (vertical joinning is width, horizontal joinning is height), and
+ joinning seperate spacing can be specified with \textit{key-value}.
+\subsection{\cs{joinfigs} for Figure Sets Joinning}
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{joinfigs} \oarg{options} \marg{namelist}
+ \cs{joinfigs*} \oarg{options} \marg{namelist}
+ \end{syntax}
+ Used for joinning multiple images. This command requires a argument\marg{namelist}
+ to specify the image to be joined. The file name can include a path,
+ and different file names should be separated by commas.
+ At least one image file name is required.
+ In the \oarg{options}, the typeout baseline, typeout size
+ (vertical joinning is width, horizontal joinning is height), and
+ joinning seperate spacing can be specified with \textit{key-value}.
+\subsection{\cs{joinset} for Settings}
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{joinset} \marg{options}
+ \end{syntax}
+ Used to set the typeout baseline, typeout size
+ (vertical joinning is width, horizontal joinning is height), and
+ joinning seperate spacing with \textit{key-value}.
+\begin{option}{ opt = baseline, desc = {= \meta{t,vc,H,b}}, init=b }
+ Set typeout baseline, currently as follows:
+ \item |t|--- a pole running along the top edge of the bounding box of the coffin;
+ \item |vc|---a pole running horizontally through the centre of the coffin half-way between the
+bottom and top edges of the bounding box (i.e. the “vertical centre”);
+ \item |H|---a pole running along the baseline of the typeset material contained in the coffin;
+ \item |b|---a pole running along the bottom edge of the bounding box of the coffin.
+ baseline=b\fbox{
+ \joinbox{Hello \LaTeX}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+ baseline=t\fbox{
+ \joinbox[baseline=t]{Hello \LaTeX}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+\begin{option}{ opt = outlen, desc = {= \meta{dim}}, init=0pt }
+ Used to set typeout size, vertical joinning is width and horizontal joinning is height.
+ If $outlen\le 0$,then the typeout size is minimal size of all contents.
+ width: \fbox{
+ \joinbox[outlen=2cm]{Hello \LaTeX}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+ height: \fbox{
+ \joinbox*[outlen=0.2cm]{Hello \LaTeX}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+\begin{option}{ opt = sep, desc = {= \meta{dim}}, init=0pt }
+ Used to set joinning seperate spacing.
+ vertical sep: \fbox{
+ \joinbox[sep=5pt]{Hello \LaTeX}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+ horizontal sep: \fbox{
+ \joinbox*[outlen=0.2cm,sep=5pt]
+ {Hello \LaTeX}
+ {\LaTeX~Typesetting}
+ }
+\section{Nested Joinning}
+The \tn{joinbox} can be nested to get complex joinning.
+ \joinbox*[outlen=0.04\textheight,sep=-5pt]
+ {
+ \joinbox[sep=5pt]{Hello \LaTeX}
+ {\qquad\LaTeX~Typesetting\qquad}
+ }{
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.2]{expl3}
+ }
+\section{Figures Joinning}
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{latexframe}\quad
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{tl-lion}\quad
+ \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{expl3}
+\subsection{Vertical Joinning}
+ \joinfigs[outlen=3cm, sep=5pt]
+ {latexframe, tl-lion, expl3}
+\subsection{Horizontal Joinning}
+ \joinfigs*[outlen=1.3cm, sep=5pt]
+ {latexframe, tl-lion, expl3}
+\subsection{Nested Joinning}
+ \joinbox*[outlen=0.20\textheight, sep=5pt]
+ {
+ \joinfigs[outlen=0.25\textwidth]
+ {latexframe, tl-lion, expl3}
+ }{
+ \joinfigs[outlen=0.25\textwidth]
+ {expl3, tl-lion, latexframe}
+ }