path: root/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.tex
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1 files changed, 229 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.tex
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/jobname-suffix/jobname-suffix.tex
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+%% pig.dtx
+%% Copyright 2022 Jason Siefken
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+% The latest version of this license is in
+% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+% The Current Maintainer of this work is Jason Siefken
+% This work consists of the files jobname-suffix.sty and docs/jobname-suffix.tex
+ language=[LaTeX]{TeX},
+ texcsstyle=*\color{blue},
+ commentstyle={\color{green!50!black}\itshape},
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+ moretexcs={IfSuffixT,IfSuffixF,IfSuffixTF,OverrideSuffix,JobnameSuffix,solution}, % user command highlight
+ frame=single,
+ \pkg{jobname-suffix}\\
+ Compile different content based on the file name%
+ Jason Siefken%
+ \thanks{%
+ Please file an issues/comments to \url{}
+ }
+\date{Released \today}
+ \noindent\texttt{\itshape #1:}
+ \vspace{-1cm}
+ \maketitle
+ \tableofcontents
+ \begin{abstract}
+ \pkg{jobname-suffix} allows one to compile a document differently depending
+ on the document's file name (internally called the \texttt{jobname} in \TeX).
+ This allows one to have one source file and multiple links to this source file (either
+ as symbolic links, or as different files referencing the original via an \cs{input}
+ command) that are each compile differently. For example, an exam might have an
+ \file{exam-student.tex} and an \file{exam-instructor.tex} which both reference the
+ same source code but where the instructor version includes solutions and the student
+ version does not.
+ \end{abstract}
+ \begin{documentation}
+ \section{Introduction}
+ \pkg{jobname-suffix} by default allows you to reference the part of a file name (technically the \cs{jobname})
+ that comes after the first ``\texttt{-}'' character and use that information to control what \LaTeX{} produces.
+ Consider the following example: you have three files \file{exam.tex}, \file{exam-student.tex}, and \file{exam-instructor.tex}.
+ The files \file{exam-student.tex} and \file{exam-instructor.tex} are either symbolic links to \file{exam.tex} (if your operating
+ system supports symbolic links) or use \cs{input}\Arg{exam.tex file path} to include the contents of \file{exam.tex}.
+ \fileshow{exam-student.tex \textnormal{and} exam-instructor.tex}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \fileshow{exam.tex}
+ \begin{lstlisting}
+ % Instructors get solutions emboldened
+ \renewcommand{\solution}[1]{\textbf{#1}}
+ % Students don't see solutions at all
+ \renewcommand{\solution}[1]{}
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item First question
+ \solution{First answer}
+ \item Second question
+ \solution{Second answer}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{lstlisting}
+ \noindent Then, compiling via
+ \noindent\texttt{> lualatex exam-instructor.tex}
+ \noindent\texttt{> lualatex exam-student.tex}
+ \noindent will produce two pdfs: one with solutions and one without.
+ \section{Usage}
+ \subsection{Variables}
+ \begin{variable}{\JobnameSuffix}
+ The computed suffix of the filename (\cs{jobname}). This is normally the part of the file name after the first ``\texttt{-}''
+ character and before the file extension. For example,
+ \file{file-a.tex} has a \cs{JobnameSuffix} of ``\texttt{a}'',
+ \file{file-a-b.tex} has a \cs{JobnameSuffix} of ``\texttt{a-b}'',
+ and \file{file.tex} has a \cs{JobnameSuffix} of consisting of the empty string.
+ \end{variable}
+ \subsection{Commands}
+ \begin{function}{\IfSuffixTF, \IfSuffixT, \IfSuffixF}
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{IfSuffixTF}\oarg{suffixes}\marg{true condition}\marg{false condition}
+ \cs{IfSuffixT}\oarg{suffixes}\marg{true condition}
+ \cs{IfSuffixF}\oarg{suffixes}\marg{false condition}
+ \end{syntax}
+ The argument \meta{suffixes} is a comma-separated list of all suffixes you wish to test against.
+ \end{function}
+ \begin{function}{\OverrideSuffix}
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \cs{OverrideSuffix}\marg{suffix}
+ \end{syntax}
+ Override \cs{JobnameSuffix} to be the suffix specified by \meta{suffix} instead.
+ \end{function}
+ \subsection{Environments}
+ \DescribeEnv{IfSuffix}
+ The \env{IfSuffix} environment accepts an optional argument \oarg{suffixes} and will display its contents (unmodified)
+ if \cs{JobnameSuffix} is among the comma-separated list \meta{suffixes}. Unfortunately this environment cannot contain
+ \env{verbatim} contents.
+ \section{Compiling}
+ \pkg{jobname-suffix} works by reading the \cs{jobname} macro that is part of standard \TeX. By default, this is
+ set to the file name without the file extension. You can affect the jobname in one of two ways:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item The name of your file.
+ \item By supplying the \texttt{-jobname} option during compilation. For example, the following two
+ commands would both result in compiling with a \cs{jobname} of \texttt{exam-student}.
+ \noindent\texttt{> lualatex -jobname exam-instructor exam.tex}
+ \noindent\texttt{> lualatex exam-instructor.tex}
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \section{Tips}
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item
+ For performance reasons, it is best to \cs{IfSuffixTF} to define/redefine commands in your document preamble
+ rather than to use them in your document body/macro bodies. For example, do
+ % Instructors get solutions emboldened
+ \renewcommand{\solution}[1]{\textbf{#1}}
+ \solution{Some Text}
+instead of
+ \IfSuffixTF[instructor]{%
+ % Instructors get solutions emboldened
+ \textbf{#1}%
+ }{%
+ #1%
+ }
+ \solution{Some Text}
+ \item
+ To match the case when you have ``no suffix'' (i.e., when the suffix is the empty string because ``\texttt{-}'' did not appear in
+ the filename), use \cs{IfSuffix[]} with an empty argument list\footnote{
+ If you omit the optional argument, \cs{IfSuffixT} will never be true (not even if \cs{JobnameSuffix} is the empty string).
+ }.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \section{Installation}
+ For manual installation, the package is available from
+ \href{}{{CTAN}}.
+ The package requires \LaTeX3 support as provided in the \pkg{l3kernel} and
+ \pkg{l3packages} bundles. Both of these are included in \TeX{} Live and
+ MiK\TeX{}, or are again available in ready-to-install form from {CTAN}.
+ \end{documentation}
+ \PrintIndex