path: root/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok
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diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/README b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe6f1d822d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/README
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+ README for the `ifnextok' package
+ variant of \@ifnextchar not skipping spaces
+ (C) Uwe Lueck 2011/06/02
+`ifnextok' deals with the behavior of LaTeX's internal
+`\@ifnextchar' to skip blank spaces. This sometimes has surprising
+or for some users really unwanted effects, especially with
+brackets following `\\' when the user does not intend to specify
+an optional argument, rather wants that brackets are printed.
+The package offers commands and options for modifying this
+behavior, maybe limited to certain parts of the document source.
+A general method the package offers is
+ \usepackage[stdbreaks]{ifnextok}
+so in "standard" circumstances `\\ [' prints a bracket in a
+new line. `\MakeNotSkipping<target>{<on-space>} modifies <target>
+so it executes <on-space> when followed by a space token.
+KEYWORDS: macro programming, optional command arguments,
+ manual line breaks, humanities
+RELATED PACKAGES: amsmath, mathtools
+The package file `ifnextok.sty' and the documentation files
+`ifnextok.pdf' and `ifnextok.tex' can be redistributed and/or
+modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License;
+either version 1.3c of the License, or any later version, see
+We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+The `ifnextok' package is author-maintained in the sense of
+this license.
+The latest public version of the package is available at
+A TDS version `' is available at
+Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/RELEASEs.txt b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/RELEASEs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..146ef59445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/RELEASEs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+Version number
+ v0.3
+Summary description
+ robust control symbols and active characters not skipping spaces
+Announcement text
+ \MakeNotSkipping non-typesetting behavior fixed
+Version number
+ v0.21a
+Summary description
+ make commands not skipping spaces, discussion
+No Announcement text
+ documentation includes more about amsmath, mathtools,
+ texhax, TeXbook
+Date/Time of submission
+ 2011-06-15 19:54:52 UTC
+Submitted to host
+Version number
+ v0.21
+Summary description
+ make commands not skipping spaces, cf. amsmath/mathtools
+Announcement text
+ After hints on texhax by Heiko Oberdiek and on LATEX-L by
+ Bruno Le Floch (May 11) and Frank Mittelbach (May 15;
+ that I now finally read, 2011-06-02), \IfNextToken and
+ \IfStarNextToken of v0.21 essentially (not exactly) are
+ \new@ifnextchar and \@ifstar, resp., from amsmath;
+ main own features (i) control of where to employ them,
+ (ii) use outside math, indeed rather thinking of humanities.
+ Documentation now mentions amsmath and mathtools.
+Date/Time of submission
+ 2011-05-31 18:40:43 UTC
+Version number
+ v0.2
+Summary description
+ make commands not skipping spaces
+Announcement text
+ v0.2 provides \MakeNotSkipping<target>{<on-space>}
+ modifying a given document-level command <target>,
+ based on \IfNextSpace{<if>}{<else>},
+ actually addressing what the abstract of ifnextok.pdf
+ has promised so far (including active double quote);
+ maybe rather showing problems than being practically
+ useful (as opposed to package options useful for end-users)
+Date/Time of submission
+ 2011-05-27 18:31:24 UTC
+Version number
+ v0.11
+Location on CTAN
+ /macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok
+Summary description
+ replacing \@ifnextchar so `\\ [' prints `[' in new line etc.
+License type
+ lppl
+Announcement text
+ option `stdbreaks' replaces `all'; reworked documentation
+ should be more helpful for end-users
+ (\usepackage[stdbreaks]{ifnextok} for `\\ [')
+Date/Time of submission
+ 2011-05-23 12:39:33 UTC
+Version number
+ v0.1
+Summary description
+ replacing \@ifnextchar so `\\ [' prints `[' in new line etc.
+Announcement text
+ `ifnextok' deals with the behavior of LaTeX's internal
+ `\@ifnextchar' to skip blank spaces. This sometimes has surprising
+ or for some users really unwanted effects, especially with brackets
+ following `\\' where the user does not intend to specify an optional
+ argument, rather wants that brackets are printed. The package offers
+ commands and options for modifying this behavior, maybe limited to
+ certain parts of the document source.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/SRCFILEs.txt b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/SRCFILEs.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..404dcf4a69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/SRCFILEs.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+ *File List*
+ifnextok.sty 2011/06/27 v0.3 test next token (UL)
+ifnextok.tex 2011/06/26 documenting ifnextok.sty (UL)
+testIfNT.tex 2011/06/27 test ifnextok.sty
+srcfiles.tex 2011/06/27 collect file infos
+niceverb.sty 2011/06/27 v0.42 minimize doc markup (UL)
+ makedoc.cfg 2011/06/27 documentation settings
+ ***********
+ List made at 2011/06/27, 11:43
+ from script file srcfiles.tex
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/ifnextok.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/ifnextok.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5efcc81391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/ifnextok.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+\ProvidesFile{ifnextok.tex}[2011/06/26 documenting ifnextok.sty (UL)]
+\title{\textsf{\huge ifnextok}\\---\\\cs{IfNextToken}
+% \MakeNotSkipping\\{\\\relax}%
+ instead of \cs{@ifnextchar}\\Does Not Skip Blank
+ Spaces,\\ [\,and \qtd{\texttt{\string\\ [}} may print bracket in\\
+ new line\,]\thanks{This document describes version
+ \textcolor{blue}{\UseVersionOf{ifnextok.sty}}
+ of \file{ifnextok.sty} as of \UseDateOf{ifnextok.sty}.}}
+{ \RequirePackage{makedoc}[2010/12/20] \ProcessLineMessage{}
+ \MakeJobDoc{18}{\SectionLevelThreeParseInput}
+\documentclass{article}%% TODO paper dimensions!?
+\input{makedoc.cfg} %% shared formatting settings
+% \ReadPackageInfos{ifnextok} %% 2011/06/26
+\usepackage[stdbreaks]{ifnextok} %% 2011/05/27
+% \usepackage{ifnextok} %% 2011/05/31
+\newcommand*{\secref}[1]{Section~\ref{sec:#1}} %% 2011/05/30
+\newcommand*{\meta}{\textit} %% 2011/06/14
+% \MakeActive\" \def"#1"{``#1''} %% 2011/06/25
+%% <- bad with examples!? TODO
+% \usepackage{german} \mdqoff %% 2011/05/31
+% \tracingmacros=1 \tracingonline=1
+% \IfNextSpace{\show\\}{\show\/}
+% \@beginparpenalty\@lowpenalty
+% \show\@xnewline
+% \tracingmacros=1 \tracingonline=1
+% \NoNewlineSkipping
+% \NextTokenForNextChar\@xnewline
+% \show\@xnewline
+% \show\\
+% \show\@normalcr
+% \MakeNotSkipping\\{\\\relax}
+\begin{abstract} %%% \noindent
+% \MakeNotSkipping\\{\\\relax}
+% \mdqon \MakeNotSkipping"{\rq\rq} (``Uwe L"uck" )
+ The 'ifnextok' package deals with the behavior of
+ \LaTeX's internal `\@ifnextchar' to skip blank spaces.
+ This sometimes has surprising or for some users really
+ \emph{unwanted} effects, especially with brackets following
+ `\\' when %% v0.1a: was `where'
+ the user does \emph{not} intend to specify an
+ optional argument, rather wants that brackets are \emph{printed.}
+ The package offers commands and options for modifying this
+ behavior, maybe limited to certain parts of the document source.\\
+ [It works!]
+ It may also be useful with active characters in lieu of `\\',
+% \mdqon
+ e.g., the double quote `"' with \ctanpkgref{german}`.sty'
+ or \ctanpkgref{babel}.
+ v0.3 fixes behavior in non-typesetting mode with
+ `\MakeNotSkipping', using a somewhat different technique
+ than \LaTeX's robustifications.
+% `\DeclareRobustCommand'.
+ \par\smallskip\noindent
+ macro programming, optional command arguments,
+ manual line breaks, humanities
+ \par\smallskip\noindent
+\strong{Related packages:}\quad \ctanpkgref{amsmath},
+ \ctanpkgref{mathtools}
+ \newpage %% 2011/06/26
+ \newpage %% 2011/06/26
+\section{Installing and Calling}
+The package file `ifnextok.sty' is provided ready,
+installation only requires putting it somewhere where \TeX\ finds it
+(which may need updating the filename data
+ base).\urlfoot{ukfaqref}{inst-wlcf}
+Below the `\documentclass' line(s) and above `\begin{document}',
+you load `ifnextok.sty' (as usually) by
+\[`\usepackage{ifnextok}'\qquad \mbox{or by}\qquad
+ `\usepackage[<options>]{ifnextok}'\]---<options> described
+in Section~\ref{sec:options}. E.g., the \emph{main goal} of
+writing the package is achieved by
+% \section{The Package File}
+\section{Header (Legalize)}
+2011/05/22f. very first
+2011/05/27 mentioning [stdbreaks] for v0.11
+2011/05/30 testing \MakeNotSkipping
+2011/06/02 for v0.21: "related packages"
+2011/06/26 for v0.3: mentioning \MakeNotSkipping, \newpage,
+ different sectioning
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/makedoc.cfg b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/makedoc.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b1d9cb4bb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/makedoc.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+\ProvidesFile{makedoc.cfg}[2011/06/27 documentation settings]
+\author{Uwe L\"uck\thanks{\url{}}}
+% \author{Uwe L\"uck---{\tt}}
+%% hyperref:
+ \ifpdf
+% bookmarks=false, %% 2010/12/22
+% bookmarksnumbered,
+ bookmarksopen, %% 2011/01/24!?
+ bookmarksopenlevel=2, %% 2011/01/23
+% pdfpagemode=UseNone,
+% pdfstartpage=10,
+% pdfstartview=FitH,
+ citebordercolor={ .6 1 .6},
+ filebordercolor={1 .6 1},
+ linkbordercolor={1 .9 .7},
+ urlbordercolor={ .7 1 1}, %% playing 2011/01/24
+ \else
+ draft
+ \fi
+\RequirePackage{readprov} %% 2010/12/08
+\RequirePackage{hypertoc} %% 2011/01/23
+\RequirePackage{texlinks} %% 2011/01/24
+ \@ifundefined{strong}
+ {\let\strong\textbf} %% 2011/01/24
+ {}
+ \@ifundefined{file}
+ {\let\file\texttt} %% 2011/05/23
+ {}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/srcfiles.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/srcfiles.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7f6f89d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/srcfiles.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+\ProvidesFile{srcfiles.tex}[2011/06/27 collect file infos]
+\EmptyFileList %%% [readprov.sty,myfilist.sty]
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/testINT.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/testINT.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1168f8a367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/testINT.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+\ProvidesFile{testINT.tex}[2011/06/25 test ifnextok.sty]
+ \providecommand\StripEsc{\expandafter\@gobble\string}
+\catcode`\"\active \edef"{q}
+\section{"a" b}
+\markboth{}{"a" b}
+"a" b
+\typeout{"a" b}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/testIfNT.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/testIfNT.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34db821600
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/docsrc/testIfNT.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+\ProvidesFile{testIfNT.tex}[2011/06/27 test ifnextok.sty]
+ \providecommand\StripEsc{\expandafter\@gobble\string}
+\catcode`\"\active \edef"{q}
+\section{"a" b}
+\markboth{}{"a" b}
+"a" b
+\typeout{"a" b}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/ifnextok.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/ifnextok.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e96ec28b15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/ifnextok.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/ifnextok.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/ifnextok.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..552b8b73ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/ifnextok.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,668 @@
+\ProvidesPackage{ifnextok}[2011/06/27 v0.3 test next token (UL)]
+%% Copyright (C) 2011 Uwe Lueck,
+%% -- author-maintained in the sense of LPPL below --
+%% This file can be redistributed and/or modified under
+%% the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License; either
+%% version 1.3c of the License, or any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY.
+%% Please report bugs, problems, and suggestions via
+%% == Outline ==
+%% The 'ifnextok' package deals with the behavior of
+%% \LaTeX's internal `\@ifnextchar' to skip blank spaces.
+%% This sometimes has surprising or for some users really
+%% \emph{unwanted} effects, especially with brackets following
+%% `\\' when %% v0.1a: was `where'
+%% the user does \emph{not} intend to specify an
+%% optional argument, rather wants that brackets are \emph{printed.}
+%% The package offers commands and options for modifying this
+%% behavior, maybe limited to certain parts of the
+%% document source. They are described in the sections below
+%% together with the presentation of the implementation.
+%% As after multiletter commands blank spaces are skipped anyway
+%% (\TeX book p.~46f.), the package makes a \emph{difference only
+%% for one-symbol commands} such as |\\|, or for %% \emph 2011/05/27
+%% \emph{active characters} such as the double quote with
+%% \ctanpkgref{german}`.sty' and \ctanpkgref{babel}.
+%% (v0.21: Or also optional arguments
+%% \emph{following mandatory ones}---``trailing" optional arguments
+%% mentioned by Lars Hellstr\"om and Bruno Le Floch on `LATEX-L'.
+%% v0.21a: Moreover, with ``starred" command versions having a
+%% first optional argument!) %% 2011/06/14
+%% Similar things happen in \ctanpkgref{amsmath} and
+%% \ctanpkgref{mathtools}, and as of v0.21, %% v0.21a 2011/06/14
+%% we discuss relations to these packages.
+%% A little \strong{overview} of the package's commands and options:
+%% %% structured 2011/05/27
+%% === For Macro Writers ===
+%% \begin{enumerate}
+%% \item |\IfNextToken| is an alternative to `\@ifnextchar',
+%% not skipping spaces (\secref{main}).
+%% This macro is the \strong{low-level}
+%% backbone of all other modifications of \LaTeX\ commands.
+%% \item |\IfStarNextToken| is an alternative to `\@ifstar',
+%% not skipping spaces, using `\IfNextToken' in lieu of
+%% `\@ifnextchar' (\secref{star}).
+%% \item Some ``\strong{patching}" commands aim at modifying
+%% existing (\LaTeX) macros without specifying the resulting
+%% new definition explicitly
+%% (Sections~\ref{sec:patch} and \ref{sec:star}).
+%% As a package writer,
+%% you just must know which macros need to be modified
+%% and specify their names as arguments for the patching macros.
+%% \item There are low-level commands
+%% |\INTstore| and |\INTrestore|
+%% for undoing modifications of existing macros
+%% (\secref{stored}).
+%% \end{enumerate}
+%% === For End-Users ===
+%% % \item
+%% There are \strong{high-level} commands for modifying
+%% |\\| and selecting \LaTeX\ \strong{environments}
+%% to be affected (\secref{break}).
+%% Package \strong{options} execute some of them
+%% (\secref{options}), e.g., `[stdbreaks]'.
+%% === Intermediate ===
+%% |\MakeNotSkipping{<target>}{<on-space>}|
+%% described in \secref{genpatch} is somewhat ``intermediate."
+%% It acts on a document-level command <target> without
+%% any assumptions about its internals.
+%% On the other hand, choosing <on-space> for the new behavior
+%% of <target> in front of a space token may need some knowledge ...
+%% (TODO: how command names are composed) %% 2011/05/23, v0.1
+%% \pagebreak %% 2011/06/26
+%% == Caveats ==
+%% \begin{enumerate}
+%% \item Testing has not been very comprehensive so far.
+%% % \item
+%% Usage together with \textcolor{blue}{\ctanpkgref{amsmath}}
+%% may require special care or fail altogether.
+%% \item Switching into ``don't-skip-spaces" mode
+%% \emph{two times} without switching back into normal mode
+%% in between won't work with this version (v0.1--v0.3 TODO)
+%% of the package (TODO: permanent aliases).
+%% You will get the
+%% \[\texttt{Argument of <patching> has an extra }`}.'\]
+%% error. This also applies to commands that have been issued
+%% by package options.
+%% \item Implementation may change much.
+%% % , and certain auxiliary
+%% % commands may move to separate packages.
+%% (TODO 0.3)
+%% \end{enumerate}
+%% == For Making Macros == %% 2011/05/27
+%% \label{sec:mac}
+%% === The Main Command &\IfNextToken === %% & 2011/05/27
+%% \label{sec:main}
+%% |\IfNextToken<match>{<if>}{<else>}| %% add. miss. `\' 2011/05/31
+%% is the obvious variant
+%% of \LaTeX's internal `\@ifnextchar' executing <if>
+%% if actually the \emph{``very next"} token is
+%% <match> %% v0.1a: was `mathc'
+%% and executing <else> otherwise. If <match> is \emph{not}
+%% a \emph{space token} (\LaTeX's `\@sptoken') but
+%% the next token \emph{is}, <else> is executed;
+%% while `\@ifnextchar' tries matching the next token
+%% after ensuing space tokens.
+ \let\nextok@match= #1%
+%% ... v0.21 adds \qtd{`= '} after Heiko Oberdiek's explanation
+%% on \texhaxpref{11-05-017590}{texhax}, %% 2011/06/14
+%% this allows `\@sptoken' as a possible `#1'.
+ \def\nextok@if{#2}\def\nextok@else{#3}%
+ \futurelet\@let@token\nextok@decide}
+%% ... apart from using different names, this is the same as
+%% `\new@ifnextchar' in `amsgen.sty' of the \ctanpkgref{amsmath}
+%% bundle:
+%% \begin{verbatim}
+%% \long\def\new@ifnextchar#1#2#3{%
+%% \let\reserved@d= #1%
+%% \def\reserved@a{#2}\def\reserved@b{#3}%
+%% \futurelet\@let@token\new@ifnch
+%% }
+%% \end{verbatim}
+%% ... and the behavior is essentially the same ...
+ \ifx\@let@token\nextok@match \expandafter\nextok@if
+ \else \expandafter\nextok@else
+ \fi}
+%% The analogue to our `\nextok@decide' in 'amsmath'/`amsgen.sty'
+%% is `\new@ifnch':
+%% \begin{verbatim}
+%% \def\new@ifnch{%
+%% \ifx\@let@token\reserved@d \let\reserved@b\reserved@a \fi
+%% \reserved@b
+%% }
+%% \end{verbatim}
+%% ... and these two macros ('ifnextok''s and 'amsmath''s)
+%% actually make the difference to Standard \LaTeX.
+%% The latter's `\@ifnch' tests for `\@sptoken' before
+%% looking for the actually wanted `char', 'ifnextok' and
+%% 'amsmath' don't. As to `\new@ifnch' vs.\ `\nextok@decide',
+%% the first has one token less than the latter, but one
+%% assignment more. What does this mean? TODO
+%% When I decided to create the 'ifnextok' package, I was not aware
+%% of the similarity to 'amsmath', and I am not sure what I would
+%% have done had I ...
+%% |\NoNextSkipping| now switches into ``don't-skip-spaces"
+%% mode ``altogether" (however ...):
+%% This appears so dangerous to me that I don't want to support it
+%% much right now. |\RestoreNextSkipping| just switches back
+%% to \LaTeX's original version, so some support for
+%% \ctanpkgref{amsmath} may be missing here.
+ \let\@ifnextchar\kernel@ifnextchar}
+%% Actually, because `\NoNextSkipping' does not affect
+%% `\kernel@ifnextchar', those of \LaTeX's commands using the latter
+%% still will skip spaces (with package version v0.1).
+%% As opposed to 'amsmath', 'ifnextok' aims at more choices
+%% as to what document-level commands are affected by the
+%% modified `next' checking. Of course, 'amsmath' deals with
+%% breaks between math display lines, while the present package
+%% rather was motivated by experiences in the humanities.
+%% `\@sptoken' was discussed under \qtd{Some puzzling TeX} on
+%% texhax in 2011 (February/May/June), and the matter is discussed in
+%% \meta{The \TeX book} in Exercise~24.6 and on pp.~376f.
+%% === ``Bold" Patching Commands ===
+%% \label{sec:patch}
+%% % The little auxilary |\@xp@xp@xp| (cf.~`\@xp' in `amsgen.sty'):
+%% % \providecommand*{\@xpxpxp}{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter}
+%% |\INTpatch<replacer><macro>| replaces
+%% something in the definition of <macro> according to
+%% the replacement macro <replacer>.
+%% This seems to work with the macros I thought of.
+%% It does \emph{not} work when
+%% (for replacing `\@ifnextchar') %% mod. 2011/06/24:
+%% (a)~there are \emph{more} `\@ifnextchar's in the
+%% macro to patch (outside braces),
+%% or when (b)~the only `\@ifnextchar'
+%% is inside a pair of braces.
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \def
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter #2%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter {%
+ \expandafter #1#2}} %% red. 2011/06/24
+%% |\NextTestPatch<macro>| replaces
+%% `\@ifnextchar' in the definition of <macro> by
+%% `\IfNextToken'.
+\def\nextok@patch#1\@ifnextchar{#1\IfNextToken} %% red. 2011/06/24
+%% Another application of `\INTpatch' is `\StarTestPatch' in \secref{star}.
+%% === Storing and Restoring ===
+%% \label{sec:stored}
+%% % |\WCS@namemod@apply@cs{<mod>}<apply>{<cs>}|
+%% % applies the token <apply> to (the token) <cs> modified by <mod>:
+%% %\providecommand*\WCS@namemod@apply@cs[3]{%
+%% % \expandafter#2\csname#1#3\endcsname}
+%% % Note the order of the arguments in the replacement text.
+%% % It allows shorthands like the following
+%% % |\INT@save@nmod<apply>{<cs>}|
+%% % when one name modifyer is used for various purposes:
+%% % \newcommand*{\INT@save@nmod}{\WCS@namemod@apply@cs\INT@save}
+%% |\INTstore<macro>| stores the meaning of the macro <macro>
+%% in a special name space.
+%% %\newcommand*{\INTstore}[1]{\INT@save@nmod\let#1#1}
+ \expandafter\let\csname\INT@save#1\endcsname#1}
+%% In order to apply `\MakeNotSkipping' even to
+%% active characters below (v0.2), nothing must be gobbled
+%% from `\string<token>':
+%% % `\INT@save<token>' is a \emph{``name modifier":}
+% \newcommand*{\INT@save}{\expandafter\@gobble\string}
+%% % For restoring, we use another general auxiliary
+%% % \[|\WCS@namemod@copy@to@from{<mod>}<new>{<old>}|:\]
+%% %\providecommand*{\WCS@namemod@copy@to@from}[3]{%
+%% % \expandafter\let\expandafter#2\csname#1#3\endcsname}
+%% % \providecommand*{\WCS@namemod@copy@to@from}[2]{%
+%% % \def\WCS@apply{\let#2}%
+%% % \WCS@namemod@apply@cs#1\WCS@apply}
+%% |\INTrestore<macro>| \emph{re}stores the meaning of <macro>
+%% that is expected to have been stored with `\INTstore':
+%% %\newcommand*{\INTrestore}[1]{\WCS@namemod@copy@to@from\INT@save#1#1}
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter#1\csname\INT@save#1\endcsname}
+%% === The Star Test ===
+%% \label{sec:star}
+%% Before a \LaTeX\ line-break command tests for an optional argument,
+%% it tests for a star using `\@ifstar', which in turn invokes
+%% `\@ifnextchar'. So already `\@ifstar' needs to be modified.
+%% We do not so much want to change `\@ifstar' altogether,
+%% rather we will replace it at some places by a non-skipping
+%% variant |\IfStarNextToken|,\footnote{TODO or &\IfNextStar,
+%% cf.~&\IfNextSpace.}
+%% using the patching command |\StarTestPatch<macro>|.
+%% (`\@ifstar' has an argument and therefore cannot be patched as
+%% nicely as the line-break commands.)
+%% The macro to be patched may contain a \cs{par}
+%% (`\@centercr' is an example), so we need `\long':
+%% %% red. 2011/06/24
+%% |\StoreStarSkipping| stores the current meaning of
+%% `\@ifstar' ...
+%% % is executed before changing `\@ifstar' temporarily:
+%% ... so that it can be restored by |\RestoreStarSkipping|:
+%% |\NoStarSkipping| renders `\@ifstar' non-skipping altogether:
+%% This again seems to be so dangerous that it will not be
+%% supported much with package version v0.1 (by a package option).
+%% On the other hand, 'amsmath' (`amsgen.sty') is not as scrupulous
+%% as we are and indeed redefines `\@ifstar' \emph{altogether},
+%% equivalent to our `\NoStarSkipping', except that the latter
+%% provides a method to restore. I.e., as soon as you have loaded
+%% `amsgen.sty' (invoked by any 'amsmath' package),
+%% you have decided that a star appearing after
+%% whitespace is printed as a star, rather than choosing the
+%% ``starred" version of the respective command.
+%% %% v0.21a 2011/06/14:
+%% What we actually find in `amsgen.sty' is
+%% \begingroup \hfuzz=33pt
+%% \begin{verbatim}
+%% \def\@ifstar#1#2{\new@ifnextchar *{\def\reserved@a*{#1}\reserved@a}{#2}}
+%% \end{verbatim}
+%% \endgroup \noindent
+%% The `\reserved@a' trick seems to be due to 'amsmath''s idea
+%% of implementing the conditional
+%% (see the code we are quoting in \secref{main}).
+%% === More General Patching with \cs{@sptoken} ===
+%% \label{sec:genpatch}
+%% This section deals with modifying macros by a more general
+%% technique than employed in \secref{patch}. We do not use any
+%% knowledge of internals of the target user command
+%% (a ``control symbol" like `\\' or an ``active character"),
+%% and the command may take arguments, as the active double quote
+%% does with 'german.sty' or 'babel'.
+%% ==== &\IfNextSpace ====
+%% |\IfNextSpace{<if>}{<else>}| is an auxiliary macro that
+%% executes <if> if the next token is a space token
+%% (\LaTeX's `\@sptoken'), otherwise it executes <else>:
+%% This did not work with the v0.2 version of `\IfNextToken'
+%% that didn't have \qtd{`= '}, due to `\@sptoken' being an
+%% ``implicit space token," as Heiko Oberdiek pointed out
+%% on texhax. He also provided the remedy that actually was
+%% 'amsmath''s way ...
+%% v0.2 was:
+%% \begin{verbatim}
+%% \newcommand*{\IfNextSpace}[2]{%
+%% \def\nextok@if{#1}\def\nextok@else{#2}%
+%% \futurelet\@let@token\nextok@ifspace}
+%% \newcommand*{\nextok@ifspace}{%
+%% \ifx\@let@token\@sptoken \expandafter \nextok@if
+%% \else \expandafter \nextok@else
+%% \fi}
+%% \end{verbatim}
+%% ... not so bad from an efficiency point of view, but ...---%
+%% % Is `\IfNextSpace' useful? I don't know of a shorthand
+%% % like `\@ifnextcharleftbracket' for %% 2011/06/24 \qtd:
+%% % \qtd{&\@ifnextchar[} ... %% rm. 2011/06/26
+%% ==== &\MakeNotSkipping ====
+%% |\MakeNotSkipping{<target>}{<on-space>}| should modify `<target>'
+%% so that it acts in its usual way when no space token is ahead
+%% while executing <on-space> otherwise. E.g., <target> may be
+%% the active double quote |"| from 'babel', and on the left of a space
+%% token you want that the double quote just prints an ordinary
+%% double quote from the ligature
+%% \lq\verb+''+\rq\ %% \ 2011/06/03
+%% (the first pair of argument braces may be omitted):
+%% \[\verb+\MakeNotSkipping{"}{''}+\]
+%% ... while I don't really recommend this right now (v0.2f.).
+%% %% rm. 2011/06/27 useless:
+%% % For some unknown |\\|,
+%% % you may want to block searching for an optional argument by
+%% % \[`\MakeNotSkipping{\\}{\\\relax}'\]
+%% <target>, being on document level and probably appearing
+%% in moving arguments, must be robust, while `\IfNextSpace' is not.
+%% When <target> has been defined using `\DeclareRobustCommand'
+%% (`\\' from the `document' environment is an example),
+%% we would loose the original behavior of <target> if we used
+%% `\DeclareRobustCommand' ourselves.
+%% v0.21 was horribly flawed at this point; I had not tested
+%% all cases, I had not studied how \LaTeX's `\DeclareRobustCommand'
+%% handles control symbols (such as `\_', see `source.pdf'),
+%% and my implementation did not obey the warning in my
+%% ancompanying documentation ...
+%% % |\RobustDeferName<cs>| may move to a general package
+%% % about robust commands TODO:
+%% %\providecommand*{\RobustDeferName}[1]{\expandafter\@gobble\string#1 }
+%% When <target> is a single (active) character,
+%% it may have been robustified by making it expand
+%% to a robust control sequence token, such as `~'
+%% via `\nobreakspace{}'---we don't know,
+%% or don't try to find out now. We make it robust,
+%% accepting that this may just introduce an unnecessary extra
+%% macro. %% rest of paragraph was nonsense 2011/06/27
+ \ifx\protect\@typeset@protect
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \IfNextSpace
+ \csname\INT@mod#1\expandafter\endcsname
+ \else
+ \protect#1%
+ \fi}
+%% `\INT@mod<cs>' is another \emph{``name modifier":}
+%% % `\WCS@namemod@apply@cs' from \secref{stored}
+%% % provides both arguments for `\IfNextSpace' associated with
+%% % #1 (TODO!?):
+%% % \edef\@tempa{\WCS@namemod@apply@cs\INT@mod\noexpand#1}%
+%% % \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \IfNextSpace \@tempa}
+%% Here is the main command of the section.
+%% `\@tempa' will store the meaning of the command that <target>
+%% would call in typesetting mode after
+%% `\DeclareRobustCommand<target>'.
+%% `\@tempb' will store what <target> does in in typesetting
+%% mode, maybe that is just the meaning of <target>
+%% (kind of flag, like `\if@tempswa'):
+ \expandafter \let \expandafter \@tempa
+ \csname\expandafter\@gobble\string#1 \endcsname
+ \let\@tempb#1%
+%% When #1 is a control word, and its name, extended by a space,
+%% is the name of a defined token, we \emph{lazily}
+%% (like \ctanpkgref{makerobust}, TODO) assume that
+%% its current meaning was assigned by `\DeclareRobustCommand'.
+%% One exception: if that token is the control space~`\ ',
+%% #1 is a single character (hopefully active, TODO check!?).
+ \ifx\@tempa\relax \else \ifx\@tempa\ \else
+ \let\@tempb\@tempa \fi \fi
+ \expandafter\let\csname\INT@save#1\endcsname\@tempb
+%% We have analyzed #1 and now may modify it:
+ \def#1{\INT@modified#1}%
+%% We do not know beforehand what <on-space> will contain,
+%% in any case it should \emph{not} be expanded right here,
+%% that's why we use the token register `\@toks':
+ \toks@{#2}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname\INT@mod#1\endcsname{%
+ {\the\toks@}%
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname\INT@save#1\endcsname}%
+%% This still is experimental, and you must care not to apply
+%% the patch two times when it has not been undone in between.
+%% The main application may be a macro like |\\| that some
+%% (non-standard) environment defines; then you could redefine
+%% the environmont so that its start finally modifies that
+%% macro according to your wishes. In the latter situation,
+%% the end of the environment will undo your `\MakeNotSkipping';
+%% TODO: %% v0.2
+%% In the case of |"|, this might be a starting point
+%% for handling conventions about moving an ensuing
+%% punctuation mark to the left of the quotation mark.
+%% Moreover, getting something really useful would require
+%% dealing with `"' at the left of a bracket too.
+%% % \pagebreak %% 2011/06/26
+%% == ``Manual" Line Breaks ==
+%% \label{sec:break}
+%% === Outline of Implementation ===
+%% In the first instance, the present package aims at rendering
+%% |\\| a command that interpretes a left-hand square bracket
+%% as a start of an optional argument only if the bracket is not
+%% preceded by any other token (apart from the star in `\\*'),
+%% especially not by a space token.
+%% Indeed, an author may expect that when a bracket opens in a
+%% \emph{different} line than the `\\', then it will be
+%% \emph{printed} rather than interpreted as an
+%% \emph{optional-argument delimiter}
+%% (the package author has been such an author some times).
+%% Now, when the bracket only is in a line \emph{following}
+%% the line carrying the `\\', the end-line character
+%% normally produces a space token (\TeX book p.~47),
+%% so the present idea of implementation will cover
+%% the case of a bracket in the next line.
+%% In `latex.ltx', the names of the commands implementing the
+%% line break have some ``pivot" part <pivot> that we can use
+%% to patch them in a uniform way. They are two in each case:
+%% The first starts with `\@<pivot>' and invokes `\@ifstar',
+%% the second starts with `\@x<pivot>' and invokes the
+%% left-hand-bracket test. Both of them need to be patched.
+%% === ``Normal" Manual Line Breaks ===
+%% \label{sec:newline}
+%% If I had been aware of the difficulties of this part,
+%% I probably would not have started writing this package,
+%% hoping it would be the work of about an hour.
+%% `\@xnewline' must be patched in order to get a non-skipping
+%% version of the bracket test, and this patch suffices for the
+%% optional-argument goal.
+%% %% more accurately 2011/05/31:
+%% The `\@ifstar' call is in `\@normalcr' and its alias `\\ ';
+%% the latter is invoked by `\\' according to `\DeclareRobustCommand\\'.
+%% Things seem to be easier when `\\ ' \emph{expands} to `\@normalcr'
+%% instead of being an \emph{alias} of it
+%% (\strong{\textcolor{blue}{CAUTION!}}).
+%% Then we just need to control `\@normalcr':
+%% |\StoreNewlineSkipping| \emph{stores} the skipping behavior of |\\|
+%% outside special environments:
+ \INTstore\@normalcr \INTstore\@xnewline}
+%% |\RestoreNewlineSkipping| \emph{re}stores the skipping behavior of |\\|
+%% outside special environments:
+ \INTrestore\@normalcr \INTrestore\@xnewline}
+%% |\NoNewlineSkipping| \emph{suppresses} skipping blank spaces with
+%% |\\| outside special environments:
+ \StarTestPatch\@normalcr \NextTestPatch\@xnewline}
+%% === Manual Line Breaks in \LaTeX\ Environments ===
+%% \label{sec:envs}
+%% The macros in the present section should modify \LaTeX's |\\|
+%% in environments (<env> being one of:)
+%% |center|, |tab|, |array|, and |tabular|.
+%% These \emph{environment names} are the expected
+%% \emph{arguments} of those macros.
+%% However, argument |center| also affects the
+%% %% 2011/05/27 v0.11a verse:
+%% |flushleft|, |flushright|, and
+%% |verse| environments,\footnote{`verse'
+%% is provided by \LaTeX's standard \ctanpkgref{classes} only,
+%% while `flushleft' and `flushright' belong to the \LaTeX\
+%% kernel.}
+%% and |array| and |tabular| should also affect
+%% their enhanced variants from other \LaTeX\ packages.
+%% When this internal structure of \LaTeX\ changes,
+%% the present section may become obsolete ...
+%% |\INTactOnEnv{<action1>}{<action2>}{<env>}|
+%% is the backbone of these macros.
+%% <action1> and <action2> are one of
+%% \[`\INTstore', `\INTrestore', `\StarTestPatch',
+%% `\NextTestPatch'.\]
+%% <action1> deals with `\@ifstar',
+%% <action2> deals with `\@ifnextchar':
+ \expandafter#1\csname @#3cr\endcsname
+ \expandafter#2\csname @x#3cr\endcsname}
+%% |\StoreSkippingCRs{<env>}| \emph{stores} the skipping behavior
+%% of |\\| in environments <env>:
+ \INTactOnEnv\INTstore\INTstore}
+%% |\RestoreSkippingCRs{<env>}| \emph{re}stores the skipping behavior
+%% of |\\| in environments <env>:
+ \INTactOnEnv\INTrestore\INTrestore}
+%% |\NotSkippingCRs{<env>}| \emph{suppresses} space skipping
+%% of |\\| in environments <env>:
+ \INTactOnEnv\StarTestPatch\NextTestPatch}
+%% % \NotSkippingCRs{center}
+%% \begin{center}
+%% % \MakeNotSkipping\\{\\\relax}
+%% % \show\\
+%% Do these commands work?\\ [\,Or do they not?\,]
+%% \end{center}
+%% %% 2011/05/27 v0.11a:
+%% By contrast, the environments |quotation| and |quote|
+%% from \LaTeX's standard \ctanpkgref{classes} use the
+%% ``normal" newline command essentially provided by
+%% `\@normalcr'.
+%% === 'amsmath' and 'mathtools' ===
+%% Just discussing related functionality in
+%% the \ctanpkgref{amsmath} and \ctanpkgref{mathtools}
+%% packages, without any own code:
+%% %% modifications v0.21a 2011/06/14:
+%% 'amsmath' modifies the star (|*|) test all over the document
+%% (see our \secref{star}), while providing own
+%% (not skipping) versions of |\\| rather in math displays
+%% and math environments only. This applies quite obviously
+%% to the `{cases}' and `{matrix}' environments.
+%% I am not sure about 'amsmath''s use of `\displaybreak',
+%% (cf.~`amstex.sty' and the `\intertext' command) and `\math@cr'.
+%% 'mathtools' modifies 'amsmath''s line breaking behavior
+%% in turn on its options `[allowspaces]' and `[disallowspaces]',
+%% referring to some strange behavior of 'amsmath'.
+%% Still I don't understand what is going on entirely,
+%% and my impression is that nobody else has understood these
+%% things entirely so far. 'mathtools' is not the first
+%% package suppressing space skipping with `\\', 'amsmath' has done
+%% this already; the question is where, where not, and why ...
+%% 'mathtools''s `[disallowspaces]' just seems to provide
+%% a more straightforward policy ... TODO
+%% % Again, please see the 'mathtools' documentation for more details.
+%% %% <- rm. 2011/06/14
+%% == Package Options ==
+%% \label{sec:options}
+%% === Behavior \emph{without} Options ===
+%% If the package is called without any option,
+%% it only defines `\IfNextToken', `\IfStarNextToken'
+%% and the other package-writer or user commands,
+%% without actually changing behavior of any \LaTeX\ command.
+%% === Option `newline' ===
+%% Package option |newline| stores and disables space skipping for
+%% |\\| in ``normal" mode according to \secref{newline}:
+%% === Environments ===
+%% The next package options are just the environment names
+%% according to \secref{envs}
+%% (|center|, |tab|, |array|, |tabular|).
+%% Option |<env>| stores and disables the skipping behavior
+%% of |\\| in <env> environments.
+%% We abuse the our temporary macro `\nextok@match' from
+%% \secref{main}:
+ \DeclareOption{#1}{\StoreSkippingCRs{#1}\NotSkippingCRs{#1}}}
+%% === ``All Options" or ``Standard Options" ===
+%% Package Options |all| and (v0.11:\@) |stdbreaks| have the same effect as
+%% using the `newline' option and the environment package options
+%% `center', `tab', `array', and `tabular' at once.
+\def\nextok@match#1{\csname ds@#1\endcsname}
+%% (... must not be changed before `\ProcessOptions' ...)
+ \nextok@match{newline} \nextok@match{center}
+ \nextok@match{tab} \nextok@match{array} \nextok@match{tabular}}
+%% Behavior of option |all| may \emph{change} in the future of the package,
+%% while option |stdbreaks| should rather \emph{keep} its present behavior.
+\DeclareOption{stdbreaks}{\nextok@match{all}} %% v0.11
+%% == Processing Options and Leaving the Package ==
+%% == Acknowledgments == %% v0.2 2011/05/27
+%% While I experienced the problem myself some years ago with
+%% a critical edition, I finally decided to do this work
+%% after postings by Susan Dittmar (March 2011) %% 017128
+%% and Philipp Stephani (December 2010) %% 106431
+%% on the \texhaxref{}{'texhax'} mailing list.
+%% The latter pointed to \ctanpkgref{mathtools}.
+%% Moreover, the space skipping matter was discussed on the
+%% `LATEX-L' mailing list (\qtd{xparse and space skipping})
+%% in mid of May 2011, and the present
+%% package may be considered a contribution to that discussion
+%% (saying something like: keep the simple standard for beginners,
+%% offer something advanced for advanced users if you think
+%% some of them want it ... maybe just as `contrib').
+%% Bruno Le Floch (May~11) and Frank Mittelbach (May~15)
+%% made me aware of the similar functionality in 'amsmath'.
+%% Wordings in describing 'ifnextok' may resemble wordings
+%% in that `LATEX-L' very much. Only for v0.21, I actually
+%% read these `LATEX-L' postings, rather than only their
+%% subject lines.
+%% See sections~\ref{sec:main} and~\ref{sec:genpatch} for
+%% Heiko Oberdiek's contribution. %% 2011/06/24
+v0.1 2011/05/23 very first
+v0.11 2011/05/23 typo `mathc' fixed, where/when
+ 2011/05/27 &, more structure, option [stdbreaks]
+ 2011/05/27 doc. mentions `verse', `quotation', `quote';
+ ack.s
+v0.2 2011/05/30 \IfNextSpace, \MakeNotSkipping
+ 2011/05/31 using \@normalcr differently;
+ corrected \IfNextSpace
+v0.21 2011/06/02 reworked \IfNextToken and \IfNextSpace
+ after Heiko Oberdiek, regarding amsmath;
+ documentation discusses amsmath and mathtools
+ and refers to LATEX-L
+ 2011/06/03 ... \ , \rq\ ; corr. version string
+v0.21a 2011/06/14 quoting \@ifstar from amsmath, extended comments
+ on amsmath and mathtools, starred versions,
+ Heiko Oberdiek for sec:main
+v0.22 2011/06/24 ack's extended; reduced sec:patch; sec:genpatch:
+ horribly fragile robustification fixed
+ 2011/06/25 re-implementations in sec:patch using \WCS...
+ 2011/06/26 was named v0.3, renamed v0.22
+v0.3 2011/06/26 sec:stored as v0.11;
+ sec:genpatch code similar to v0.2;
+ different sectioning; \pagebreak's
+ 2011/06/27 \INT@modified streamlined, rm. useless \\ example
+ and wrong description of \INT@modified
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/testINT.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/ifnextok/testINT.pdf
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