path: root/macros/latex/contrib/hu-berlin-bundle/makefile
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/hu-berlin-bundle/makefile')
1 files changed, 134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/hu-berlin-bundle/makefile b/macros/latex/contrib/hu-berlin-bundle/makefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c6f1bec8e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/hu-berlin-bundle/makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+SHELL = bash
+MAKE = make
+CTANBIB = $(PROJECT)-ctan.bib
+PKG = $(shell cat $(PROJECT).pkglist)
+CTAN = ctanbib $$pkg >> $(CTANBIB) && echo "... $$pkg"
+# install
+LOCAL = $(shell kpsewhich --var-value TEXMFLOCAL)
+# zip
+PWD = $(shell pwd)
+TEMP := $(shell mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX)
+VERS = $(shell /bin/date "+%Y-%m-%d---%H-%M-%S")
+DATE = $(shell /bin/date "+%Y-%m-%d")
+# Colors
+RED = \033[0;31m
+CYAN = \033[0;36m
+NC = \033[0m
+echoPROJECT = @echo -e "$(CYAN) <$(PROJECT)>$(RED)"
+.PHONY: test
+all: doc
+examples: files
+ $(MAKE) letter
+ $(MAKE) md2pdf-letter
+md2pdf-letter: files
+ pandoc --pdf-engine=lualatex --template hu-berlin-letter-template.latex -o hu-berlin-letter-markdown.pdf
+letter: files
+ latexmk -lualatex -interaction=nonstopmode hu-berlin-letter.tex
+# How to get information from CTAN
+CTAN: $(PROJECT).pkglist
+ @for pkg in $(PKG);\
+ do \
+ $(CTAN); \
+ done
+# before we retrieve infos from CTAN
+# we clean and sort the list with packages
+getCTAN: $(PROJECT).pkglist
+ $(echoPROJECT) "$(RED)Retrieving$(NC) information from CTAN."
+ $(echoPROJECT) "Fetching information from CTAN about package...$(NC)"
+ @-rm $(CTANBIB)
+ $(shell sort -u $(PROJECT).pkglist > $(TEMP)/pkg1.lst)
+ mv $(TEMP)/pkg1.lst $(PROJECT).pkglist
+ lualatex $(PROJECT).dtx
+files: $(PROJECT).ins
+ lualatex $(PROJECT).ins
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* source files created * $(NC)"
+ lualatex $(PROJECT).dtx
+doc: files
+ $(MAKE) $(PROJECT).pdf
+ # $(MAKE) install
+ $(MAKE) examples
+ latexmk -lualatex -f --shell-escape $(PROJECT).dtx
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* $(PROJECT).pdf created * $(NC)"
+ @exit 0
+$(PROJECT).pdf: getCTAN files
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* creating $(PROJECT).pdf * $(NC)"
+ latexmk -lualatex -f --shell-escape $(PROJECT).dtx
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* $(PROJECT).pdf created * $(NC)"
+# clean all temporary files
+ rm -f $(PROJECT).{sectionbibs.aux,fls,pkglist,thm,bibexample,biographies.aux,xdv,aux,mw,bbl,bcf,blg,doc,fdb_latexmk,fls,glo,gls,hd,idx,ilg,ind,listing,log,nav,out,run.xml,snm,synctex.gz,toc,vrb}
+ rm -f $(PROJECT).markdown.{in,lua,out}
+ rm -f *.{log,aux,latexmk}
+ rm -rf _markdown_*
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* cleaned temp files * $(NC)"
+ctan: $(PROJECT).dtx
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* start zipping files * $(NC)"
+ @-mkdir archive
+ @rm -f archive/$(PROJECT)-$(DATE)*.zip
+ @mkdir $(TDIR)
+ @cp $(PROJECT).{dtx,pdf,ins} makefile $(TDIR)
+ -@rm -f img/.DS_Store
+ @cp -R img $(TDIR)
+ @cd $(TEMP); \
+ zip -Drq $(PWD)/archive/$(PROJECT)-$(VERS).zip $(PROJECT)
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* files zipped * $(NC)"
+# clean all files
+cleanbundle: clean
+ rm -f *.{{b,c,d,l}bx,ins,pdf,zip,bib,sty,cls}
+ rm -f hu-berlin-letter*.{tex,md,lco,latex}
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* cleaned all files * $(NC)"
+# This will check whether there is the folder
+# .pandoc in the main directory
+ifneq ("$(wildcard ~/.pandoc/templates/)","")
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* pandoc/templates/ exists. * $(NC)"
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* pandoc/templates/ missing, creating it. * $(NC)"
+ mkdir ~/.pandoc
+ mkdir ~/.pandoc/templates
+ cp hu-berlin-*-template.* ~/.pandoc/templates/
+install: uninstall
+ @mkdir -p $(LOCAL)/{tex,source,doc}/latex/$(PROJECT)
+ @cp $(PROJECT).{dtx,ins} $(LOCAL)/source/latex/$(PROJECT)
+ @cp hu-berlin-*.cls $(LOCAL)/tex/latex/$(PROJECT)
+ @cp img/* $(LOCAL)/tex/latex/$(PROJECT)
+ @cp $(PROJECT).pdf $(LOCAL)/doc/latex/$(PROJECT)
+ mktexlsr
+ $(MAKE) pandoc-files
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* all files installed * $(NC)"
+ @rm -rf $(LOCAL)/{tex,source,doc}/latex/$(PROJECT)
+ @rm -rf $(LOCAL)/{tex/latex,bibtex/bib}/$(PROJECT)
+ $(echoPROJECT) "* all files uninstalled * $(NC)"