path: root/macros/latex/contrib/hereapplies/hereapplies-doc.tex
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1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/hereapplies/hereapplies-doc.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/hereapplies/hereapplies-doc.tex
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+%% LyX created this file. For more info, see
+%% Do not edit unless you really know what you are doing.
+ bookmarks=true,bookmarksnumbered=false,bookmarksopen=false,
+ breaklinks=false,pdfborder={0 0 1},backref=false,colorlinks=false]
+ {hyperref}
+\hypersetup{pdftitle={The \textquotedblleft{}Here Applies\textquotedblright{} LaTeX Package},
+ pdfauthor={madmurphy},
+ pdfsubject={Package documentation},
+ pdfkeywords={Glossary, Index, LaTeX, LaTeX hyperref, LaTeX labels, LaTeX package, LyX, LyX module, TOC}}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% User specified LaTeX commands.
+ % LyX should add automatically `\usepackage{listings}` to the preamble...
+ \lstset{%
+ language=TeX,
+ basicstyle=\footnotesize,
+ numbers=left,
+ stepnumber=1,
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ tabsize=1,
+ breaklines=true,
+ breakatwhitespace=false,
+ }%
+\title{The \textbf{Here Applies} \LaTeX{} Package}
+A \LaTeX{} package for referencing groups of pages that share something
+in common.
+\textbf{Here Applies} is a \LaTeX{} package that allows to collect
+groups of labels and reference them altogether. It can be used for
+creating informal glossaries that cross-link concepts to their applications,
+or simply mentioning multiple pages that share something in common.
+The package offers two commands: \texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies}
+and \texttt{\textbackslash whereapplies} (plus their ``starred''
+versions \texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies{*}} and \texttt{\textbackslash whereapplies{*}}).
+In both cases an identifier is passed as argument -- and this can
+be any string invented in the moment (\texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies}
+additionally supports more than one identifier in the form of a comma-separated
+Every time \texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies} is invoked with known
+identifiers, the document is made aware that the place shares some
+kind of connection with other places in which the same identifiers
+were used. And so, every time the \texttt{\textbackslash whereapplies}
+command is invoked with a known identifier, all the occurrences of
+the latter within the entire document will be printed in the form
+of a linkable page list (e.g. ``pp.\ 1, 5, 8--9, 14--20\dots '').
+As \texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies} is designed to be invoked
+in the middle of a chapter or a section and that location must be
+made linkable, the \texttt{\textbackslash phantomsection} directive
+is invoked by default before a label is added. To avoid calling \texttt{\textbackslash phantomsection},
+the ``starred'' command \texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies{*}}
+is available.
+Finally, like \texttt{\textbackslash whereapplies} resembles a pluralizable
+version of \texttt{\textbackslash pageref}, its ``starred'' version
+\texttt{\textbackslash whereapplies{*}} will resemble a pluralizable
+version of \texttt{\textbackslash pageref{*}}.
+If you use LyX, the package ships a LyX module as well (please check
+the \texttt{lyx-module} subdirectory).
+\section{Example usage}
+The following \LaTeX{} manuscript
+\noindent will generate the \url{hereapplies-example.pdf} document
+\section{A minimal tutorial}
+\texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies\enskip{}{[}$\langle$}\texttt{\textit{label}}\texttt{$\rangle${]}\enskip{}\{$\langle$}\texttt{\textit{identifiers}}\texttt{$\rangle$\}}
+\texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies{*}\enskip{}{[}$\langle$}\texttt{\textit{label}}\texttt{$\rangle${]}\enskip{}\{$\langle$}\texttt{\textit{identifiers}}\texttt{$\rangle$\}}
+\noindent \smallskip{}
+\noindent The \texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies} command notifies
+the document that one or more identifiers apply to a particular point
+and adds a label to it.
+If the optional argument is passed the label created will be named
+accordingly, otherwise an opaque name will be chosen for it. This
+argument may contain only what is legal for \texttt{\textbackslash pageref}.
+The \texttt{\textit{identifiers}} argument must be a comma-separated
+list of identifiers (leading and trailing spaces around each member
+will be ignored). Each of these strings will remain confined within
+the internal scope of the package and will not create conflicts with
+possible macros or labels of the same names.
+After storing some internal values, \texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies}
+will expand exactly to
+Its ``starred'' version (\texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies{*}})
+will not invoke the \texttt{\textbackslash phantomsection} directive.
+\texttt{\textbackslash whereapplies\enskip{}\{$\langle$}\texttt{\textit{identifier}}\texttt{$\rangle$\}}
+\texttt{\textbackslash whereapplies{*}\enskip{}\{$\langle$}\texttt{\textit{identifier}}\texttt{$\rangle$\}}
+\noindent \smallskip{}
+\noindent The \texttt{\textbackslash whereapplies} command prints
+all the occurrences of an identifier, in the form ``p.\ \dots ''
+or ``pp.\ \dots '' (with page range support).
+The \texttt{\textit{identifier}} argument will remain confined within
+the internal scope of the package and will not create conflicts with
+possible commands or labels of the same name. Leading and trailing
+spaces around this string will be ignored.
+If the same \texttt{\textit{identifier}} is not passed to \texttt{\textbackslash hereapplies}
+at least once throughout the document, \texttt{\textbackslash whereapplies}
+will print ``\textbf{??}''.
+The ``starred'' version of this command (\texttt{\textbackslash whereapplies{*}})
+will use \texttt{\textbackslash pageref{*}} instead of \texttt{\textbackslash pageref}
+for generating the page list.
+Currently the localization of \textbf{Here Applies} is not automatic.
+It is possible however to control the strings generated by overwriting
+the four macros \texttt{\textbackslash hapage}, \texttt{\textbackslash hapages},
+\texttt{\textbackslash hadelimiter} and \texttt{\textbackslash halastdelimiter}.
+For example, writing at the beginning of a document
+% German translation of **Here Applies**
+% English: "p.\ "
+\gdef\hapage{S.\ }
+% English: "pp.\ "
+\gdef\hapages{S.\ }
+% English: "\ and\ "
+\gdef\halastdelimiter{\ und\ }
+% English: ",\ " (exactly like in German -- leave it)
+%\gdef\hadelimiter{,\ }
+\noindent will translate ``pp.\ 2, 4 and 6'' into ``S.\ 2, 4
+und 6''.
+\section{Get involved}
+If you wish to get involved, please do not hesitate to send \href{}{merge requests}
+or participate in the discussion. The package is also \href{}{available on \textbf{CTAN}}
+under \href{}{\texttt{macros/latex/contrib/hereapplies/}}.
+For any issue, please \href{}{drop a message}.
+\section{Free software}
+\textbf{Here Applies} is free software. You can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the terms of the \textbf{AGPL} license version 3 or
+any later version. See \url{COPYING} for details.
+\section*{Code appendix}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Code appendix}