path: root/macros/latex/contrib/hagenberg-thesis/examples/HgbArticle/main.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/hagenberg-thesis/examples/HgbArticle/main.tex')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/hagenberg-thesis/examples/HgbArticle/main.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/hagenberg-thesis/examples/HgbArticle/main.tex
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/hagenberg-thesis/examples/HgbArticle/main.tex
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+%% A simple template for a scientific article using the Hagenberg setup
+%% based on the standard LaTeX 'report' class
+%% äöüÄÖÜß <-- no German Umlauts here? Use an UTF-8 compatible editor!
+%%% Magic comments for setting the correct parameters in compatible IDEs
+% !TeX encoding = utf8
+% !TeX program = pdflatex
+% !TeX spellcheck = en_US
+% !BIB program = biber
+\RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} % remove when using lualatex oder xelatex!
+\usepackage{lipsum} % for dummy texts only
+\graphicspath{{images/}} % where are the images?
+\bibliography{references} % requires file 'references.bib'
+Peter A.\ Wiseguy\\
+George Spongehead\\
+\title{Reasoning About the Unreasonable}
+This document shows how to use the \textsf{hgbarticle} class, which combines the standard \latex \textsf{article} class
+with the \texttt{hgb.sty} (Hagenberg) thesis styles.
+This may be useful, for example, in the case that you wish to publish
+part of your thesis as a journal article without major changes.
+If you wish to write this report in German
+you should replace the specification
+ twocolumn]{hgbarticle}
+at the top of this document by
+ twocolumn]{hgbarticle}
+Remove the \texttt{twocolumn} option for a single-column layout.
+For simplified quotations use the \texttt{smartquotes} document option.
+Also note that the top sectioning command available in the \texttt{article} class
+is \verb!\section{}!, i.e., there are \textbf{no chapters}!
+When converting a thesis you thus need to \emph{demote} all chapter commands to
+sections, sections to subsections etc.
+\subsection{Mathematical elements}
+This document is typeset in the typical two-column format required by many
+scientific journals. Unfortunately, the narrow text width often creates problems
+with mathematical structures \cite{Voss2014}.
+While smaller equations like
+\bar{\mathbf{M}} =
+ A \ast H^{G}_{\sigma} & C \ast H^{G}_{\sigma} \\
+ C \ast H^{G}_{\sigma} & B \ast H^{G}_{\sigma}
+ \bar{A} & \bar{C} \\
+ \bar{C} & \bar{B}
+may fit without any modification, larger structures like
+the one shown in Equation \ref{wideEquation} need special treatment.
+&= \frac{\mathrm{tr}(\bar{\mathbf{M}})}{2} \pm \sqrt{\Bigl(\frac{\mathrm{tr}(\bar{\mathbf{M}})}{2}\Bigr)^2
+ - \mathrm{det}(\bar{\mathbf{M}})} \\
+&= \frac{1}{2} \cdot \left( \bar{A} + \bar{B} \pm \sqrt{\bar{A}^2 -
+ 2 \cdot \bar{A} \cdot \bar{B} + \bar{B}^2 + 4 \cdot \bar{C}^2} \right)
+ ,
+In this case, the equation was wrapped into a
+\verb!\begin{figure*}! \ldots \verb!\end{figure*}!
+environment, which produces an unnumbered float object that extends
+across the full page width.
+Additional details can be found in the source text.
+\subsection{Graphics and images}
+Similarly, the horizontal space available for graphical elements is the width
+of a single column. Thus elements inserted with \verb!\includegraphics{..}!
+should use the length \verb!\columnwidth!
+for scaling. An example is shown in Fig.~\ref{fig:CocaCola} (see the source text for
+\caption{Coca-Cola advertisement photographed in 1940 \cite{CocaCola1940}.}
+An by the way, the \texttt{lipsum} package was used to create the following
+dummy texts.
+The use of citations and the compilation of the bibliography works much the same
+as in the thesis template.
+The only difference is that \verb!\printbibliography! is used directly at the end
+of the document.
+\section{Existing techniques}
+\section{Our radically new approach}
+\section{Summary and conclusion}
+\printbibliography % alternatively: \MakeBibliography[nosplit]