path: root/macros/latex/contrib/graphics-def/xetex.def
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/graphics-def/xetex.def')
1 files changed, 435 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/graphics-def/xetex.def b/macros/latex/contrib/graphics-def/xetex.def
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb2cba80d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/graphics-def/xetex.def
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+%% xetex.def Copyright (C) 2005-2017 LaTeX3 Project, Jin-Hwan Cho, Shunsaku Hirata
+%% (with contributions from many others)
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is the LaTeX3 Project.
+ [2017/06/24 v5.0h Graphics/color driver for xetex]
+\def\GPT@space{ }
+ \dimen@#1\p@
+ \ifdim\dimen@<\z@\dimen@\maxdimen\fi
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\p@
+ \PackageError{color}{Argument `#1' not in range [0,1]}\@ehd
+ \fi}
+ \c@lor@arg{#2}%
+ \edef#1{gray #2}%
+ }
+ \c@lor@arg{#4}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#1}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#2}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#3}%
+ \edef#5{cmyk #1 #2 #3 #4}%
+ }
+ \c@lor@arg{#1}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#2}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#3}%
+ \edef#4{rgb #1 #2 #3}%
+ }
+ \c@lor@RGB@rgb{#1}\@tempa
+ \c@lor@RGB@rgb{#2}\@tempb
+ \c@lor@RGB@rgb{#3}\@tempc
+ \c@lor@@rgb\@tempa,\@tempb,\@tempc\@@#4%
+ }
+ \dimen@#1\p@
+ \divide\dimen@\@cclv
+ \edef#2{\strip@pt\dimen@}}
+ \c@lor@arg{#1}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#2}%
+ \c@lor@arg{#3}%
+ \edef#4{hsb #1 #2 #3}%
+ }
+ \@ifundefined{col@#1}%
+ {\PackageError{color}{Undefined color `#1'}\@ehd}%
+ {\edef#4{ #1}}%
+ }
+\def\c@lor@to@ps#1 #2\@@{\csname c@lor@ps@#1\endcsname#2 \@@}
+\def\c@lor@ps@#1 #2\@@{TeXDict begin #1 end}
+\def\c@lor@ps@rgb#1\@@{#1 setrgbcolor}
+\def\c@lor@ps@hsb#1\@@{#1 sethsbcolor}
+\def\c@lor@ps@cmyk#1\@@{#1 setcmykcolor}
+\def\c@lor@ps@gray#1\@@{#1 setgray}
+\def\current@color{ Black}
+ \special{color push \current@color
+ }\aftergroup\reset@color}
+ color pop}}
+ background \current@color}}
+ \expandafter\let\csname col@#1\endcsname\@nnil}
+ \def\no@page@color{\special{background \string"newpath clip}}
+ {\let\Gin@decode\@empty}
+ {}
+ {\let\Gin@page\@empty}
+ {}
+ {\def\Gin@pagebox{cropbox}}
+ {}
+ {\csname newif\endcsname\ifGin@interpolate}
+ {}
+ \let\Gin@decode\@empty
+ \Gin@interpolatefalse
+ \Gread@@xetex\XeTeXpdffile
+ \let\Gin@page\@empty
+ \let\Gin@pagebox\@empty
+ \Gread@@xetex\XeTeXpicfile
+ \IfFileExists{\}%
+ {\Gread@eps{\}}%
+ {\Gread@@xetex@aux#1}%
+ \edef\Gin@attr@hash{%
+ \ifx\Gin@pagebox\@empty
+ \else
+ :\Gin@pagebox
+ \fi
+ \ifx\Gin@page\@empty
+ \else
+ :P\Gin@page
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \edef\Gin@@name{\Gin@base\Gin@ext}%
+ \@ifundefined{\Gin@@name\GPT@space height\Gin@attr@hash}%
+ {%
+ \setbox\@tempboxa=\hbox{%
+ #1"\Gin@@name"\GPT@space
+ \ifx\Gin@page\@empty\else page \Gin@page\fi
+ \ifx\Gin@pagebox\@empty\else\expandafter\Gread@@xetex@box\Gin@pagebox\fi
+ }%
+ \def\Gin@llx{0}\let\Gin@lly\Gin@llx
+ \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@urx{\wd\@tempboxa}%
+ \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@ury{\ht\@tempboxa}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname \Gin@@name\GPT@space height\Gin@attr@hash\endcsname
+ {\the\ht\@tempboxa}%
+ \expandafter\xdef\csname \Gin@@name\GPT@space width\Gin@attr@hash\endcsname
+ {\the\wd\@tempboxa}%
+ }{%
+ \def\Gin@llx{0}\let\Gin@lly\Gin@llx
+ \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@urx
+ {\csname \Gin@@name\GPT@space width\Gin@attr@hash\endcsname}%
+ \Gin@defaultbp\Gin@ury
+ {\csname \Gin@@name\GPT@space height\Gin@attr@hash\endcsname}%
+ }%
+ \def\@tempa{!}%
+ \ifx\Gin@scaley\@tempa
+ \let\Gin@scaley\Gin@scalex
+ \else
+ \ifx\Gin@scalex\@tempa\let\Gin@scalex\Gin@scaley\fi
+ \fi
+ \GPT@setup@scale
+ \Gin@log{%
+ <use #1%
+ \ifx\Gin@page\@empty\else, page \Gin@page\fi
+ >%
+ }%
+ \hbox{%
+ \Gscale@box{\Gin@scalex}[\Gin@scaley]{%
+ \@ifundefined{Gin@vllx}{%
+ \GPT@viewportfalse
+ % without viewport/trim clipping does not make sense
+ % for pdfTeX
+ \Gin@clipfalse
+ }{}%
+ \ifGin@clip
+ \if!\Gin@vllx\Gin@vlly\Gin@vurx\Gin@vury!%
+ \else
+ \let\GPT@clipend\GPT@DoClipEnd
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox\bgroup
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \ifGPT@viewport
+ \ifdim\Gin@vlly\p@=\z@
+ \else
+ \lower\Gin@vlly bp\hbox\bgroup
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\Gin@vllx\p@=\z@
+ \else
+ \hskip-\Gin@vllx bp\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \XeTeXpdffile"#1" %
+ \ifx\Gin@page\@empty\else page \Gin@page\fi
+ \ifx\Gin@pagebox\@empty\else\expandafter\Gread@@xetex@box\Gin@pagebox\fi
+ \ifGPT@viewport
+ \ifdim\Gin@vlly\p@=\z@
+ \else
+ \egroup
+ \fi
+ \GPT@clipend
+ \fi
+ }%
+ }%
+ \egroup
+ \dp\@tempboxa\z@
+ % \Gin@urx and \Gin@ury already contain the correct values,
+ % so both cases viewport and trim can be handled together:
+ \dimen@\Gin@urx\p@
+ \advance\dimen@ -\Gin@llx\p@
+ \wd\@tempboxa\strip@pt\dimen@ bp\relax
+ \dimen@\Gin@ury\p@
+ \advance\dimen@ -\Gin@lly\p@
+ \ht\@tempboxa\strip@pt\dimen@ bp\relax
+ \GPT@clipbox\@tempboxa
+ \box\@tempboxa
+ \setbox#1=\hbox{%
+ \Gin@defaultbp\WIDTH{\wd#1}%
+ \Gin@defaultbp\DEPTH{\dp#1}%
+ \@tempdima\ht#1%
+ \advance\@tempdima\dp#1%
+ \Gin@defaultbp\TOTALHEIGHT{\@tempdima}%
+ \special{x:gsave}%
+ \special{%
+ pdf:literal
+ 0 -\DEPTH\GPT@space \WIDTH\GPT@space \TOTALHEIGHT\GPT@space re W n
+ }%
+ \rlap{\box#1}%
+ \special{x:grestore}%
+ \hskip\wd#1%
+ }%
+ \Gin@log{<#1>}%
+ \bgroup
+ \def\@tempa{!}%
+ \special{pdf:image\GPT@space
+ bbox\GPT@space\Gin@llx\GPT@space\Gin@lly\GPT@space\Gin@urx\GPT@space\Gin@ury\GPT@space
+ clip\GPT@space\ifGin@clip 1\else 0\fi\GPT@space
+ \ifx\Gin@scalex\@tempa\else width\GPT@space\the\Gin@req@width\GPT@space\fi
+ \ifx\Gin@scaley\@tempa\else height\GPT@space\the\Gin@req@height\GPT@space\fi
+ (#1)\GPT@space
+ \ifnum0%
+ \ifx\Gin@decode\@empty\else 1\fi
+ \ifGin@interpolate 1\fi
+ >0 %
+ <<%
+ \ifx\Gin@decode\@empty\else /Decode[\Gin@decode]\fi
+ \ifGin@interpolate /Interpolate true\fi
+ >>%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \egroup
+ \Gin@log{<#1>}%
+ \bgroup
+ \ifx\Undefined\Gin@vllx\else\@trim@vporttrue\fi
+ \def\@tempa{!}%
+ \dimen@\Gin@urx\p@
+ \advance\dimen@ -\Gin@llx\p@
+ \if@trim@vport
+ \advance\dimen@ \Gin@vllx\p@
+ \fi
+ \edef\Gin@urx{\strip@pt\dimen@}%
+ \dimen@\Gin@ury\p@
+ \advance\dimen@ -\Gin@lly\p@
+ \if@trim@vport
+ \advance\dimen@ \Gin@vlly\p@
+ \fi
+ \edef\Gin@ury{\strip@pt\dimen@}%
+ \dimen@\Gin@req@width
+ \dimen@ii.1bp%
+ \divide\dimen@\dimen@ii
+ \@tempdima\Gin@req@height
+ \divide\@tempdima\dimen@ii
+ \special{PSfile="#1"\GPT@space
+ \if@trim@vport
+ llx=\Gin@vllx\GPT@space
+ lly=\Gin@vlly\GPT@space
+ \fi
+ urx=\Gin@urx\GPT@space
+ ury=\Gin@ury\GPT@space
+ \ifx\Gin@scalex\@tempa\else rwi=\number\dimen@\GPT@space\fi
+ \ifx\Gin@scaley\@tempa\else rhi=\number\@tempdima\GPT@space\fi
+ \ifGin@clip clip\fi}%
+ \egroup}
+% In the above \Ginclude@eps, llx, lly, urx, and ury are translated to match
+% the -dEPSCrop option for Ghostscript to convert eps to pdf.
+% In the case of eps files created by MetaPost, the files are included
+% directly without the help of Ghostscript. That is, we have to translate
+% the origin accordingly if we use \Ginclude@eps for eps files created by
+% MetaPost. In TeX Live 2015, the translation of the origin was the default.
+% After TeX Live 2016, however, the translation of the origin is enabled only
+% if the --mvorigin option is given for xdvipdfmx
+% This may be a bit inconvenient, especially as
+% xdvipdfmx is usually called as a pipe. Therefore we introduce a new suffix
+% .mps(or .MPS) to support inclusion of eps files created by MetaPost without
+% the option --mvorigin.
+ \Gin@log{<#1>}%
+ \bgroup
+ \def\@tempa{!}%
+ \dimen@\Gin@req@width
+ \dimen@ii.1bp%
+ \divide\dimen@\dimen@ii
+ \@tempdima\Gin@req@height
+ \divide\@tempdima\dimen@ii
+ \special{PSfile="#1"\GPT@space
+ llx=\Gin@llx\GPT@space
+ lly=\Gin@lly\GPT@space
+ urx=\Gin@urx\GPT@space
+ ury=\Gin@ury\GPT@space
+ \ifx\Gin@scalex\@tempa\else rwi=\number\dimen@\GPT@space\fi
+ \ifx\Gin@scaley\@tempa\else rhi=\number\@tempdima\GPT@space\fi
+ \ifGin@clip clip\fi}%
+ \egroup}
+\special{pdf:btrans rotate \Grot@angle}}
+% 4.13 add support for ptex vertical writing mode
+% inspired by pxtatescale package (Hironobu Yamashita)
+ \special{pdf:btrans}%
+ \special{x:scale \Gscale@x\GPT@space\Gscale@y}%
+ \special{pdf:btrans}%
+ \special{x:scale
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname iftdir\endcsname
+ \noexpand\Gscale@y\noexpand\GPT@space\noexpand\Gscale@x
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname else\endcsname
+ \noexpand\Gscale@x\noexpand\GPT@space\noexpand\Gscale@y
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname fi\endcsname}}
+\def\Gin@PS@raw#1{\special{ps: #1}}
+\def\Gin@PS@restored#1{\special{" #1}}
+\def\Gin@PS@literal@header#1{\AtBeginDvi{\special{! #1}}}
+\def\Gin@extensions{% order here is like pdftex.def, except for PS
+ .pdf,.PDF,.ai,.AI,%
+ .png,.PNG,.jpg,.JPG,.jpeg,.JPEG,.jp2,.JP2,.jpf,.JPF,.bmp,.BMP,%
+ .ps,.PS,.eps,.EPS,.mps,.MPS,%
+ .pz,.eps.Z,.ps.Z,.ps.gz,.eps.gz}
+% (don't bother with uppercase versions for these Unixish extensions)
+\@namedef{Gin@rule@.pz}#1{{eps}{.xbb}{`gunzip -c #1}}
+\@namedef{Gin@rule@.eps.Z}#1{{eps}{.eps.xbb}{`gunzip -c #1}}
+\@namedef{}#1{{eps}{.ps.xbb}{`gunzip -c #1}}
+\@namedef{}#1{{eps}{.ps.xbb}{`gunzip -c #1}}
+\@namedef{Gin@rule@.eps.gz}#1{{eps}{.eps.xbb}{`gunzip -c #1}}
+{\expandafter\let\csname ifGin@setpagesize\expandafter\endcsname
+\csname iftrue\endcsname}
+% If a package has changed \mag, assume it knows what it is doing
+% and leave page size alone