path: root/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/samples/sampleFnAcrDesc.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/samples/sampleFnAcrDesc.tex')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/samples/sampleFnAcrDesc.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/samples/sampleFnAcrDesc.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ea1f3883c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/samples/sampleFnAcrDesc.tex
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+ % This file is public domain
+ % If you want to use arara, you need the following directives:
+ % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
+ % arara: makeglossaries
+ % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
+ % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
+\usepackage[acronym,% create 'acronym' glossary type
+ % The package option "nomain" is used here to suppress the
+ % main glossary, since this example doesn't use it. If you
+ % want to use the main glossary, remove the "nomain" option.
+ nomain,
+ style=altlist, % use altlist style
+ toc, % add the glossary to the table of contents
+ ]{glossaries}
+ % Change the acronym style to a small-caps footnote style:
+ % Make some minor adjustments to the style:
+\renewcommand*{\acronymsort}[2]{#1}% sort by short form
+ \acronymfont{\glsentryshort{#1}}\space (\glsentrylong{#1})}
+ % Not using a font that supports bold smallcaps so ensure
+ % the acronym is always in medium weight.
+\renewcommand*{\acronymfont}[1]{\textmd{\scshape #1}}
+ % Change the "see" items so that they use \acronymfont:
+\newacronym[description={Statistical pattern recognition
+technique~\protect\cite{svm}}, % acronym's description
+]{svm}{svm}{support vector machine}
+\newacronym[description={Statistical pattern recognition technique
+using the ``kernel trick''},% acronym's description
+see={[see also]{svm}},
+support vector machine}
+\chapter{Support Vector Machines}
+The \gls{svm} is used widely in the area of pattern recognition.
+ % plural form with initial letter in uppercase:
+\Glspl{svm} are \ldots\ (but beware, converting the initial letter to
+upper case for a small caps acronym is sometimes considered
+poor style).
+Short version: \acrshort{svm}. Long version: \acrlong{svm}. Full
+version: \acrfull{svm}. Description: \glsentrydesc{svm}.
+This is the entry in uppercase: \GLS{svm}.
+\chapter{Kernel Support Vector Machines}
+The \gls{ksvm} is \ifglsused{svm}{an}{a} \gls{svm} that uses
+the so called ``kernel trick''. This is the entry's description without
+a link: \glsentrydesc{ksvm}.
+Possessive: \gls{ksvm}['s].
+Make the glossary entry number bold for this
+one \gls[format=hyperbf]{svm}.
+\bibitem{svm} \ldots