path: root/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/samples/sample.tex
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1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/samples/sample.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/samples/sample.tex
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+ % This file is public domain
+ % If you want to use arara, you need the following directives:
+ % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
+ % arara: makeglossaries
+ % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
+ % arara: pdflatex: { synctex: on }
+sort=Perl, % need a sort key because name contains a command
+description=A scripting language}
+description={collection of glosses},
+description={list of technical words},
+\newglossaryentry{pagelist}{name=page list,
+ % description value has to be enclosed in braces
+ % because it contains commas
+description={a list of individual pages or page ranges
+(e.g.\ 1,2,4,7-9)}}
+description={rectangular array of quantities},
+ % plural is not simply obtained by appending an s, so specify
+ % Entry with a paragraph break in the description:
+ % (If you use \newglossaryentry, the paragraph break
+ % must be identified with \glspar not with \par or a blank line.
+ % It's easier to use \longnewglossaryentry.)
+\longnewglossaryentry{par}% label
+{name=paragraph}% options
+{% multi-paragraph description
+distinct section of a piece of writing.
+Beginning on new, usually indented, line}
+ % entry with two types of plural. Set the plural form to the
+ % form most likely to be used. If you want to use a different
+ % plural, you will need to explicity specify it in \glslink
+ % this isn't necessary, as this form (appending an s) is
+ % the default
+ % description:
+description={(\emph{pl.}\ cows, \emph{archaic} kine) an adult
+female of any bovine animal}}
+\newglossaryentry{bravo1}{description={cry of approval (pl.\ bravos)},
+\newglossaryentry{bravo2}{description={hired ruffian or killer (pl.\ bravoes)},
+ name=seal,%
+ description={sea mammal with flippers that eats fish}
+ name={sea lion},%
+ description={large seal}%
+ % If a value contains a comma, you must use braces to hide
+ % it from the key=value list parser. Take care to avoid
+ % accidentally introducing unwanted space as leading and trailing
+ % spaces within the braces aren't stripped. For example,
+ % text={ spurious space } will result in extra space appearing
+ % when the entry is referenced.
+ name={space, spurious},
+ text={spurious space},
+ description={unwanted spaces accidentally introduced by
+uncommented line breaks or attempts to pretty-print the \LaTeX\ code}
+\title{Sample Document Using the glossaries Package}
+\author{Nicola Talbot}
+\pagenumbering{alph}% prevent duplicate page link names if using PDF
+A \gls{glossarylist} (definition~\glsrefentry{glossarylist}) is a
+very useful addition to any technical document, although a
+\gls{glossarycol} (definition~\glsrefentry{glossarycol}) can also
+simply be a collection of glosses, which is another thing entirely.
+Some documents have multiple \glspl{glossarylist}.
+Once you have run your document through \LaTeX, you will then need
+to run the \texttt{.glo} file through \texttt{makeindex} (default)
+or \texttt{xindy}. You will need to set the output file so that the
+indexing application
+creates a \texttt{.gls} file instead of an \texttt{.ind} file, and
+change the name of the log file so that it doesn't overwrite the
+index log file (if you have an index for your document). Rather
+than having to remember all the command line switches, you can call
+the \gls{Perl} script \texttt{makeglossaries} which provides a
+convenient wrapper. See
+\href{}{Incorporating makeglossaries or makeglossaries-lite or bib2gls into the document build} for help.
+If a comma appears within the name or description, grouping
+must be used, e.g.\ in the description of \gls{pagelist}.
+Be careful about \glspl{spuriousspace} appearing in your code.
+\chapter{Plurals and Paragraphs}
+Plurals are assumed to have the letter s appended, but if this is
+not the case, as in \glspl{mtrx}, then you need to specify the
+plural when you define the entry. If a term may have multiple
+plurals (for example \glspl{cow}/\glslink{cow}{kine}) then
+define the entry with the plural form most likely to be used and
+explicitly specify the alternative form using \verb|\glslink|
+(e.g.\ \glslink{cow}{kine})
+or \verb|\glsdisp| (e.g.\ \glsdisp{cow}{kine}).
+\Glspl{seal} and \glspl{sealion} have regular plural forms.
+\Gls{bravo} is a homograph, but the plural forms are spelt
+differently. The plural of \gls{bravo1}, a cry of approval
+(definition~\glsrefentry{bravo1}), is \glspl{bravo1}, whereas the
+plural of \gls{bravo2}, a hired ruffian or killer
+(definition~\glsrefentry{bravo2}), is \glspl{bravo2}.
+\Glspl{par} can cause a problem in commands, so care is needed
+when having a paragraph break in a \gls{glossarylist} entry.
+There are two types of ordering: word ordering (which places
+``\gls{sealion}'' before ``\gls{seal}'') and letter ordering
+(which places ``\gls{seal}'' before ``\gls{sealion}'').