path: root/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossary2glossaries.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossary2glossaries.tex')
1 files changed, 680 insertions, 319 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossary2glossaries.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossary2glossaries.tex
index 268d3c997a..2c334ff099 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossary2glossaries.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossary2glossaries.tex
@@ -1,62 +1,403 @@
- bookmarks,
- hyperindex=false,
- pdfauthor={Nicola L.C. Talbot},
- pdftitle={Upgrading from the glossary package to
- the glossaries package}]{hyperref}
+% arara: lualatex
+% arara: bib2gls: { group: on }
+% arara: lualatex
+% arara: bib2gls: { group: on } if found ("log", "Glossary entry `sym.")
+% arara: lualatex
+% arara: lualatex if found ("log", "Rerun to")
+ fontsize=12pt,captions=tableheading]{scrarticle}
+ glossarystyle=index,
+ acronymstyle=index,
+ \def\gprintglossopt#1#2{%
+ \glsbibwriteentry{commandoption}{opt.printgloss.#1}{%
+ \field{name}{\csoptfmt{#1}}\parent{printglossary}#2}}%
+ \def\gglosty#1#2{\glsbibwriteentry{glossarystyle}{opt.glostyle.#1}%
+ {\field{name}{\glostylefmt{#1}}\parent{idx.glossarystyle}#2}}%
+ \def\gacrsty#1#2{\glsbibwriteentry{acronymstyle}{opt.acrstyle.#1}%
+ {\field{name}{\acrstylefmt{#1}}\parent{setacronymstyle}#2}}%
+ \def\ggloskey#1#2{%
+ \glsbibwriteentry{commandoption}{opt.gloskey.#1}{%
+ \field{name}{\csoptfmt{#1}}\parent{newglossaryentry}#2}}%
+ \def\gstoregloskey#1#2{%
+ \glsbibwriteentry{commandoption}{opt.storegloskey.#1}{%
+ \field{name}{\csoptfmt{#1}}\parent{storeglosentry}#2}}%
+ \def\gglsopt#1#2{%
+ \glsbibwriteentry{commandoption}{opt.glsopt.#1}{%
+ \field{name}{\csoptfmt{#1}}\parent{gls}#2}}%
+ \def\guseglsopt#1#2{%
+ \glsbibwriteentry{commandoption}{opt.useglsopt.#1}{%
+ \field{name}{\csoptfmt{#1}}\parent{useglosentry}#2}}%
+ \gidx{glossarystyle}{\name{glossary styles}\field{text}{glossary style}}
+ % \newglossarytype
+ \gcmd{new\-glossary\-type}
+ {%
+ \syntax{\oargm{log-ext}\margm{type}\margm{out-ext}\margm{in-ext}\oargm{old style list}}
+ }
+ % \newglossary
+ \gcmd{new\-glossary}
+ {
+ \syntax{\oargm{log-ext}\margm{type}\margm{out-ext}\margm{in-ext}\margm{title}}
+ }
+ % \setglossarystyle
+ \gcmd{set\-glossary\-style}
+ {
+ \syntax{\margm{new-style}}
+ }
+ % \printglossary (glossary.sty)
+ \gcmd{oldprintglossary}
+ {
+ \name{\csfmt{print\-glossary} (\styfmt{glossary.sty})}
+ \field{text}{\csfmt{print\-glossary}}
+ \syntax{\oargm{type}}
+ }
+ % \printglossary (glossaries.sty)
+ \gcmd{print\-glossary}
+ {
+ \name{\csfmt{print\-glossary} (\styfmt{glossaries.sty})}
+ \field{text}{\csfmt{print\-glossary}}
+ \syntax{\oargm{options}}
+ }
+ % \printglossaries
+ \gcmd{print\-glossaries}{}
+ % \printacronym
+ \gcmds{print\-acronym}{}
+ % \acronymtype
+ \gcmd{acronym\-type}{}
+ % \print<type>
+ \gcmdmeta{print}{type}{}{}
+ % \glossaryname
+ \gcmd{glossary\-name}{}
+ % \acronymname
+ \gcmd{acronym\-name}{}
+ % \<glossary-type>name
+ \gcmdmeta{}{glossary\dhyphen type}{name}{}
+ % \short<glossary-type>name
+ \gcmdmeta{short}{glossary\dhyphen type}{name}{}
+ % \make<glossary-type>
+ \gcmdmeta{make}{glossary\dhyphen type}{}{}
+ % \makeglossary
+ \gcmd{make\-glossary}{}
+ % \makeacronym
+ \gcmd{make\-acronym}{}
+ % \makeglossaries
+ \gcmd{make\-glossaries}{}
+ % \glossary
+ \gcmd{glossary}{}
+ % \storeglosentry
+ \gcmd{store\-glos\-entry}
+ {
+ \syntax{\margm{label}\marg{\keyvallist}}
+ }
+ % \newglossaryentry
+ \gcmd{new\-glossary\-entry}
+ {
+ \syntax{\margm{label}\marg{\keyvallist}}
+ }
+ % \glsnumberformat
+ \gcmd{gls\-number\-format}{\syntax{text}}
+ % \gls (glossary.sty)
+ \gcmd{oldgls}{
+ \name{\csfmt{gls} (\styfmt{glossary.sty})}
+ \field{text}{\csfmt{gls}}
+ \syntax{\oargm{options}\margm{label}}
+ }
+ % \gls
+ \gcmd{gls}
+ {
+ \name{\csfmt{gls} (\styfmt{glossaries.sty})}
+ \field{text}{\csfmt{gls}}
+ \syntax{\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}}
+ }
+ % \Gls
+ \gcmd{Gls}
+ {
+ \syntax{\oargm{options}\margm{label}\oargm{insert}}
+ }
+ % \glsadd
+ \gcmd{glsadd}{\syntax{\oargm{new options}\margm{label}}}
+ % \glslink
+ \gcmd{glslink}{\syntax{\oargm{new options}\margm{label}\margm{text}}}
+ % \useglosentry
+ \gcmd{use\-glos\-entry}{\syntax{\oargm{old options}\margm{label}}}
+ % \useGlosentry
+ \gcmd{use\-Glos\-entry}{\syntax{\oargm{old options}\margm{label}\margm{text}}}
+ % \newacronym (glossary.sty)
+ \gcmd{oldnewacronym}
+ {
+ \name{\csfmt{new\-acronym} (\styfmt{glossary.sty})}
+ \field{text}{\csfmt{new\-acronym}}
+ \syntax{\oargm{cmd-name}\margm{acronym}\margm{long}\margm{old-options}}
+ }
+ % \newacronym (glossaries.sty)
+ \gcmd{new\-acronym}
+ {
+ \name{\csfmt{new\-acronym} (\styfmt{glossaries.sty})}
+ \field{text}{\csfmt{new\-acronym}}
+ \syntax{\oargm{options}\margm{label}\margm{abbrv}\margm{long}}
+ }
+ % \oldacronym
+ \gcmd{oldacronym}
+ {
+ \syntax{\oargm{cmd-name}\margm{acronym}\margm{long}\margm{old-options}}
+ }
+ % \setacronymstyle
+ \gcmd{set\-acronym\-style}
+ {
+ \syntax{\oargm{glossary-type}\margm{style-name}}
+ }
+ % \useacronym
+ \gcmds{use\-acronym}
+ {
+ \syntax{\oargm{insert}\margm{acr-name}}
+ }
+ % \acrlong
+ \gcmd{acr\-long}{\syntax{\margm{label}}}
+ % \acrshort
+ \gcmd{acr\-short}{\syntax{\margm{label}}}
+ % \acrlongpl
+ \gcmd{acr\-long\-pl}{\syntax{\margm{label}}}
+ % \acrshort
+ \gcmd{acr\-short\-pl}{\syntax{\margm{label}}}
+ % \acs
+ \gcmd{acs}{\syntax{\margm{label}}}
+ % \acl
+ \gcmd{acl}{\syntax{\margm{label}}}
+ % \acrln
+ \gcmd{acrln}{\syntax{\margm{acr-name}}}
+ % \acrsh
+ \gcmd{acrsh}{\syntax{\margm{acr-name}}}
+ % \ifacronymfirstuse
+ \gcmd{if\-acronym\-first\-use}
+ {
+ \syntax{\margm{acr-name}\margm{not used text}\margm{has been used text}}
+ }
+ % \ifglsused
+ \gcmd{if\-gls\-used}
+ {
+ \syntax{\margm{label}\margm{has been used text}\margm{not used text}}
+ }
+ % \resetacronym
+ \gcmd{reset\-acronym}{\syntax{\margm{acr-name}}}
+ % \unsetacronym
+ \gcmd{unset\-acronym}{\syntax{\margm{acr-name}}}
+ % \resetallacronyms
+ \gcmd{reset\-all\-acronyms}{}
+ % \unsetallacronyms
+ \gcmd{unset\-all\-acronyms}{}
+ % \glsreset
+ \gcmd{gls\-reset}{\syntax{\margm{label}}}
+ % \glslocalreset
+ \gcmd{gls\-local\-reset}{\syntax{\margm{label}}}
+ % \glsunset
+ \gcmd{gls\-unset}{\syntax{\margm{label}}}
+ % \glslocalunset
+ \gcmd{gls\-local\-unset}{\syntax{\margm{label}}}
+ % \glsresetall
+ \gcmd{gls\-reset\-all}{\syntax{\oargm{glossary-types}}}
+ % \glsunsetall
+ \gcmd{gls\-unset\-all}{\syntax{\oargm{glossary-types}}}
+ % \glslocalresetall
+ \gcmd{gls\-local\-reset\-all}{\syntax{\oargm{glossary-types}}}
+ % \glslocalunsetall
+ \gcmd{gls\-local\-unset\-all}{\syntax{\oargm{glossary-types}}}
+ % \<acr-name>
+ \gcmdmeta{}{acr\dhyphen name}{}{\field{modifiers}{*}}
+ % new key: type
+ \ggloskey{type}{\syntax{\meta{glossary-type}}}
+ % new key: name
+ \ggloskey{name}{\syntax{\margm{text}}}
+ % new key: description
+ \ggloskey{description}{\syntax{\margm{text}}}
+ % new key: counter
+ \ggloskey{counter}{\syntax{\margm{counter-name}}}
+ % new key: sort
+ \ggloskey{sort}{\syntax{\margm{text}}}
+ % new key: first
+ \ggloskey{first}{\syntax{\margm{text}}}
+ % new key: firstplural
+ \ggloskey{first\-plural}{\syntax{\margm{text}}}
+ % new key: text
+ \ggloskey{text}{\syntax{\margm{text}}}
+ % new key: plural
+ \ggloskey{plural}{\syntax{\margm{text}}}
+ % old key: name
+ \gstoregloskey{name}{\syntax{\margm{text}}}
+ % old key: description
+ \gstoregloskey{description}{\syntax{\margm{text}}}
+ % old key: format
+ \gstoregloskey{format}{\syntax{\meta{csname}}}
+ % old key: number
+ \gstoregloskey{number}{\syntax{\meta{counter-name}}}
+ % old key: sort
+ \gstoregloskey{sort}{\syntax{\margm{text}}}
+ % gls key: format
+ \gglsopt{format}{\syntax{\meta{csname}}}
+ % gls key: counter
+ \gglsopt{counter}{\syntax{\meta{counter-name}}}
+ % useglosentry key: format
+ \guseglsopt{format}{\syntax{\meta{csname}}}
+ % useglosentry key: number
+ \guseglsopt{number}{\syntax{\margm{counter-name}}}
+ % package option style
+ \gstyopt{style}%
+ {%
+ \syntax{\meta{style-name}}
+ }
+ % package option nonumberlist
+ \gstyopt{nonumberlist}{}
+ % package option counter
+ \gstyopt{counter}%
+ {%
+ \syntax{\meta{counter-name}}
+ }
+ % package option toc
+ \gstyopt{toc}%
+ {%
+ \syntax{\meta{boolean}}
+ }
+ % package option section
+ \gstyopt{section}
+ {
+ \syntax{\meta{value}}
+ }
+ % package option acronym
+ \gstyopt{acronym}%
+ {%
+ \syntax{\meta{boolean}}
+ }
+ % printgloss style
+ \gprintglossopt{style}{%
+ \syntax{\meta{style-name}}
+ }
+ % printgloss type
+ \gprintglossopt{type}{%
+ \syntax{\meta{glossary-label}}
+ }
+ % printgloss nonumberlist
+ \gprintglossopt{no\-number\-list}{}
+ % printgloss toctitle
+ \gprintglossopt{toc\-title}{}
+ % acronym style: long-short-desc
+ \gacrsty{long\dhyphen short\dhyphen desc}{}
+ % glossary style: long
+ \gglosty{long}{}
+ % glossary style: longheader
+ \gglosty{long\-header}{}
+ % glossary style: longborder
+ \gglosty{long\-border}{}
+ % glossary style: longheaderborder
+ \gglosty{long\-header\-border}{}
+ % glossary style: long3col
+ \gglosty{long3col}{}
+ % glossary style: long3colheader
+ \gglosty{long3col\-header}{}
+ % glossary style: long3colborder
+ \gglosty{long3col\-border}{}
+ % glossary style: long3colheaderborder
+ \gglosty{long3col\-header\-border}{}
+ % glossary style: super
+ \gglosty{super}{}
+ % glossary style: superheader
+ \gglosty{super\-header}{}
+ % glossary style: superborder
+ \gglosty{super\-border}{}
+ % glossary style: superheaderborder
+ \gglosty{super\-header\-border}{}
+ % glossary style: super3col
+ \gglosty{super3col}{}
+ % glossary style: super3colheader
+ \gglosty{super3col\-header}{}
+ % glossary style: super3colborder
+ \gglosty{super3col\-border}{}
+ % glossary style: super3colheaderborder
+ \gglosty{super3col\-header\-border}{}
+ % applications:
+ \gapp{makeindex}{}
+ \gapp{xindy}{}
+ \gapp{makeglos}{}
+ \gapp{makeglossaries}{}
+ \gapp{bib2gls}{}
+ % punctuation
+ \gpunc{at}{\name{\code{@}}}
+ \gpunc{excl}{\name{\code{!}}}
+ \gpunc{dblquote}{\name{\code{"}}}
+ \gpunc{vbar}{\name{\code{|}}}
+ % packages
+ \gpkg{xspace}{}
+ \gpkg{glossaries\dhyphen extra}{}
+ % file types
+ \gext{glo}{}
+ \gext{glg}{}
+ \gext{gls}{}
\title{Upgrading from the glossary package to the glossaries
\author{Nicola L.C. Talbot}
- \begin{labelledbox}{\styfmt{glossary}}\ttfamily\obeylines
- \end{labelledbox}%
- \begin{labelledbox}{\styfmt{glossaries}}\ttfamily\obeylines
- \end{labelledbox}%
The purpose of this document is to provide advice if you want to
convert a \LaTeX\ document from using the obsolete \styfmt{glossary}
package to the replacement \styfmt{glossaries} package.
+The final version of the \styfmt{glossary} package is 2.4 (2006-07-20).
+It was made obsolete after the release of \styfmt{glossaries}
+v1.0 (2007-05-16).
+For the main \styfmt{glossaries} user guide, see
+For a shorter guide for beginners, see
\section{Why the Need for a New Package?}
@@ -83,10 +424,8 @@ to the name and description;
\item you can add dictionaries to supply translations for the
fixed names used in headings and by some of the glossary styles;
-\item you can choose\footnote{as from v1.17. Previous versions
-were designed to be used with \app{makeindex} only} between using
-\app{makeindex} or \app{xindy} to sort the glossary. Using
-\app{xindy} means that:
+\item you can choose between using \app{makeindex} or \app{xindy} to
+sort the glossary. Using \app{xindy} means that:
\item there is much better support for terms containing accented
@@ -95,11 +434,15 @@ were designed to be used with \app{makeindex} only} between using
\item there is support for non-standard location numbers;
-\item you don't need to remember to escape \app{makeindex}'s
+(Additional indexing options have since been added. See
+the \qt{Indexing Options} section
+of the \styfmt{glossaries} user manual.)
+\item you don't need to remember to escape \app{makeindex}['s]
special characters as this is done internally;
-\item hierarchical entries and homographs are supported;\footnote{as
-from v1.17}
+\item hierarchical entries and homographs are supported (as
+from v1.17);
\item there is better support for cross-referencing glossary entries;
@@ -115,8 +458,8 @@ maintain consistency;
When converting a document that currently uses the obsolete
\styfmt{glossary} package to the replacement \styfmt{glossaries} package,
it should be fairly obvious that the first thing you need to do is
-replace \verb|\usepackage{glossary}| with
-\verb|\usepackage{glossaries}|, however some of the package options
+replace \code{\cmd{usepackage}\marg{glossary}} with
+\code{\cmd{usepackage}\marg{glossaries}}, however some of the package options
are different, so you may need to change those as well.
Table~\ref{tab:pkgopt} shows the mappings from the \styfmt{glossary}
to the \styfmt{glossaries} package options.
@@ -125,38 +468,37 @@ to the \styfmt{glossaries} package options.
\caption[Mappings]{Mappings from \styfmt{glossary} to \styfmt{glossaries}
package options}
\bfseries \styfmt{glossary} option & \bfseries \styfmt{glossaries} option\\
style=list & style=list\\
style=altlist & style=altlist\\
-style=long,header=none,border=none,cols=2 & style=long\\
-style=long,header=plain,border=none,cols=2 & style=longheader\\
-style=long,header=none,border=plain,cols=2 & style=longborder\\
-style=long,header=plain,border=plain,cols=2 & style=longheaderborder\\
-style=long,header=none,border=none,cols=3 & style=long3col\\
-style=long,header=plain,border=none,cols=3 & style=long3colheader\\
-style=long,header=none,border=plain,cols=3 & style=long3colborder\\
-style=long,header=plain,border=plain,cols=3 & style=long3colheaderborder\\
-style=super,header=none,border=none,cols=2 & style=super\\
-style=super,header=plain,border=none,cols=2 & style=superheader\\
-style=super,header=none,border=plain,cols=2 & style=superborder\\
-style=super,header=plain,border=plain,cols=2 & style=superheaderborder\\
-style=super,header=none,border=none,cols=3 & style=super3col\\
-style=super,header=plain,border=none,cols=3 & style=super3colheader\\
-style=super,header=none,border=plain,cols=3 & style=super3colborder\\
-style=super,header=plain,border=plain,cols=3 & style=super3colheaderborder\\
-number=none & nonumberlist\\
-number=\meta{counter name} & counter=\meta{counter name}\\
-toc & toc\\
-hypertoc & toc\\
+style=long,header=none,border=none,cols=2 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{long}\\
+style=long,header=plain,border=none,cols=2 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{longheader}\\
+style=long,header=none,border=plain,cols=2 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{longborder}\\
+style=long,header=plain,border=plain,cols=2 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{longheaderborder}\\
+style=long,header=none,border=none,cols=3 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{long3col}\\
+style=long,header=plain,border=none,cols=3 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{long3colheader}\\
+style=long,header=none,border=plain,cols=3 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{long3colborder}\\
+style=long,header=plain,border=plain,cols=3 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{long3colheaderborder}\\
+style=super,header=none,border=none,cols=2 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{super}\\
+style=super,header=plain,border=none,cols=2 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{superheader}\\
+style=super,header=none,border=plain,cols=2 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{superborder}\\
+style=super,header=plain,border=plain,cols=2 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{superheaderborder}\\
+style=super,header=none,border=none,cols=3 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{super3col}\\
+style=super,header=plain,border=none,cols=3 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{super3colheader}\\
+style=super,header=none,border=plain,cols=3 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{super3colborder}\\
+style=super,header=plain,border=plain,cols=3 & \opt{style}=\glostyle{super3colheaderborder}\\
+number=none & \opt{nonumberlist}\\
+number=\meta{counter name} & \opt{counter}=\meta{counter name}\\
+toc & \opt{toc}\\
+hypertoc & \opt{toc}\\
hyper & \emph{no corresponding option}\\
-section=true & section\\
+section=true & \opt{section}\\
section=false & \emph{no corresponding option}\\
-acronym & acronym\\
+acronym & \opt{acronym}\\
global & \emph{no corresponding option}
\section{Defining new glossary types}
@@ -164,209 +506,225 @@ global & \emph{no corresponding option}
If you have created new glossary types, you will need to
replace all instances of
-\ics{newglossarytype}\oarg{log-ext}\marg{type}\marg{out-ext}\marg{in-ext}\oarg{old style list}\newline
in the preamble, and, if the new glossary requires a different style
to the main (default) glossary, you will also need to put
-\ics{setglossarystyle}\marg{new style}
immediately before the glossary is displayed, or you can specify
-the style when you display the glossary using \ics{printglossary}
+the style when you display the glossary using \gls{printglossary}
(see below).
The \meta{old style list} optional argument can be converted to
-\meta{new style} using the same mapping given in
+\meta{new-style} using the same mapping given in
For example, if your document contains the following:
-\newcommand{\notationname}{Index of Notation}
+\cmd{newcommand}\marg{\cmd{notationname}}\marg{Index of Notation}
You will need to replace the above two lines with:
-\newglossary[nlg]{notation}{not}{ntn}{Index of Notation}
-in the preamble and
-immediately prior to displaying this glossary. Alternatively, you
-can specify the style using the \csopt{printglossary}{style} key in
-the optional argument of \ics{printglossary}. For example:
+\gls{newglossary}\oarg{nlg}\marg{notation}\marg{not}\marg{ntn}\marg{Index of Notation}
+in the preamble and set the style to \glostyle{longheader} with
+prior to displaying this glossary. Alternatively, you
+can specify the style using \opt{style} package option (which makes
+it the default style) or the \printglossopt{style} key in
+the optional argument of \gls{printglossary}. For example:
Note that the glossary title is no longer specified using
-\cs{}\meta{glossary-type}\texttt{name} (except for \ics{glossaryname}
-and \ics{acronymname}) but is instead specified in the \meta{title}
-argument of \ics{newglossary}. The short title which is specified in
+\gls{glossary-typename} (except for \gls{glossaryname}
+and \gls{acronymname}) but is instead specified in the \meta{title}
+argument of \gls{newglossary}. The short title which is specified in
the \styfmt{glossary} package by the command
-\cs{short}\meta{glossary-name}\texttt{name} is now specified using
-the \csopt{printglossary}{toctitle} key in the optional argument to
+\gls{shortglossary-typename} is now specified using
+the \printglossopt{toctitle} key in the optional argument to
-name}}{\textbackslash make...}}
-All instances of \cs{make}\meta{glossary name} (e.g.\
-\ics{makeglossary} and \ics{makeacronym}) should be replaced
-by the single command \ics{makeglossaries}. For example, if
+All instances of \gls{makeglossary-type} (e.g.\
+\gls{makeglossary} and \gls{makeacronym}) should be replaced
+by the single command \gls{makeglossaries}. For example, if
your document contained the following:
then you should replace both lines with the single line:
\section{Storing glossary information}
With the old \styfmt{glossary} package you could optionally store
glossary information for later use, or you could simply use
-\ics{glossary} whenever you wanted to add information to the glossary.
+\gls{glossary} whenever you wanted to add information to the glossary.
With the new \styfmt{glossaries} package, the latter option is no longer
-available.\footnote{mainly because having a key value list in
-\ics{glossary} caused problems, but it also helps consistency.} If
+available. (This is mainly because having a key value list in
+\gls{glossary} caused problems, but it also helps consistency.) If
you have stored all the glossary information using
-\ics{storeglosentry}, then you will need to convert these commands
-into the equivalent \ics{newglossaryentry}. If you have only
-used \ics{glossary}, then see \sectionref{sec:csglossary}.
+\gls{storeglosentry}, then you will need to convert these commands
+into the equivalent \gls{newglossaryentry}. If you have only
+used \gls{glossary}, then see \sectionref{sec:csglossary}.
Substitute all instances of
This should be fairly easy to do using the search and replace
facility in your editor (but see notes below).
-If you have used the optional argument of \ics{storeglosentry}
+If you have used the optional argument of \gls{storeglosentry}
(i.e.\ you have multiple glossaries) then you will need to
-The glossary entry information \meta{gls-entry} may also need
-changing. If \meta{gls-entry} contains any of \app{makeindex}'s
-special characters (i.e.\ \texttt{@} \texttt{!} \verb|"| or
-\verb"|") then they should no longer be escaped with \verb'"'
+The glossary entry information \keyvallist\ may also need
+changing. If \keyvallist\ contains any of \app{makeindex}['s]
+special characters (i.e.\ \idx{at} \idx{excl} \idx{dblquote} or
+\idx{vbar}) then they should no longer be escaped with \idx{dblquote}
since the \styfmt{glossaries} package deals with these characters
internally. For example, if your document contains the following:
-description={The cardinality of the set $\mathcal{S}$}}
+\storegloskeyval{description}{The cardinality of the set \$\cmd{mathcal}\marg{S}\$}}
then you will need to replace it with:
-description={The cardinality of the set $\mathcal{S}$}}
+\gloskeyval{description}{The cardinality of the set \$\cmd{mathcal}\marg{S}\$}}
+The \storegloskey{number} key available in \gls{storeglosentry}
+should be replaced with the \gloskey{counter} key in
+\gls{newglossaryentry}. The \storegloskey{sort} key in \gls{storeglosentry}
+is also called \gloskey{sort} in \gls{newglossaryentry}.
-The \csopt{storeglosentry}{format} and
-\csopt{storeglosentry}{number} keys available in \ics{storeglosentry}
-are not available with \ics{newglossaryentry}.
+The \gls{storeglosentry} \storegloskey{format} key doesn't have a
+counterpart in \gls{newglossaryentry}. You can, however, specify the
+format in the optional argument of commands like \gls{gls} or
+\gls{glsadd} or you can change the default format by redefining
\section{Adding an entry to the glossary}
The \styfmt{glossary} package provided two basic means to add
information to the glossary: firstly, the term was defined
-using \ics{storeglosentry} and the entries for that term were
-added using \ics{useglosentry}, \ics{useGlosentry} and \ics{gls}.
-Secondly, the term was added to the glossary using \ics{glossary}.
+using \gls{storeglosentry} and the entries for that term were
+added using \gls{useglosentry}, \gls{useGlosentry} and \gls{gls}.
+Secondly, the term was added to the glossary using \gls{glossary}.
This second approach is unavailable with the \styfmt{glossaries}
+package, since all entries must be defined before they can be
The \styfmt{glossary} package allows you to add information to the
glossary for a predefined term without producing any text in the
document using
-\ics{useglosentry}\oarg{old options}\marg{label}
Any occurrences of this command will need to be replaced with
-\ics{glsadd}\oarg{new options}\marg{label}
-The \csopt{useglosentry}{format} key in \meta{old options} remains
-the same in \meta{new options}. However the
-\csopt{useglosentry}{number}\texttt{=}\meta{counter name} key in
+The \useglsopt{format} key in \meta{old options} is also called
+\glsopt{format} in \meta{new options}. However the
+\optdefsyntax{}{useglsopt.number} key in
\meta{old options} should be replaced with
-\csopt{glsadd}{counter}\texttt{=}\meta{counter name} in \meta{new
+\optdefsyntax{}{glsopt.counter} in \meta{new options}.
The \styfmt{glossary} package allows you to add information to the
glossary for a predefined term with the given text using
-\ics{useGlosentry}\oarg{old options}\marg{label}\marg{text}
Any occurrences of this command will need to be replaced with
-\ics{glslink}\oarg{new options}\marg{label}\marg{text}
The mapping from \meta{old options} to \meta{new options} is
the same as that given \sectionref{sec:useglosentry}.
-\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\cs{gls}}{\textbackslash gls}}
-Both the \styfmt{glossary} and the \styfmt{glossaries} packages define
-the command \ics{gls}. In this case, the only thing you need to
-change is the \csopt{gls}{number} key in the optional argument
-to \csopt{gls}{counter}. Note that the new form of \ics{gls} also takes
-a final optional argument which can be used to insert text into the
-automatically generated text.
-\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\cs{glossary}}{\textbackslash glossary}}
+The \styfmt{glossary} defines:
+The \styfmt{glossaries} package defines a command with the same
+name, but be aware that it has a final optional argument:
+In this case, the only thing you need to
+change is the \useglsopt{number} key in the optional argument
+to \glsopt{counter}. The \meta{insert} optional argument in the
+new form of \gls{gls} can be used to insert text into the
+automatically generated text, which will put it inside the hyperlink
+(if hyperlinks are supported).
When using the \styfmt{glossaries} package, you should not use
-\ics{glossary} directly.\footnote{This is because \ics{glossary}
-requires the argument to be in a specific format and doesn't use the
-\meta{key}=\meta{value} format that the old glossary package used.
-The new package's internal commands set this format, as well as
+\gls{glossary}. This is because the appropriate indexing syntax (including
escaping any of \app{makeindex}'s or \app{xindy}'s special
-characters. What's more, the format has changed as from v1.17 to
-allow the new package to be used with either \app{makeindex} or
-\app{xindy}.} If, with the old package, you have opted to
-explicitly use \ics{glossary} instead of storing the glossary
-information with \ics{storeglosentry}, then converting from
+characters) is generated when the entry is defined. This reduces
+overall complexity as it no longer needs to be performed every time
+an entry is indexed. By placing the glossary definitions within the
+preamble, it also reduces the chance that the indexing special
+character may have their category code changed, which can cause
+If, with the old package, you have opted to
+explicitly use \gls{glossary} instead of storing the glossary
+information with \gls{storeglosentry}, then converting from
\styfmt{glossary} to \styfmt{glossaries} will be more time-consuming,
-although in the end, I hope you will see the benefits.\footnote{From
-the user's point of view, using \ics{glossary} throughout the
+although in the end, I hope you will see the benefits. From
+the user's point of view, using \gls{glossary} throughout the
document is time consuming, and if you use it more than once for the
same term, there's a chance extra spaces may creep in which will
cause \app{makeindex} to treat the two entries as different
-terms, even though they look the same in the document.} If you have
-used \ics{glossary} with the old glossary package, you will instead
+terms, even though they look the same in the document. If you have
+used \gls{glossary} with the old glossary package, you will instead
need to define the relevant glossary terms using
-\ics{newglossaryentry} and reference the terms using
-\ics{glsadd}, \ics{glslink}, \ics{gls} etc.
+\gls{newglossaryentry} and reference the terms using
+\gls{glsadd}, \gls{glslink}, \gls{gls} etc.
If you don't like the idea of continually scrolling back to the
-preamble to type all your \ics{newglossaryentry} commands, you may
+preamble to type all your \gls{newglossaryentry} commands, you may
prefer to create a new file, in which to store all these commands,
and then input that file in your document's preamble. Most text
editors and front-ends allow you to have multiple files open, and
@@ -377,158 +735,158 @@ you can tab back and forth between them.
In the \styfmt{glossary} package, acronyms were treated differently
to glossary entries. This resulted in inconsistencies and sprawling
unmaintainable code. The new \styfmt{glossaries} package treats
-acronyms in exactly the same way as normal glossary terms. In fact,
-in the \styfmt{glossaries} package, the default definition of:
+acronyms in exactly the same way as normal glossary terms.
+Both packages provide \csfmt{newacronym}, but the syntax is
+different. With the \styfmt{glossary} package, the syntax is:
+With the \styfmt{glossaries} package, the default definition of:
is a shortcut for:
-first=\{\meta{long} (\meta{abbrv})\},
-firstplural=\{\meta{long}s (\meta{abbrv}s)\},
+\gloskeyval{first}{\meta{long} (\meta{abbrv})},
+\gloskeyval{firstplural}{\meta{long}s (\meta{abbrv}s)},
+(Note that this shortcut default is an older method of defining
+acronyms. If you use \gls{setacronymstyle} introduced to
+\styfmt{glossaries} v4.02, then a more flexible method is adopted.)
This is different to the \styfmt{glossary} package which set the
-\csopt{newglossaryentry}{name} key to \meta{long} (\meta{abbrv}) and
+\storegloskey{name} key to \meta{long} (\meta{abbrv}) and
allowed you to set a description using the
-\csopt{newglossaryentry}{description} key. If you still want to do
+\storegloskey{description} key. If you still want to do
this, you can use one of the description styles, such as
\acrstyle{long-short-desc}, and use
-the \csopt{newglossaryentry}{description} key in the optional
-argument of \ics{newacronym}.
+the \gloskey{description} key in the optional
+argument of \gls{newacronym}.
For example, if your document originally had the following:
-\newacronym{SVM}{Support Vector Machine}{description=Statistical
-pattern recognition technique}
+\gls{oldnewacronym}\marg{SVM}\marg{Support Vector Machine}\marg{\storegloskeyval{description}{Statistical
+pattern recognition technique}}
Then you would need to first set the style:
and change the acronym definition to:
-\newacronym[description=Statistical pattern recognition
-technique]{svm}{SVM}{Support Vector Machine}
+\gls{newacronym}\oarg{\gloskeyval{description}{Statistical pattern recognition
+technique}}\marg{svm}\marg{SVM}\marg{Support Vector Machine}
You can then reference the acronym using any of the new referencing
-commands, such as \ics{gls} or \ics{glsadd}.
+commands, such as \gls{gls} or \gls{glsadd}.
With the old \styfmt{glossary} package, when you defined an
-acronym, it also defined a command \cs{}\meta{acr-name} which
+acronym, it also defined a command \gls{acr-name} which
could be used to display the acronym in the text. So the
-above SVM example would create the command \cs{SVM} with the old
+above SVM example would create the command \csfmt{SVM} with the old
package. In the new \styfmt{glossaries} package, the acronyms are just
another type of glossary entry, so they are displayed using
-\ics{gls}\marg{label}. Therefore, in the above example, you will
-also need to replace all occurrences of \cs{SVM} with
+\code{\gls{gls}\margm{label}}. Therefore, in the above example, you will
+also need to replace all occurrences of \csfmt{SVM} with
-If you have used \ics{useacronym} instead of \cs{}\meta{acr-name},
+If you have used \gls{useacronym} instead of \gls{acr-name},
then you will need to replace all occurrences of
-Note that the starred versions of \ics{useacronym} and
-\cs{}\meta{acr-name} (which make the first letter uppercase) should
-be replaced with \ics{Gls}\marg{label}.
+Note that the starred versions of \gls{useacronym} and
+\gls{acr-name} (which make the first letter uppercase) should
+be replaced with \code{\gls{Gls}\margm{label}}.
Alternatively (as from v1.18 of the \styfmt{glossaries} package),
-you can use \ics{oldacronym} which uses the same syntax as
-the old \styfmt{glossary} package's \ics{newacronym} and also
-defines \cs{}\meta{acr-name}.
+you can use \gls{oldacronym} which uses the same syntax as
+the old \styfmt{glossary} package's \gls{oldnewacronym} and also
+defines \gls{acr-name}.
For example, if your document originally had the following:
-\newacronym{SVM}{Support Vector Machine}{description=Statistical
-pattern recognition technique}
+\gls{oldnewacronym}\marg{SVM}\marg{Support Vector Machine}\marg{\storegloskeyval{description}{Statistical
+pattern recognition technique}}
then you can change this to:
-\oldacronym{SVM}{Support Vector Machine}{description=Statistical
-pattern recognition technique}
+\gls{oldacronym}\marg{SVM}\marg{Support Vector Machine}\marg{\gloskeyval{description}{Statistical
+pattern recognition technique}}
-You can then continue to use \cs{SVM}\@. However, remember that
+You can then continue to use \csfmt{SVM}\@. However, remember that
\LaTeX\ generally ignores spaces after command names that consist of
alphabetical characters. You will therefore need to force a space
-after \cs{}\meta{acr-name}, unless you also load the \styfmt{xspace}
-package. (See
-of the \styfmt{glossaries} documentation for further
-details.) Note that \ics{oldacronym} uses its first argument to
-define the acronym's label (as used by commands like \ics{gls}), so
-in the above example, with the new \styfmt{glossaries} package,
-\cs{SVM} becomes a shortcut for \verb|\gls{SVM}| and \cs{SVM*}
-becomes a shortcut for \verb|\Gls{SVM}|.
-\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\cs{acrln} and
-\cs{acrsh}}{\textbackslash acrln and \textbackslash acrsh}}
+after \gls{acr-name}, unless you also load the \sty{xspace} package.
+(See the \qt{Acronyms} of the \styfmt{glossaries} documentation for
+further details.) Note that \gls{oldacronym} uses its first argument
+to define the acronym's label (as used by commands like \gls{gls}),
+so in the above example, with the new \styfmt{glossaries} package,
+\csfmt{SVM} becomes a shortcut for \code{\gls{gls}\marg{SVM}} and
+\csfmt{SVM*} becomes a shortcut for \code{\gls{Gls}\marg{SVM}}.
+\subsection{\glsfmttext{acrln} and \glsfmttext{acrsh}}
In the \styfmt{glossary} package, it is possible to produce the
long and short forms of an acronym without adding an entry to
-the glossary using \ics{acrln} and \ics{acrsh}. With the
+the glossary using \gls{acrln} and \gls{acrsh}. With the
\styfmt{glossaries} package (provided you defined the acronym using
-\ics{newacronym} or \ics{oldacronym} and provided you haven't
-redefined \ics{newacronym})
+\gls{newacronym} or \gls{oldacronym} and provided you haven't
+redefined \gls{newacronym})
you can replace
and you can replace
The \styfmt{glossaries} package also provides the related commands
-\ics{acrshortpl} (plural short form) and \ics{acrlongpl} (plural long
+\gls{acrshortpl} (plural short form) and \gls{acrlongpl} (plural long
form) as well as upper case variations. If you use the
\styfmt{glossaries} \qt{shortcuts} package option, you can use
-\ics{acs} in place of \ics{acrshort} and \ics{acl} in place of
+\gls{acs} in place of \gls{acrshort} and \gls{acl} in place of
+See the \qt{Acronyms}
of the \styfmt{glossaries} manual for further details of
how to use these commands.
The \styfmt{glossary} package command
can be replaced by the \styfmt{glossaries} command:
-Note that \ics{ifglsused} evaluates the opposite condition to
-that of \ics{ifacronymfirstuse} which is why the last two arguments
+Note that \gls{ifglsused} evaluates the opposite condition to
+that of \gls{ifacronymfirstuse} which is why the last two arguments
have been reversed.
-\subsection{\texorpdfstring{\cs{resetacronym} and
-\cs{unsetacronym}}{\textbackslash resetacronym and \textbackslash
+\subsection{\glsfmttext{resetacronym} and \glsfmttext{unsetacronym}}
The \styfmt{glossary} package allows you to reset and unset the
acronym flag which is used to determine whether the acronym has
@@ -536,108 +894,110 @@ been used in the document. The \styfmt{glossaries} package also
provides a means to do this on either a local or a global level.
To reset an acronym, you will need to replace:
with either
To unset an acronym, you will need to replace:
with either
To reset all acronyms, you will need to replace:
To unset all acronyms, you will need to replace:
\section{Displaying the glossary}
-The \styfmt{glossary} package provides the command \ics{printglossary}
-(or \cs{print}\meta{type} for other glossary types) which
+The \styfmt{glossary} package provides the command \gls{oldprintglossary}
+(or \gls{printtype} for other glossary types) which
can be used to print individual glossaries. The \styfmt{glossaries}
-package provides the command \ics{printglossaries} which
+package provides the command \gls{printglossaries} which
will print all the glossaries which have been defined, or
-\ics{printglossary}\oarg{options} to print individual glossaries.
-So if you just have \ics{printglossary}, then you can leave it as
+\cmddefsyntax{}{printglossary} to print individual glossaries.
+So if you just have \gls{oldprintglossary}, then you can leave it as
it is, but if you have, say:
then you will need to replace this with either
The \styfmt{glossary} package allows you to specify a short title
(for the table of contents and page header) by defining a command of
-the form \cs{short}\meta{glossary-type}\texttt{name}. The
+the form \gls{shortglossary-typename}. The
\styfmt{glossaries} package doesn't do this, but instead provides
-the \csopt{printglossary}{toctitle} key which can be used in the
-optional argument to \ics{printglossary}. For example, if you have
-created a new glossary type called \texttt{notation}, and you had
+the \printglossopt{toctitle} key which can be used in the
+optional argument to \gls{printglossary}. For example, if you have
+created a new glossary type called \code{notation}, and you had
-then you would need to use the \csopt{printglossary}{toctitle} key:
-The \styfmt{glossaries} package will ignore \ics{shortnotationname},
+then you would need to use the \printglossopt{toctitle} key:
+The \styfmt{glossaries} package will ignore \csfmt{shortnotationname},
so unless you have used it elsewhere in the document, you may as
well remove the definition.
\section{Processing Your Document}
If you convert your document from using the \styfmt{glossary} package
to the \styfmt{glossaries} package, you will need to delete any of
-the additional files, such as the \filetype{.glo} file, that were
+the additional files, such as the \ext+{glo} file, that were
created by the \styfmt{glossary} package, as the \styfmt{glossaries}
package uses a different format.
Remember also, that if you used the \app{makeglos} Perl script,
@@ -651,17 +1011,18 @@ non-English documents. If you use the extension package,
\app{bib2gls} instead (which also provides multilingual support).
For further information on using \app{makeglossaries},
-\app{makeindex} or \app{xindy} to create your glossaries, see
-\xrsectionref{sec:makeglossaries}{glossaries-user}{Generating the
-Associated Glossary Files}
-of the \styfmt{glossaries} documentation.
+\app{makeindex} or \app{xindy} to create your glossaries, see the
+\qt{Generating the Associated Glossary Files} section of the
+\styfmt{glossaries} documentation.
-Please check the \urlfootref{}{FAQ}
+Please check the \dickimawhref{faqs/glossariesfaq.html}{FAQ}
for the \styfmt{glossaries} package if you have any