path: root/macros/latex/contrib/emo/config/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/emo/config/')
1 files changed, 1141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/emo/config/ b/macros/latex/contrib/emo/config/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..302cd8a4d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/emo/config/
@@ -0,0 +1,1141 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Check Python version.
+import sys
+if sys.version_info < (3,7):
+ print('While avoids recent Python features to maximize compatibility,')
+ print('it does require 3.7 or later. Please upgrade your Python.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# (C) Copyright 2023 by Robert Grimm, released under the Apache 2.0 license
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter
+from dataclasses import dataclass, field
+from datetime import datetime
+from enum import Enum
+from itertools import chain
+import json
+import os
+from pathlib import Path
+import re
+import shutil
+import subprocess
+from typing import (
+ Any, Dict, Iterable, KeysView, List, Mapping,
+ NoReturn, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union
+from urllib.request import urlopen
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Provide a simple console logger
+class Logger:
+ def __init__(self, out: TextIO = sys.stderr) -> None:
+ self._out = out
+ self._first_header = True
+ def sgr(self, open: str, text: str, close: str) -> str:
+ if self._out.isatty():
+ return f'\x1b[{open}m{text}\x1b[{close}m'
+ return text
+ def pln(self, text: str = '') -> None:
+ print(text, file=self._out)
+ def header(self, text: str) -> None:
+ if self._first_header:
+ self._first_header = False
+ else:
+ self.pln()
+ self.pln(self.sgr('1', text, '0'))
+ def detail(self, text: str) -> None:
+ self.pln(f' {text}')
+ def error(self, text: str) -> None:
+ self.pln(self.sgr('1;31', f'ERROR: {text}', '0;39'))
+ def warning(self, text: str) -> None:
+ self.pln(self.sgr('1;38;5;208', f'WARNING: {text}', '0;39'))
+ def info(self, text: str) -> None:
+ self.pln(self.sgr('1;34', f'INFO: {text}', '0;39'))
+logger = Logger()
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Build a self-contained `demo.html`
+STYLE_LINK = re.compile(
+ f'<link rel="stylesheet" href="(?P<sheet>[^"]+)" type="text/css">'
+def make_demo():
+ # Write extra styles to file.
+'Writing auxiliary style sheet "demo.css"')
+ with open('demo.css', mode='w', encoding='utf8') as file:
+ file.write("""
+:root {
+ font-size: 300%;
+ """)
+ # Convert to HTML and read in result.
+'Converting LaTeX source in "demo.tex" to HTML in "demo.tmp.html"')
+ 'latexmlc',
+ '--css=demo.css',
+ '--destination=demo.tmp.html',
+ 'demo.tex']
+ )
+ with open('demo.tmp.html', mode='r', encoding='utf8') as file:
+ content =
+ # Find all links to style sheets and replace them with CSS content.
+ style_sheets = []
+ fragments = []
+ last_index = 0
+ for link in STYLE_LINK.finditer(content):
+ fragments.append(content[last_index:link.start()])
+ style_sheet ='sheet')
+ style_sheets.append(style_sheet)
+'Loading style sheet "{style_sheet}"')
+ with open(style_sheet, mode='r', encoding='utf8') as file:
+ css =
+ if not css.startswith('\n'):
+ css = f'\n{css}'
+ fragments.append(f'<style>{css}</style>')
+ last_index = link.end()
+ fragments.append(content[last_index:])
+ # Write result and clean up.
+'Writing self-contained HTML document "demo.html"')
+ with open('demo.html', mode='w', encoding='utf8') as file:
+ for fragment in fragments:
+ file.write(fragment)
+ os.unlink('demo.tmp.html')
+ for style_sheet in style_sheets:
+ os.unlink(style_sheet)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Build an archive for release
+ 'emo.def',
+ 'emo.dtx',
+ 'emo.pdf',
+ 'emo-lingchi.ttf',
+ '',
+ 'config/',
+ 'config/emoji-test.txt'
+EMO_GRAPHICS = 'emo-graphics'
+EMO_METADATA = re.compile(
+ r"""
+ ^[ ]{4}\[
+ (?P<date>\d{4}/\d{1,2}/\d{1,2})
+ [ ]
+ v(?P<version>\d+\.\d+)
+ [ ]
+ (?P<info>[^\]]+)
+ \]
+ """,
+def make_release() -> None:
+ # Determine repository root.
+ source = Path(__file__).parent.parent
+ # Determine package metadata.
+ metadata = / 'emo.dtx').read_text(encoding='utf8'))
+ if metadata is None:
+ raise ValueError(f'Package metadata missing from "{source / "emo.dtx"}"')
+ version ='version')
+'Preparing release {version} for "{source}"')
+ # Make sure no archive exists.
+ archive = source / f'emo-{version}.zip'
+ if archive.exists():
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Archive file "{archive}" already exists, please move out of way.'
+ )
+ # Set up staging directory.
+ staging = source / 'emo'
+ if staging.exists():
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'Staging directory "{staging}" already exists, please move out of way.'
+ )
+'Creating staging directory "{staging}"')
+ staging.mkdir()
+ # Process all files belonging into release.
+ for path in chain(map(Path, EMO_FILES), source.glob('emo-graphics/emo-*.pdf')):
+ path = source / path
+ # To stage a file in the repository root, just copy it.
+ if path.parent == source:
+'Staging "{}"')
+ shutil.copy(path, staging)
+ continue
+ # To stage a file in a subdirectory, get relative path and, if necessary,
+ # recreate path in staging area. Then copy into that subdirectory.
+ nested_staging = staging / path.parent.relative_to(source)
+ if not nested_staging.exists():
+'Creating nested staging directory "{nested_staging}"')
+ nested_staging.mkdir(parents=True)
+'Staging "{path.relative_to(source)}"')
+ shutil.copy(path, nested_staging)
+ # Create archive.
+ shutil.make_archive(
+ str(archive.with_suffix('')),
+ 'zip',
+ root_dir=staging.parent,
+ )
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Normalize emoji names
+PUNCTUATION = re.compile(r"""["'’“”&!(),:]""")
+SEPARATORS = re.compile(r'[ _\-]+')
+# The list of name overrides.
+ 'a-button-blood-type': 'a-button',
+ 'ab-button-blood-type': 'ab-button',
+ 'b-button-blood-type': 'b-button',
+ 'o-button-blood-type': 'o-button',
+ 'bust-in-silhouette': 'bust',
+ 'busts-in-silhouette': 'busts',
+ 'flag-european-union': 'eu',
+ 'globe-showing-americas': 'globe-americas',
+ 'globe-showing-asia-australia': 'globe-asia-australia',
+ 'globe-showing-europe-africa': 'globe-africa-europe',
+ 'hear-no-evil-monkey': 'hear-no-evil',
+ 'index-pointing-at-the-viewer': 'index-pointing-at-viewer',
+ 'index-pointing-at-the-viewer-darkest': 'index-pointing-at-viewer-darkest',
+ 'index-pointing-at-the-viewer-darker': 'index-pointing-at-viewer-darker',
+ 'index-pointing-at-the-viewer-medium': 'index-pointing-at-viewer-medium',
+ 'index-pointing-at-the-viewer-lighter': 'index-pointing-at-viewer-lighter',
+ 'index-pointing-at-the-viewer-lightest': 'index-pointing-at-viewer-lightest',
+ 'keycap-*': 'keycap-star',
+ 'keycap-#': 'keycap-hash',
+ 'keycap-0': 'keycap-zero',
+ 'keycap-1': 'keycap-one',
+ 'keycap-2': 'keycap-two',
+ 'keycap-3': 'keycap-three',
+ 'keycap-4': 'keycap-four',
+ 'keycap-5': 'keycap-five',
+ 'keycap-6': 'keycap-six',
+ 'keycap-7': 'keycap-seven',
+ 'keycap-8': 'keycap-eight',
+ 'keycap-9': 'keycap-nine',
+ 'keycap-10': 'keycap-ten',
+ 'magnifying-glass-tilted-left': 'loupe-left',
+ 'magnifying-glass-tilted-right': 'loupe-right',
+ 'palm-down-hand': 'palm-down',
+ 'palm-down-hand-darkest': 'palm-down-darkest',
+ 'palm-down-hand-darker': 'palm-down-darker',
+ 'palm-down-hand-medium': 'palm-down-medium',
+ 'palm-down-hand-lighter': 'palm-down-lighter',
+ 'palm-down-hand-lightest': 'palm-down-lightest',
+ 'palm-up-hand': 'palm-up',
+ 'palm-up-hand-darkest': 'palm-up-darkest',
+ 'palm-up-hand-darker': 'palm-up-darker',
+ 'palm-up-hand-medium': 'palm-up-medium',
+ 'palm-up-hand-lighter': 'palm-up-lighter',
+ 'palm-up-hand-lightest': 'palm-up-lightest',
+ 'rolling-on-the-floor-laughing': 'rofl',
+ 'see-no-evil-monkey': 'see-no-evil',
+ 'speak-no-evil-monkey': 'speak-no-evil',
+def to_name(value: str) -> str:
+ """Turn the given string as an emoji name."""
+ name = value.lower()
+ name = PUNCTUATION.sub('', name)
+ name = SEPARATORS.sub('-', name)
+ # Use simpler skin tone indicators. Do not reorder.
+ name = name.replace('medium-dark-skin-tone', 'darker')
+ name = name.replace('medium-light-skin-tone', 'lighter')
+ name = name.replace('medium-skin-tone', 'medium')
+ name = name.replace('dark-skin-tone', 'darkest')
+ name = name.replace('light-skin-tone', 'lightest')
+ return RENAMING.get(name, name)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Handle emoji codepoints
+def to_codepoint(cp: Union[int, str]) -> int:
+ if isinstance(cp, int):
+ return cp
+ if cp.startswith(('0x', 'U+')):
+ cp = cp[2:]
+ return int(cp, base=16)
+def to_codepoints(value: Union[str, Iterable[Union[int,str]]]) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ return tuple(ord(c) for c in value)
+ return tuple(to_codepoint(cp) for cp in value)
+def is_regional_indicator(cp: int) -> bool:
+def regional_indicator_to_letter(cp: int) -> str:
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Normalize emoji group and subgroup names
+AMPERSAND = re.compile('[ ]*&[ ]*')
+ 'animals': 'animals-and-nature',
+ 'body': 'people-and-body',
+ 'drink': 'food-and-drink',
+ 'emotion': 'smileys-and-emotion',
+ 'food': 'food-and-drink',
+ 'nature': 'animals-and-nature',
+ 'people': 'people-and-body',
+ 'places': 'travel-and-places',
+ 'smileys': 'smileys-and-emotion',
+ 'travel': 'travel-and-places',
+def to_group(group: str) -> str:
+ group = group.lower()
+ group = SHORT_GROUPS.get(group, group)
+ return AMPERSAND.sub('-and-', group)
+def to_subgroup(subgroup: str) -> str:
+ subgroup = subgroup.lower()
+ return AMPERSAND.sub('-and-', subgroup)
+def to_group_subgroup(group: str, subgroup: str) -> Tuple[str, str]:
+ return to_group(group), to_subgroup(subgroup)
+def is_subgroup_selector(identifier: str) -> bool:
+ return '::' in identifier
+def split_subgroup_selector(identifier: str) -> List[str]:
+ return identifier.lower().split('::')
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Define emoji status
+class Status(str, Enum):
+ COMPONENT = 'component'
+ FULLY_QUALIFIED = 'fully-qualified'
+ MINIMALLY_QUALIFIED = 'minimally-qualified'
+ UNQUALIFIED = 'unqualified'
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Define emoji descriptor
+@dataclass(frozen=True, order=True)
+class Emoji:
+ """Representation of an emoji. The status is optional to allow for quick hacks."""
+ name: str = field(compare=False)
+ codepoints: Tuple[int,...]
+ display: str = field(init=False, compare=False)
+ status: Optional[Status] = field(default=None, compare=False)
+ version: Optional[float] = field(default=None, compare=False)
+ def __post_init__(self) -> None:
+ display = ''.join(map(lambda cp: chr(cp), self.codepoints))
+ object.__setattr__(self, 'display', display)
+ @classmethod
+ def of(
+ cls,
+ name: str,
+ value: Union[str, Iterable[Union[int,str]]],
+ status: Union[str, Status, None] = None,
+ version: Union[str, float, None] = None,
+ ) -> 'Emoji':
+ if status is not None and not isinstance(status, Status):
+ status = Status(status)
+ if isinstance(version, str):
+ version = float(version)
+ return Emoji(to_name(name), to_codepoints(value), status, version)
+ def __str__(self) -> str:
+ return self.display
+ def __repr__(self) -> str:
+ if self.status is None:
+ return f'Emoji.of("{}", "{self.display}")'
+ else:
+ return f'Emoji.of("{}", "{self.display}", "{self.status.value}")'
+ @property
+ def has_compound_name(self) -> bool:
+ return '-' in
+ @property
+ def is_regional_flag(self) -> bool:
+ return (
+ len(self.codepoints) == 2 and
+ all(is_regional_indicator(cp) for cp in self.codepoints)
+ )
+ @property
+ def is_component(self) -> bool:
+ return self.status is Status.COMPONENT
+ @property
+ def is_fully_qualified(self) -> bool:
+ return self.status is Status.FULLY_QUALIFIED
+ @property
+ def unicode(self) -> str:
+ return ' '.join(f'U+{cp:04X}' for cp in self.codepoints)
+ @property
+ def latex_chars(self) -> str:
+ return ''.join(f'\char"{cp:04X}' for cp in self.codepoints)
+ @property
+ def svg_file(self) -> str:
+ # Emoji for national flags leverage the country's ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code.
+ if self.is_regional_flag:
+ return ''.join(
+ regional_indicator_to_letter(cp) for cp in self.codepoints
+ ) + '.svg'
+ # Skip Emoji presentation selector.
+ codepoints = '_'.join(f'{cp:04x}' for cp in self.codepoints if cp != 0xFE0F)
+ return f'emoji_u{codepoints}.svg'
+ @property
+ def svg_path(self) -> str:
+ if self.is_regional_flag:
+ return f'third_party/regional-flags/svg/{self.svg_file}'
+ return f'svg/{self.svg_file}'
+ @property
+ def pdf_file(self) -> str:
+ return f'emo-{}.pdf'
+ @property
+ def latex_table_entry(self) -> str:
+ if self.has_compound_name:
+ prefix = f'\expandafter\def\csname emo@emoji@{}\endcsname'
+ else:
+ prefix = f'\def\emo@emoji@{}'
+ return f'{prefix}{{{str(self)}}}'
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Parse Unicode TR-51's `emoji-test.txt`
+NameTable = Mapping[str, Emoji]
+CodepointTable = Mapping[Tuple[int, ...], Emoji]
+SubgroupTable = Mapping[str, Tuple[Emoji, ...]]
+GroupTable = Mapping[str, SubgroupTable]
+class RegistryParser:
+ """
+ Parser for the
+ `[emoji-test.txt](`
+ file accompanying [Unicode TR-51]( It
+ is the most complete listing of Unicode emoji sequences and names and
+ conveniently also organizes them into meaningful groups and subgroups. The
+ `run()` method returns two tables:
+ 1. The identifier table maps emoji names, emoji (fully qualified and
+ otherwise), and Unicode code sequences (fully qualified and otherwise)
+ to Emoji instances (fully qualified only).
+ 2. The group table maps group names to subgroup names to sequences of
+ Emoji instances. For group "component," those emoji have component
+ status. For all other groups, they are fully qualified.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, path: Union[str, Path]) -> None:
+ self._path: Union[str, Path] = path
+ self._lineno = 0
+ self._name_table: Dict[str, Emoji] = {}
+ self._codepoint_table: Dict[Tuple[int, ...], Emoji] = {}
+ self._group_table: Dict[str, Dict[str, Tuple[Emoji, ...]]] = {}
+ self._group_name: Optional[str] = None
+ self._group: Optional[Dict[str, Tuple[Emoji, ...]]] = None
+ self._subgroup_name: Optional[str] = None
+ self._subgroup: Optional[List[Emoji]] = None
+ def error(self, msg: str) -> NoReturn:
+ raise ValueError(f'{self._path}:{self._lineno}: {msg}')
+ GROUP_PREFIX = '# group: '
+ SUBGROUP_PREFIX = '# subgroup: '
+ EMOJI_DECLARATION = re.compile(r"""
+ ^
+ (?P<codepoints>[0-9A-F][0-9A-F ]+[0-9A-F])
+ [ ]+ [;] [ ]
+ (?P<status>component|fully-qualified|minimally-qualified|unqualified)
+ [ ]+ [#] [ ]
+ (?P<display>[^ ]+)
+ [ ]
+ [E](?P<version>[0-9.]+)
+ [ ]
+ (?P<name>.+)
+ $
+ """, re.X)
+ def parse_line(self, line: str) -> Union[Emoji, Tuple[str, str], None]:
+ line = line.strip()
+ # Group and subgroup are specified in comments.
+ if line.startswith(self.GROUP_PREFIX):
+ return 'group', to_group(line[len(self.GROUP_PREFIX):])
+ if line.startswith(self.SUBGROUP_PREFIX):
+ return 'subgroup', to_subgroup(line[len(self.SUBGROUP_PREFIX):])
+ if line == '' or line[0] == '#':
+ return None
+ match = self.EMOJI_DECLARATION.match(line)
+ if match is None:
+ self.error('neither empty, comment, or emoji')
+ return Emoji.of(
+ )
+ def enter_group(self, name: str) -> None:
+ assert self._subgroup_name is None
+ self._group_name = name
+ self._group = self._group_table.setdefault(name, {})
+ def enter_subgroup(self, name: str) -> None:
+ assert self._subgroup_name is None
+ if self._group is None:
+ self.error('subgroup without prior group declaration')
+ self._subgroup_name = name
+ self._subgroup = list(self._group[name]) if name in self._group else []
+ def maybe_exit_subgroup(self) -> None:
+ if self._subgroup_name is not None:
+ assert self._group is not None
+ assert self._subgroup is not None
+ self._group[self._subgroup_name] = tuple(self._subgroup)
+ self._subgroup_name = None
+ self._subgroup = None
+ def add_emoji(self, emoji: Emoji) -> None:
+ # There must be a group and subgroup.
+ if self._subgroup_name is None:
+ self.error('emoji without prior group and subgroup declaration')
+ # Only register emoji with new codepoints.
+ if emoji.codepoints in self._codepoint_table:
+ self.error(
+ f'duplicate emoji by codepoints {emoji.display} ({emoji.unicode})'
+ )
+ # Only register component and fully qualified emoji with new names.
+ if emoji.is_component and in self._name_table:
+ self.error(
+ 'duplicate declaration of component '
+ f'emoji by name {emoji.display} ({emoji.unicode})'
+ )
+ if emoji.is_fully_qualified and in self._name_table:
+ self.error(
+ 'duplicate declaration of fully qualified '
+ f'emoji by name {emoji.display} ({emoji.unicode})'
+ )
+ # Only the component group contains only component emoji.
+ if self._group_name == 'component' and not emoji.is_component:
+ self.error(
+ 'component group with non-component '
+ f'emoji {emoji.display} ({emoji.unicode})'
+ )
+ if emoji.is_component and self._group_name != 'component':
+ self.error(
+ f'component emoji {emoji.display} ({emoji.unicode}) '
+ 'outside component group'
+ )
+ # Record all emoji by codepoints.
+ self._codepoint_table[emoji.codepoints] = emoji
+ # Record component and fully qualified emoji also by name and group/subgroup.
+ if emoji.is_component or emoji.is_fully_qualified:
+ self._name_table[] = emoji
+ assert self._subgroup is not None
+ self._subgroup.append(emoji)
+ def run(self) -> Tuple[NameTable, CodepointTable, GroupTable]:
+ assert self._lineno == 0
+ with open(self._path, mode='r', encoding='utf8') as file:
+ while True:
+ line = file.readline()
+ if line == '':
+ break
+ self._lineno += 1
+ item = self.parse_line(line[:-1])
+ if item is None:
+ continue
+ if isinstance(item, Emoji):
+ self.add_emoji(item)
+ continue
+ self.maybe_exit_subgroup()
+ grouping, name = item
+ if grouping == 'group':
+ self.enter_group(name)
+ else:
+ self.enter_subgroup(name)
+ self.maybe_exit_subgroup()
+ # Patch non-component identifiers to point to fully qualified emoji descriptors.
+ for identifier, emoji in self._codepoint_table.items():
+ if emoji.is_component or emoji.is_fully_qualified:
+ continue
+ fully_qualified_emoji = self._name_table.get(
+ if fully_qualified_emoji is None:
+ self.error(
+ f'no fully qualified emoji for {emoji.display} ({emoji.unicode})'
+ )
+ self._codepoint_table[identifier] = fully_qualified_emoji
+ return self._name_table, self._codepoint_table, self._group_table
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Maintain emoji registry
+class Registry:
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ name_table: NameTable,
+ codepoint_table: CodepointTable,
+ group_table: GroupTable
+ ) -> None:
+ """Create a new emoji registry. Use `from_file()` instead."""
+ self._name_table = name_table
+ self._codepoint_table = codepoint_table
+ self._group_table = group_table
+ @classmethod
+ def from_file(cls, path: Union[str, Path]) -> 'Registry':
+ """Instantiate a new registry instance from the given file."""
+ return Registry(*RegistryParser(path).run())
+ def emoji_names(self) -> KeysView[str]:
+ """Get the names of all registered emoji."""
+ return self._name_table.keys()
+ def lookup(self, identifier: Union[str, Tuple[int, ...]]) -> Optional[Emoji]:
+ """Look up an emoji by name or codepoints."""
+ if isinstance(identifier, str):
+ return self._name_table.get(identifier.lower())
+ return self._codepoint_table.get(identifier)
+ def is_group(self, group: str) -> bool:
+ """Determine if the group name is valid."""
+ return group in self._group_table
+ def is_subgroup(self, group: str, subgroup: str) -> bool:
+ """Determine if the subgroup name is valid. The group name must be valid."""
+ return subgroup in self._group_table[group]
+ def group_names(self) -> KeysView[str]:
+ """Get the names of all groups."""
+ return self._group_table.keys()
+ def subgroup_names(self, group: str) -> KeysView[str]:
+ """Get the names of all subgroups."""
+ return self._group_table[group].keys()
+ def subgroup(self, group: str, subgroup: str) -> Tuple[Emoji, ...]:
+ """Get the subgroup of the group."""
+ return self._group_table[group][subgroup]
+ def subgroup_from_selector(self, selector: str) -> Tuple[Emoji, ...]:
+ """Get the subgroup for the given `group::subgroup` selector."""
+ names = split_subgroup_selector(selector)
+ if len(names) != 2:
+ raise KeyError(f'selector "{selector}" does not combine two names')
+ group, subgroup = to_group_subgroup(*names)
+ if not self.is_group(group):
+ raise KeyError(f'selector "{selector}" names non-existent group')
+ if not self.is_subgroup(group, subgroup):
+ raise KeyError(f'selector "{selector}" names non-existent subgroup')
+ return self.subgroup(group, subgroup)
+ def select(self, *selectors: str) -> List[Emoji]:
+ """Get the emoji matching the given selectors."""
+ selection: List[Emoji] = list()
+ for selector in selectors:
+ # 'ALL' -- all emoji
+ if selector == 'ALL':
+ for group in self.group_names():
+ for subgroup in self.subgroup_names(group):
+ selection.extend(self.subgroup(group, subgroup))
+ continue
+ # group::subgroup -- all emoji in the subgroup
+ if is_subgroup_selector(selector):
+ selection.extend(self.subgroup_from_selector(selector))
+ continue
+ # name -- all emoji in the group, if it exists
+ group = to_group(selector)
+ if self.is_group(group):
+ for subgroup in self.subgroup_names(group):
+ selection.extend(self.subgroup(group, subgroup))
+ continue
+ # name -- the named emoji, if it exists
+ name = selector.lower()
+ if name in self._name_table:
+ selection.append(self._name_table[name])
+ continue
+ raise KeyError(f'selector "{selector}" names neither emoji nor group')
+ return selection
+ def dump(self, file: Optional[TextIO] = None) -> None:
+ """Dump the registry contents by groups and subgroups."""
+ if file is None:
+ file = sys.stdout
+ for group in self.group_names():
+ for subgroup in self.subgroup_names(group):
+ file.write(group)
+ file.write('∷')
+ file.write(subgroup)
+ file.write(' ≡ ')
+ file.write(''.join(e.display for e in self.subgroup(group, subgroup)))
+ file.write('\n')
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Download Noto emoji sources
+def is_valid_noto_emoji(noto_path: Path) -> bool:
+ if not noto_path.exists():
+ return False
+ if not noto_path.is_dir():
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'The Noto emoji path "{noto_path}" is not even a directory. '
+ 'Please move file out of the way or change path with --noto-emoji.'
+ )
+ entries = set( for entry in noto_path.iterdir())
+ if (
+ 'colrv1' in entries
+ and 'svg' in entries
+ and 'third_party' in entries
+ and 'emoji_aliases.txt' in entries
+ ):
+ return True
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'The Noto emoji path "{noto_path}" points to a directory without '
+ 'expected contents. Please move directory out of the way or change '
+ 'path with --noto-emoji'
+ )
+def ensure_local_noto_emoji(noto_path: Path, verbose: bool = False) -> None:
+ if is_valid_noto_emoji(noto_path):
+ if verbose:
+'Seemingly valid Noto emoji sources at "{noto_path}"')
+ return
+ noto_zip = noto_path.with_name('')
+ if not noto_zip.exists():
+ if verbose:
+'Downloading Noto emoji sources from "{NOTO_REPOSITORY}"')
+ with urlopen(NOTO_REPOSITORY) as response, open(noto_zip, mode='wb') as file:
+ shutil.copyfileobj(response, file)
+ # With archive representing main branch, it is unpacked into
+ # noto-emoji-main. We fix that after unpacking.
+ if verbose:
+'Unpacking Noto emoji sources into "{noto_path}"')
+ shutil.unpack_archive(noto_zip, noto_path.parent, 'zip')
+ noto_path.with_name('noto-emoji-main').rename(noto_path)
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Convert SVG to PDF
+def remove_page_group_object(document: dict) -> Optional[dict]:
+ """Remove the /Page /Group object from the document in qpdf's JSON format."""
+ objects = document['qpdf'][1]
+ def resolve(ref: str) -> Any:
+ key = ref if ref == 'trailer' else f'obj:{ref}'
+ if key not in objects:
+ raise KeyError(ref)
+ return objects[key]
+ def resolve_value(ref, type=None) -> Any:
+ o = resolve(ref)
+ if 'value' not in o:
+ raise ValueError(f'{ref} does not reference object')
+ v = o['value']
+ if type is not None and v.get('/Type') != type:
+ raise ValueError(
+ f'{ref} references object of type {v["/Type"]} not {type}'
+ )
+ return v
+ trailer = resolve_value('trailer')
+ root = resolve_value(trailer['/Root'], '/Catalog')
+ pages = resolve_value(root['/Pages'], '/Pages')['/Kids']
+ if len(pages) > 1:
+ raise ValueError(f'PDF has {len(pages)} pages instead of just one')
+ page = resolve_value(pages[0], '/Page')
+ if not '/Group' in page:
+ return None
+ del page['/Group']
+ return document
+def remove_page_group(path: Path) -> bool:
+ with open(path, mode='r', encoding='utf8') as file:
+ document = json.load(file)
+ document = remove_page_group_object(document)
+ if document is None:
+ return False
+ tmp = path.with_suffix('.patched.json')
+ with open(tmp, mode='w', encoding='utf8') as file:
+ json.dump(document, file)
+ tmp.replace(path)
+ return True
+def fix_pdf(qpdf: str, path: Path) -> None:
+ json_path = path.with_suffix('.json')
+[qpdf, str(path), '--json-output', str(json_path)], check=True)
+ changed = remove_page_group(json_path)
+ if not changed:
+ return
+ tmp = path.with_suffix('.patched.pdf')
+[qpdf, str(json_path), '--json-input', str(tmp)], check=True)
+ json_path.unlink()
+ tmp.replace(path)
+def convert_svg_to_pdf(rsvg_convert: str, source: Path, target: Path) -> None:
+[rsvg_convert, str(source), '-f', 'Pdf', '-o', str(target)], check=True)
+def which(tool: str) -> str:
+ path = shutil.which(tool)
+ if path is None:
+ raise FileNotFoundError(tool)
+ return path
+class Converter:
+ qpdf: str
+ rsvg_convert: str
+ source_dir: Path
+ target_dir: Path
+ @classmethod
+ def create(
+ cls,
+ source_dir: Union[Path, str],
+ target_dir: Union[Path, str],
+ ) -> 'Converter':
+ return cls(
+ qpdf = which('qpdf'),
+ rsvg_convert = which('rsvg-convert'),
+ source_dir = Path(source_dir),
+ target_dir = Path(target_dir),
+ )
+ def __call__(self, emoji: 'Emoji', verbose: bool = False) -> Path:
+ source = self.source_dir / emoji.svg_path
+ target = self.target_dir / emoji.pdf_file
+ if not target.exists():
+ if verbose:
+'Converting "{source}" to "{target}"')
+ convert_svg_to_pdf(self.rsvg_convert, source, target)
+ if verbose:
+'Fixing /Page /Group in "{target}"')
+ fix_pdf(self.qpdf, target)
+ return target
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Provide tool help and command line options
+Generate emoji table and PDF files for the given selectors. A selector may be a
+group name, a group and subgroup name with a double colon and no spaces between
+them, an emoji name, or `ALL` for all emoji. With some exceptions, an emoji's
+name is the emoji's Unicode name with punctuation stripped, spaces replaced by
+dashes, and skin tone modifiers simplified to `darkest`, `darker`, `medium`,
+`lighter`, and `lightest` (instead of `dark-skin-tone`, `medium-dark-skin-tone`,
+`medium-skin-tone`, `medium-light-skin-tone`, and `light-skin-tone`). If
+suitably named PDF files exist in the graphics directory, they are not recreated
+but included in the emoji table.
+def resolved_path(path: str) -> Path:
+ return Path(path).resolve()
+def create_parser() -> ArgumentParser:
+ parser = ArgumentParser(
+ description=DESCRIPTION,
+ formatter_class=ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--dry-run',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='do not write to file system'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '-v', '--verbose',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='enable verbose mode'
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--registry',
+ type=resolved_path,
+ default='config/emoji-test.txt',
+ metavar='PATH',
+ help='use path for file with Unicode emoji sequences',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--noto-emoji',
+ type=resolved_path,
+ default='noto-emoji',
+ metavar='PATH',
+ help='use path for directory with Noto color emoji sources',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--graphics',
+ type=resolved_path,
+ default='emo-graphics',
+ metavar='PATH',
+ help='use path for directory with generated PDF graphics',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--latex-table',
+ type=resolved_path,
+ default='emo.def',
+ metavar='PATH',
+ help='use path for file with LaTeX emoji table',
+ )
+ group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--show-group-names',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='show supported group, subgroup names and exit',
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--show-emoji-names',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='show supported emoji names and exit',
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--show-special-names',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='show map from (simplified) Unicode names to emoji names and exit'
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--show-names',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='show group, emoji, as well as special names and exit'
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ '--make-demo',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='make the demo document and exit',
+ )
+ group.add_argument(
+ '-r', '--make-release',
+ action='store_true',
+ help='make a release and exit',
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ 'selectors',
+ nargs='*',
+ help='names of emoji groups or emoji',
+ )
+ return parser
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Show group, emoji, and special names
+def show_names(registry: Registry, options: Any) -> bool:
+ showed_something = False
+ if options.show_group_names or options.show_names:
+ logger.header('Supported groups and subgroups:')
+ for group in registry.group_names():
+ for subgroup in registry.subgroup_names(group):
+ logger.detail(f'{group}::{subgroup}')
+ showed_something = True
+ if options.show_emoji_names or options.show_names:
+ logger.header('Supported emoji names:')
+ names = list(registry.emoji_names())
+ names.sort()
+ for name in names:
+ logger.detail(f'{name}')
+ showed_something = True
+ if options.show_special_names or options.show_names:
+ logger.header('Map from (simplified) Unicode to (special) emoji names:')
+ for unicode, selector in RENAMING.items():
+ logger.detail(f'{unicode:40s} ▶ {selector}')
+ showed_something = True
+ return showed_something
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Create emoji inventory
+SPECIAL_FILES = ('emo-lingchi.pdf', 'emo-YHWH.pdf')
+def create_inventory(registry: Registry, options: Any) -> List[Emoji]:
+ specials = list(SPECIAL_FILES)
+ inventory: List[Emoji] = []
+ if and
+ for entry in
+ if not entry.is_file() or not entry.match('emo-*.pdf'):
+ continue
+ specials.remove(
+ continue
+ emoji = registry.lookup(entry.stem[4:])
+ if emoji is not None:
+ inventory.append(emoji)
+ elif options.verbose:
+ logger.warning(f'"{}" does not depict an emoji')
+ if len(specials) == 1:
+ raise FileNotFoundError(f'PDF graphic "emo-graphics/{specials[0]}" is missing!')
+ elif len(specials) == 2:
+ raise FileNotFoundError(
+ f'PDF graphics "{specials[0]}" and "{specials[1]}" '
+ 'in "emo-graphics" are missing!'
+ )
+ return inventory
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Write emoji table
+def write_emoji_table(
+ requested_emoji: List[Emoji], existing_emoji: List[Emoji], options: Any
+) -> List[Emoji]:
+ all_emoji = list(set(requested_emoji) | set(existing_emoji))
+ all_emoji.sort()
+ tmp_table = options.latex_table.with_suffix('.latest.def')
+ if not options.dry_run:
+ with open(tmp_table, mode='w', encoding='utf8') as file:
+ today ='%Y-%m-%d')
+ file.write(f'\\ProvidesFile{{emo.def}}[{today}]\n')
+ for emoji in all_emoji:
+ file.write(emoji.latex_table_entry)
+ file.write('\n')
+ file.write("""
+\\def\\emo@emoji@YHWH{\\begingroup\\textdir TRT יהוה\\endgroup}
+ tmp_table.replace(options.latex_table)
+ return all_emoji
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Run this script
+def main() -> None:
+ try:
+ # Parse command line options.
+ options = create_parser().parse_args()
+ # Create release.
+ if (options.make_release or options.make_demo) and options.dry_run:
+ raise ValueError('Unable to dry run selected build function')
+ elif options.make_release:
+ make_release()
+ return
+ elif options.make_demo:
+ make_demo()
+ return
+ # Populate registry, maybe list names.
+ registry = Registry.from_file(options.registry)
+ if show_names(registry, options):
+ return
+ # Determine requested emoji.
+ requested_emoji =*options.selectors)
+ # Ensure directory for PDF graphics exists and create converter.
+ if not options.dry_run:
+, exist_ok=True)
+ convert = Converter.create(options.noto_emoji,
+ # Create inventory of existing emoji.
+ existing_emoji = create_inventory(registry, options)
+ # Download Noto emoji sources if they haven't been before.
+ if not options.dry_run:
+ ensure_local_noto_emoji(options.noto_emoji, options.verbose)
+ # Convert requested emoji, which does not recreate existing emoji.
+ if not options.dry_run:
+ for emoji in requested_emoji:
+ convert(emoji, options.verbose)
+ # Write the emoji table for all emoji.
+ all_emoji = write_emoji_table(requested_emoji, existing_emoji, options)
+ if options.verbose:
+'Supported emoji: ' + ' '.join(e.display for e in all_emoji))
+ except Exception as x:
+ logger.error(str(x))
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()