path: root/macros/latex/contrib/drawstack/drawstack.sty
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/drawstack/drawstack.sty')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/drawstack/drawstack.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/drawstack/drawstack.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b05e81ebb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/drawstack/drawstack.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ %% drawstack.sty
+ %% Copyright 2010 Matthieu Moy <>
+ %
+ % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+ % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+ % of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+ % The latest version of this license is in
+ %
+ % and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+ % version 2005/12/01 or later.
+ %
+ % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+ %
+ % The Current Maintainer of this work is M. Matthieu Moy.
+ %
+ % This work consists of the files drawstack.sty and the example file
+ % stack-example.tex.
+\ProvidesPackage{drawstack}[2010/08/06 Draw Execution Stack in LaTeX]
+% Default styles definition.
+ \tikzstyle{freecell}=[fill=white!95!black,draw=black]
+ \tikzstyle{freestruct}=[fill=white!93!black,draw=black]
+ \tikzstyle{occupiedcell}=[fill=white!60!black,draw=black]
+ \tikzstyle{padding}=[fill=white!90!black!10,draw=black]
+ \tikzstyle{highlight}=[draw=black,text=black]
+\pgfdeclarelayer{background layer}
+\pgfdeclarelayer{foreground layer}
+\pgfsetlayers{background layer,main,foreground layer}
+\usetikzlibrary{shapes} % ellipse
+\usetikzlibrary{snakes} % braces
+ \addtocounter{cellnb}{-#1}
+ \setcounter{ptrnb}{0}
+ \draw[#2] (0,\value{cellnb}) +(-2,-.5) rectangle +(2,-.5+#1);
+ \draw (0,\value{cellnb}+#1/2-0.5) node(currentcell) {#3};
+ \llcell{#1}{freecell}{#2}
+ \foreach \c in {2,...,#1} {
+ \draw[freecell]
+ (-2,\value{cellnb}+\c-1.5) -- (-1.7,\value{cellnb}+\c-1.5);
+ \draw[freecell]
+ (1.7,\value{cellnb}+\c-1.5) -- (2,\value{cellnb}+\c-1.5);
+ }
+\newcommand{\separator}[1][freecell,very thick]{
+ \draw[#1] (0,\value{cellnb}) +(-2,-.5) -- +(2,-.5);
+% Pointer to the next cell, useful if the next cell has size != 0.
+ \draw[<-,line width=0.7pt] (0,\value{cellnb}-1) +(2,\value{ptrnb}*0.1) -- +(2.5,\value{ptrnb}*0.45);
+ \draw (2.5,\value{ptrnb}*0.5+\value{cellnb}-1) node[anchor=west] {#1};
+ \addtocounter{ptrnb}{1}
+ \draw[<-,line width=0.7pt] (0,\value{cellnb}) +(2,\value{ptrnb}*0.1) -- +(2.5,\value{ptrnb}*0.45);
+ \draw (2.5,\value{ptrnb}*0.5+\value{cellnb}) node[anchor=west] {#1};
+ \addtocounter{ptrnb}{1}
+% like cellptr, but without the arrow
+ \draw (2.4,\value{ptrnb}*0.5+\value{cellnb}) node[anchor=west] {#1};
+ \addtocounter{ptrnb}{1}
+% like cellcom, but on the left hand side
+ \draw (-2,\value{ptrnb}*0.5+\value{cellnb}) node[anchor=east] {#1};
+ \addtocounter{ptrnb}{1}
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{foreground layer}
+ \draw[highlight] (0,\value{cellnb})
+ node[shape=ellipse,draw, minimum width=3cm, minimum height=0.9cm]
+ (marked) {};
+ \draw[highlight] (0,\value{cellnb}) +(3,1.3) node[anchor=west] (textmarked) {#1};
+ \draw[highlight,->] (marked) -- (textmarked.text);
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+ \setcounter{cellnb}{0}
+ \ifthenelse{\equal{#2}{}}{}{
+ \draw (0,\value{cellnb}) node {#2};
+ \addtocounter{cellnb}{-1}
+ }
+ \draw[#1] (0,\value{cellnb})
+ +(-2,.5) -- +(-2,-.5) -- +(2,-.5) -- +(2,.5);
+ \draw (0,\value{cellnb}) node{...};
+ \addtocounter{cellnb}{-1}
+ \draw[#1] (0,\value{cellnb})
+ +(-2,-.5) -- +(-2,+.5) -- +(2,+.5) -- +(2,-.5);
+ \draw (0,\value{cellnb}) node{...};
+ \setcounter{startframe}{\value{cellnb}}
+ \draw[snake=brace, line width=0.6pt, segment amplitude=7pt]
+ (-2,\value{cellnb}-0.5) -- (-2,\value{startframe}-0.5);
+ \draw (-4.2cm,\value{cellnb}*0.5+\value{startframe}*0.5-0.5) node
+ {\parbox{3cm}{%
+ \draw[snake=brace] (-2,-#1-0.5) -- (-2,-#2-0.5);
+ \draw (0, #1) node {#3};
+ \setcounter{structnb}{0}
+ \path #1 coordinate (structpos);
+ \path (structpos) ++ (0,\value{structnb}) +(-1.6,-.5) coordinate (structtopleft);
+ \addtocounter{structnb}{-#1}
+ \path (structpos) ++ (0,\value{structnb}) +(-1.6,-.5) coordinate (topleft);
+ \path (structpos) ++ (0,\value{structnb}) +(-1.6,-.5+#1) coordinate (bottomleft);
+ \path (structpos) ++ (0,\value{structnb}) +( 1.6,-.5+#1) coordinate (bottomright);
+ \draw[#2] (topleft) rectangle (bottomright);
+ \draw (structpos) ++ (0,\value{structnb}+#1/2-0.5) node (currentcell){#3};
+ \llstructcell{1}{#1}{#2}
+ \path (structpos) ++ (0,\value{structnb}) +(-1.6,-.5) coordinate (structbottomleft);
+ \draw (barycentric cs:structtopleft=.5,structbottomleft=.5)
+ node[rotate=90,anchor=south] {#1};