path: root/macros/latex/contrib/digiconfigs/digiconfigs.tex
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diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/digiconfigs/digiconfigs.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/digiconfigs/digiconfigs.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..274d5f3673
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/digiconfigs/digiconfigs.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+ \textnormal{\texttt{\{}$\langle$\textit{#1}$\rangle$\texttt{\}}}%
+ \textnormal{\texttt{[}$\langle$\textit{#1}$\rangle$\texttt{]}}%
+ \vskip.5\onelineskip%
+ \begin{adjustwidth}{\parindent}{0pt}
+ \parindent=0pt%
+ \obeylines%
+ \let\\=\relax%
+ }{%
+ \end{adjustwidth}%
+ \vskip.5\onelineskip%
+ \openoutputfile{\jobname.ex}{SCS}%
+ \begingroup
+ \writeverbatim{SCS}%
+ \endwriteverbatim\relax%
+ \endgroup
+ \closeoutputstream{SCS}%
+ \verbatiminput{\jobname.ex}%
+ {\begin{minipage}{0.97\linewidth}
+ \input{\jobname.ex}\end{minipage}}%
+ \par\bigskip\noindent
+\title{The \textsf{\jobname} package}
+\author{Lars Madsen\thanks{Email:
+ \protect\url{}}\thanks{Version 0.5}}
+In Stochastic Geometry and Digital Image Analysis (both fields in
+statistics) some problems can be solved in terms of so-called
+\emph{configurations}. Which is basically a square matrix with
+$\circ$ and $\bullet$ in them (and interpreted in a specific fashion,
+that I do not know about).
+ \itshape The configurations are mainly used to estimate geometric
+ features, such as the mean normal measure, the area density, and the
+ length density, of digitized random sets in the plane. Other
+ applications include the restoration of noisy realisations of random
+ sets. \hfill --- pseudo-anonymous researcher
+Now, a certain type of problem might need more than 50 $5\times5$
+matrices of $\circ$'s and $\bullet$'s, which is not very handy to
+write in the traditional way.
+\circ & \bullet & \circ & \circ & \bullet \\
+Of course one method of easing this (for $5\times5$ matrices) is to
+create a macro with five arguments, which would then create the
+matrix. (Something like \cs{macro}\marg*{o..oo}\marg*{ooo.o}%
+\marg*{....o}\allowbreak\marg*{.....}\marg*{o.o.o}.) But that does not
+scale very well, we need a macro that given a special string (and
+perhaps a matrix size configuration) can simply build a
+configuration matrix.
+The \jobname-package tries to solve this problem.
+Simply load the package in the traditional way:
+This will also load the \texttt{amsmath} package. Digiconfigs provides the
+\cs{dconfig} macro, which has the following syntax:
+ \cs{dconfig}\oarg{matrix-size}\marg{configuration string}
+\noindent Explanation:
+\item[\Arg{matrix-size}] This optional argument is used to specify the
+ expected size of the matrix, the syntax to be used is of course
+ \texttt{\Arg{rows}x\Arg{cols}}, where, if
+ \texttt{\Arg{rows}=\Arg{cols}} is equivalent to simply typing
+ \texttt{\Arg{rows}}. Default is \texttt{4} (i.e. a $4\times4$
+ matrix), which is configurable.
+\item[\Arg{configuration string}] This is suppose to be a string of
+ single characters each of which will represent an entry in the
+ matrix. The macro will react to four different characters, which by
+ default is
+ \begin{description}\tightlist
+ \item[o] represents a $\circ$,
+ \item[.] represents a $\bullet$,
+ \item[c] represents a $\cdot$ (sometimes used to indicate a blank), and
+ \item[b] which represents a \emph{blank} entry.
+ \end{description}
+ All four characters are configurable, as is the symbols used for
+ \emph{circle}, \emph{bullet}, and \emph{cdot}.
+ All other characters (except \texttt{\#}, \texttt{\%} and
+ \texttt{X}) will be ignored. \texttt{X} is internally added to the
+ string, and is used to detect the end of the string if it falls
+ short.
+\cs{dconfig} will then calculate the number of entries it has to
+look for, and simply eat up character by character (using tail
+recursion) until it has found the number it needs. Any remaining
+characters will be ignored. If the string it too short for the
+expected number of entries, a warning will be issued, and the matrix
+will simply come short at this point.
+Here are a few examples
+ \def\mystring{..o.. bb.o.. dsfsf co..}
+ \[
+ \dconfig[2]{\mystring} \dconfig[1x5]{\mystring}
+ \dconfig{\mystring} \dconfig[3x4]{\mystring}
+ \]
+Matrix three here falls short of entries.
+The package offers various configurations. All of these can be changed
+throughout the document.
+\cs{setCircleChar}\marg{char}\hfill (\texttt{o})
+\cs{setBulletChar}\marg{char}\hfill (\texttt{.})
+\cs{setCdotChar}\marg{char}\hfill (\texttt{c})
+\cs{setBlankChar}\marg{char}\hfill (\texttt{b})
+Is used to alter the four main characters the macro is looking
+for. Argument should be a single char (to keep things simple).
+\cs{setCircleSymbol}\marg{symbol}\hfill (\verb+\circ+)
+\cs{setBulletSymbol}\marg{symbol}\hfill (\verb+\bullet+)
+\cs{setCdotSymbol}\marg{symbol}\hfill (\verb+\cdot+)
+Is used to alter the output symbols used in the matrix. The
+\emph{blank} symbol cannot be changed.
+\cs{setMatrixStart}\marg{matrix start code}\hfill (\verb+\begin{bmatrix}+)
+\cs{setMatrixEnd}\marg{matrix end code}\hfill (\verb+\end{bmatrix}+)
+Fairly obvious. So if you want to save some space use\nopagebreak
+ \setMatrixStart{\left[\begin{smallmatrix}}
+ \setMatrixEnd{\end{smallmatrix}\right]}
+\cs{setDefaultMatrixSize}\marg{matrix size} \hfill (\texttt{4})
+Alters the expected number of entries. Use a positive integer or the
+\dconfig{c-+c +-+- -+-- b-+b -+--}
+\chapter{A tip}
+Here is a small tip. If you find \cs{dconfig} to be a bit long, then
+try something like
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End: