path: root/macros/latex/contrib/ddphonism/ddphonism.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/ddphonism/ddphonism.sty')
1 files changed, 135 insertions, 321 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/ddphonism/ddphonism.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/ddphonism/ddphonism.sty
index 4ae54d3e63..76f3e028ce 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/ddphonism/ddphonism.sty
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/ddphonism/ddphonism.sty
@@ -5,12 +5,12 @@
%% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
%% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN archives
%% in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
-[2019/09/01 v0.2 Dodecaphonic diagrams: twelve-tone matrices, clock diagrams, etc.]
+[2019/08/10 v0.1 LaTeX package for twelve-tone matrices, clock diagrams et al.]
@@ -26,131 +26,41 @@
\DeclareExpandableDocumentCommand{\Evaluation}{m}{\int_eval:n {#1}}
- \setcounter{Dsize}{0}%
- \foreach \n in {#1}{%
- \stepcounter{Dsize}%
- }%
-% Only with numbers.
- \setcounter{Dfirst}{-1}%
- \foreach \n in {#1}{%
- \ifnum\theDfirst=-1%
- \setcounter{Dfirst}{\n}%
- \fi%
- }%
-% Only when DsizeMake is already done.
- \setcounter{Dmod}{#1}%
- \loop%
- \ifnum\theDmod>\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}%
- \setcounter{Dmod}{\Evaluation{\theDmod-\theDsize}}%
- \repeat%
- \ifnum\theDmod<0%
- \setcounter{Dmod}{\Evaluation{\theDmod+\theDsize}}%
- \repeat%
- \theDmod%
- /dmatrix/.is family
- , /dmatrix
- , default/.style =
- { lines = false
- , outside lines = false
- , inside lines = false
- , sep = 1
- , vsep = 1
- , hsep = 1
- , no tikz = false
+ \setcounter{Dsize}{0}
+ \setcounter{Dfirst}{-1}
+ \foreach \n in {#1}{
+ \ifnum\theDfirst=-1
+ \setcounter{Dfirst}{\n}
+ \fi
+ \stepcounter{Dsize}
- , no tikz/.is if=dmatrixTikz
- , lines/.is if=dmatrixLines
- , outside lines/.is if=dmatrixOutside
- , inside lines/.is if=dmatrixInside
- , vlines/.is if=dmatrixV
- , hlines/.is if=dmatrixH
- , sep/.estore in=\dmatrixSep
- , vsep/.estore in=\dmatrixVsep
- , hsep/.estore in=\dmatrixHsep
- \draw (0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,0) --%
- (\theDsize*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep+0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,0);%
- \draw (0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,-\theDsize*0.5*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixVsep) -- %
- (\theDsize*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep+0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,-\theDsize*0.5*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixVsep);%
+ \ifnum#1>\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}
+ \Evaluation{#1-\theDsize}
+ \else\ifnum#1<0
+ \Evaluation{#1+\theDsize}
+ \else #1
+ \fi\fi
- \draw (0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,0) -- %
- (0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,-\theDsize*0.5*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixVsep);%
- \draw (\theDsize*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep+0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,0) -- %
- (\theDsize*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep+0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,-\theDsize*0.5*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixVsep);
- \draw (0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,-\xD*0.5*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixVsep) -- %
- (\theDsize*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep+0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,-\xD*0.5*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixVsep);%
- \draw (\xD*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep+0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,0) -- %
- (\xD*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep+0.05*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep,-\theDsize*0.5*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixVsep);%
- \DsizeMake{#2}%
- \DheadMake{#2}%
- %
- \pgfkeys{/dmatrix, default, #1}%
- %
- \ifdmatrixTikz\else%
- \begin{tikzpicture}%
- \fi%
- \foreach [count=\nj] \j in {#2} {%
- \foreach [count=\ni] \i in {#2} {%
- \draw node at
- ( \ni*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep-0.5*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixHsep
- , -\nj*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixVsep/2+0.25*\dmatrixSep*\dmatrixVsep) {%
- \Modulo{\Evaluation{\i-\j+\theDfirst}}%
- };%
- }%
- }%
- \foreach \xD in {1,...,\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}} {%
- \ifdmatrixLines
- \fi
- \ifdmatrixOutside
- \fi
- \ifdmatrixInside
- \fi
- \ifdmatrixH
- \fi
- \ifdmatrixV
- \fi
- }%
- %
- \ifdmatrixTikz\else%
- \end{tikzpicture}%
- \fi%
+ \DsizeHead{#1}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ \foreach [count=\nj] \j in {#1} {
+ \foreach [count=\ni] \i in {#1} {
+ \draw node at (\ni-0.5,-\nj/2+0.25) {
+ \Modulo{\Evaluation{\i-\j+\theDfirst}}
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ \end{tikzpicture}
@@ -159,82 +69,45 @@
-\tikzstyle{ddiagram}=[minimum height=0pt,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,scale=0.65]
- /ddiagram/.is family
- , /ddiagram
- , default/.style =
- { name =\empty%
- , up =\empty%
- , no tikz = false
- , no numbers = false
- , no arrow = false
- , xshift = 0
- , yshift = 0
- , arrow shift = 2.5
- }
- , no tikz/.is if=ddiagramTikz
- , no numbers/.is if=ddiagramNoNum
- , no arrow/.is if=ddiagramNoArr
- , name/.estore in=\ddiagramName
- , up/.estore in=\ddiagramUp
- , xshift/.estore in=\ddiagramX
- , yshift/.estore in=\ddiagramY
- , arrow shift/.estore in=\ddiagramArrS
- \DsizeMake{#2}%
- \DheadMake{#2}%
- %
- \pgfkeys{/ddiagram, default, #1}%
- %
- \ifdefequal{\ddiagramUp}{\empty}%
- {\renewcommand{\Dvar}{\theDfirst}}% if empty
- {\renewcommand{\Dvar}{\ddiagramUp}}% if not empty
- %
- \ifddiagramTikz\else%
- \begin{tikzpicture}[ddiagram,rotate=360*\Dvar/\theDsize]%
- \fi%
- \foreach \x in {0,...,\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}} {%
- \ifddiagramNoNum\else
- \node [xshift=\ddiagramX,yshift=\ddiagramY] at (90-360*\x/\theDsize:2) {\x};%
- \fi
- \node [xshift=\ddiagramX,yshift=\ddiagramY] (\x) at (90-360*\x/\theDsize:1.6) {};%
- };%
- %
- \setcounter{Dprev}{-1}%
- \foreach \x in {#2}{%
- \ifnum \theDprev=\theDfirst%
- \ifddiagramNoArr
- \draw [xshift=\ddiagramX,yshift=\ddiagramY] (\theDprev) -- (\x);%
- \else
- \draw [xshift=\ddiagramX,yshift=\ddiagramY,
- decoration=
- {markings,mark=at position 0.099*\ddiagramArrS with
+\tikzstyle ddiagramArrow=[decoration=
+ {markings,mark=at position 0.25 with
{\arrow[scale=1.25,>=triangle 45]{>}}},
- postaction={decorate}
- ] (\theDprev) -- (\x);%
- \fi
- \else \ifnum \theDprev=-1 \else%
- \draw [xshift=\ddiagramX,yshift=\ddiagramY] (\theDprev) -- (\x);%
- \fi\fi%
- \setcounter{Dprev}{\x}%
- };%
- \draw [xshift=\ddiagramX,yshift=\ddiagramY] (\theDprev) -- (\theDfirst);%
- %
- \ifdefequal{\ddiagramName}{\empty}%
- {}% if empty
- {\node [xshift=\ddiagramX,yshift=\ddiagramY] at (0,0) [circle,fill=white] {\ddiagramName};}% if not empty
- \ifddiagramTikz\else%
- \end{tikzpicture}%
- \fi%
+ postaction={decorate}]
+ \DsizeHead{#2}
+ \def\theDDfirst{\Evaluation{\Modulo{\theDfirst}}}
+ \ifnum #1=-1
+ \setcounter{var}{\theDDfirst}
+ \else
+ \setcounter{var}{#1}
+ \fi
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[rotate=360*\thevar/\theDsize,
+ minimum height=0pt,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,scale=0.65]
+ \foreach \x in {0,...,\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}} {
+ \node at (90-360*\x/\theDsize:2) {\x};
+ \node (\x) at (90-360*\x/\theDsize:1.6) {};
+ };
+ \setcounter{anterior}{-1}
+ \foreach \xD in {#2}{
+ \def\x{\Evaluation{\Modulo{\xD}}}
+ \ifnum \theanterior=\theDDfirst
+ \draw [style=ddiagramArrow] (\theanterior) -- (\x);
+ \else \ifnum \theanterior=-1
+ \else
+ \draw (\theanterior) -- (\x);
+ \fi\fi
+ \setcounter{anterior}{\x}
+ };
+ \draw (\theanterior) -- (\theDDfirst);
+ \node at (0,0) [circle,fill=white] {#3};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
@@ -242,148 +115,89 @@
% Dihedral diagrams
\tikzstyle ddihedralArrow=[decoration=
-{markings,mark=at position 1 with {\arrow[scale=1.5,>=angle 60]{>}}},
+ {markings,mark=at position 1 with {\arrow[scale=1.5,>=angle 60]{>}}},
+ postaction={decorate}]
-\tikzstyle{ddihedral}=[inner sep=0,minimum height=18pt]
/ddihedral/.is family, /ddihedral,
- default/.style =
- { t = 0, c = 0, s = 0, v = 0
- , no tikz=false
- , new t = T, new c = C, new s = S, new v = V
- , no italics = false
- },
- no tikz/.is if=ddihedralTikz,
+ default/.style = {t = 0, c = 0, s = 0, v = 0},
t/.estore in = \ddihedralT,
c/.estore in = \ddihedralC,
s/.estore in = \ddihedralS,
v/.estore in = \ddihedralV,
- no italics/.is if=ddihedralItalics,
- new t/.estore in = \ddihedralNewT,
- new c/.estore in = \ddihedralNewC,
- new s/.estore in = \ddihedralNewS,
- new v/.estore in = \ddihedralNewV,
- /darrows/.is family, /darrows,
- default/.style = {no tikz=false},
- no tikz/.is if=darrowsTikz,
- \DsizeMake{#2}%
- %
- \pgfkeys{/darrows, default, #1}%
- %
- \ifdarrowsTikz\else%
- \begin{tikzpicture}%
- \fi%
- \draw foreach \x in {0,...,\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}} {%
- (90-360*\x/\theDsize:2.5) node[circle] (\x) {}%
- };%
- \foreach \x [count=\y] in {#2} {%
- \draw [style=ddihedralArrow] (90-360*\Evaluation{\y-1}/\theDsize:1.25) -- (\x);%
- };%
- \ifdarrowsTikz\else%
- \end{tikzpicture}%
- \fi%
- \DsizeMake{#2}%
- %
- \pgfkeys{/ddihedral, default, #1}%
- %
- \ifddihedralTikz\else%
- \begin{tikzpicture}[ddihedral]%
- \fi%
- \draw foreach \x in {0,...,\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}} {%
- (\Evaluation{(90+\ddihedralT*360/\theDsize)+(2*\ddihedralS-1)*\x*360/\theDsize}:2.5)%
- node[very thin,circle,draw] (\x) {\x}%
- };%
- %
- \draw foreach \x in {0,...,\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}} {%
- (\Evaluation{(90-\ddihedralC*360/\theDsize)+(2*\ddihedralV-1)*\x*360/\theDsize}:1.25)%
- node[very thin,circle,draw] {\x}%
- };%
- %
- \darrows[no tikz]{#2}%
- %
- \node at (0,0) [very thin,draw,circle, fill=white] {%
- {\ifddihedralItalics\else\it\fi%
- \ifodd\ddihedralV%
- \ddihedralNewV\else%
- \ifnum\ddihedralC=0%
- \ifodd\ddihedralS\else%
- \ifnum\ddihedralT=0%
- \ddihedralNewT$^0$%
- \fi\fi\fi\fi%
- \ifnum\ddihedralC=0%
- \else \ddihedralNewC$^{\ddihedralC}$\fi%
- \ifodd\ddihedralS%
- \ddihedralNewS\fi%
- \ifnum\ddihedralT=0%
- \else \ddihedralNewT$^{\ddihedralT}$\fi}%
- };%
- \ifddihedralTikz\else%
- \end{tikzpicture}%
- \fi%
+ \DsizeHead{#1}
+ \draw foreach \x in {0,...,\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}} {
+ (90-360*\x/\theDsize:2.5) node[circle] (\x) {}
+ };
+ \foreach \xD [count=\y] in {#1} {
+ \def\x{\Evaluation{\Modulo{\xD}}}
+ \draw [style=ddihedralArrow] (90-360*\Evaluation{\y-1}/\theDsize:1.25) -- (\x);
+ };
+ \pgfkeys{/ddihedral, default, #1}
+ \tikzset{inner sep=0,minimum height=18pt}
+ \DsizeHead{#2}
+ \draw foreach \x in {0,...,\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}} {
+ (\Evaluation{(90+\ddihedralT*360/\theDsize)+(2*\ddihedralS-1)*\x*360/\theDsize}:2.5)
+ node[very thin,circle,draw] (\x) {\x}
+ };
+ \draw foreach \x in {0,...,\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}} {
+ (\Evaluation{(90-\ddihedralC*360/\theDsize)+(2*\ddihedralV-1)*\x*360/\theDsize}:1.25)
+ node[very thin,circle,draw] {\x}
+ };
+ \darrows{#2}
+ \node at (0,0) [very thin,draw,circle, fill=white] {\
+ \ifnum\ddihedralV=0
+ \ifnum\ddihedralC=0
+ \ifnum\ddihedralS=0
+ \ifnum\ddihedralT=0
+ P
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \else V \fi
+ \ifnum\ddihedralC=0
+ \else C$^{\ddihedralC}$ \fi
+ \ifnum\ddihedralS=0
+ \else S \fi
+ \ifnum\ddihedralT=0
+ \else T$^{\ddihedralT}$ \fi
+ \ };
% Rows
- /drow/.is family, /drow,
- default/.style = {sep=\arraycolsep},
- sep/.estore in = \drowSep,
- \DsizeMake{#2}%
- %
- \pgfkeys{/drow, default, #1}%
- \setlength{\Dvarr}{\arraycolsep}
- \setlength{\arraycolsep}{\drowSep}
- %
- \ifnum\theDsize=0%
- \ensuremath{\left(\right)}%
- \else\ifnum\theDsize=1%
- \ensuremath{%
- \left(\begin{array}{*{\theDsize}c}%
- 0\\%
- #2\\%
- \end{array}\right)%
- }%
- \else%
- \def\TableDDdata{}%
- \setcounter{myDDcntr}{0}%
- \loop%
- \addto\TableDDdata{\themyDDcntr\stepcounter{myDDcntr} &}%
- \stepcounter{myDDcntr}%
- \ifnum\themyDDcntr<\Evaluation{\theDsize-1}%
- \repeat%
- \addto\TableDDdata{\themyDDcntr \\}%
- \setcounter{myDDcntr}{0}%
- %
- \ensuremath{%
- \left(\begin{array}{*{\theDsize}c}%
- \TableDDdata%
- \StrSubstitute{#2}{,}{&}\\%
- \end{array}\right)%
- }%
- \fi\fi%
- \setlength{\arraycolsep}{\Dvarr}
+ \DsizeHead{#1}
+ \def\tabledata{} \fooo=\theDsize
+ \setcounter{myDDcntr}{0}
+ \loop
+ \addto\tabledata{\themyDDcntr\stepcounter{myDDcntr} &}
+ \advance \fooo -1
+ \ifnum \fooo>1
+ \repeat
+ \addto\tabledata{\themyDDcntr \\}
+ \ensuremath{
+ \left(\begin{array}{*{\theDsize}c}
+ \tabledata
+ \StrSubstitute{#1}{,}{&}\\
+ \end{array}\right)
+ }