path: root/macros/latex/contrib/cje/cjetemplate.tex
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+%% This is file cjetemplate.tex
+%% 2018/02/22 v1.06
+%% =========
+%% COPYRIGHT (c) 2017 Canadian Economics Association
+%% =======
+%% This work can be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License,
+%% either version 1.3 of this license or any later version. The latest version of this license is available at
+%% Version 1.3, or later, is part of all distributions of LaTeX version 2005/12/01 or later.
+\documentclass{cje} % for use when submitting final paper for publication
+ % \documentclass[review]{cje} % for use at initial submission (double spaced, with line numbers)
+% \documentclass[proof]{cje} % for typesetters
+% % (with line numbers and typesetting details)
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+ \newtheorem*{corollary}{Corollary}
+ \theoremstyle{definition}
+ \newtheorem{definition}{Definition}
+ \newtheorem{example}{Example}
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+ \newtheorem*{remark}{Remark}
+ \newtheorem*{case}{Case}
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+ Author Four and Author Five},
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+\title[]{} %For running heads. [short running title (max. 40 characters if possible)]{full title}
+\authors{} %Summary of authors for running heads. {Author initials and family names separated by commas except before ``and''}
+% authors and affiliations
+\authorone{}{} %{Full name of author one}{Name of department and organization or institution; separate multiple affiliations with semi-colon}
+\authortwo{}{} %{Full name of author two}{Name of department and organization or institution; separate multiple affiliations with semi-colon}
+\authorthree{}{} %{Full name of author three}{Name of department and organization or institution; separate multiple affiliations with semi-colon}
+\authorfour{}{} %{Full name of author four}{Name of department and organization or institution; separate multiple affiliations with semi-colon}
+\abstract{} %{English abstract}
+\resume{} %{French abstract}. If you don't provide one, leave blank. The English abstract will be translated into French for you and inserted here.
+\JEL{} %{JEL classification codes, separated by commas}
+\marginpar{} %To add margin notes for reviewers, copyeditor, etc.
+%Itemized lists are set off with bullet points. Itemized sublists are set off with en dashes
+\begin{itemize}%Itemized list
+ \item
+ \begin{itemize}%Itemized sublist
+ \item
+ \end{itemize}
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+% (28pc is the text width)
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+ & & & & \\
+ & & & & \\
+ & & & & \footnote{}\\%Place the footnote command to the right of the item requiring a footnote
+\end{minipage}% Use this line only if you used \begin{minipage}
+ \figurenote NOTE: }
+\label{}%Label with figure number
+\begin{proof}[]%To replace "proof" with [another word or phrase]
+%Manual creation reference list
+Aisa, R., and F. Pueyo (2004) ``Endogenous longevity, health and
+ economic growth: A slow growth for a longer life?,'' \textit{Economics
+ Bulletin} 9(5), 1--10
+% Using BibTeX and .bib file
+\bibliographystyle{cjebibstyle} % to impose CJE bibliography style on output
+%\oneappendix %For only one appendix (will not be numbered)
+%More than one appendix (numbered A1, A2, etc.)