path: root/macros/latex/contrib/changelayout/changelayout-guide.tex
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diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/changelayout/changelayout-guide.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/changelayout/changelayout-guide.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdd590d757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/changelayout/changelayout-guide.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
+ implicit=true,breaklinks=true,citecolor=purple,pdfview=FitH,
+ pdfstartview=FitH}
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+ \escapechar=92\endgroup\TC{xgreen10}{\texttt{\string#1}}\xspace}
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+ \begin{center}
+ \makebox[0pt]{\fboxrule2pt%
+ \fcolorbox{xred10}{xyellow20}{%
+ \parbox{\dimexpr\hsize-3cm}{%
+ This package is an extension of Peter Wilson's {\tt changepage} package.
+ \par\medskip
+ This package can be used with the \texttt{geometry} package,
+ but not with any \texttt{memoir} class. I used the \texttt{geometry}
+ package in the source file of this document.
+ \par\medskip
+ All page and text layout parameters can be changed for each
+ page using the macros illustrated in the source file of
+ this document. Please see the comments in the source file.
+ \par\medskip
+ This is a preliminary user guide; a more detailed manual
+ is in the works.}}}
+ \end{center}
+ \vspace*{2\baselineskip}
+\long\csdef{temp2}{\section*{Use of \cmda{\adjusttextwidth}
+ \\--- with text extending into both margins}\par\lipsum[1-2]}
+\long\csdef{temp3}{\section*{Use of \cmda{\adjusttextwidth}
+ with \cmda{switchadjust}}\par\noindent\lipsum[1-2]}
+\long\csdef{temp4}{{\flushright\section*{Use of \cmda{\adjusttextwidth}
+ with \cmda{switchadjust}}}\par\noindent\lipsum[1-2]}
+\title{The {\tt changelayout} Package}
+\author{Ahmed Musa\\[.5ex]University of Central Lancashire\\
+ Preston, United Kingdom\\[1ex]\url{}
+ Make text width smaller by 3cm (1.5cm into each margin):
+\section*{Default layout (as set with \styb{geometry} package)}
+ Make text width wider by 2cm (1cm into each margin):
+\section*{Default layout}
+ Make text width wider into right margin by 1.5cm on odd pages.
+ 'switchadjust' is a boolean for switching left and right margins on
+ odd and even pages. This is useful for twoside printing, where
+ the user may want the text extended only into outer margins:
+ textcolor=xmagenta20,content=\csuse{temp3}}
+ Make text width wider into right margin by 1.5cm, but
+ 'switchadjust=true' means that it is actually the left margin
+ that is made wider on even pages. If the value of 'switchadjust'
+ is 'true', you can simply enter 'switchadjust' without value:
+ textcolor=red,content=\csuse{temp4}}
+ 'strictcheck' is a boolean for enforcing strict page number check
+ (the idea is from the 'changepage' package). See the
+ \usepackage{changelayout} statement above.
+ Strict page checking is a safeguard against unlikely changes
+ to the kernel page counter by another macro or package. For a
+ large document, 'strictcheck' will generate a correspondingly
+ large number of labels. This is not expected to be a problem
+ with modern implementations of TeX/LaTeX; so I decided to
+ retain it.
+ The layout of individual pages can be changed by using
+ \changepagelayout or \changetextlayout (they are synonymous).
+ Both \changetextlayout and \changepagelayout replace (in the
+ total sense) the prevailing text/page layout parameters by the
+ values submitted by the user through these macros. All the page
+ layout parameters (including \marginpar parameters) can be
+ changed/replaced by simply submitting (via these macros)
+ the new parameter values.
+ textwidth=530pt}
+\section*{Use of \cmda{\changetextlayout}}
+ \resetdefault is a command for resetting page/text layout parameters
+ to the default values. The default parameters are saved at each run.
+ If the 'geometry' package is loaded, the default parameters will be
+ those determined by 'geometry'. \resetdefault is very handy for
+ recovering from page/text layout changes.
+ The original and final layout parameters are written into the log
+ file (and displayed on the screen) if the user issues the booleans
+ 'logdefault' and 'logfinal' (respectively) as options to the
+ package (preferably at \usepackage). These may be useful when deciding
+ on the changes or adjustments to be effected.
+ In addition to \changepagelayout and \changetextlayout, there are
+ also \adjustpagelayout and \adjusttextlayout (again these
+ are synonymous).
+ Both \adjustpagelayout and \adjusttextlayout adjust (by adding to or
+ subtracting from) the prevailing text/page layout parameters the
+ values given by the user. All the text and page layout parameters
+ can be 'adjusted' by using these macros.
+\adjusttextlayout{oddsidemargin=1cm, evensidemargin=-0cm, textheight=-50pt,
+ textwidth=-50pt,topmargin=25pt}
+\section*{Use of \cmda{\adjusttextlayout}}
+\section*{Default layout --- obtained by issuing \cmda{\resetdefault}}
+\textbf{\large The default is as set initially using the \styb{geometry} package.}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file