path: root/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-sbl/biblatex-sbl-ibid.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-sbl/biblatex-sbl-ibid.tex')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-sbl/biblatex-sbl-ibid.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-sbl/biblatex-sbl-ibid.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..011d44dba7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-sbl/biblatex-sbl-ibid.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+\makeindex[title=Author Index,intoc,options=-q]
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+\NewDocumentCommand \samplemacro { m }
+ {
+ \subsubparagraph*{#1}
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \sblrefsamplecite { s m m m o o m }
+ {
+ \IfNoValueTF { #5 }
+ {
+ \IfNoValueT { #6 }
+ {
+ \IfBooleanF { #1 }
+ {
+ \samplemacro{\textbackslash #2\{#7\}}
+ }
+ \color{biblatex-colour}
+ \hspace*{\bibindent}#4\csuse{#3}{#7}
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ \IfNoValueTF { #6 }
+ {
+ \IfBooleanF { #1 }
+ {
+ \samplemacro{\textbackslash #2[#5]\{#7\}}
+ }
+ \color{biblatex-colour}
+ \hspace*{\bibindent}#4\csuse{#3}[#5]{#7}
+ }
+ {
+ \IfBooleanF { #1 }
+ {
+ \samplemacro{\textbackslash #2[#5][#6]\{#7\}}
+ }
+ \color{biblatex-colour}
+ \hspace*{\bibindent}#4\csuse{#3}[#5][#6]{#7}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand \samplecite { s m o o m }
+ {
+ \rmfamily
+ \IfBooleanTF { #1 }
+ {
+ \sblrefsamplecite*{autocite}{cite}{#2.~}[#3][#4]{#5}.\par
+ }
+ {
+ \sblrefsamplecite{autocite}{cite}{#2.~}[#3][#4]{#5}.\par
+ }
+ \color{black}
+ }
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+ {
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+ \IfBooleanTF { #1 }
+ {
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+ }
+ {
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+ }
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+ {
+ \IfBooleanF { #1 }
+ {
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+ }
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+ \rmfamily\hangindent\bibindent\bibentrycite{#2}.\par
+ \color{black}
+ }
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+ {
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+ {
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+ }
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+ {
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+ \color{black}
+ }
+ \subparagraph{Biblatex Output}
+ \subparagraph{Reference Implementation}
+ \color{reference-colour}
+ \rm
+\title{Biblatex-SBL \emph{ibidem} and \emph{idem} Test File}
+\author{David Purton}
+This file tests the behaviour of the various options related to using
+\emph{ibidem} and \emph{idem} in Biblatex-SBL.
+\section*{Default \emph{ibidem} tracking}
+By default ibid.\@ is not used across page breaks and \emph{ibidem} is taken
+to mean ‘same author + same title’. See \texttt{biblatex-sbl.pdf} for a
+description of the options \texttt{ibidtracker} can take.
+ \samplemacro{\textbackslash usepackage[style=sbl]\{biblatex\}}
+ \samplecite{1}[127]{talbert:1992}
+ \samplecite{2}[22]{talbert:1992}
+ \samplecite{3}[22]{talbert:1992}
+ \samplecite{4}[237]{robinson+koester:1971}
+ \samplecite{5}[22]{talbert:1992}
+ \samplemacro{\textbackslash clearpage}
+ \clearpage
+ \samplecite{6}[22]{talbert:1992}
+\section*{Not tracking \emph{ibidem} across pages}
+Set the \texttt{pagetracker} option to \texttt{false} to allow that the first
+citation on a page to be ibid.
+ \samplemacro{\textbackslash usepackage[style=sbl,pagetracker=false]\{biblatex\}}
+ \samplecite{7}[53]{scott+etal:1993}
+ \samplecite{8}[42]{scott+etal:1993}
+ \samplemacro{\textbackslash clearpage}
+ \clearpage
+ \samplecite{9}[42]{scott+etal:1993}
+\section*{\emph{Ibidem} meaning ‘same author + same title + same page’}
+Turn on the \texttt{ibidpage} option to indicate that \emph{ibidem} should
+mean ‘same author + same title + same page’.
+ \samplemacro{\textbackslash usepackage[style=sbl,ibidpage]\{biblatex\}}
+ \samplecite{10}[28]{egger:1996}
+ \samplecite{11}[28]{egger:1996}
+ \samplecite{12}[291]{egger:1996}
+\section*{Default \emph{idem} tracking}
+By default \emph{idem} is used. \emph{Idem} tracking is controlled using the
+\texttt{idemtracker} option. See \texttt{biblatex-sbl.pdf} for a description
+of the options \texttt{idemtracker} can take.
+ \samplemacro{\textbackslash usepackage[style=sbl]\{biblatex\}}
+ \makeatletter\blx@opt@idemtracker@constrict\makeatother
+ \samplemacro{\textbackslash autocites[35]\{vanseters:1997\}\{vanseters:1995\}}
+ \color{biblatex-colour}
+ \hspace*{\bibindent}13.~\cites[35]{vanseters:1997}{vanseters:1995}.
+ \color{black}
+ \samplemacro{\textbackslash
+ autocites[35]\{vanseters:1997\}[222]\{vanseters:1995\}}
+ \makeatletter\blx@idemreset\makeatother
+ \color{biblatex-colour}
+ \hspace*{\bibindent}14.~\cites[35]{vanseters:1997}[222]{vanseters:1995}.
+ \color{black}