path: root/macros/latex/contrib/bibarts/README.txt
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+BibArts is a package to administer bibliographical references in footnotes,
+and for creating a bibliography from these references simultaneously;
+it requires a program, for which source and Windows executable are provided.
+(A summary of contents is in English; the full documentation is in German.)
+BibArts 2.2 is a LaTeX package to assist in making bibliographical features
+common in the arts, and in the humanities (history, political science,
+philosophy, etc.). bibarts.sty provides commands for quotation, register
+keywords, abbreviations, and especially for a formatted citation of
+literature, journals (periodicals), published documents, and unpublished
+archive documents.
+BibArts will also copy the arguments of all those commands into lists for an
+automatically generated appendix. These lists are optionally referring to
+page and footnote numbers in your text (index). BibArts has nothing to do
+with BibTeX, and it does not use any data bank except your own LaTeX text.
+The lists are created by bibsort. A file bibsort.exe is part of the package
+( CTAN mirrors > BibArts > ) and runs on newer Windows systems.
+Other users first have to create a binary file from bibsort.c (ANSI-C) with
+their own C-compiler. BibArts 2.2 is developed and tested on Windows 10
+with the 2018-12-01 LaTeX 2e distribution, but even LaTeX 2.09 should work.
+ BibArts 2.2 (9 files, 8 dated 2019-03-03):
+ README.txt This file here
+ bibarts.sty The LaTeX style file
+ ba-short.pdf Short introduction (English)
+ ba-short.tex Source of ba-short.pdf
+ bibarts.pdf Full documentation (German)
+ bibarts.tex Source of bibarts.pdf
+ bibsort.exe Binary to create the lists
+ bibsort.c Source of bibsort.exe
+ COPYING License (dated 1993-11-28)
+Changes from BibArts versions 1.x (1990s) to versions 2.x:
+Version 2.0 was a completely new package with massive extensions. Since,
+bibarts.sty helps to use slanted fonts (italics), and is able to set ibidem
+automatically in footnotes. Therefore, it is now possible to add volume and
+page numbers e.g. to the \vli command (\vli did also exist in 1.x for full
+references to literature), and the new \kli command (shortened references).
+Pre-defined text elements (captions) are provided as \bacaptionsenglish,
+\bacaptionsfrench, and \bacaptionsgerman (default).
+bibsort 2.x creates the index numbers (BibArts 2.x does not use MakeIndex).
+bibarts.sty 2.x starts an emulation for 1.3 texts, when you type \makebar,
+but you better keep copies of the package files of a BibArts 1.x, if you
+wrote texts with it. BibArts 2.x uses .aux files instead of a .bar file.
+Even if you set \makebar, any changes to commands \schrift, \barschrift, and
+\indschrift will be ignored. \verw and \punctuation do not exist any more;
+see examples for the new commands \frompagesep and \ntsep in bibarts.pdf.
+Changes from BibArts version 2.0 (2015) to version 2.1 (2016):
+BibArts 2.0 set \footnotesep to 2ex, whereas 2.1 and 2.2 do *not* change the
+pre-set value. If you want to continue with the 2.0-distance between two
+footnotes, you will have to type \setlength{\footnotesep}{2ex} in your text.
+Some of the pre-defined text elements (captions) have been modernized. The
+\evkctitlename changed from {Short Titles} to {Shortened References}. And
+\gannouncektitname changed to "... im Folgenden". To restore its 2.0 def.:
+\renewcommand{\gannouncektitname}{ (\kern 0.015em im folgenden \baupcorr}
+bibarts.sty will be even loaded, when ~":;!?'`<> are active (catcode 13);
+and bibsort is sorting also "z (not only "s) as \ss now; see bibarts.pdf.
+You now may choose your own order of page and footnote numbers in the index
+(roman--arabic, arabic--roman, etc.). Type bibsort -s2 xxxx for page and
+... -f2 xxxx for footnote numbers. xxxx are permutations of 4 letters
+out of nRrAas (a=alph, A=Alph, n=arabic, R=Roman, r=roman, s=fnsymbol);
+you always have to set n and s, and to choose R *or* A, and r *or* a. E.g.
+srnR means, that you can use \Roman in your text, but you do not have to.
+bibsort is able to evaluate the new fnsymbols (which expand to \TextOrMath).
+If bibsort should write into files with a different prefix as the .aux input
+file, you have to use -o <outfile> now. And you may type bibsort <infile>,
+*or* bibsort -i <infile> (e.g. when the input file name begins with '-').
+bibsort sorts the 'official' $Greek variables$ since version 2.0. To write
+single words in Old Greek, BibArts 2.1 also provides \Alpha [A], \Beta [B],
+\Epsilon [E], \Zeta [Z], \Eta [H=sort=>E], \Iota [I], \Kappa [K], \Mu [M],
+\Nu [N], \Rho [P==>R], \Tau [T], \Chi [X==>Ch], \Omicron [O], \omicron [o].
+Changes from BibArts version 2.1 (2016) to version 2.2 (now, 2019):
+(1) bibsort 2.2, the sorting program of the package, has 3 new options:
+Use bibsort -h [...] to sort hyphens ( - \hy \fhy "= "~ ) as spaces.
+Use bibsort -b [...] to begin the sorting of the title at \bago, e.g.:
+ \vli{J.}{Smith}{The \bago \ktit{Book}, London 2005}
+ bibsort -n1 [...] will create blocks of footnote numbers only, if
+the entries are from footnotes on the same page, e.g.: 10^{3-6}, 11^{7-9}
+(2) If there are two entries of \kli{Smith}{Book} from two successive
+pages, but with *the same* footnote number, bibsort 2.2 will print out
+e.g. 10^{3}, 11^{3} . bibsort 2.0 and 2.1 ignored 11^{3} in that case.
+(3) bibsort 2.2 checks your input concerning the \ktit{Shortened Title}.
+You will find warnings on the screen and as comments in the created files.
+(4) \vli{J.}{Smith}{The \ktit{\onlyvoll{r}\onlykurz{R}ed Book}, 2006}
+has to be used (for index and ibidem), if the shortened title is not just
+a part of the full title ("red" and "Red"). In some cases, bibsort 2.1
+printed out wrong only-arguments on the lists. This error has been fixed.
+And errors in the sorting of entries with only-commands were eliminated.
+(5) You may say now \renewcommand{\ntsep}{\bapoint\ } to print out a
+full stop between name and title; BibArts is avoiding e.g. "Smith, J..".
+(6) If you '\renewcommand' a pre-defined text element (caption), you
+sometimes will have to adapt the italic correction. Bibarts 2.2 provides
+the homogenous command \bacorr instead of the four different commands
+\bakxxcorr, \baabkcorr, \balistcorr, and \bakntsepcorr (but those old
+commands are still valid). To print the lists, you may say now e.g.:
+ \renewcommand{\frompagesep}{\bacorr ; } \printnumvli \printnumvkc
+(7) If you use babel, BibArts 2.2 will not execute \originalTeX between
+list items (that's prepared by bibsort, if the catcode of " changes): It
+was useless with germanb-babel and caused errors with french-babel. With
+german.sty or ngerman.sty, the use of \originalTeX is still reproduced.
+(8) bibarts.sty provides new commands for the hyphenation in German:
+- \oldhyss to set a \ss, which is splitted s-s (to be used between vovels,
+ e.g. au\oldhyss er; you have to use your sharp S else, e.g. da\ss);
+- \newhyss to set a \ss, which is splitted s-s only in small caps, and
+ else is printing a sharp S, which is splitted as \language says (-\ss);
+- \hyss to execute \oldhyss, if \language is \l@german, and \newhyss else
+ (e.g. if \language is \l@ngerman --- so, \hyss can be used *always*);
+- commands for the handling of "tripple consonant before vovel" in German:
+ E.g. Sto\hyf figur, Scha\hyl leistung, Sta\hym mutter, Ke\hyn nummer,
+ Ste\hyp pullover, Sta\hyr rahmen, and Schri\hyt tempo: If \language is
+ \l@german, BibArts will PRINT AND SORT \hyf as f, and ELSE as ff, etc.
++ All commands are ready to be used in \MakeUppercase (also Dru\hyc ker).
+(9) If you \conferize, e.g. \kli{A}{B} will print a cross-reference to
+\vli{}{A}{\ktit{B}}. The INTERNAL KEYWORD is created from the letters,
+and some accents you use in {A} and {B}. The accents are REPRESENTED as
+\`=[ \'=] \"=* \ss=(ss \l=(l \L=(L \o=(o \O=(O \^=) \~=- \c=+
+in the keyword. The active " and \= \. \b \d are not represented any more.
+Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
+BibArts 2.2 (C) Timo Baumann 2019