path: root/macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/moloch/moloch.tex
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+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright 2015 Matthias Vogelgesang and the LaTeX community. A full list of
+%% contributors can be found at
+%% and the original template was based on the HSRM theme by Benjamin Weiss.
+%% This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0
+%% International License (
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+%% Copyright 2024 Johan Larsson and contributors
+%% ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ language=[LaTeX]{TeX},
+ basicstyle=\ttfamily,
+ keywordstyle=\color{mLightBrown}\bfseries,
+ commentstyle=\color{mLightGreen},
+ stringstyle=\color{mLightGreen},
+ backgroundcolor=\color{mBackground},
+ numbers=none,
+ numberstyle=\tiny\ttfamily,
+ stepnumber=2,
+ showspaces=false,
+ showstringspaces=false,
+ showtabs=false,
+ frame=none,
+ framerule=1pt,
+ tabsize=2,
+ rulesep=5em,
+ captionpos=b,
+ breaklines=true,
+ breakatwhitespace=false,
+ framexleftmargin=0em,
+ framexrightmargin=0em,
+ xleftmargin=0em,
+ xrightmargin=0em,
+ aboveskip=1em,
+ belowskip=1em,
+ morekeywords={usetheme,institute,maketitle,%
+ plain,setbeamercolor,molochset,setsansfont,setmonofont},
+ linkcolor=mLightBrown,
+ menucolor=mLightBrown,
+ pagecolor=mLightBrown,
+ urlcolor=mLightBrown]{hyperref}
+ \DescribeMacro{#1}
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{\textwidth}
+ \textit{\textbf{\textcolor{mLightGreen}{#2}}}\dotfill\,#3\par
+ \begingroup
+ \vspace{0.5em}#4\par
+ \endgroup
+ \end{minipage}
+\def\molochversion{0.1.0} % x-release-please-version
+% \ReadPackageInfos{beamerthememoloch}
+\title{The \themename package (v\molochversion)}
+\author{Johan Larsson \and Matthias Vogelgesang\footnote{Matthias wrote the original version of this manual for the Metropolis theme, which has since been modified by Johan Larsson.}}
+Beamer is a great way to make presentations with LaTeX, but its theme
+selection is surprisingly sparse. The stock themes share an aesthetic that can
+be a little cluttered, while the few distinctive custom themes available are
+often specialized for a particular corporate or institutional brand.
+The goal of \themename is to provide a simple, modern Beamer theme suitable
+for anyone to use. It tries to minimize noise and maximize space for content;
+the only visual flourish it offers is an (optional) progress bar added to each
+slide or to the section slides.
+\themename's codebase is maintained at \url{}.
+If you have any issues, find mistakes in the manual or want to help make
+the theme even better, please get in touch there.
+\themename is a fork of the popular Metroplis theme by Matthias Vogelgesang.
+The motivation for the fork was to fix some longstanding bugs in Metropolis
+and also simplify the codebase to make it easier to maintain and less
+fragile to changes in the underlying Beamer code.
+\section{Getting Started}
+\subsection{Installing from CTAN}
+For most users, we recommend installing \themename from
+\href{}{CTAN}. If you keep your \TeX\ distribution
+up-to-date, chances are good that \themename is already installed. If it is
+not, you need to update your packages. If your distribution is \TeX\ Live
+(or Mac\TeX\ on OS X), the following command updates all packages.
+tlmgr update --all
+If this results in an error, you may need to run it with administrative privileges:
+sudo tlmgr update --all
+Mac\TeX\ on OS X also provides a graphical interface for |tlmgr| called
+\TeX\ Live Utility.
+For any other distribution please refer to its documentation on how to update
+your packages.
+\subsection{Installing from Source}
+If you want to use the development version of \themename, you can
+install it manually. You only need a recent \LaTeX\ distribution
+which includes \textbf{l3build}. Then simply follow the steps below.
+ \item[Download the source] with a |git clone| of
+ \url{}
+ \item[Install the package] by running |l3build install| inside the downloaded
+ directory.
+\subsection{A Minimal Example}
+The following code shows a minimal example of a Beamer presentation using
+\title{A minimal example}
+\author{Johan Larsson}
+\institute{Centre for Modern Beamer Themes}
+ \maketitle
+ \section{First Section}
+ \begin{frame}{First Frame}
+ Hello, world!
+ \end{frame}
+\themename depends on the |beamer| class and the following standard packages:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item |tikz|
+ \item |pgfopts|
+ \item |calc|
+ \end{itemize}
+To use this theme with \href{}{Pandoc}-based
+presentations, you can run the following command
+$ pandoc -t beamer -V theme:moloch -o output.pdf
+\subsection{Package options}
+The theme provides a number of options, which can be set using a key=value
+interface. The primary way to set options is to provide a comma-separated list
+of option-value pairs when loading \themename in the preamble:
+\usetheme[option1=value1, option2=value2, ...]{moloch}
+Options can be changed at any time---even mid-presentation---with the
+|\molochset| macro.
+\molochset{option1=newvalue1, option2=newvalue2, ...}
+The list of options is structured as shown in the following example.
+\DescribeOption{option key}{list of possible values}{default}{
+ A short description of the option.
+\subsubsection{Inner theme}
+\DescribeOption{sectionpage}{none, simple, progressbar}{progressbar}{
+ Adds a slide at the start of each section (|simple|) with an optional thin
+ progress bar below the section title (|progressbar|). The |none| option
+ disables the section page.
+\DescribeOption{subsectionpage}{none, simple, progressbar}{none}{
+ Optionally adds a slide at the start of each subsection. If enabled with
+ the |simple| or |progressbar| options, the style of the |section page| will
+ be updated to match the style of the |subsection page|. Note that section
+ slides and subsection slides can appear consecutively if both are enabled;
+ you may want to use this option together with |sectionpage=none| depending
+ on the section structure of your presentation.
+\subsubsection{Outer theme}
+\DescribeOption{progressbar}{none, head, frametitle, foot}{none}{
+ Optionally adds a progress bar to the top of each frame (|head|),
+ the bottom of each frame (|foot|), or directly below each frame title
+ (|frametitle|).
+\subsubsection{Color theme}
+\DescribeOption{background}{dark, light}{light}{
+ Provides the option to have a dark background and light foreground instead
+ of the reverse.
+\subsection{Color Customization}
+The included \themename color theme is used by default, but its colors can be
+easily changed to suit your tastes. All of the theme's styles are defined in
+terms of three beamer colors:
+ \item |normal text| (dark fg, light bg)
+ \item |alerted text| (colored fg, should be visible against dark or light)
+ \item |example text| (colored fg, should be visible against dark or light)
+An easy way to customize the theme is to redefine these colors using
+\setbeamercolor{ ... }{ fg= ... , bg= ... }
+in your preamble. For greater customization, you can redefine any of the other
+stock beamer colors. In addition to the stock colors the theme defines a number
+of \themename specific colors, which can also be redefined to your liking.
+\setbeamercolor{progress bar}{ ... }
+\setbeamercolor{title separator}{ ... }
+\setbeamercolor{progress bar in head/foot}{ ... }
+\setbeamercolor{progress bar in section page}{ ... }
+For low-light situations \themename it might be helpful to use the
+|moloch-highcontrast| color theme. It is enabled like any other color theme:
+\subsubsection{Standout frames}
+The \themename inner theme offers a custom frame format with large, centered
+text and an inverted background---perfect for focusing attention on
+single sentence or image. To use it, add the key |standout| to the frame:
+ Thank you!
+\section{Known Issues}
+\subsection{Interactions with other color themes}
+\themename can be used along with any other Beamer color theme, such as
+|crane| or |seahorse|. If you wish to do this, it is usually best to include
+the \themename subpackages individually so the \themename color theme is
+never loaded. This will prevent conflicts between the \themename color theme
+and your preferred theme.
+For example, overriding the color theme as follows may not work as expected because |\usetheme{moloch}| loads the \themename color theme, which
+defines a relationship between the frametitle background and the primary
+palette of the theme. Since |seahorse| assumes a different relationship
+between its palettes, the result is a grey, rather than periwinkle,
+frametitle background.
+The correct colors are chosen if the \themename outer, inner, and font themes
+are loaded seperately:
+\usecolortheme{seahorse} % or your preferred color theme
+Please note that \themename may not use all the colors defined in your
+favourite Beamer color theme. In particular, \themename does not set a
+background color for the title; this will cause issues when using color themes
+like |whale| which set a white foreground for the title.
+\subsection{Notes on second screen}
+If you use the \verb+[show notes on second screen]+ option built in to Beamer and
+compile with \XeLaTeX, text on slides following the first section slide may
+be rendered in white instead of the regular colour. This is due to
+\href{}{a bug} in Beamer
+or \XeLaTeX\ itself. You can work around it either by compiling with \LuaTeX\
+or by adding the following code to your preamble to reset the text color
+on each slide.
+\def\beamer@framenotesbegin{% at beginning of slide
+ \usebeamercolor[fg]{normal text}
+ \gdef\beamer@noteitems{}%
+ \gdef\beamer@notes{}%
+\subsection{Standout frames with labels}
+Because the |standout| frame option creates a group to restrict the colour
+change to a single slide, labels defined after calling |standout| will stay
+local to the group. In other words, the following may result in a ``label undefined'' error.
+\begin{frame}[standout, label=conclusion]{Conclusion}
+ Awesome slide
+To fix this problem, change the order of the keys in the frame.
+\begin{frame}[label=conclusion, standout]{Conclusion}
+ Awesome slide
+This error can be unwittingly triggered if you export your slides from Emacs
+Org mode, which automatically adds labels after frame options. Alex Branham
+\href{}{offers} the following
+solution for Org mode users, using |org-set-property|.
+* Start of a frame
+ :BEAMER_opt: label=conclusion,standout
+ :END:
+\subsection{Standout frames with Pandoc}
+With Pandoc versions prior 1.17.2 it was not possible to create standout frames
+because Pandoc only supported a specific list of frame attributes thus ignoring
+additional attributes such as |{.standout}|.
+\themename is licensed under a
+\href{}{Creative Commons
+ Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License}.
+This means that if you change the theme and re-distribute it, you must retain
+the copyright notice header and license it under the same CC-BY-SA license.
+This does not affect any presentations that you create with the theme.