path: root/macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/metropolis/
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/metropolis/')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/metropolis/ b/macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/metropolis/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4921a2af50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/metropolis/
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+## Metropolis
+* The package and theme name changed from *m* to *metropolis*!
+* The `title format` values have been restructured. Please refer to the
+ [manual][].
+Metropolis is a simple, modern Beamer theme suitable for anyone to use. It tries
+to minimize noise and maximize space for content; the only visual flourish it
+offers is an (optional) progress bar added to each slide. The core design
+principles of the theme were described in a blog post
+Not convinced? Have a look at the [demo slides][].
+## Installation
+To install a stable version of this theme, please refer to update instructions
+of your TeX distribution. Metropolis is on [CTAN][] since December
+2014 thus it is part of MikTeX and will be part of TeX Live 2016.
+Installing Metropolis from source, like any Beamer theme, involves four easy
+1. **Download the source** with a `git clone` of the [Metropolis repository]( or as a [zip archive]( of the latest development version.
+2. **Compile the style files** by running `make sty` inside the downloaded
+ directory. (Or run LaTeX directly on `source/metropolistheme.ins`.)
+3. **Move the resulting `*.sty` files** to the folder containing your
+ presentation. To use Metropolis with many presentations, run `make install`
+ or move the `*.sty` files to a folder in your TeX path instead (might require
+ `sudo` rights).
+4. **Use the theme for your presentation** by declaring `\usetheme{metropolis}` in
+ the preamble of your Beamer document.
+## Usage
+The following code shows a minimal example of a Beamer presentation using
+\usetheme{metropolis} % Use metropolis theme
+\title{A minimal example}
+\author{Matthias Vogelgesang}
+\institute{Centre for Modern Beamer Themes}
+ \maketitle
+ \section{First Section}
+ \begin{frame}{First Frame}
+ Hello, world!
+ \end{frame}
+Detailed information on using Metropolis can be found in the [manual][].
+For an alternative dark color theme, please have a look at Ross Churchley's
+excellent [owl]( theme.
+## License
+The theme itself is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
+4.0 International License]( This
+means that if you change the theme and re-distribute it, you *must* retain the
+copyright notice header and license it under the same CC-BY-SA license. This
+does not affect the presentation that you create with the theme.
+[demo slides]: