path: root/macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/hobete/hobete.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/hobete/hobete.sty')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/hobete/hobete.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/hobete/hobete.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..429a11e045
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/beamer-contrib/themes/hobete/hobete.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+% Copyright 2010 -- 2012 by tobig <>
+% This file may be distributed and/or modified
+% 1. under the LaTeX Project Public License and/or
+% 2. under the GNU Public License.
+% See the file doc/licenses/LICENSE for more details.
+ \RequirePackage{ expl3, l3keys2e, xfrac, xparse}
+\ProvidesExplPackage {hobete} {2012/06/24} {0004} {2012/6/24 Beamer Theme for University of Hohenheim}
+\bool_new:N \g_hobete_poster_bool
+\bool_set_false:N \g_hobete_poster_bool
+\bool_new:N \l_hobete_sectionpage_bool
+\bool_set_false:N \l_hobete_sectionpage_bool
+\cs_new:Npn\g_tg_frml_front{x\ }
+\keys_define:nn {hobeteoptions}{
+ poster .bool_set:N=\g_hobete_poster_bool,
+ poster .default:n = false,
+ framelist front .code:n =\cs_set:Npn\g_tg_frml_front{ #1 },
+ framelist back .code:n =\cs_set:Npn\g_tg_frml_back{ #1 },
+\keys_define:nn {hobetecommands} {
+ plain .bool_set:N = \l_hobete_sectionpage_bool,
+ plain .default:n = false,
+\typeout{ ________________________________________________}
+\typeout{| ~This ~is ~the~ Hohenheim ~Beamer ~Theme ~ \hoversion.}
+\typeout{| ~Please ~remark ~this ~is ~not ~a ~official ~Theme}
+\typeout{| ~The ~University ~of ~Hohenheim ~will ~grant~ NO ~support~ at~ all}
+\typeout{| ~If~ using~ the ~Logos, ~please ~make ~sure ~that ~you ~have ~the ~permission ~to ~do ~so!}
+\typeout{| }
+% Lets hack some stuff
+\cs_new:Npn\cs_mylogo { }
+ \NewDocumentCommand\insertmylogo{}{\cs_mylogo }
+ \NewDocumentCommand\mylogo{m}{\cs_gset:Npn\cs_mylogo {#1} }
+\bool_if:NF \g_hobete_poster_bool{% all the followig stuff is only needed in slide mode
+ \keys_set_known:nnN {hobetecommands}{ #1 }\tl_unkown_keys%
+ \bool_if:NTF \l_hobete_sectionpage_bool%
+ {%
+ \begin{frame}[plain]\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\textwidth,ht=4ex,dp=1ex,center,rounded=true,shadow=true]{titlelike}\huge \insertsection \end{beamercolorbox}\end{frame}%
+ }%true
+ {%
+ \frame{\begin{beamercolorbox}[wd=\textwidth,ht=4ex,dp=1ex,center,rounded=true,shadow=true]{titlelike}\huge \insertsection \end{beamercolorbox}}
+ }%false
+%Here comes the Framelist
+%\newcommand{\printframelist}{ }
+%\newcommand{\@savefrml}{ }
+%\newcommand{\tgframelistbackhook}{\\ }
+ %\write\@auxout{\noexpand\@writefile{frml}{\noexpand ##1}}}
+ %\renewcommand{\printframelist}{\@starttoc{frml}}
+%\myaddto{ \noexpand%
+%\tgframelistfronthook ##1 \noexpand\tgframelistbackhook}%
+%% Delcaring the i/o Streams
+% Survives outside \frametitle
+% Does not
+% will store the whole fl at the begin
+% will store new fl at end (which is written to file)
+% Stores the fl-filename
+% sets the fl-filename
+ % check if file exits if not build a empty one
+ \file_if_exist:nTF {\tl_name_file_frml}
+ { %reading in by input
+ \tl_set:Nn\g_store_frml_tl{ \input{ \tl_name_file_frml } }
+ % The following could be a l3 solution for read in line by line
+ % not used jet
+ %\ior_open:Nn\ior_frml{\tl_name_file_frml}
+ %\ior_str_map_inline:Nn \ior_frml
+ %{ \tl_gput_right:Nn \g_store_frml_tl {\g_tg_frml_front #1 \g_tg_frml_back } }
+ %\ior_close:N\ior_frml
+}{ % making new file
+ \iow_open:Nn\iow_frml{\tl_name_file_frml}
+ \iow_now:Nn\iow_frml{ }
+ \iow_close:N\iow_frml
+ }
+\DeclareDocumentCommand\frametitle { m } {
+\oldframetitle{#1}%no changes to org definition
+\tl_set:Nn\l_temp_framelist_tl{#1} % seems to be beter for comparing
+% Now comparing the recent and the former frametitle
+\str_if_eq:xxTF {\l_temp_framelist_tl}{\tl_gtemp_save_frametitle} {% do nothing if true
+%write to tl if e recent and the former frametitle are not the same
+\tl_gput_right:Nn\g_whole_framelist_tl{\g_tg_frml_front #1 \g_tg_frml_back}
+ %\iow_now:Nx\iow_frml{\l_temp_framelist_tl} % would be another posibility, but keeps a stream open the whole time
+% \iow_close:N\ios_frml
+ }
+\tl_gset:Nn\tl_gtemp_save_frametitle{#1} % now overwriting global old frametitle with recent frametitle
+% this is the last that should be done here
+\AtEndDocument{% this is latex2e but saves a write stream
+ \iow_open:Nn\iow_frml{\tl_name_file_frml}
+ \iow_now:Nx\iow_frml{\g_whole_framelist_tl}
+ \iow_close:N\iow_frml
+\DeclareDocumentCommand\printframelist{ }{ %
+}% this simply prints the frametitle list
+% The Fancy Title stuff:
+% First defining the print user code
+% Now defining the respective Functions for the titlepage
+% (They also could be defined in the Decision Tree below, but this is better to read)
+% First if only the small logo exists
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember~picture,overlay]
+ \node [scale=1.7,fill ~opacity=.2,text ~opacity=.07] at (current ~page.south~ west) {\includegraphics{\g_logo_klein_tl} };
+ %\node [scale=0.9,fill opacity=.2,text opacity=.8] at (7,0) {\includegraphics{\g_logo_gro_tl} };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \maketitle
+ \begin{center}%
+ #1%
+ \end{center}
+ }
+% if no short logo
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember~picture,overlay]
+ % \node [scale=1.7,fill opacity=.2,text opacity=.07] at (current page.south west) {\includegraphics{logoklein.eps} };
+ \node [scale=0.9,fill ~opacity=.2,text ~opacity=.8, xshift=1.2cm, yshift=-1.5cm] at (current ~page.north) {\includegraphics{\g_logo_gro_tl} };
+ \end{tikzpicture}\\[1cm]
+ \maketitle
+ \begin{center}%
+ #1%
+ \end{center}
+ }
+%if both are defined
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember~picture,overlay]
+ \node [scale=1.7,fill ~opacity=.2,text ~opacity=.07] at (current~page.south~west) {\includegraphics{\g_logo_klein_tl} };
+ \node [scale=0.9,fill ~opacity=.2,text~opacity=.8, xshift=1.2cm, yshift=-1.5cm] at (current~page.north) {\includegraphics{\g_logo_gro_tl} };
+ \end{tikzpicture}\\[1cm]
+ \maketitle%
+ % \vskip0pt plus 1filll
+ \begin{center}%
+ #1%
+ \end{center}
+ }
+\NewDocumentCommand\HohenheimFancyTitle{m}{\frame[plain]{ \maketitle } } %Fall Back
+\tl_if_empty:NTF\g_logo_klein_tl{%true klein
+ \typeout{ __Hohenheim ~Beamer ~Theme ~says: __________________}
+ \typeout{| \string\HohenhemLogoKlein\space a ~is ~not ~defined ~please~ specify... dropping~ one~ Picture}%
+ \tl_if_empty:NTF \g_logo_gro_tl{%true groß
+ \typeout{| \string\HohenhemLogoLang\space is not defined please specify... dropping fancy Title... inserting boring one} %
+ \typeout{|________________________________________________}%
+ }{%flase groß -> also kein klein aber groß
+ \typeout{| seems that \string\HohenhemLogoLang\space exists... Lets see what we can do with it}
+ \typeout{|________________________________________________}
+ \RenewDocumentCommand\HohenheimFancyTitle{m}{\inserthotpwokurz{#1}}%
+ }}
+{%klein false (vorhanden)
+ \tl_if_empty:NTF\g_logo_gro_tl{ % klein vorhanden, groß nicht
+ \typeout{| \string\HohenhemLogoLang\space is not defined... i ll try my best} %
+ \typeout{|________________________________________________}
+ \RenewDocumentCommand\HohenheimFancyTitle{1}{\inserthotpwolang{#1}}%
+ }
+ {% klein da groß da
+ \RenewDocumentCommand\HohenheimFancyTitle{m}{\inserthotp{#1}}
+ }
+\usetheme{hohenheim}% we need that in any case
+ \bool_if:NT \g_hobete_poster_bool% Check if Poster is requested ift poster=true load hohenheimposter
+ {
+ \useoutertheme{hohenheimposter}
+ \typeout{ ________________________________________________}
+ \typeout{| ~This ~is ~the~ Hohenheim ~Beamer ~Theme ~ \hoversion.}
+ \typeout{| ~Now~entering ~Poster ~Mode}
+ \typeout{|________________________________________________}
+% now all the --- Poster --- Stuff:
+% the following definitions are neither brilliant nor very hard to code for the users
+% their purpose is to make the user-end code a bit cleaner
+ \NewDocumentEnvironment{posterblock}{m}{\begin{block}{#1}}{\end{block}\vfill}
+ \NewDocumentEnvironment{outerretainblock}{}{ \begin{column}{.49\textwidth}
+ \begin{beamercolorbox}[center,wd=\textwidth]{postercolumn}
+ \begin{minipage}[t][\columnheight][t]{.95\textwidth}}%
+ { %
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{beamercolorbox}
+ \end{column}\hfill}
+ %
+ \NewDocumentCommand\insertemail{}{\tl_to_str:N\tl_posteremail }
+ \NewDocumentCommand\posteremail{m}{\tl_set:Nn\tl_posteremail{#1} }
+ \NewDocumentCommand\insertwebsite{}{\tl_to_str:N\tl_posterwebsite }
+ \NewDocumentCommand\posterwebsite{m}{\tl_set:Nn\tl_posterwebsite{#1} }
+ }
+% EOF