path: root/macros/latex/contrib/aeb-minitoc/examples/minitoc-art.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/aeb-minitoc/examples/minitoc-art.tex')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/aeb-minitoc/examples/minitoc-art.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/aeb-minitoc/examples/minitoc-art.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51a1307b6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/aeb-minitoc/examples/minitoc-art.tex
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+\usepackage[!nominitocs]{aeb-minitoc} % try compiling with the nominitocs option
+\title{The \textsf{aeb-minitoc} Package\texorpdfstring{\\[1ex]}{: }Demo for article class}
+\author{D. P. Story}
+ pdftitle={The \textsf{aeb-minitoc} Package\texorpdfstring{\\[1ex]}{: }Demo for article class},
+ pdfauthor={D. P. Story},
+ pdfkeywords={minitoc,latex,pdf},
+ pdfsubject={package to create mini-tocs within a latex document}
+% Try uncommenting the next line, change subsection to subsection*
+% and subsubsection to subsubsection* in the minitocfmt below. What other
+% changes are needed to get a good looking mini-toc?
+% \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}
+\begin{minitocfmt}{\minitocFmt} %{tctta}
+ \@W{1.55em}\@D{0em}
+ \ifthenelse{\arabic{page}=\@Pg}
+ {\@P{\hyperlink{\@L}{\mbox{\strut--}}\mtocgobble}}
+ {}%
+ \ifthenelse{\mtocref{TST}=\@E}
+ {\@F{\color{blue}}}
+ {\ifthenelse{\@E<\mtocref{StoNone}}
+ {\sffamily}{}}%
+ \@W{2.5em}\@D{1.5em}
+ \ifthenelse{\arabic{page}=\@Pg}
+ {\@P{\hyperlink{\@L}{\mbox{\strut--}}\mtocgobble}}
+ {}
+ \begin{center}#2
+ \begin{minipage}[c]{0.8\linewidth}
+ \ifMiniTocListings
+ \insertminitoc[#1]\else
+ \fcolorbox{blue}{yellow}{\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\textbf{A mini-toc goes here}}}\fi
+ \end{minipage}
+ \end{center}
+ \begin{center}#2
+ \begin{tabular}{c}\toprule
+ \begin{minipage}[c]{0.8\linewidth}
+ \ifMiniTocListings
+ \insertminitoc[#1]\else
+ \centering\textbf{A mini-toc goes here}\fi
+ \end{minipage}\\ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \end{center}
+\section{First of Many}
+The topic headings of this section are listed below.
+For long section headings to wrap around within the TOC, we need to take the hyperref option
+\texttt{linktocpage}, unless \textsf{pdflatex} or \textsf{xelatex} are used.
+\subsection{Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country, so it has been said}
+ Vertical Space\hfill\protect\vspace{1em}}
+% Here is a non-tricky example of the \miniorfulltoc usage
+\subsection[\protect\miniorfulltoc{\protect\textbf}{For all good men}]{For all good men}
+\subsubsection{A subsubsection, let's make it a long subsection, shall we}\mtoclabel{TST}
+\subsubsection{Another one}
+\vfill Page break induced
+\subsection{To come to the aid}
+\subsubsection{A third subsubsection}
+\subsubsection{A fourth}
+\subsection{Of their country}
+\section{Second to None}\mtoclabel{StoNone}
+\subsection{Peter Piper}
+\subsubsection{A subsubsection}
+\subsubsection{Another one}
+\vfill Page break induced
+\subsection{Picked a peck}
+\subsection{Of pickled peppers}
+% Here is the answer to the question posed in the manual. \mtocgobble is a public version of the \@gobble of latex
+% These changes do not appear in the table of contents as displayed by \tableofcontents.
+\subsubsection[\protect\miniorfulltoc{A \protect\emph{third} sub\protect\textcolor{blue}{sub}section \protect\textcolor{red}{$\Leftarrow$}\protect\mtocgobble}{}]{A third subsubsection}
+\subsubsection{A fourth}
+\vfill Page break induced
+\subsection[How many pecks]{How many pecks of pickled peppers}
+\subsection{Did Peter Piper pick?}