path: root/macros/latex/contrib/acmart/
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1 files changed, 114 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/acmart/ b/macros/latex/contrib/acmart/
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index 0000000000..7e7a5437c9
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/acmart/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+## acmart.cls
+* class to typeset articles for the Association
+ for Computing Machinery
+* around 3500 lines of code
+* bases on amsart.cls
+* support various journal styles
+## Packages
+* xkeyval: probably harmless
+* xstring: probably harmless
+* iftex: probably harmless
+* amsart.cls: ** must be checked**
+* amsmath: good
+* microtype: can be problematic, if needed disable patches
+* etoolbox: probably harmless
+* booktabs: table tagging is uncomplete anyway
+* refcount: probably harmless
+* ltxcmds: probably harmless
+* infwarerr: probably harmless
+* totpages: **?, should be checked**
+* everyshi: harmless (now wrapper to kernel hook)
+* environ: **probably harmless, but use should be checked**
+* trimspaces: probably harmless
+* setspace: probably harmless
+* textcase: harmless but unneeded in current latex
+* natbib: handled in latex-lab-bib
+* hyperxmp: **incompatible, but doesn't harm as it is ignored. It must be checked if XMP-data are missing**
+* kvoptions
+* various internal hyperref packages: hopefully all harmless
+* hyperref: explicitly handled by the latex-lab code
+* nameref: explicitly handled by the latex-lab code
+* graphicx: handled by the latex-lab code
+* (x)color: probably harmless
+* geometry: probably harmless
+* manyfoot: **must be checked, could affect footnote tagging**
+* nccfoots: **must be checked, could affect footnote tagging**
+* font packages: probably harmless (but math packages can affect later math tagging)
+* caption: **must be checked as latex-lab-floats redefines caption commands.**
+* float: **must be checked as latex-lab-floats redefines floats. Handling of H is unclear.**
+* comment: probably harmless
+* fancyhdr: **should work, but if must be checked if there is meaningful content in the header/footer as by default there are artifact**.
+* upquote: probably harmless
+Some packages are only loaded sometimes, e.g.
+* framed: probably problematic
+With lualatex result is similar, but probably unicode-math should be loaded.
+## Redefinitions of main LaTeX commands
+### sectioning
+* `\@startsection`: acmart definition is like kernel definition. Using new tagging definition should be fine.
+* `\@sect`: acmart definition slightly different. Reason must be checked.
+* `\@xsect`: acmart definition is like kernel definition. Using new tagging definition should be fine.
+* `\@seccntformat`: not changed by tagging code, so probably fine
+* `\@ssect`: acmart definition is like kernel definition. Using new tagging definition should be fine.
+* `\section` etc defined with `\@startsection`: OK
+* `\part` defined as level 9 command?? Does the tagging code handles that or gets it confused??
+### toc
+* `\@starttoc`: must be adjusted to the tagging code
+* `\l@section`, `\l@subsection`, `\l@subsubsection`: they use `\@tocline` (amsart), so that must be changed similar to `\@dottedtocline`
+### footnotes
+It must be checked if this harms!
+* `\@makefntext`
+* `\@footnotetext` (sometimes)
+* `\@mpfootnotetext`
+* `\@makefnmark`
+* `\footnoterule`
+### floats
+Must be checked.
+* `\@dblfloat`, `\end@dblfloat` sometimes
+### lists
+* `\@listI` etc
+* description
+### title
+lots of complicated box combinations
+* `\author`
+* `\maketitle`
+* `abstract`
+### other
+* `\endminipage`: will probably break minipage tagging.
+* `\theindex`
+## New commands and environments
+All their tagging must be checked!!