path: root/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thcite.tex
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diff --git a/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thcite.tex b/macros/inrstex/inrsdoc/thcite.tex
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-\ifundefined{writestatus} \input status \relax \fi %
-\def\cqu{\cquote{Always verify your references.}{Martin~Joseph~Routh
-\chapterhead{cite}{CITATIONS\cr or REFERENCE\cr LISTS}
-\intex\ provides facilities for automatic numbering and creation of {\it
-citation } or {\it reference} lists. The listing format supported
-is that of the IEEE, which numbers citations sequentially in the
-order that they are called out in the document. For short lists (about 40-60
-citations), the actual citation forms may be in random order. For very long
-lists, the citation form file must be ordered in the same manner as the
-citations should appear in the document. Page referencing for citations is
-not supported.
-\shead{citcomlist}{Command List}
-\shead{makecite}{Making Citations}
-A citation is made in a document using a
-format such as |[\cite{<citation tag>}]| where the |<citation tag>| may be of
-any valid tag form (see Section~{\ref{validtag}}, page \pref{validtag}).
-If a |\cite| is used in internal vertical mode, for example in a section or
-chapter head title, then the margin notes will disappear. If it used in any
-field that may become a tag, then disaster will occur. This latter should
-never happen.
-When the first |\cite| is called, the citation tag file is opened
-automatically and tag generated for this citation, and the
-numerical value is placed in the text. Subsequently, a |\cite|
-define a new tag if it is the first time it has been called and place the
-numerical value in the text. The command |\citeref{<tag>}| will place the
-numerical value of the citation in the text but will neither open the
-citation tag file if it is closed nor define a new tag if it is undefined.
-If a citation is to be defined but the value should not be put in the text,
-|{\silenttrue \cite{<citation tag>}}| should be used.
-The actual citation forms are maintained in a separate file whose
-default name is |\jobname.cfm|. The command |\makecitationlist|
-does not require that the citation forms in the |.cfm| file be in the same
-order and may include citation forms that are not even used. However,
-because of limitations on \tex's internal memory, the maximum number of
-citations in a |.cfm| file used by |\makecitationlist|
-is limited to approximately 40 to 60. If \tex\ runs out of memory it is
-necessary to use |\makelongcitationlist| instead. When using this command,
-the |.cfm| file may be of any length but the citation forms must be in the
-correct order, and include only those actually cited in the document.
-This must be done by some program external to \intex.
-The citation form command in the |.cfm| file is
-|\citeform{<citation tag>}{<TeX citation form macro>}|. The
-|<TeX citation form macro>| is of any form but will usually be a special
-|\listitem|. The actual number of the particular citation being written is
-held in the command |\citetagvalue|. This command should be placed at that
-place in the |<TeX citation form macro>| where the citation number should
-The first call to the |\cite| command will open the |\jobname.ctg| file where
-the tags for the citations are stored.
-|\initcitetag{<integer>}| where |<integer>| is one less than the lowest
-number in the citation list is written. This number allows for several
-independent citation lists to exist in a single document, for instance at the
-end of each chapter. When the file is closed, either with a
-|\makecitationlist| or a |\closecitationtagfile|, an
-|\lastcitenum{<integer>}| is written. The |<integer>| is the current value of
-the |\citenum|.
-To make a citation list the following is required:
-\1beginlist % citations are usually listitems ... should be group
-\1frenchspacing % suppresses extra space after periods
-<initial macros \1ejectpage, make Reference header
- and set up list>
-\1makecitationlist % or \1makelongcitationlist
-The actual list of macros is inserted, in order by |\makecitationlist| or
-by |\makelongcitationlist|. The latter must be used if there are too many
-citations for \tex's memory. In that case the |\jobname.cfm| file must be
-sorted and contain only those citations actually used.
-These commands automatically close the |\jobname.ctg| file, if it is open.
-\shead{prelcite}{Prelude Citations}
-Occasionally citations appear in the prelude of a document, sometimes
-through a
-section head and hence in the table of contents.
-Usually the citation numbers should be those that occur later in the text
-rather than the ones that would occur naturally.
-The |\cite| in the prelude causes the citation tag file to open prematurely
-and the |\citenum| to be incremented incorrectly. To get around this problem,
-use the following procedure:
-\begingroup % limits effect to initial section
-\inputwithcheck{<filename>.ctg} %inputs the .ctg file if it exists
-\let\cite=\citeref % cites only refer now
-<text with \cites>
-\endgroup % where you want citations to behave normally
-\shead{citecomforms}{Command Forms}
-|\citenum| is the counter that holds the current largest citation number
-used. This number is equal to or larger than that set by
-\ext\@|\cite{<citation tag>}|
-This command places the citation number, corresponding to the
-|<citation tag>| in the text, without any surrounding brackets or braces.
-If the |<citation tag>| has not been defined, or if it was defined for a
-previous citation list, the |\citenum| is increased by one, and a tag is
-created with that new value. Multiple citations may be called in a single
-place by |[\cite{<citetag1>}, \cite{<citetag2>}, ...]|. However, there is
-{\it no} sorting capability so that the numbers may appear out of sequential
-order. The first |\cite| opens the citation tag file.
-|{\silenttrue \cite{<citetag>}}| will define and increment the citation
-counter but will not insert the citation value in the text.
-\ext\@|\citeform{<citation tag>}{<TeX macro form>}|
-This is the form that must be used in the file |\jobname.cfm|
-file that actually contains the list of citations. The |<citation tag>| is
-the same on used in the text when the citation is called out. The
-|<TeX macro form>| is the \tex\ macro that will actually be inserted into the
-reference list. This must contain all the information needed to produce the
-final form of the citation. Since the actual citation number is being
-supplied by \intex, it is necessary to include the \tex\ command
-|\citetagvalue| in the place required in the text. For instance, if the
-|\listitem| command was being used as the basic form, and if the citation tag
-were |[Knut84]|, then an appropriate |\citeform| for the \texbook\ would be
-\citeform{[Knut84]}{\listitem \citetagvalue D.E. Knuth,
- {\bf \TeX book}, {\it Addison Wesley Pub. Co.}, 1984}
-This command contains, at the time of a |\citeform| execution, the number of
-that particular citation.
-This closes the |\jobname.ctg| file, if it is open. Since the |.ctg|
-file is closed
-automatically whenever |\makecitationlist| is called, this command is seldom
-This command is written into the |.ctg| file when it is opened. It
-establishes the minimum value of |\citenum| for this list. The actual
-reference value is determined by subtracting this value from the
- [=] { \inputwithcheck{<first form file>}
- ...
- \inputwithcheck{<last form file>} }|
-This is a token list of files, each prefaced by
-|\inputwithcheck|, that contain the citations for a particular citation
-list. The command |\inputwitcheck| determines whether the file exists
-before trying to open it. The default is |\inputwithcheck{\jobname.cfm}|.
- [=] { \inputwithcheck{<first tag file>}
- ...
- \inputwithcheck{<last tag file>} }|
-This is a token list of files, each prefaced by
-|\inputwithcheck|, that contain the citation tags for a particular citation
-list. The command |\inputwitcheck| determines whether the file exists
-before trying to open it. The default is |\inputwithcheck{\jobname.ctg}|.
-The |\jobname.ctg| file contains the tags for the citation list.
-These tags are in order of call out and numbered
-sequentially. It also includes the |\initcitetag| command.
-This command is written into the |.ctg| file when it is
-closed either by a |\closecitationtagfile| or a
-|\makecitationlist|. It is used to reset |\citenum| when using successive
-citation lists.
-This command reads in the |\jobname.cfm| file. It then reads the
-|\jobname.ctg| file and converts the list of citation tags into
-a correctly ordered list of citations. The citation forms in the
-|\jobname.cfm| file may be in any order and may include ones that are not
-Any formatting control commands such as
-|\beginlist ... \endlist| must be placed around it.
-This command reads in the |\jobname.cfm| file and assigns citation numbers
-to the citation forms in the order that they appear. Errors from those
-indicated by the |\citetagvalue| are reported.
- The citation forms in the
-|\jobname.cfm| file {\bf must be in the same order as called out in the
-document and include only those that are actually used.}
-Any formatting control commands such as
-|\beginlist ... \endlist| must be placed around it.
-\done \ No newline at end of file