path: root/macros/generic/memoize/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/generic/memoize/')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/generic/memoize/ b/macros/generic/memoize/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..dd543327cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/memoize/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# This file is a part of Memoize, a TeX package for externalization of
+# graphics and memoization of compilation results in general, available at
+# and
+# Copyright (c) 2020- Saso Zivanovic <>
+# This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+# LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at
+# your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in
+# and version 1.3c or later is part of
+# all distributions of LaTeX version 2008 or later.
+# This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+# The Current Maintainer of this work is Saso Zivanovic.
+# The files belonging to this work and covered by LPPL are listed in
+# <texmf>/doc/generic/memoize/FILES.
+__version__ = '2023/10/10 v1.0.0'
+import argparse, re, sys, pathlib, os
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Remove (stale) memo and extern files.",
+ epilog = "For details, see the man page or the Memoize documentation."
+parser.add_argument('--yes', '-y', action = 'store_true',
+ help = 'Do not ask for confirmation.')
+parser.add_argument('--all', '-a', action = 'store_true',
+ help = 'Remove *all* memos and externs.')
+parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action = 'store_true')
+parser.add_argument('--prefix', '-p', action = 'append', default = [],
+ help = 'A path prefix to clean; this option can be specified multiple times.')
+parser.add_argument('mmz', nargs= '*', help='.mmz record files')
+parser.add_argument('--version', '-V', action = 'version',
+ version = f"%(prog)s of Memoize " + __version__)
+args = parser.parse_args()
+re_prefix = re.compile(r'\\mmzPrefix *{(.*?)}')
+re_memo = re.compile(r'%? *\\mmz(?:New|Used)(?:CC?Memo|Extern) *{(.*?)}')
+re_endinput = re.compile(r' *\\endinput *$')
+prefixes = set(pathlib.Path(prefix).resolve() for prefix in args.prefix)
+keep = set()
+# We loop through the given .mmz files, adding prefixes to whatever manually
+# specified by the user, and collecting the files to keep.
+for mmz_fn in args.mmz:
+ mmz = pathlib.Path(mmz_fn)
+ mmz_parent = mmz.parent.resolve()
+ try:
+ with open(mmz) as mmz_fh:
+ prefix = ''
+ endinput = False
+ empty = None
+ for line in mmz_fh:
+ line = line.strip()
+ if not line:
+ pass
+ elif endinput:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ r'Bailing out, \endinput is not the last line of file $mmz_fn.')
+ elif m := re_prefix.match(line):
+ prefix = m[1]
+ prefixes.add( (mmz_parent/prefix).resolve() )
+ if empty is None:
+ empty = True
+ elif m := re_memo.match(line):
+ if not prefix:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f'Bailing out, no prefix announced before file "{m[1]}".')
+ if not m[1].startswith(prefix):
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ f'Bailing out, prefix of file "{m[1]}" does not match '
+ f'the last announced prefix ({prefix}).')
+ keep.add((mmz_parent / m[1]))
+ empty = False
+ elif re_endinput.match(line):
+ endinput = True
+ continue
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError(fr"Bailing out, "
+ fr"file {mmz_fn} contains an unrecognized line: {line}")
+ if empty and not args.all:
+ raise RuntimeError(fr'Bailing out, file {mmz_fn} is empty.')
+ if not endinput and empty is not None and not args.all:
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ fr'Bailing out, file {mmz_fn} does not end with \endinput; '
+ fr'this could mean that the compilation did not finish properly. '
+ fr'You can only clean with --all.'
+ )
+ # It is not an error if the file doesn't exist.
+ # Otherwise, cleaning from scripts would be cumbersome.
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+tbdeleted = []
+def populate_tbdeleted(folder, basename_prefix):
+ re_aux = re.compile(
+ re.escape(basename_prefix) +
+ '[0-9A-F]{32}(?:-[0-9A-F]{32})?(?:-[0-9]+)?(?:\.memo|(?:-[0-9]+)?\.pdf|\.log)$')
+ try:
+ for f in folder.iterdir():
+ if re_aux.match( and (args.all or f not in keep):
+ tbdeleted.append(f)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ pass
+for prefix in prefixes:
+ # "prefix" is interpreted both as a directory (if it exists) and a basename prefix.
+ if prefix.is_dir():
+ populate_tbdeleted(prefix, '')
+ populate_tbdeleted(prefix.parent,
+allowed_dirs = [pathlib.Path().absolute()] # todo: output directory
+deletion_not_allowed = [f for f in tbdeleted if not f.is_relative_to(*allowed_dirs)]
+if deletion_not_allowed:
+ raise RuntimeError("Bailing out, "
+ "I was asked to delete these files outside the current directory:\n" +
+ "\n".join(str(f) for f in deletion_not_allowed))
+_cwd_absolute = pathlib.Path().absolute()
+def relativize(path):
+ try:
+ return path.relative_to(_cwd_absolute)
+ except ValueError:
+ return path
+if tbdeleted:
+ tbdeleted.sort()
+ if not args.yes:
+ print('I will delete the following files:')
+ for f in tbdeleted:
+ print(relativize(f))
+ print("Proceed (y/n)? ")
+ a = input()
+ if args.yes or a == 'y' or a == 'yes':
+ for f in tbdeleted:
+ if not args.quiet:
+ print("Deleting", relativize(f))
+ try:
+ f.unlink()
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ print(f"Cannot delete {f}")
+ else:
+ print("Bailing out.")
+elif not args.quiet:
+ print('Nothing to do, the directory seems clean.')