path: root/macros/generic/memoize/doc/memoize-doc.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/generic/memoize/doc/memoize-doc.sty')
1 files changed, 711 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/generic/memoize/doc/memoize-doc.sty b/macros/generic/memoize/doc/memoize-doc.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a1d7482c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/memoize/doc/memoize-doc.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,711 @@
+%% memoize-doc.sty
+%% This file is a part of Memoize, a TeX package for externalization of
+%% graphics and memoization of compilation results in general, available at
+%% and
+%% Copyright (c) 2020- Saso Zivanovic <>
+%% (Sa\v{s}o \v{Z}ivanovi\'{c})
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the
+%% LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license or (at
+%% your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3c or later is part of
+%% all distributions of LaTeX version 2008 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Saso Zivanovic.
+%% The files belonging to this work and covered by LPPL are listed in
+%% (<texmf>/doc/generic/memoize/)FILES.
+% \usepackage{lstdoc} % this must be loaded before hyperref
+% \usepackage{hypdoc}
+ colorlinks=true,
+ allcolors=black,
+ linkcolor=Hyperlink,
+% explicitly load advice (and thereby collargs) for when we load nomemoize
+% \usepackage[extract=latex]{memoize}
+% \usepackage{memoize}
+ auto={tcolorbox}{memoize, options=verbatim},
+ auto={tcboxedraster}{memoize, options=verbatim},
+ auto={tcbraster}{memoize, options={verbatim,ignore spaces}},
+ auto={tcblisting}{memoize, options={verbatim,ignore spaces}},
+ auto csname={tcbinputexample code}{memoize, args=mmm+m, ignore spaces},
+ auto=\tcbinputlisting{memoize, args=m, options=ignore spaces},
+ % The following doesn't work perfectly, but it's good enough.
+ auto key={/tcb/breakable}{run if memoizing, outer handler=\makeunmemoizableunless{false}},
+ auto key={/tcb/float}{run if memoizing, outer handler=\makeunmemoizableunless{}},
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{#2}{}{\mmzUnmemoizable}%
+ \AdviceOriginal#1\pgfeov
+\usepackage[skip=0.3\baselineskip plus 2pt]{parskip}
+ itemsep=0.3\baselineskip plus 2pt minus 1pt,
+ parsep=0.3\baselineskip plus 2pt
+\SetEnumitemKey{comma}{itemjoin={{, }}}
+\SetEnumitemKey{and}{itemjoin={{, }}, itemjoin*={{, and }}}
+% \usepackage{lstdoc} % this must be loaded before hyperref
+%\usepackage{lstautogobble} % todo: does not work!
+ listing file/.append code={%
+ \ifmemoizing
+ \ifstrequal{#1}{\jobname.listing}{%
+ % We're in tcolorbox's reset, do nothing
+ }{%
+ \mmzset{
+ context={%
+ listing file={#1},
+ md5sum=\csuse{pdf@filemdfivesum}{#1},
+ },
+ }%
+ }%
+ \fi
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+ raster every box/.style={top=1mm, bottom=1mm},
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+ fonttitle=\bfseries,
+ },
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+ listing options app={
+ moredelim={[is][\pstyle]{~}{~}},
+ commentstyle=\color{purple},
+ morekeywords={unexpanded,expanded,expandonce,NewDocumentCommand,IfValueTF},
+ breakindent=10pt,
+ },
+ },
+ my listing options,
+ % for listings inside a tcboxedraster ...
+ reset/.append style=my listing options,
+ % titles
+ attach shifted boxed title to top right/.style={
+ attach boxed title to top right={
+ xshift=1.5mm, yshift=-\tcboxedtitleheight/2, #1},
+ },
+ attach shifted boxed title to top right/.default={},
+ attach shifted boxed title to top left/.style={
+ attach boxed title to top left={
+ xshift=-1.5mm, yshift=-\tcboxedtitleheight/2, #1},
+ },
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+ enhanced, title={#1},
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+ my boxed title/.value required,
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+ attach shifted boxed title to top right,
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+ \begin{tcbclipinterior}
+ \draw[red!40!white, opacity=0.4, line width=1cm]
+ (interior.south west)--(interior.north east);
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+ },
+ },
+ warning/.style={colback=red!15},
+ to be continued on right/.style={
+ frame code={% line thickness is uniform and depends on tcolorbox's leftrule
+ \draw[color=tcbcolframe,
+ line width=2*\kvtcb@left@rule, rounded corners=2*\kvtcb@left@rule,
+ ]
+ (interior.north east)--(interior.north west)
+ --(interior.south west)--(interior.south east);
+ },
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+ \draw[color=tcbcolframe,line width=\kvtcb@left@rule,dashed]
+ ([xshift=-0.5*\kvtcb@left@rule]interior.south east)
+ --([xshift=-0.5*\kvtcb@left@rule]interior.north east);
+ },
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+ \mbox{%
+ \tcbincludegraphics[reset,capture=hbox,graphics options={clip,#4},#1]{#2}#3%
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+% \def\makeexample#1{\pdfsystem{make -B -C \exampledir\space#1}}
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+ enhanced,
+ % uniform height and (zero) depth
+ before title={\begingroup \setbox0\hbox\bgroup},
+ after title={\egroup\ht0 1.2ex \dp0 0pt \box0 \endgroup},
+ title={\texttt{#1}},
+ top=2mm,
+ attach shifted boxed title to top left,
+ fonttitle={\small\hypercolor{link}{white}},
+ },
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+ attachment/.estore in=\attachmentpath,
+ attachment name/.estore in=\attachmentname,
+ attachment name/.default=noname.tex,
+ no attachment/.style={attach/.style={}},
+ attachment=\jobname.listing.attachment,
+ attachment name,
+ % attach example/.style={
+ % attachment/.expanded=\,
+ % attachment name/.expanded=\examplename.tex,
+ % attach,
+ % },
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+ overlay app={%
+ \node at (frame.north east) [
+ fill=white, draw=gray, thick,
+ ellipse, inner xsep=-0.5mm, inner ysep=0, shift={(-2mm,-2mm)}, rotate=45,
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+ \pdfsystem{make -f examples/Makefile \attachmentpath}%
+ \expandafter\myattachandlink\expandafter[\attachmentname]{\attachmentpath}[application/x-tex]{Click here to open the code.}{\rotatebox{-45}{\faPaperclip}}
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ excerpt/.code 2 args={%
+ \makeexample{#2.excerpt SOURCE=#1}%
+ },
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+ \begingroup
+ \def\filename{#2}%
+ \immediate\write\attachments{#2 #1 ## line \the\inputlineno}%
+ \ifmemoizing
+ \xtoksapp\mmzCCMemo{%
+ \immediate\write\attachments{#2 #1 ## line \the\inputlineno}%
+ }%
+ \fi
+ \expanded{%
+ \endgroup
+ \noexpand\attachandlink[#1]{#2}%
+ }%
+\immediate\openout\attachments attachments.lst
+ >{\edef\ProcessedArgument} D(){\examplename} O{.tex} O{.c1} +m }
+ /mmz/context={dtxmd5sum=\csuse{pdf@filemdfivesum}{\exampledir#1#2.dtx}},
+ example title={#1#2},
+ % enlarge left by=\leftmargin,% this takes care of using this box in lists
+ listing and comment,
+ one file/.style={
+ listing file={\exampledir#1#2#3},
+ attachment={\exampledir#1#2#3},
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+ listing file=\exampledir#1#2#3.listing,
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+ attachment=\exampledir#1#2#3.attachment,
+ attachment name=#1#2,%
+ #4,
+ attach,
+ full width/.style={grow to left by=\leftmargin},
+ listing and compile/.style={
+ listing and comment,
+ comment={%
+ \input\examplepath.tex.c#1
+ }
+ },
+ listing and compile/.default=1,
+ /handlers/.detokenize/.style={\pgfkeyscurrentpath/.expand once=\detokenize{#1}},
+ /utils/typeout/.code={\typeout{#1}},
+\usetikzlibrary{decorations.pathmorphing, arrows.meta}
+ ->/.tip={Kite},
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+ {->, decorate,
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+ {5mm}{5mm}%
+ {\section@box{\Large}{4mm}{fuzzy halo=1mm with blue!50!gray}}}
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+ {\section@box{\large}{2mm}{fuzzy halo=1mm with blue!50!gray}}}
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+ {\section@box{}{2mm}{}}}
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+ \@startsection{paragraph}{4}{\z@}{\paragraphskip}{-1em}{\paragraph@box}{#2}%
+ \IfBooleanT{#1}{\hspace*{\dimexpr-8mm+0.5em}}%
+ \hskip 0pt plus .5em
+ \IfBooleanF{#1}{\nopagebreak}% % todo: this is bad, if the paragraph is long
+\NewTotalTCBox{\Emph}{m}{my code box, fontupper=\rm}{#1}
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+ opacity=0.6,
+ top color=#1, bottom color=#1, middle color=emphcolor,
+ },
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+ my code box/.style={
+ reset, enhanced, verbatim,
+ boxsep=0pt, left=0.3ex,right=0.3ex, box align=base,
+ interior hidden, frame hidden,
+ overlay={\shade[emphshade]
+ ([yshift=0.7ex]frame.north west) rectangle ([yshift=-0.7ex]frame.south east);
+ },
+ },
+% verbatim code in the implementation
+ rangebeginprefix=\ \ \%\%\%\ begin\ listing\ region:\ ,
+ rangebeginsuffix=,
+ rangeendprefix=\ \ \%\%\%\ end\ listing\ region:\ ,
+ rangeendsuffix=,
+ includerangemarker=false,
+ keepspaces=true,
+ \let\mmzPrefix\gobble
+ \let\mmzNewCMemo\gobble
+ \let\mmzNewCCMemo\gobble
+ \def\mmzNewExtern##1##2##3##4##5{}%
+ \let\mmzUsedCMemo\gobble
+ \let\mmzUsedCCMemo\gobble
+ \let\mmzUsedExtern\gobble
+\NewDocumentCommand\makeexcerpt{ m O{.tex} D(){../../memoize.edtx} }{%
+ \ExampleName{#1}%
+ \makeexample{#1#2.excerpt SOURCE=#3}%
+ \ignorespaces
+ \begingroup
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+ \def\9{\bslash9}%
+ \def~{\noexpand~}%
+ \def\n{\string\n}%
+ \def\({\bslash(}%
+ \def\){\bslash)}%
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+ \let\rbrace\sedrbrace
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+ \edef\meta@hyphen@restore{\hyphenchar\the\font\the\hyphenchar\font}%
+ \hyphenchar\font\m@ne
+ \language\l@nohyphenation
+ #1\/%
+ \meta@hyphen@restore
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+ \meta{#1}%
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+\newcommand\code[1]{\texttt{\spaceskip 0.5em plus 0.2em minus 0.2em #1}}
+\def\TikZ{\href{}{{\rm Ti\emph{k}Z}}\xspace}
+% collargs reference, pi = programmer's interface
+% Shrink the glyphs in the footnote if necessary.
+ pi/.style={
+ overlay={%
+ \node at (frame.north east) [anchor=north west, inner sep=0] {\footnotemark};
+ },
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+ \footnotetext{%
+ % \adjustspacing=2 % already 2 ... microtype?
+ \myfontexpansionon
+ \yadocset{before/.code={\cspreto{yadoc@name@prefix}{\myfontexpansionon}}}%
+ \mbox{The programmer's interface:} #1.%
+ }%
+ },
+ },
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+ \directlua{font.setexpansion(font.current(),0,0,1)}%
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+% \AtBeginDocument{%
+% \setbox0=\hbox{%
+% \footnotesize\ttfamily
+% \global\expandafter\let\expandafter\fnttfont\font@name
+% %\expandglyphsinfont\fnttfont 30 500 1 autoexpand
+% }%
+% }
+ name color=Definition,
+ before body=\parskip 0.3\baselineskip plus 2pt,
+ % after body=\medskip,
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+ interior style={fill, left color=red!5,right color=red!5!black!2},
+ },
+ easy/.style={
+ name color=green!50!black,
+ head/.style={
+ interior style={fill, left color=green!5,right color=black!5},
+ },
+ },
+ keypath color opacity=30,
+ index encapsulator={`},
+ index annotation font=\color{gray},
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+ desc/.style={description={#1}},
+ keypath=/mmz,
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+ index annotation=\texttt{xparse} modifier,
+ label prefix=xparse,
+ },
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+ index annotation=\texttt{xparse} type,
+ label prefix=xparse,
+ },
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+ label prefix=script,
+ parameters prefix=\space,
+ },
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+ index annotation=keypath,
+ label prefix:=keypath:/,
+ name prefix=/,
+ description=keypath,
+ },
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+ ref prefix={\protect\ifyadoc@short-\yadoc@short@name\protect\else--},
+ ref suffix={\protect\fi},
+ index prefix={--},
+ index suffix={\ifdefempty\yadoc@short@name{}{\Alt-\yadoc@short@name}},
+ parameters prefix=\ ,
+ label prefix:={\yadoc@of--},
+ index annotation=option of {\docref[into index=false,link color=gray]{\yadoc@of}},
+ },
+ short name/.store in=\yadoc@short@name,
+ short/.is if=yadoc@short,
+ long/.is if=yadoc@long,
+ conditional/.style={
+ parameters={\texttt{true}\Alt\texttt{false}},
+ /utils/exec={%
+ \appto\yadoc@description{default \texttt{true}, initially \texttt{#1}}%
+ },
+ },
+ conditional/.value required,
+ package item/.style={
+ index annotation=package,
+ label prefix=pkg,
+ description=package,
+ },
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+ after/.style={index annotation/.append={\space of package \pkg{#1}}}
+ },
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+ label prefix=hook,
+ index annotation=hook,
+ },
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+ label prefix=pdfvar,
+ index annotation={\hologo{LuaTeX}'s \refcmd{pdfvariable} register},
+ },
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+ label prefix=cmd,
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+ \textbackslash
+ \protect\ifyadoc@short
+ \protect\else
+ \protect\ifyadoc@long
+ pdf%
+ \protect\else
+ % todo: revert to the real original font rather than just say \rmfamily
+ \rmfamily(\ttfamily pdf\rmfamily)\ttfamily
+ \protect\fi
+ \protect\fi
+ },
+ index prefix=\textbackslash,
+ },
+ \begingroup
+ \hypercolor{link}{#1}%
+ \hyperpage{#2}%
+ \endgroup
+ auto={tcb@manual@entry}{nomemoize},
+ auto={doc}{nomemoize},
+\ifcsname ifregion\endcsname
+ \ifregion{%
+ \AddToHook{begindocument/before}{%
+ \makeatletter
+ \InputIfFileExists{memoize.aux}{}{}%
+ \makeatother
+ }%
+ \AddToHook{enddocument}{%
+ \printindex
+ }%
+ }
+ \robustify\hyperref
+ \robustify\hologo
+ \robustify\Alt
+% \usepackage{caption}
+% \captionsetup{labelformat=empty}
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-master: "memoize.tex"
+% TeX-engine: luatex
+% End: