path: root/macros/generic/markdown/tests/testfiles/lunamark-markdown/no-slice.test
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/generic/markdown/tests/testfiles/lunamark-markdown/no-slice.test')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/generic/markdown/tests/testfiles/lunamark-markdown/no-slice.test b/macros/generic/markdown/tests/testfiles/lunamark-markdown/no-slice.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..130042e81f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/markdown/tests/testfiles/lunamark-markdown/no-slice.test
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+This test ensures that the Lua `slice` option processes the entire document by
+This is an H1
+This is an H2 {#first-h2}
+### This is an H3
+#### This is an H4
+##### This is an H5
+###### This is an H6
+This is a text paragraph containing an ellipsis ... and followed by a horizontal rule.
+This is inline `code`. This is a [link]( "Google"). _This is an *emphasized* span of text_. __This is a **strongly emphasized** span of text__.
+ ![example image](example-image.pdf "An example image from Martin Scharrer's mwe package")
+ /scientists.csv (The great minds of the 19th century rendered via a content block)
+This is a fenced code block:
+``` latex
+ Hello world!
+This is an H2 {#second-h2}
+This is a bullet list:
+ * The first item of a bullet list
+ that spans several paragraphs,
+ * the second item of a bullet list,
+ * the third item of a bullet list.
+This is a compact bullet list:
+ * The first item of a bullet list,
+ * the second item of a bullet list,
+ * the third item of a bullet list.
+This is an ordered list:
+ 5. The first item of an ordered list
+ that spans several paragraphs,
+ 6. the second item of an ordered list,
+ 7. the third item of an ordered list.
+This is an ordered list using hash enumerators:
+ #. The first item of an ordered list
+ that spans several paragraphs,
+ #. the second item of an ordered list,
+ #. the third item of an ordered list.
+This is a compact ordered list:
+ 5. The first item of an ordered list,
+ 6. the second item of an ordered list,
+ 7. the third item of an ordered list.
+This is a compact ordered list using hash enumerators:
+ #. The first item of an ordered list,
+ #. the second item of an ordered list,
+ #. the third item of an ordered list.
+This is a definition list:
+Term 1
+: Definition 1
+*Term 2*
+: Definition 2
+ Some code, part of Definition 2
+ Third paragraph of Definition 2.
+: Definition 3
+This is a compact definition list:
+Term 1
+: Definition 1
+*Term 2*
+: Definition 2
+: Definition 3
+This is an H2
+This is a block quote:
+> This is the first level of quoting.
+> > This is nested blockquote.
+> Back to the first level.
+Here is a footnote reference[^1] and another.[^longnote]
+Here is an inline note.^[Inlines notes are easier to
+write, since you don't have to pick an identifier and
+move down to type the note.]
+[^1]: Here is the footnote.
+[^longnote]: Here's one with multiple blocks.
+ Subsequent paragraphs are indented to show that they
+belong to the previous footnote.
+ Some code
+ The whole paragraph can be indented, or just the first
+ line. In this way, multi-paragraph footnotes work like
+ multi-paragraph list items.
+codeSpan: slice
+headingOne: This is an H1
+headingTwo: This is an H2
+headingThree: This is an H3
+headingFour: This is an H4
+headingFive: This is an H5
+headingSix: This is an H6
+codeSpan: code
+BEGIN link
+- label: link
+- URI:
+- title: Google
+END link
+emphasis: This is an (emphasis: emphasized) span of text
+strongEmphasis: This is a (strongEmphasis: strongly emphasized) span of text
+BEGIN image
+- label: example image
+- URI: example-image.pdf
+- title: An example image from Martin Scharrer's mwe package
+END image
+codeSpan: latex (backslash)documentclass(leftBrace)article(rightBrace) (backslash)begin(leftBrace)document(rightBrace) Hello world! (backslash)end(leftBrace)document(rightBrace)
+headingTwo: This is an H2
+olItemWithNumber: 5
+olItemWithNumber: 6
+olItemWithNumber: 7
+inputVerbatim: ./_markdown_test/484324226416f8957283b25427f6a56e.verbatim
+olItemWithNumber: 5
+olItemWithNumber: 6
+olItemWithNumber: 7
+emphasis: Term 2
+inputVerbatim: ./_markdown_test/75062d55efa99b0f4cb94891f3745f93.verbatim
+emphasis: Term 2
+headingTwo: This is an H2