path: root/macros/generic/hyacc-cm
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/generic/hyacc-cm')
7 files changed, 2372 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/f7hyphen.tex b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/f7hyphen.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e21830ecfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/f7hyphen.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,522 @@
+ %%%% F7HYPH.TEX
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%% ---7-bit Hyphenation patterns (and nothing else) for French
+ %%% from Jacques D'esarm'enien: How to run TeX in a French environment:
+ %%% hyphenation, fonts, typography, Tugboat, 5 (1984) 91-102.
+ %%% For versions of TeX >= 3.0, better use 8-bit patterns.
+\lccode`\'= 39
+ %% apostrophe should be letter for French hyphenation (Desarmenien)
+\endgroup \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/frhyphen.crk b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/frhyphen.crk
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b8f23df973
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/frhyphen.crk
@@ -0,0 +1,868 @@
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%%%%%%%%%% frhyphen.cork
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%% --- Hyphenation patterns (and nothing else) for French
+ %%% from Jacques D'esarm'enien: How to run TeX in a French environment:
+ %%% hyphenation, fonts, typography, Tugboat, 5 (1984) 91-102.
+ %%% --- With modifications by Michael Ferguson (Tugboat, 10, 1989).
+ %%% --- Conversion to Cork norm encoding (Tugboat, 11 Sept, 1990, 514-6)
+ %%% July 10, 1991, Yannis Haralambois
+ %%% <> (called fr8Hyphen.dc)
+ %%% Corrections by Daniel Flipo <> 1992.
+ %%% See end for full list of changes.
+ %%% Posted by L. Siebenmann <siebenmann@LALCLS.IN2P3.FR>
+ %%% as 15 March, 1992 as frhyphen.cork
+ %
+ \bgroup
+ \lccode"E0="E0 % ^^e0=<'a> %% letters present in patterns
+ \lccode"E2="E2 % ^^e2=<^a>
+ \lccode"E8="E8 % ^^e8=<`e>
+ \lccode"E9="E9 % ^^e9=<'e>
+ \lccode"EA="EA % ^^ea=<^e>
+ \lccode"EE="EE % ^^ee=<^i>
+ \lccode"EF="EF % ^^ef=<"i>
+ \lccode"F4="F4 % ^^f4=<^o>
+ \lccode"F6="F6 % ^^f6=<"o>
+ \lccode"FB="FB % ^^fb=<^u>
+ \lccode"E7="E7 % ^^e7=<c\>
+ \lccode"F7="F7 % ^^f7=<oe>
+ \lccode`\'=`\' %
+.cons2 % Flipo mars 92
+.cul4 % Flipo mars 92
+.con2 % mjf jun 88
+2'2 % mjf
+'a2 % mjf
+'^^e92 % mjf
+'e2 % mjf
+'o2 % mjf
+'^^f62 % mjf
+'u2 % mjf
+'i2 % mjf
+.^^e92 %mjf
+1b^^ee % mjf jun88
+1c^^ee% mjf jun88
+ % 1ct % removed Flipo mar 92
+1c^^f7 % mjf jun88
+1d^^ee % mjf jun88
+1f^^ee % mjf jun88
+1g^^ee % mjf jun88
+1h^^ee % mjf jun88
+1k^^ee % mjf jun88
+1l^^e0 % was 1l^^d6 (?) ls mar 92
+1l^^ee % mjf jun88
+1m^^ee %mjf jun88
+1m^^f7 % mjf jun88
+1n^^ee % mjf jun88
+1n^^f7 % mjf jun88
+1p^^ee % mjf jun88
+1r^^ee % mjf jun88
+1s^^ee % mjf jun88
+1s^^f7 % mjf jun88
+1t^^e0 % was 1t^^d6 (?) ls mar 92
+1t^^ee % mjf jun88
+1v^^ee % mjf jun88
+.d^^e92s1^^f7 % mjf jun88
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+Changes to fr8hyphen.tex of July 91
+(A) \bgroup and \egroup embrace file to render temporary
+the \lccode's declared. \lccode > 0 is necessary for each character
+appearing in argument of \patterns. This led to (B).
+(B) Two changes ^^d6 to ^^e0 = <`a> mar 92 should be confirmed. (ls)
+(C) Remarks of D Flipo 3-92 on fr8hyphen.tex of July 91 incorporated:
+ 1) les . de debut de mot sont remplaces
+ par des .. (erreur de transmission
+ sur les reseaux sans doute...) [246 corrections made!!]
+ 2) il faudrait ajouter les lignes
+ .cons2
+ .cul4
+ pour eviter les cesures cons-titution et cul-ture par ex.
+ 3) il faut supprimer la ligne
+ 1ct
+ pour ne pas avoir les cesures corre-ctement etc...
+ 4) il y a d'autres cesures incorrectes comme app-lication, app-lique
diff --git a/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/h-plain.dmp b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/h-plain.dmp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b67280d1fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/h-plain.dmp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%% h-plain-e.dmp ; Spanish email-portable
+ %%% plain format dumper file.
+ %%% J-L Varona and L. Siebenmann, 5-92
+ %%% Based on HyAcc-CM
+ %%% of D. Flipo and L. Siebenmann
+ %%% and patterns of Manuel Vazquez
+ %%%
+ %%% Locate outside the "TeX inputs" folder
+ %%% to avoid destruction of English hyphen.tex
+ %%% Compile with virtex or initex
+ %%% to produce format h-plain.fmt
+ %%%
+ \catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2
+ \catcode9=10\relax% tab is space
+ \immediate\openout10=hyphen.tex
+ \def\temp{\immediate\write10}
+ \temp{\lccode`\noexpand\'=`\noexpand\'}
+ %%% Brief 7-bit Spanish pattern file
+ %% by Manuel Vazquez, Universidad de Zaragoza
+ \temp{%
+ \patterns {%
+ 1b 2bd 2bm 2bs 2by %
+ 1c 2cc 2cn 2ct %
+ 1d 2d1h 2dm 2dq 2dv 2dy %
+ 1f ..1g 2gd 2gn %
+ l1h %
+ 1j %
+ 1k %
+ 1la 1le 1li 1lo 1lu 1l2l b2l c2l f2l g2l p2l %
+ }}
+ \temp{%
+ \patterns {%
+ 1m 2mb 2mp 2mn %
+ 1na 1ne 1ni 1no 1nu %
+ 1p 2pt 2ps 2pc %
+ 1q %
+ 1ra 1re 1ri 1ro 1ru b2r c2r d2r f2r g2r p2r t2r %
+ 1sa 1se 1si 1so 1su %
+ 1t 2tl %
+ 1v %
+ 1x 2xp 2xt %
+ 1y %
+ 1z 2zb 2zm %
+ }}
+ \immediate\closeout10
+ \input plain.tex %% standard Plain
+ \input HyAcc-CM
+ \dump
diff --git a/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hyacc-cm.doc b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hyacc-cm.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d3a057a11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hyacc-cm.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+ %%% File HyAcc-CM.doc
+ %% Documentation for typographers and TeX programmers
+ %% For basic user instructions see the header
+ %% of HyAcc-CM.tex, the one example below
+ %% and the format compilation mechanism
+ %% fe-format-dumper-cm
+ Jacques Desarmenien's devices for obtaining respectable
+hyphenation in the presence of accents were never optimized nor
+internationalized --- conjecturally because it was expected
+that a version 3 of TeX would be based on MLTeX of M. Ferguson
+and rather simply offer optimal hyphenation with no change in
+the TeX environment.
+ This did not come to pass. When TeX version 3 came along,
+it instead offered something better inasmuch as the accented
+characters can be tailor-made under the new 8-bit regime
+(rather than composed of accent plus character). But, at the
+same time, the cost was unexpectedly high: new fonts, new
+drivers, new norms, and new formats. They are burdensome for
+many European TeX users, and perhaps out of reach of many
+non-European users.
+ It was then announced that TeX and Metafont will not be
+further changed by its author Don Knuth, nor by by anyone else
+so long as they bear their present copyrighted names.
+ Thus, rather unexpectedly, it has became desirable to have a
+good international version of modest but decent hyphenation in
+the presence of accents that works with absolutely all versions
+of TeX since 1982, in particularly with TeX and Computer Modern
+fonts as documented by Knuth.
+ If you use TeX in a version <3, prior to fall 1989, you
+should avoid recent hyphenation pattern files. Also, for better
+portability, always prefer pattern files in ASCII format.
+ Many 7-bit european hyphenation pattern tables are sufficiently
+compact and portable to circulate along with .tex manuscripts by
+electronic mail. For example, f7hyphen.tex the 7-bit French
+hyphenation file of Desarmenien is just 4Ko, while HyAcc-CM.tex is
+5Ko (without comments).
+ Let us consider the typical case of a French visitor to the
+Anglo-Saxon world who, to process his French typescript, has to
+use a "mainframe" computer exploiting exclusively CM fonts. If he
+is fortunate enough to use Plain.tex, he can quite simply replace
+TeX by INITEX at the cost of adding as a header to his typescript
+the incantation:
+ \input plain.tex %% standard, using US hyphenation for language 0
+ \bgroup\catcode`@=11
+ \global\def\US{\lccode`\'=0\nofrenchspacing\language=0}
+ \newlanguage\l@French
+ \global\def\FR{\lccode`\'=`\'\frenchspacing\language=\l@French}
+ \egroup
+ \FR
+ \input f7hyphen.tex
+ \input hyacc-cm.tex
+His TeX typescript will be set by INITEX starting with French
+hyphenation; \US restores US English. This assumes the
+typescript inputs adequate macros for French punctuation etc.
+ Alternatively, he can make of this header a separate file
+concluded by \dump newformat.fmt. Then INITEX dumps a format,
+say newformat.fmt, which can in turn be used under INITEX
+by reducing the header to
+ &newformat.fmt
+This second procedure is the one that best generalizes to massive
+formats such as LaTeX. Some ready-made recipes for them can be
+found in fe-format-dumper-cm posted on ftp
+(These include fe-punct.tex and gllmts.tex giving rudimentary
+macros for French versus English punctuation.) However, in
+hostile environments, the use of simple formulas as above is often
+the most cost-effective strategy.
+ In a worst possible scenario, INITEX (initex) is unavailable.
+Then one has to use the English hyphenation in conjunction with
+HyAcc-CM. For this, the following simpler header can be used on
+top of any standard English format:
+ \def\US{\lccode`\'=0 \nofrenchspacing}
+ \def\FR{\lccode`\'=`\' \frenchspacing}
+ \FR
+ \input hyacc-cm.tex
+ \pretolerance=800 %% discourages hyphenation
+Hyphenation points that occur have to be checked for correctness
+and replaced by explicit hypenations (via \-) when necessary.
+ The background reference for all matters to be discussed is
+Appendix H of the TeXbook, and particularly pages 454-455.
+ The story begins with Jacques Desarmenien's thesis, Univ.
+Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, written in the early 1980's partly at
+Stanford under Knuth's influence. The accessible reference is
+Jacques D'esarm'enien: How to run TeX in a French environment:
+hyphenation, fonts, typography, Tugboat, 5 (1984) 91-102. This
+reference discusses hyphenation through the use of fonts
+containing ready-made accented characters of the sort slowly
+coming into use now some 10 years later. This package puts to
+work devices for hyphenation which do NOT require new fonts, and
+which were called upon a few years later when distribution of
+new fonts was provisionally abandoned.
+ It is often repeated that hyphenation of a word under 1982
+TeX is blocked at points at and after the first accented
+character because of the explicit kerns that the \accent
+primitive of TeX introduces there.
+ The following formula appeared in an unsigned file
+feHyphen.tex that was available from Strasbourg from the mid
+1980's. According to Raymond Seroul, the author is J.
+Desarmanien. The resulting bilingual fePlain format had wide
+currency in France through Seroul's influence.
+ \newbox\accentb@x \newdimen\wdb@x
+ \newbox\accentb@@x
+ \let\aig@=\'%
+ \def\'#1{\if e#1\setbox\accentb@x=\hbox{\char"13}%
+ \setbox\accentb@@x=\hbox{e}%
+ \wdb@x=.5\wd\accentb@@x \advance\wdb@x by -.5\wd\accentb@x
+ \kern\wdb@x \char"13 \kern-\wd\accentb@x
+ \penalty\@M \hskip-\wdb@x e%
+ \else \aig@#1\fi}
+A verbal interpretation of this is as follows. Let the one
+argument macro \' for accute accents be redefined as follows in
+case the letter being accented is e. Build the accented
+character <e-acute> from the accute accent character "13 and the
+character e using boxes and kerns as common sense recommends,
+except for one detail. Let the last kern (which occurs just
+before the letter e) become an hskip. This causes TeX to
+consider that a new word has begun with a letter e and allows
+hyphenation in that (sub)word. Normally an hskip is an
+acceptable place for a linebreak, but this is prevented in this
+case by insertion of an explicit penalty of 10000.
+ Why was only the character \'e dealt with? Conjecturally
+because effort was made via Desarmenien's hyphenation patterns
+to assure that no incorrect hyphenation point resulted from this
+trick. This is a standard we cannot maintain since it is
+implausible that anything but a standard 8 bit hyphenation file
+will be available to users.
+ This means that the Desarmenien mechanism will occasionally
+allow an unacceptable hyphenation point. (We do not yet have
+statistics on this.) Some specialists, perhaps including Knuth,
+would frown on this. Other specialists believe that hyphenation
+should in any case be based more on phoenetics meaning and
+etymology than on spelling, and that sort is sometimes
+impossible to perfect with the Knuth-Liang approach. If
+perfection is impossible why insist on complete rigour?
+ In the late 1980's, in the Latex style file called
+German.sty H. Partl (and collaborators) used a version of this
+"penalty and hskip" trick which is so clear and simple that it
+allows one to deal with all accents and all letters on an equal
+footing. For example Partl gives
+ \gdef\allowhyphens{\penalty\@M \hskip\z@skip}
+ % {\nobreak \hskip 0pt plus 0pt\relax}
+ \gdef\highumlaut#1{\leavevmode\allowhyphens
+ \accent127 #1\allowhyphens}
+Here the one-argument macro \highumlaut#1 is a new version of
+\"#1 designed to allow hyphenation after the accented character.
+This is certainly shorter and faster than Desarmenien's
+formulation. But there are some peculiarities to discuss.
+ The subword following the accent does not include the
+character accented. This unfortunately supresses any kern
+between the character accented and a following character. Such
+kerns are respected by both Knuth's regime (\DKaccents) and
+(generalized) Desarmenien's (\JDaccents). (Note that kerning
+with *preceeding* material is not within the scope of either,
+but see below.)
+ Another effect is to keep hyphens further from the
+accented character, which is not in itself a good thing, but
+it may also tend to eliminate bad hyphenations caused by the
+fake word break. (No detailed evaluation has been made.)
+ The positive role of \leavevmode and the first
+\allowhyphens is unclear to us and we have let them drop.
+ One of us (D.F.) noticed that in case the accented letter
+occurs at the end of a word, linebreak becomes impossible there.
+This may not occur in German but if one were to adopt the German
+approach for accute accent, defining
+ \def\'#1{{\accent"13 #1\allowhyphens}}
+then linebreak would be prevented after all the innumerable
+French words terminating in e-acute! Here, surely, is the
+reason why \allowhyphens never gained currency in France.
+ This disaster does not occur with the Desarmenien approach
+because the construction of the accented character concludes
+with a character and not an hskip.
+ Examine now our own definition of \'; under our \JDaccents
+regime it is essentially
+ \newbox\hy@accbox
+ \def\'#1{{\accent"13 #1}\setbox\hy@accbox=\hbox{#1}
+ \penalty10000\hskip-\wd\hy@accbox #1}
+We chose to use the standard \accent macro and nevertheless use
+Desarmenien's "penalty-hskip-letter" approach, at the
+(negligible!) cost of setting two copies of the letter to be
+accented, one exactly on top of the other. Our approach is thus
+not quite J. Desarmenien's but rather a trick simplification. It
+would have been possible to pursue the Desarmenien approach in
+all cases, but the coding would have been messy for capital
+letters and miscellaneous accents. Incidentally, Desarmenien
+makes it quite clear that he was privy to the folklore of Knuth
+and his students and has made no explicit claim to this trick.
+He did first bring it to fruition, and so we use his initials in
+ Granting that one chooses an approach making the letter to
+be accented part of the post-accent (sub)word, it might be
+desirable to make the pre-accent (sub)word terminate with the
+same letter. The two subwords then have that letter in common.
+This might give slightly more acceptable hyphenation points. And
+it would enable kerning with a preceeding letter, not just with
+a following letter. In principle the method extends to do this:
+ \def\'#1{{#1\setbox\hy@accbox=\hbox{#1}%
+ \penalty10000\hskip-\wd\hy@accbox
+ \accent"13 #1%
+ \penalty10000\hskip-\wd\hy@accbox #1}}
+THREE copies of the letter to be accented are then printed
+directly on top of one another.
+ In principle, with digital raster imaging, the result
+should be identical to printing once. However many driver/font
+combinations will at low resolution slightly misplace the first
+of the three copies --- in case the accent occurs at the end of
+a long string of ordinary letters. This is because character
+width errors accumulate over a long string, and thereafter the
+\accent macro makes a fresh calculation of absolute position.
+The Textures screen driver dramatically exhibits this behavior.
+Knowing no cure for this malady, we have abandoned this "three
+copy" approach. Other versions are afflicted to a lesser degree
+by this phenomenon, because the shift involved, although
+present, is between characters several pixels apart.
+ We believe that our "two-copy" or "double strike" approach
+will very seldom cause a problem.
+ Alas, with some combinations of low resolution drivers and
+fonts some sort of drift has indeed been observed on screen
+and/or paper. For these unfortunate cases we give another
+approach \GFaccents (GF for German-French) which directly
+salvages the German approach by use of an \if ...\fi clause
+involving \futurelet. If the token following the character
+accented is a letter (like a) then one inserts before it a
+penalty of 1000 followed by an hskip of 0 points in order to
+start a new word; but in other cases (notably when a space comes
+next) one inserts nothing. This allows linebreaks after words
+ending in an accented character and followed by a space.
+Expressed in formulae
+ \def\preLetterSkip@{\ifcat a\next\penalty\@M\hskip\z@skip\fi}
+ \def\@@@@Allowhyphens{\futurelet\next\preLetterSkip@}
+ \def\'#1{{\accent18#1}\@@@@Allowhyphens}
+is essentially our definition of the accute accent \' for the
+\GFaccents regime.
+ Unfortunately, this solution will suppress all kerns
+between the character accented and a following character. Also,
+it can be defeated by nonstandard typing; for example TeX braces
+around an accented character will block hyphenation beyond.
+ Further, 'futurelet' has occasional nasty side-effects in
+LaTeX. For example, disaster occurs when an accented character
+ends a 'tabular' environment as in:
+ -- \begin{tabular} ... Painlev\'e\end{tabular}
+ -- \author{J. Dieudonn\'e}
+It's easy to find work-arounds: just add a space after the
+terminal accented character (or put the whole word between curly
+braces) and your problems are over. Thus the modified versions
+ -- \begin{tabular} ... Painlev\'e \end{tabular}
+ -- \author{J. Dieudonn\'e } or \author{J. {\sc Dieudonn\'e}}
+will cause no problem. But all this shows that this solution is
+ 0) \ogonek #1 provides a provisional ogonek accent under character #1
+It is a translated copy of the left single quote. With this exception
+we treat only the accents in the TeXbook, page 52.
+ 1) This version makes no effort to eliminate the following
+deficiency of Plain TeX: \uppercase and \lowercase fail when
+applied to the miscellaneous characters \oe, \OE, \ae, \AE, \o,
+\O, \ss and also to \i. Our \MLcodes macro merely serves to
+allow some hyphenations in words involving these characters.
+This is an imperfection.
+ 2) If your computer and TeX have eight bit input capabilities,
+you may wish to type some accented characters in ready-made
+eight bit form using macros of the following sort. (Your TeX
+installation probably has a ready-made collection.)
+ \catcode <e-accute>=13
+ \def<e-accute>{\'e}
+The formulas are here in an informal but portable ASCII format,
+and you have to put your local e-accute in place of <e-accute>
+before they will work.
+ Next some changes that are common safety measures in various
+national macro packages and which we have included here only in
+the form of hints for the TeXpert, since we feel they are
+primarily the responsibility of other macro packages.
+ 3) Problems with \write. Only in the last few years have
+simple and fast "sanitized" macros come into use for the purpose
+of writing pieces of the .tex file to an external file. The
+naked \write command makes a mess of accents and of many other
+things, and even may choke. The basic reference seems to be R.
+Whitney, TUGboat, November 1990. Here is a still simpler method:
+ \newwrite\index \openout\index{myindex}
+ \def\iWrite#1#2{\toks0{#2}%
+ \immediate\write#1{\the\toks0}
+And a typical use is:
+ \iWrite\index{...}
+The material ... then goes out to the file myindex.tex more or
+less untouched.
+ This does not work well for non-immediate writes ---
+typically used to record page number of an index entry, but one
+reasonable remedy is to write the dangerous material with
+\iWrite to one file and the page numbers with \write to another
+file and then collate the two using some device like serial
+numbers or simply line numbers.
+ 4) Cleaner messages.
+ \message is of the same ilk as \write (and \edef). The above
+"\the\toks..." non-expansion trick can be applied to it to
+prevent mutilation or mishap.
+ However most messages come from the bowels of
+macro packages and it is not easy to be sure of their contents.
+Active punctuation as well as accent macros often creep in.
+Recall that character category (eg. 13=active) is fixed forever at TeX's
+lips when the character is input.
+ One can input the following redefinition while
+;:?! are active. It will help combat these problems.
+But first check your current meaning of \message.
+ \let\@oldmessage@=\message
+ \def\message#1{\begingroup
+ \def\'{'}\def\`{`}\def\"{"}%
+ \def\i{i}\def\oe{oe}\def\ae{ae}\def\c{}%
+ \def\.{}\def\u{}\def\v{}%
+ \def\H{}\def\={}\def\relax{}%
+ \edef~{\string~}%
+ \edef\^{\string^^5e}%
+ \edef:{\string:}%
+ \edef;{\string;}%
+ \edef?{\string?}%
+ \edef!{\string!}%
+ \@oldmessage@{#1}\endgroup}
+ -------------------------
+If you notice errors or oversights please contact us.
+ --- Daniel Flipo, Lille <flipo@frcitl81.bitnet>
+ --- Laurent Siebenmannn, Orsay <siebenmann@LALCLS.IN2P3.FR>
+ April, August, December 1992
diff --git a/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hyacc-cm.tex b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hyacc-cm.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..794c603d7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hyacc-cm.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ %%% HyAcc-CM.tex is a system for European language hyphenation
+ %%% using the original CM fonts. It is based on an earlier
+ %%% system given by Jacques D\'esarm\'enien
+ %%% for French in his fePlain format of the mid 1980's.
+ %%%
+ %%% AIM:
+ %%% Permit automatic TeX hyphenation, under the
+ %%% original Computer Modern font norm, in words containing
+ %%% composite accented characters;
+ %%% more precisely, allow those hyphenations
+ %%% that occur far from the accents. Without
+ %%% HyAcc-CM.tex, hyphenation is blocked near and after the
+ %%% first accented character.
+ %%%
+ %%% SETUP:
+ %%% \input at some point after Plain has been
+ %%% compiled with appropriate hyphenation patterns for the
+ %%% languages to be used. See HyMaster.tex for a typical
+ %%% example.
+ %%%
+ %%% --- \JDaccents a modified international version of
+ %%% J. Desarmenien's e-accute accent in his "fePlain" format;
+ %%% hyphenation except near accents. This is default.
+ %%% --- \GFaccents similar to \JDaccents, but slightly
+ %%% fragile (for LaTeX); it avoids a dot matrix (low
+ %%% resolution) printer bug afflicting \JDaccents. From
+ %%% German.sty corrected for French and international use.
+ %%% --- \DKaccents gives Knuth's regime under which no
+ %%% hyphenation is allowed beyond first accent in word with
+ %%% accent.
+ %%%
+ %%% By default, non-zero lc and uc codes for the
+ %%% sporadic characters \ae, \AE, \oe, \OE,
+ %%% \o, \O, \i, \j following an oecumenical policy
+ %%% of M. Ferguson and D. Taupin.
+ %%% --- \noMLcodes makes them zero
+ %%% (Knuth's Plain setting) and
+ %%% --- \MLcodes returns to our default.
+ %%%
+ %%% For fonts of the original Computer Modern
+ %%% norm and NOT not the Cork norm.
+ %%% Do not use prose accents in math mode.
+ %%%
+ %%% VIRTUES:
+ %%% decent hyphenation without special European fonts;
+ %%% compatibility with Knuth's documentation.%%XX
+ %%% Temporary 100% return to Knuth's regime is possible
+ %%% via \DKaccents\noMLcodes
+ %%%
+ %%%
+ %%% POSTING: by Daniel Flipo <flipo@frcitl81.bitnet> and
+ %%% Laurent Siebenmannn <siebenmann@LALCLS.IN2P3.FR> ftp
+ %%% [] logon: anonymous,
+ %%% password: your name.
+ %%%
+ %%% VERSION : August, 1992
+ %%% Modifications: Polish \ogonek added,
+ %%% \box0 replaced by \box\hy@accbox
+ \def\Msg{\immediate\write16}
+ %% Prevent this file from being loaded twice!
+ \let\this\relax
+ \ifx\JDaccents\undefined\relax
+ \else\Msg{}%
+ \Msg{ *** \string\JDaccents\space
+ already defined.}%
+ \let\this\endinput
+ \fi
+ \this
+ %% If \allowhyphens is already defined
+ %% (by German.tex for instance), just complain.
+ \ifx\undefined\allowhyphens
+ \let\this\relax
+ \else
+ \Msg{}%
+ \message{ *** \string\allowhyphens\space
+ (from German.tex) already defined.}%
+ \let\this\endinput
+ \fi
+ \this
+ %%XX
+ \def\W@{\immediate\write16}%
+ \W@{ *************************************************** }
+ \W@{ permitting decent hyphenation of words with accents.}
+ \W@{ Version of Aug 1992.}
+ \W@{ Updates: ftp [].}
+ \W@{ *************************************************** }
+ \chardef\JDCatAt=\the\catcode`\@
+ \catcode`\@=11
+ \catcode`\~=12 %% was 13
+ \newbox\hy@accbox
+ \def\hyaccent#1#2{{\accent#1 #2}\@Allowhyphens{#2}}%
+ %% for \JDaccents
+ \def\@@allowhyphens{\penalty\@M\hskip\z@skip}%% for sporadics
+ \def\@@Allowhyphens#1{\setbox\hy@accbox\hbox{#1}%% \hyaccent
+ \penalty\@M\hskip-\wd\hy@accbox #1}%
+ %% for \GFaccents
+ \def\preLetterSkip@{\ifcat
+ a\next\relax\penalty\@M\hskip\z@\fi} %XXspacing
+ \def\@@@Allowhyphens#1{\noexpand
+ \futurelet\next\preLetterSkip@}
+ \let\next\relax %% avoids some mysterious errormessages
+ %% in case you uncautiously use %%XX
+ %% accents in messages, %%XX
+ %% \GFaccents\message{Imb\'ecile!}
+ %%% Composite accents for CM fonts
+ %% TeXbook p. 52
+ \def\DoCMAccents{%% cf \dospecials of Plain
+ \do`"12..%% grave
+ \do'"13..%% accute
+ \do^"5E..%% hat
+ \do""7F..%% umlaut
+ \do~"7E..%% tilde
+ \do="16..%% macron (bar over)
+ \do."5F..%% dot over
+ \do u"15..%% breve
+ \do v"14..%% check
+ \do H"7D..%% long umlaut
+ %%\t tie absent see below
+ }
+ \def\CheckPeriod#1{\if#1.\else
+ \errmessage{ !!! Error in DoAccChars data}\fi}
+ \def\DoAccent#1#2.#3{\CheckPeriod{#3}%
+ \expandafter
+ \def\csname #1\endcsname##1{%
+ \relax\hyaccent{#2}{##1}}%
+ }
+ \let\do\DoAccent
+ \DoCMAccents %% Sets up principal new accent macros
+ %%% Residual accents : \c,\aa,\AA,\l,\L
+ \def\oldCedilla#1{\setbox\hy@accbox\hbox{#1}%
+ \ifdim\ht\hy@accbox=1ex\accent24 #1%
+ \else{\ooalign{\unhbox\hy@accbox\crcr\hidewidth\char24\hidewidth}}%
+ \fi}
+ \def\c#1{{\oldCedilla#1}\@Allowhyphens{#1}}
+ \def\L{\char32 L}
+ \def\l{\char32 l}
+ \def\AA{\leavevmode\setbox\hy@accbox\hbox{h}%
+ \dimen@\ht\hy@accbox\advance\dimen@-1ex%
+ \rlap{\raise.67\dimen@\hbox{\char'27}}\@allowhyphens A}
+ \def\aa{\hyaccent{"17}{a}}
+ \def\oldUnderBar#1{\oalign{#1\crcr\hidewidth
+ \vbox to.2ex{\hbox{\char22}\vss}\hidewidth}}
+ \def\b#1{\oldUnderBar#1\@Allowhyphens{#1}}% underbar
+ \def\d#1{\oalign{#1\crcr
+ \hidewidth.\hidewidth}\@Allowhyphens{#1}}%underdot
+ \def\t#1{{\edef\next{\the\font}\the\textfont1\accent
+ "7F\next#1}\@Allowhyphens{#1}}
+ %% tie; \textfont1 is cmmi
+ \def\oldOgonek#1{\setbox\hy@accbox=\hbox{`}\ooalign{\hidewidth
+ \lower\ht\hy@accbox\copy\hy@accbox%%\hidewidth
+ \crcr#1\crcr}}
+ \def\ogonek#1{{\oldOgonek#1}\@Allowhyphens{#1}}% ogonek
+ %%% Sporadic characters in cm
+ %%% Plain assigns codes 0; Ferguson and Taupin as follows
+ %%% see article of Taupin (to appear)
+ %%% For better or worse, this permits hyphenation of
+ %%% words containing these characters.
+ %%% More importantly it is a policy that
+ %%% is language-independant.
+ %%% But catcodes are left 12 and not 11, to prevent use
+ %%% in macro names when directly typed.
+ \def\SetULCodes#1#2{%
+ \uccode#1=#1\lccode#1=#2
+ \uccode#2=#1\lccode#2=#2
+ }
+ \def\KillULCodes#1#2{%
+ \uccode#1=0\lccode#1=0
+ \uccode#2=0\lccode#2=0
+ }
+ \def\MLcodes{%
+ \SetULCodes{"19}{"19} %% \ss (degenerate case)
+ \SetULCodes{"1D}{"1A} %% \AE,\ae
+ \SetULCodes{"1E}{"1B} %% \OE,\oe
+ \SetULCodes{"1F}{"1C} %% \O, \o
+ \lccode"10="10 %% \i
+ }
+ \def\noMLcodes{%
+ \KillULCodes{"19}{"19} %% \ss (degenerate case)
+ \KillULCodes{"1D}{"1A} %% \AE,\ae
+ \KillULCodes{"1E}{"1B} %% \OE,\oe
+ \KillULCodes{"1F}{"1C} %% \O, \o
+ \lccode"10=0 %% \i
+ }
+ %%% For LaTeX 2.xx necessary change for \parbox macro
+ \ifx\documentstyle\undefined
+ \else %% if LaTeX IS loaded, save our new definitions of
+ %% \' \` and \= for \parbox macro (LaTeX 2.xx)
+ \let\@acci=\'
+ \let\@accii=\`
+ \let\@acciii=\=
+ \fi
+ %% JD for Jacques Desarmenien
+ \def\JDaccents{\let\@Allowhyphens\@@Allowhyphens
+ \let\@allowhyphens\@@allowhyphens}
+ %% GF for German French
+ \def\GFaccents{\let\@Allowhyphens\@@@Allowhyphens
+ \let\@allowhyphens\@@allowhyphens}
+ %% DK for Don Knuth
+ \def\DKaccents{\def\@Allowhyphens##1{\relax}%
+ \let\@allowhyphens\relax}
+ %% Back to normal catcodes
+ \catcode`\~=13
+ \catcode`\@=\JDCatAt
+ \MLcodes\JDaccents %% defaults
+ \endinput
diff --git a/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hymaster.tex b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hymaster.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e421a7f314
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hymaster.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%% HyMaster.tex A simplest recipe for compilation of
+ %%% Plain TeX for more than one European language.
+ %%% Set up for French and US English, but readily adaptable
+ %%% to other combinations.
+ %%%
+ \def\NewLanguage{\alloc@9\language\chardef\@cclvi}
+ % like \newlanguage but more accessible
+ \NewLanguage\l@US
+ \language=\l@US
+ \input ushyphen % US English hyphenation table
+ \NewLanguage\l@FR
+ \language=\l@FR
+ \input frhyphen.crk %% maybe fr7hyph.tex (7bit patterns enough)
+ %% Use automobile nationality codes for others:
+ %% FR, US, GB, DE, SP, IT, NL, DA, PO,
+ %% CS, HU, IS, SW, NO, FI, ...
+ \def\FR{\language=\l@FR \lccode`\'=`\'}
+ %% apostrophe is a letter in french jus-qu'a, l'ha-bi-tude
+ %% see \patterns of Desarmenien
+ \def\US{\language=\l@US \lccode`\'=0}
+ \FR % French used by default
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ This enhanced Plain format can then be used as a basis for
+other formats such as AmSTeX, MacroTeX, and LamsTeX, or your
+current local format.
+ For LaTeX one proceeds analogously but starting from a
+suitable LPlain.tex (and auxiliary files) rather than from
+Plain.tex. The format ultimately produced is an enhanced LaTeX
+ It is important to use version 3.xx of TeX, and a version
+3.xx of plain.tex. The critical date is autumn 1989, and
+earlier material will be inadequate. In earlier versions of TeX,
+only one language can have hyphenation at a given moment ---
+usless one uses the "dirty trick" of John Hobby which permitted
+Desarmenian to distribute a French-English version of Plain
+ Here are instructions for a generic TeX. Establish a
+directory containing the following files.
+ (i) fhyphen.crk a copy of the French hyphenation pattern
+file using the ISO Latin 1 (or Cork) standard for encoding
+accented characters. One is included, with its history.
+ (ii) ushyphen.tex, a copy of the US hyphenation pattern file
+--- which in standard TeX distribution bears the name
+ (iii) hyphen.tex, a copy of this macro file HyMaster.tex.
+ (iv) plain.tex exactly as provided by D. Knuth.
+Note that some systems (Mac, VMS, ...) identify upper and lower
+case letters, while others (unix, ...) distinguish them.
+ Compile plain.tex using VIRTEX or INITEX, i.e., the
+primitive form of TeX made for format building.
+ (a) For Textures this operation consists in typesetting
+with VIRTEX a file containing only \input plain.tex \dump.
+ (b) For OzTeX, launch INITEX and respond to a prompt ** by
+**Plain.tex \dump<carriage return>
+It does not matter if minor fonts such as manfont are missing;
+just hit carriage return.
+ In either case you will in due course be invited to name
+the resulting format, (say as NEW.fmt). In the case of OzTeX
+the name must be registered in your configuration file before
+you are allowed to use it.
diff --git a/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hytstfr.tex b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hytstfr.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dbf6786ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/hyacc-cm/hytstfr.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+ %% HyTestFr.tex
+ %% A simple test file for HyAccJD.tex
+ %% Daniel Flipo, Lille <flipo@frcitl81.bitnet>
+ %% Laurent Siebenmannn, Orsay <siebenmann@LALCLS.IN2P3.FR>
+ %% April, 1992
+ \input HyAcc-CM.tex
+ \def\Msg{\immediate\write16}
+ \catcode`\@=11
+ %% No double loading
+ \let\this\relax
+ \ifx\undefined\GFaccents
+ \Msg{}\Msg{Sorry HyAcc-CM not loaded. Exit.}
+ \let\this \endinput
+ \fi
+ \this
+ %% LateX red tape
+ \ifx\undefined\documentstyle
+ \toks0{\par \vfill \supereject \end}
+ \else
+ \documentstyle[art10]{article}
+ \begin{document} %% for LateX only.
+ \toks0{\csname end\endcsname{document}}
+ \fi
+ \outer\edef\bye{\the\toks0}
+ \parindent=0cm%%
+ \def\hytest{ma\c connerie d\'econtenanc\'ee }%% alter this!!
+ \def\Hytest{\hytest\hytest\hytest\hytest\hytest}
+ \hsize=280pt
+ \tolerance=10000 %% vary this!
+ \frenchspacing
+ \overfullrule=10pt
+ \JDaccents\MLcodes
+ \Msg{}\Msg{ *** Hyphenation points offered by default }
+ \showhyphens{\hytest}
+ *** Hyphenation by default:
+ \par \Hytest\bigskip
+ \GFaccents\MLcodes
+ \Msg{}\Msg{ *** Hyphenation points offered by }
+ \Msg{ *** corrected German approach. }
+ \showhyphens{\hytest}
+ *** Hyphenation by corrected German approach:
+ \par \Hytest\bigskip
+ \DKaccents\noMLcodes
+ \Msg{}\Msg{ *** Hyphenation points offered virginal Plain }
+ \showhyphens{\hytest}
+ *** Hyphenation by virginal Plain:
+ \par \Hytest\bigskip
+ Minuscules :
+ \`a \`e \`\i{} \`o \`u
+ \'a \'e \'\i{} \'o \'u
+ \^a \^e \^\i{} \^o \^u
+ \"a \"e \"\i{} \"o \"u \"y
+ \c c \~a \~n \~o \o{} \ae{} \oe{} \ss{} \aa{}
+ \medskip
+ Minuscules :
+ \`a\`e\`\i{}\`o\`u
+ \'a\'e\'\i{}\'o\'u
+ \^a\^e\^\i{}\^o\^u
+ \"a\"e\"\i{}\"o\"u\"y
+ \c c\~a\~n\~o\o{}\ae{}\oe{}\ss{}\aa{}
+ \bigskip
+ \`A \`E \`I{} \`O \`U
+ \'A \'E \'I{} \'O \'U
+ \^A \^E \^I{} \^O \^U
+ \"A \"E \"I{} \"O \"U \"Y
+ \c C \~A \~N \~O \O{} \AE{} \OE{} SS{} \AA{}
+ \medskip
+ \`A\`E\`I{}\`O\`U
+ \'A\'E\'I{}\'O\'U
+ \^A\^E\^I{}\^O\^U
+ \"A\"E\"I{}\"O\"U\"Y
+ \c C\~A\~N\~O\O{}\AE{}\OE{}SS{}\AA{}
+ \bigskip
+ \hsize=150pt
+ \GFaccents
+ \JDaccents
+ Line breaks after accent:
+ d\'ej\`a \'et\'e \'em\'ech\'e
+ d\'ej\`a \'et\'e \'em\'ech\'e
+ d\'ej\`a \'et\'e \'em\'ech\'e
+ d\'ej\`a \'et\'e \'em\'ech\'e
+ d\'ej\`a \'et\'e \'em\'ech\'e
+ d\'ej\`a \'et\'e \'em\'ech\'e
+ d\'ej\`a \'et\'e \'em\'ech\'e
+ d\'ej\`a \'et\'e \'em\'ech\'e
+ d\'ej\`a \'et\'e \'em\'ech\'e
+ d\'ej\`a \'et\'e \'em\'ech\'e
+ \bigskip
+ Some remaining problems:
+ \uppercase{ci-g\^\i{}t
+ fran\c cais na\"\i{}f d\'es\oe{}uvr\'e b\^ete
+ et adult\`ere}
+ \bye
+ %% Further test material
+ \def\hytesti{ci-g\^\i{}t fran\c cais na\"\i{}f
+ d\'es\oe{}uvr\'e b\^ete et adult\`ere}
+\def\hytestii{signal man\oe{}uvres \oe{}uvrer
+d\'es\oe{}uvrement l\ae{}ticia laticia laennec
+l\ae{}nnec d\'eculpabiliser r\'eactualisation
+\'education ex\'ecution inexp\'erience ma\c
+connerie fa\c con
+abandonn\'es distingu\'es abandonn\'e distingu\'e
+\'ethymologiquement syst\'ematiquement }
+ \def\hytestiii{d\'econtenanc\'ee, h\'eb\'et\'ee,
+d\'efaite de toute s\'er\'enit\'e devant cet
+ab\'ec\'edaire d\'ecapit\'e, \'et\^et\'e,
+\'evid\'e, \'emascul\'e, d\'esagr\'eg\'e,
+d\'ebilit\'e, d\'eg\'en\'er\'e, parce que priv\'e
+de lettres accentu\'ees et correctement
+orthographi\'ees, Th\'er\`ese-\'El\'eonore a
+d\'ecr\'et\'e avec sinc\'erit\'e et opini\^atret\'e
+l'immortalit\'e des \c c\`a\c
+c\^ac\'ec\`ec\^ec\"ec\^\i\ ainsi que des \c
+c\^o\c c\"o\c c\`u\c c\^u\c c\"u.}