path: root/macros/generic/gates/gates.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/generic/gates/gates.lua')
1 files changed, 738 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/generic/gates/gates.lua b/macros/generic/gates/gates.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..826e1a13f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/gates/gates.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,738 @@
+-- This is the Gates package, Lua version.
+-- Relevant information can be found in gates-doc.pdf
+-- (or gates-doc.txt in a text editor).
+-- Author: Paul Isambert.
+-- E-mail: zappathustra AT free DOT fr
+-- Comments and suggestions are welcome.
+-- Date: May 2012.
+if gates then
+ return
+local _insert, _remove = table.insert, table.remove
+local _gsub, _match, _format = string.gsub, string.match, string.format
+local _write_nl, print_error
+if texio then
+ _write_nl, print_error = texio.write_nl, tex.error
+ function _write_nl (s)
+ print("\n" .. s)
+ end
+ print_error = error
+local unpack, maxn = table.unpack or unpack
+if lua.version == "Lua 5.1" then
+ maxn = table.maxn
+ local pairs, type = pairs, type
+ function maxn (t)
+ local max = 0
+ for i in pairs(t) do
+ if type(i) == "number" then
+ max = i > max and i or max
+ end
+ end
+ return max
+ end
+local function unpackargs (t)
+ return unpack(t, 1, maxn(t))
+local function _copy (tb)
+ local t = {}
+ for a, b in pairs (tb) do
+ if type(b) == "table" then
+ b = _copy(b)
+ end
+ t[a] = b
+ end
+ return t
+-- Errors.
+local function _error (...)
+ print_error("Lua-Gates error: " .. _format(...))
+local function _error_nogate (g)
+ _error("`%s' isn't a gate", g)
+local function _error_nogatelist (g)
+ _error("`%s' isn't a gate list", g)
+local function _error_nogatein (g, l)
+ _error("No gate `%s' in list `%s'", g, l)
+local function _check_family(fam, name)
+ return _match(name, ":") and name or fam .. ":" .. name
+-- Tracing and showing.
+local function _write (...)
+ _write_nl(_format(...))
+local _tab, _white = "", ""
+local function _addtab ()
+ _tab = ". " .. _tab
+ _white = " " .. _white
+local function _untab ()
+ _tab = _gsub(_tab, ". ", "", 1)
+ _white = _gsub(_white, " ", "", 1)
+local _trace_values = {}
+local function trace (fam, n)
+ _trace_values[fam] = n
+local function _trace_value (name)
+ return _trace_values[_match(name, "(.-):") or name] or 0
+local function _report (fam, s, ...)
+ if _trace_value(fam) > 0 then
+ if _white == "" then
+ _write(" ")
+ end
+ _write(_white .. s, ...)
+ end
+local function _reporttab (fam, s, ...)
+ if _trace_value(fam) > 0 then
+ _write(_tab .. s, ...)
+ end
+local _rawgate
+local function _getinfo (g)
+ local s = g.status == 1 and "open"
+ or g.status == 2 and "ajar"
+ or g.status == 3 and "skip"
+ or g.status == 4 and "close"
+ local c = tostring(g.conditional)
+ local l = g.loop and tostring(g.loop)
+ local u = g.loopuntil and tostring(g.loopuntil)
+ local i = g.iterator and tostring(g.iterator)
+ local a
+ if type(g.autoreturn) == "function" then
+ a = " (autoreturn: " .. tostring (g.autoreturn) .. ")"
+ elseif g.autoreturn then
+ a = " (autoreturn)"
+ else
+ a = ""
+ end
+ return s, c, l, u, i, a
+local shown
+local function _show (gate, tab)
+ local g = _rawgate(
+ local s, c, l, u, i, a = _getinfo(gate)
+ local info = _format(tab .. "%s (%s-gate) (status: %s) (conditional: %s)%s",
+, g.list and "l" or "m", s, c, a)
+ if l then
+ info = _format(info .. " (loop: %s)", l)
+ end
+ if u then
+ info = _format(info .. " (loopuntil: %s)", u)
+ end
+ if i then
+ info = _format(info .. " (iterator: %s)", i)
+ end
+ _write(info)
+ if g.list then
+ if shown[] then
+ texio.write(" [subgates already shown]")
+ else
+ shown[] = true
+ for _, G in ipairs(g.list) do
+ _show(G, tab .. ". ")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function show (fam, name)
+ shown = {}
+ name = _check_family(fam, name)
+ local g = _rawgate(name)
+ if g then
+ _show(g, "")
+ else
+ _error_nogate(name)
+ end
+local _open = 1
+local _ajar = 2
+local _skip = 3
+local _close = 4
+local _statuses = {
+ open = _open,
+ ajar = _ajar,
+ skip = _skip,
+ close = _close
+ }
+-- Some functions can take one argument or
+-- multiple arguments in a table.
+local function _totable (x)
+ return type(x) == "table" and x or {x}
+local _default = function (...) return ... end
+local execute = {[0] = {}}
+function _rawgate (name) -- Localized above.
+ return execute[0][name]
+local function _getmax (tb)
+ local max = 0
+ for n in pairs (tb) do
+ max = n > max and n or max
+ end
+ return max
+local function _restoreargs (arg, orarg, autoreturn)
+ -- autoreturn may be a function
+ if autoreturn == true then
+ local argmax, orargmax = _getmax(arg), _getmax(orarg)
+ for i = argmax + 1, orargmax do
+ arg[i] = orarg[i]
+ end
+ end
+ return arg
+local function _processfunction (fct, autoreturn, ...)
+ if type(autoreturn) == "function" then
+ return {autoreturn(...)}
+ elseif autoreturn then
+ local newarg = {fct(...)}
+ local argmax, newargmax = _getmax(arg), _getmax(newarg)
+ for i = newargmax + 1, argmax do
+ newarg[i] = arg[i]
+ end
+ return newarg
+ else
+ return {fct(...)}
+ end
+local function _execute (f, sub, ...)
+ local name, list, fct, status, conditional, loop, loopuntil, iterator, autoreturn =
+, f.list, sub and execute[] or f.fct, f.status, f.conditional, f.loop, f.loopuntil, f.iterator, f.autoreturn
+ local action, report, t
+ if sub then
+ action, report, t = "Calling", _reporttab, "subgate " .. name
+ else
+ action, report, t = "Executing", _report, (list and "l" or "m") .. "-gate " .. name
+ end
+ local s = ""
+ local orarg, arg = {...}, {...}
+ if status == _open or status == _ajar then
+ if status == _ajar then
+ s = " (ajar -> close)"
+ f.status = _close
+ end
+ if conditional(...) then
+ report(name, "%s %s%s", action, t, s)
+ if not sub and not list and _trace_value(name) > 1 then
+ for i=1, maxn(arg) do
+ _write_nl(_white .. "#" .. i .. "<-" .. tostring(arg[i]))
+ end
+ end
+ if loop then
+ while loop(unpackargs(arg)) do
+ arg = {fct(unpackargs(arg))}
+ orarg = _restoreargs(arg, orarg, autoreturn)
+ end
+ elseif loopuntil then
+ repeat
+ arg = {fct(unpackargs(arg))}
+ orarg = _restoreargs(arg, orarg, autoreturn)
+ until loopuntil(unpackargs(arg))
+ elseif iterator then
+ local iter, state, var = iterator(unpackargs(arg))
+ while iter do
+ local args = {iter(state, var)}
+ if args[1] ~= nil then
+ arg = {fct(unpackargs(args))}
+ orarg = _restoreargs(arg, orarg, autoreturn)
+ var = args[1]
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ arg = {fct(unpackargs(arg))}
+ orarg = _restoreargs(arg, orarg, autoreturn)
+ end
+ if type(autoreturn) == "function" then
+ arg = {autoreturn(...)}
+ end
+ else
+ report(name, "Ignoring %s%s (False conditional)", t, s)
+ end
+ else
+ if status == _skip then
+ s = " (skip -> open)"
+ f.status = _open
+ else
+ s = " (close)"
+ end
+ report(name, "Ignoring %s%s%s", t, s, conditional() and "" or " (False conditional)")
+ end
+ return unpackargs(arg)
+execute.__index = function (_, name)
+ local f = _rawgate(name)
+ if f then
+ return function (...)
+ return _execute(f, nil, ...)
+ end
+ else
+ _error_nogate(name)
+ return _default
+ end
+setmetatable(execute, execute)
+local function _evertrue ()
+ return true
+local function add (fam, tb, list, where)
+ list = _check_family(fam, list)
+ local gatelist = _rawgate(list)
+ if gatelist and gatelist.list then
+ tb = _totable(tb)
+ local position
+ if where then
+ where = _match(where, "^%s*(.-)%s*$"):gsub("%s+", " ")
+ if where == "first" or where == "before first" then
+ position = 1
+ elseif where == "after first" then
+ position = 2
+ elseif where == "last" or where == "after last" then
+ position = #gatelist.list + 1
+ elseif where == "before last" then
+ position = #gatelist.list
+ else
+ local prep, gate = _match(where, "^(.-)%s+(.-)$")
+ if prep and gate and (prep == "before" or prep == "after") then
+ gate = _check_family(fam, gate)
+ for n, g in ipairs(gatelist.list) do
+ if == gate then
+ position = prep == "before" and n or n+1
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ if not position then
+ _error_nogatein(gate, list)
+ return
+ end
+ else
+ _error("Unknown position: `%s'", where)
+ return
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ position = #gatelist.list + 1
+ end
+ local _tb = {}
+ for _, x in ipairs(tb) do
+ _insert(_tb, 1, x)
+ end
+ tb = _tb
+ for _, name in ipairs(tb) do
+ name = _check_family(fam, name)
+ local macro = _rawgate(name)
+ if macro then
+ _insert(gatelist.list, position, { name = name, status = _open, conditional = _evertrue })
+ else
+ _error_nogate(name)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ _error_nogatelist(list)
+ end
+local function remove (fam, tb, list)
+ list = _check_family(fam, list)
+ local gatelist = _rawgate(list)
+ if gatelist and gatelist.list then
+ tb = _totable(tb)
+ for _, fct in ipairs(tb) do
+ fct = _check_family(fam, fct)
+ local n, found = 1
+ while n <= #gatelist.list do
+ if gatelist.list[n].name == fct then
+ found = true
+ _remove(gatelist.list, n)
+ else
+ n = n + 1
+ end
+ end
+ if not found then
+ _error_nogatein(fct, list)
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ _error_nogatelist(list)
+ end
+local function subgates (fam, list, fct)
+ list = _check_family(fam, list)
+ local gatelist = _rawgate(list)
+ if gatelist and gatelist.list then
+ for _, g in ipairs (gatelist.list) do
+ fct(
+ end
+ else
+ _error_nogatelist(list)
+ end
+local function _status (fam, fct, list, key, value)
+ if list then
+ list = _check_family(fam, list)
+ local gatelist = _rawgate(list)
+ if gatelist then
+ if type(fct) == "string" and (_match(fct, "^before ") or _match(fct, "^after ")) then
+ local prep, gate = _match(fct, "^(.-)%s+(.-)$")
+ if prep and gate and (prep == "before" or prep == "after") then
+ local list, position = gatelist.list
+ if gate == "first" then
+ position = 1
+ elseif gate == "last" then
+ position = #list
+ else
+ gate = _check_family(fam, gate)
+ for n, g in ipairs(list) do
+ if == gate then
+ position = n
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if position then
+ if prep == "before" then
+ for n, g in ipairs(list) do
+ if n == position then
+ break
+ else
+ g[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ for n, g in ipairs(list) do
+ if n > position then
+ g[key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ _error_nogatein(gate, list)
+ end
+ else
+ _error("Unknown position `%s'", fct)
+ end
+ else
+ fct = _totable(fct)
+ for _, func in ipairs(fct) do
+ func = _check_family(fam, func)
+ local found
+ for n, tb in ipairs(gatelist.list) do
+ if == func then
+ found = true
+ gatelist.list[n][key] = value
+ end
+ end
+ if not found then
+ _error_nogatein(func, list)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ _error_nogatelist(list)
+ end
+ else
+ fct = _totable(fct)
+ for _, func in ipairs(fct) do
+ func = _check_family(fam, func)
+ local macro = _rawgate(func)
+ if macro then
+ macro[key] = value
+ else
+ _error_nogate(func)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+local function open (fam, fct, list)
+ _status(fam, fct, list, "status", _open)
+local function ajar (fam, fct, list)
+ _status(fam, fct, list, "status", _ajar)
+local function skip (fam, fct, list)
+ _status(fam, fct, list, "status", _skip)
+local function close (fam, fct, list)
+ _status(fam, fct, list, "status", _close)
+local function conditional (fam, fct, list, cond)
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ _status(fam, fct, list, "conditional", cond)
+ else
+ _status(fam, fct, nil, "conditional", list)
+ end
+local function loop (fam, fct, list, cond)
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ _status(fam, fct, list, "loop", cond)
+ else
+ _status(fam, fct, nil, "loop", list)
+ end
+local function loopuntil (fam, fct, list, cond)
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ _status(fam, fct, list, "loopuntil", cond)
+ else
+ _status(fam, fct, nil, "loopuntil", list)
+ end
+local function iterator (fam, fct, list, cond)
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ _status(fam, fct, list, "iterator", cond)
+ else
+ _status(fam, fct, nil, "iterator", list)
+ end
+local function autoreturn (fam, fct, list, cond)
+ if type(list) == "string" then
+ _status(fam, fct, list, "autoreturn", cond)
+ else
+ _status(fam, fct, nil, "autoreturn", list)
+ end
+local function _store (tab)
+ local name = tab[1]
+ local fct = tab[2]
+ local tb = {
+ name = name,
+ status = _statuses[tab.status or "open"],
+ conditional = tab.conditional or _evertrue,
+ loop = tab.loop,
+ loopuntil = tab.loopuntil,
+ iterator = tab.iterator,
+ autoreturn = tab.autoreturn}
+ if not fct then
+ tb.list = {}
+ fct = function (...)
+ _addtab()
+ local arg = {...}
+ for n, func in ipairs(tb.list) do
+ arg = {_execute(func, true, unpackargs(arg))}
+ end
+ _untab()
+ return unpackargs(arg)
+ end
+ end
+ tb.fct = fct
+ execute[0][name] = tb
+local function def (fam, tab)
+ tab[1] = _check_family(fam, tab[1])
+ _store(tab)
+local function list (fam, tab)
+ tab[1] = _check_family(fam, tab[1])
+ local subgates = {}
+ for i = 2, #tab do
+ _insert(subgates, tab[i])
+ tab[i] = nil
+ end
+ _store(tab)
+ for _, g in ipairs(subgates) do
+ g = type(g) == "string" and {g} or g
+ g[1] = _check_family(fam, g[1])
+ if type(g[2]) == "function" then
+ _store({g[1], g[2]})
+ elseif type(g[2]) == "table" or type(g[2]) == "string" then
+ local a = {}
+ for i = 2, #g do
+ _insert(a, g[i])
+ end
+ list(fam, {g[1], unpack(a)})
+ elseif not (_rawgate(g[1])) then
+ _store({g[1]})
+ end
+ add(fam, g[1], tab[1])
+ local s = g.status == "open" and _open
+ or g.status == "ajar" and _ajar
+ or g.status == "skip" and _skip
+ or g.status == "close" and _close
+ or _open
+ _status(fam, g[1], tab[1], "status", s)
+ local c = type(g.conditional) == "function" and g.conditional or _evertrue
+ _status(fam, g[1], tab[1], "conditional", c)
+ local l = type(g.loop) == "function" and g.loop
+ _status(fam, g[1], tab[1], "loop", l)
+ local L = type(g.loopuntil) == "function" and g.loopuntil
+ _status(fam, g[1], tab[1], "loopuntil", L)
+ local I = type(g.iterator) == "function" and g.iterator
+ _status(fam, g[1], tab[1], "iterator", I)
+ _status(fam, g[1], tab[1], "autoreturn", g.autoreturn)
+ end
+local function copy (fam, name1, name2)
+ name1, name2 = _check_family(fam, name1), _check_family(fam, name2)
+ local base = _rawgate(name2)
+ if base then
+ if base.list then
+ _store(name1)
+ _rawgate(name1).list = _copy(base.list)
+ else
+ _store(name1, base.fct)
+ end
+ _status(fam, name1, nil, "status", _open) -- Better than to copy the gate's status.
+ _status(fam, name1, nil, "conditional", base.conditional)
+ _status(fam, name1, nil, "loop", base.loop)
+ _status(fam, name1, nil, "loopuntil", base.loopuntil)
+ _status(fam, name1, nil, "iterator", base.iterator)
+ else
+ _error_nogate(name2)
+ end
+local function Type (fam, name)
+ name = _check_family(fam, name)
+ local macro = _rawgate(name)
+ if macro then
+ return macro.list and 2 or 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+local function status (fam, gate, list)
+ gate = _check_family(fam, gate)
+ list = list and _check_family(fam, list)
+ local fct = _rawgate(gate)
+ list = list and _rawgate(list) and _rawgate(list).list
+ if fct then
+ if list then
+ for _, g in ipairs(list) do
+ if == gate then
+ return g.status
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ return fct.status
+ end
+ else
+ return 0
+ end
+local _mt = {
+ trace = trace,
+ show = show,
+ def = def,
+ list = list,
+ copy = copy,
+ add = add,
+ remove = remove,
+ open = open,
+ ajar = ajar,
+ skip = skip,
+ close = close,
+ type = Type,
+ status = status,
+ conditional = conditional,
+ loop = loop,
+ loopuntil = loopuntil,
+ iterator = iterator,
+ autoreturn = autoreturn,
+ subgates = subgates,
+local function new (_, fam)
+ local t = {family = fam}
+ setmetatable(t, _mt)
+ return t
+ = new
+_mt.__index = function (tb, name)
+ if name == "execute" then
+ return setmetatable({},
+ {__call =
+ function (_, name, ...)
+ name = _check_family(, name)
+ return execute[name](...)
+ end,
+ __index = function (_, name)
+ name = _check_family(, name)
+ return execute[name]
+ end})
+ elseif _mt[name] then
+ return function (...) return _mt[name](, ...) end
+ else
+ name = _check_family(, name)
+ local macro = _rawgate(name)
+ if macro then
+ return execute[name]
+-- The following was removed because a gate instance can contain other
+-- things than gates; for instance " = 5" is valid. But one might
+-- want to know whether an entry exists or not (e.g. "if then" or
+-- "if type( ~= 'nil' then"), in which case the next three lines
+-- would produce an error (and return a function).
+-- else
+-- _error("`%s' isn't an action or a gate", name)
+-- return _default
+ end
+ end
+_mt.__newindex = function (tb, key, value)
+ if _mt[key] then
+ _error("You can't assign to key `%s', it is an action", key)
+ else
+ if type(value) == "function" then
+ def(, {key, value})
+ else
+ local name = _check_family(, key)
+ if _rawgate(name) then
+ _error("You can't assign to key `%s', it is already a gate", key)
+ else
+ rawset(tb, key, value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+gates = new(nil, "gates")