path: root/macros/generic/chemfig/chemfig-en.tex
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diff --git a/macros/generic/chemfig/chemfig-en.tex b/macros/generic/chemfig/chemfig-en.tex
index d7e5474480..281530c1cd 100644
--- a/macros/generic/chemfig/chemfig-en.tex
+++ b/macros/generic/chemfig/chemfig-en.tex
@@ -247,6 +247,9 @@ Together with the use of the macro \verb|\charge|, this new feature makes it pos
\exemple{Consecutive bonds}/\chemfig{[:30]-\charge{90=\:}{}
+\subsection{Center of rings}
+The center of each ring is reachable with a \TIKZ node. See page~\pageref{centre_cycle}.
\subsection{Manual Update}
More detailed explanations are given on:
@@ -313,16 +316,18 @@ Here is the complete list of parameters as well as their default values\label{li
\CFparam{lewis sep}
\CFparam{lewis length}
\CFparam{lewis style}
- \CFparam{lewis dist}\hline
+ \CFparam{lewis dist}
+ \CFparam{lewis radius}
+ \CFparam{lewis diag coeff}
+ \CFparam{cycle radius coeff}
+ \CFparam{stack sep}
+ \CFparam{show cntcycle}
+ \CFparam{autoreset cntcycle}\hline
\chevrons{keys} & default \chevrons{values}\\\hline\endhead
- \CFparam{lewis radius}
- \CFparam{lewis diag coeff}
- \CFparam{cycle radius coeff}
- \CFparam{stack sep}
\CFparam{scheme debug}
\CFparam{compound style}
\CFparam{compound sep}
@@ -799,6 +804,21 @@ Some care must be taken with rings when one or more vertices are made up of grou
In order for the ring to have a regular shape, it is necessary to override the \CF mechanism which automatically calculates the departure and arrival atoms of bonds. Here, \verb/C-F/ and \verb/F-G/ must be connected by using the optional argument of these bonds:
\exemple{Forced departure and arrival atoms}|\chemfig{AB*5(-CDE-[,,1]F-[,,,1]GH-I-)}|
+\subsection{Center of rings}\label{centre_cycle}
+Each ring has at its center a node of zero dimension whose name is \Verb|centrecycle<n>| where \Verb|<n>| is the number of the ring, (the rings are numbered in the order in which they are drawn). It is possible to display the number of each ring by setting the boolean \CFkey{show cntcycle} to true.
+The default true boolean \CFkey{autoreset cntcycle} resets the ring counter at the beginning of each molecule to 0 (i.e., each time \verb|\chemfig| is executed).
+\exemple{Centre of rings}/\chemfig{*5(---(-*3(---))--)}
+ \node[at=(cyclecenter1)](){.+}
+ node [at=(cyclecenter1),shift=(120:1.75cm)](end){\printatom{R^1}};
+ \draw[-,shorten <=.5cm](cyclecenter1)--(end);
\section{Representing electron movements}\label{mecanismes-reactionnels}
Starting with \CF version 0.3, we can represent the movement of electrons in mesomeric effects or reaction mechanisms. This is done by marking the departure and arrival points of the electron movement arrow using the syntax ``\Verb-@{<argument>}-''. This syntax allows a \TIKZ node to be placed and makes this node accessible outside the argument of the \verb-\chemfig- command thanks to the ``\texttt{remember picture}'' option which is passed to all the ``\falseverb{tikzpicture}'' environments. It is assumed that the viewer supports ``\falseverb{picture remembering}'' and that the compilation is done twice.
@@ -2457,6 +2477,8 @@ The commands created by \CF are:
\item \CFkv{lewis diag coeff} {1}: factor that multiplies the distance to Lewis formulas in odd directions
\item \CFkv{cycle radius coeff} {0.75}: shrinkage ratio of the circle or arc inside cycles
\item \CFkv{stack sep} {1.5pt}: vertical gap between arguments of \verb-\chemabove- and \verb-\chembelow- macros
+ \item \CFkv{show cntcycle} {false}: show rings numbers
+ \item \CFkv{autoreset cntcycle} {true}: reset ring counter at \verb|\chemfig| execution
\item \CFkv{compound style} {{}}: style of compounds
\item \CFkv{compound sep} {5em}: space between compounds
\item \CFkv{arrow offset} {4pt}: space between compound and arrow