path: root/macros/context/contrib/context-simpleslides/context-simpleslides/tex/context/third/simpleslides/s-simpleslides-BigNumber.tex
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Diffstat (limited to 'macros/context/contrib/context-simpleslides/context-simpleslides/tex/context/third/simpleslides/s-simpleslides-BigNumber.tex')
1 files changed, 220 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/context/contrib/context-simpleslides/context-simpleslides/tex/context/third/simpleslides/s-simpleslides-BigNumber.tex b/macros/context/contrib/context-simpleslides/context-simpleslides/tex/context/third/simpleslides/s-simpleslides-BigNumber.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6612757231
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+++ b/macros/context/contrib/context-simpleslides/context-simpleslides/tex/context/third/simpleslides/s-simpleslides-BigNumber.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+%D \module
+%D [ file=simpleslides-s-BigNumber,
+%D version=2022.07.13,
+%D title=\CONTEXT\ Style File,
+%D subtitle=Presentation Module --- Big Number Style,
+%D author=Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz,
+%D date=\currentdate
+%D copyright={Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz}]
+%C Copyright 2007 Aditya Mahajan and Thomas A. Schmitz
+%C This file may be distributed under the GNU General Public License v. 2.0.
+%D This file provides the \quotation{BigNumber} style for the presentation
+%D module. It is loaded at runtime.
+\writestatus{simpleslides}{loading Big Number style}
+%D First, we change the page layout to have more space all around
+\setuplayout [width=fit,
+ margin=2cm,
+ height=fit,
+ leftmargindistance=.8cm,
+ rightmargindistance=0cm,
+ header=18mm,
+ footer=0cm,
+ topspace=.8cm,
+ backspace=1.9cm,
+ location=singlesided]
+\setuplayout [simpleslides:layout:horizontal][header=18mm]
+\setuplayout [simpleslides:layout:vertical] [header=0mm]
+\setuplayout [simpleslides:layout:title] [header=0mm]
+ [width=\paperwidth,
+ height=\paperheight,x=20mm]
+%D Next we define generic frames, which will be used by other macros to
+%D get a consistent look and feel.
+ [frame=off,offset=0pt,
+ width=1.7cm,align=middle]
+%D These macros are used for placing figures/pictures:
+\define\NormalHeight {\textheight}
+\define\NormalWidth {.46\textwidth}
+\define\PictureFrameHeight {\textheight}
+\define\PictureFrameWidth {.46\textwidth}
+%D This module has two color schemes, a blue one and a red one.
+\startsetups simpleslides:setups:blue
+\definecolor [simpleslides:contrastcolor] [r=0.8,g=0.8,b=0.9]
+\definecolor [simpleslides:backgroundcolor] [s=.88]
+\definecolor [simpleslides:textcolor] [s=0]
+\startsetups simpleslides:setups:red
+\definecolor [simpleslides:contrastcolor] [r=0.4]
+\definecolor [simpleslides:backgroundcolor] [s=.35]
+\definecolor [simpleslides:textcolor] [s=1]
+%D Now we choose the scheme that the user asked for
+ {\setups{simpleslides:setups:\moduleparameter{simpleslides}{color}}}
+ {\setups{simpleslides:setups:blue}}
+%D The characteristic feature of this module is that the page number is drawn in
+%D big letters on the slide. First we define the font used to draw the number.
+\definefontsynonym [BigNumberFont] [name:texgyreherosbold]
+\definefont [NumberFont] [BigNumberFont at 30pt]
+%D We use \METAPOST\ to draw backgrounds. First, we define a few helper macros
+%D to place text inside \METAPOST
+\definetextext[simpleslides:sometxt:left] {\TaspresentSometxtLeft}
+ {\getvalue{simpleslides:framed:small}
+ {\color[simpleslides:contrastcolor]
+ {\NumberFont #1}}}
+ {\getvalue{simpleslides:framed:small}
+ {\NumberFont \color[simpleslides:backgroundcolor]{#1}}}
+%D Now we define a \METAPOST| graphic that draws the number. The exact
+%D dimensions have been found by trial and error.
+StartPage ;
+save Left, Right ;
+picture Left, Right ;
+Left := textext("\NumberFont \color[simpleslides:contrastcolor]{\pagenumber}") ysized 4cm ;
+Right := textext("\NumberFont \color[simpleslides:backgroundcolor]{\pagenumber}") ysized 4cm ;
+save LeftBox, RightBox ;
+path LeftBox, RightBox ;
+save split ; numeric split ;
+split := if RealPageNumber < 10 : 1/2 else : 3/4 fi ;
+%split := 1/2 ;
+LeftBox := llcorner Left -- split[llcorner Left, lrcorner Left]
+ -- split[ulcorner Left, urcorner Left] -- ulcorner Left --cycle ;
+RightBox := lrcorner Right -- split[lrcorner Right, llcorner Right]
+ -- split[urcorner Right, ulcorner Right] -- urcorner Right --cycle ;
+save shft ; numeric shft ;
+shft = arclength(llcorner Right -- lrcorner Right) ;
+if RealPageNumber >= 10 :
+ RightBox := RightBox shifted (shft/2, 0) ;
+clip Left to LeftBox ;
+clip Right to RightBox ;
+save corner; pair corner ;
+corner := lrcorner Field[Text][Text] shifted (.2cm,0.3cm) ; % same as x2
+labeloffset := 0bp;
+label.ulft(Left, corner) ;
+label.urt (Right, corner) ;
+StopPage ;
+%D We also use \METAPOST\ to draw the horizontal and vertical page backgrounds.
+StartPage ;
+fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:contrastcolor} ;
+fill Field[Text][Text] enlarged 0.2cm
+ withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ;
+StopPage ;
+StartPage ;
+fill Page withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:contrastcolor} ;
+z1 = urcorner Field[Text][Text] shifted (.2cm,0) ;
+z2 = lrcorner Field[Text][Text] shifted (.2cm,-.2cm) ;
+z3 = z1 shifted (-8.05cm,0) ;
+z4 = (x3,y2) ;
+save Main ;
+path Main ;
+Main := z1 -- z2 -- z4 -- z3 --cycle ;
+fill Main withcolor \MPcolor{simpleslides:backgroundcolor} ;
+StopPage ;
+%D We define these backgrounds as overlays:
+ [simpleslides:background:horizontal]
+ [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:horizontal}]
+ [simpleslides:background:vertical]
+ [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:vertical}]
+ [simpleslides:background:title]
+ [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:horizontal}]
+ [simpleslides:background:ornament]
+ [\useMPgraphic{simpleslides:MP:ornament}]
+%D The slide title is placed on the top of the text area. The layer takes care
+%D of the positioning.
+ [\c!after=,
+ \c!alternative=layer,
+ \c!width=\textwidth,
+ \c!height=2.5cm,
+ \c!command=\doSlideTitle]
+ [\c!headcolor=simpleslides:textcolor,
+ \c!title\c!color=simpleslides:textcolor,
+ \c!date\c!color=simpleslides:textcolor,
+ \c!author\c!color=simpleslides:textcolor]
+%D Squares are used as the first level of itemizations