path: root/macros/context/contrib/context-lua-widow-control/source/luatex/lua-widow-control/tb133chernoff-widows.ltx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/context/contrib/context-lua-widow-control/source/luatex/lua-widow-control/tb133chernoff-widows.ltx')
1 files changed, 1465 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/context/contrib/context-lua-widow-control/source/luatex/lua-widow-control/tb133chernoff-widows.ltx b/macros/context/contrib/context-lua-widow-control/source/luatex/lua-widow-control/tb133chernoff-widows.ltx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bcae2c01c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/context/contrib/context-lua-widow-control/source/luatex/lua-widow-control/tb133chernoff-widows.ltx
@@ -0,0 +1,1465 @@
+% lua-widow-control
+% SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0+ OR CC-BY-SA-4.0+
+% SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Max Chernoff
+% This is the LaTeX source for the following article:
+% @article{tb133chernoff-widows,
+% title={Automatically removing widows and orphans with
+% \texttt{lua-widow-control}},
+% author={Chernoff, Max},
+% journal={TUGboat},
+% volume={43},
+% number={1},
+% pages={28--39},
+% year={2022},
+% month=may,
+% DOI={10.47397/tb/43-1/tb133chernoff-widows},
+% }
+% Please refer to the PDF on for the authoritative version.
+% Compiling:
+% context tb133chernoff-widows-figure.ctx
+% lualatex tb133chernoff-widows.ltx
+% bibtex tb133chernoff-widows
+% lualatex tb133chernoff-widows.ltx
+% lualatex tb133chernoff-widows.ltx
+% The original article was built with the final/frozen TeX Live 2021.
+% Set the publication info
+\vol 43, 1.
+\issyear 2022.
+% Load lwc
+% Table Stuff
+% Let the macro names in section headings be in boldface
+ \ifx\f@series\bfseries@rm%
+ \ensuremath{\boldsymbol{\varepsilon}}\mbox{-}\kern-.125em\TeX%
+ \else%
+ \ensuremath{\varepsilon}\mbox{-}\kern-.125em\TeX%
+ \fi%
+% Abbreviations
+% Most of these are just typewriter commands with `\allowbreak`s added.
+\def\lwc/{\textsf{lua-\allowbreak widow-\allowbreak control}}
+\def\Lwc/{\textsf{lua-\allowbreak widow-\allowbreak control}}
+ \texorpdfstring{\cs{emergency}\-\mbox{\ttfamily stretch}}{\textbackslash{}emergencystretch}%
+ }
+\def\openalty/{\cs{output}\-\mbox{\ttfamily penalty}}
+\def\waos/{widows and orphans}
+\def\wao/{widow and orphan}
+\def\woo/{widow or orphan}
+\def\woos/{widow or orphans}
+ \cs{use\-package\{lua-\allowbreak widow-\allowbreak control\}}
+ \cs{loose}\-\mbox{\ttfamily ness}}{\textbackslash{}looseness}%
+\def\endofline#1{\unskip\nobreak\hskip\fontdimen2\font plus 1fill\hbox{#1}}
+% Additional macros
+ \def\tubsentencespace{\spacefactor=3000{}\space\ignorespaces}
+% Figures
+% pgfplots
+ /pgf/number format/.cd,
+ sci generic={%
+ mantissa sep={\times},
+ exponent={10^{##1}}
+ },
+ 1000 sep={\,},
+ compat=1.18,
+ lua backend=true,
+ unbounded coords=discard,
+ filter discard warning=false,
+% Metadata
+\title{Automatically removing \waos/ with \lwc/}
+\author{Max Chernoff}
+\address{Calgary, Alberta\\Canada}
+% Load last
+ \put(1in, \dimexpr-2\baselineskip){%
+ \fbox{\parbox[t]{\textwidth}{%
+ This document is a part of the \lwc/ documentation. For the
+ authoritative version of the article, please see
+ \tbsurl{}.
+ }%
+ }}%
+ \put(\dimexpr1in + 0.4\textwidth, \dimexpr-\paperheight + 4\baselineskip){%
+ \fbox{\parbox[t]{0.6\textwidth}{%
+ Some commands may have changed since publication. Please see the
+ \lwc/ manual for the current syntax. (Links:
+ \href{lua-widow-control.pdf}{local},
+ \href{}{\acro{CTAN}},
+ \href{}{GitHub}.)
+ }%
+ }}%
+ pdfdisplaydoctitle=true,
+ pdftitle={Automatically removing widows and orphans with lua-widow-control},
+ pdfauthor={Max Chernoff},
+ pdflang={en},
+ pdfcontacturl={},
+ pdfcopyright={SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0+ OR CC-BY-SA-4.0+},
+ pdflicenseurl={},
+ pdfdoi={10.47397/tb/43-1/tb133chernoff-widows},
+ pdfpublication={TUGboat},
+ pdfpubtype={journal},
+ pdfvolumenum={43},
+ pdfissuenum={1},
+ pdfpagerange={28-39},
+ pdfdate={2022-05}
+% TODO: Temporary fix
+\def\Thanh{H{\`a}n Th\^e\llap{\raise0.5ex\hbox{\'{\relax}}} Th{\`a}nh}
+ \maketitle
+ \begin{abstract}
+ The \textsf{lua-widow-control} package, for
+ plain~Lua\TeX\slash{}\LuaLaTeX\slash{}\ConTeXt\slash{}\OpTeX{},
+ removes widows and orphans without any user intervention.
+ Using the power of Lua\TeX{}, it does so \emph{without} stretching any glue
+ or shortening any pages or columns. Instead, \textsf{lua-widow-control}
+ automatically lengthens a paragraph on a page or column where a widow or
+ orphan would otherwise occur.
+ To use \textsf{lua-widow-control}, all that most users need do is
+ place \verb|\usepackage{lua-widow-control}| in their preamble. No further
+ changes are required.
+ \end{abstract}
+ \section{Motivation}
+ \TeX{} provides top-notch typesetting: even 40 years after its first
+ release, no other program produces higher quality mathematical
+ typesetting, and its paragraph-breaking algorithm is still
+ state-of-the-art. However, its page breaking is not quite as sophisticated
+ as its paragraph breaking and thus suffers from some minor issues.
+ Unmodified \TeX{} has only two familiar ways of dealing with \waos/: it can
+ either shorten a page by one line, or it can stretch vertical
+ whitespace. \TeX{} was designed for mathematical and scientific typesetting,
+ where a typical page has multiple section headings, tables, figures, and
+ equations. For this style of document, \TeX's default behaviour works quite
+ well, since the slight stretching of whitespace between the various document
+ elements is nearly imperceptible; however, for prose or other documents
+ composed almost entirely of paragraphs, there is little vertical whitespace
+ to stretch.
+ Since no ready-made and fully-automated solution to remove
+ \waos/ from all types of documents was available, I decided to
+ create \lwc/.
+ \section{What are \waos/?}
+ \subsection{Widows}
+ A \q{widow} occurs when the majority of a paragraph is on one page
+ or column,
+ but the last line is on the following page or column. It not only looks
+ quite odd for a lone line to be at the start of the page, but it makes a
+ paragraph harder to read since the separation of a paragraph and
+ its last line disconnects the two, causing the reader to lose context for
+ the widowed line.
+ \subsection{Orphans}
+ An \q{orphan} occurs when the first line of a paragraph is at the end
+ of the page or column preceding the remainder of the paragraph. They are not
+ as distracting for the reader, but they are still not ideal.
+ Visually, \waos/ are about equally disruptive; however, orphans tend not to
+ decrease the legibility of a text as much as widows, so many authors choose
+ to ignore them.
+ See figure~\ref{tab:widow} for a visual reference.
+ \begin{figure}
+ \def\firstpage#1{%
+ \parfillskip=0pt%
+ \spaceskip=0.2em plus 1fill%
+ \hskip 3em%
+ #1%
+ }
+ \def\lastpage#1{%
+ \parfillskip=3em%
+ \spaceskip=0.2em plus 1fill%
+ #1%
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}
+ \renewcommand{\doublerulesep}{0.5em}
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{|X|@{\hskip\doublerulesep}|X|}
+ \multicolumn1c{\bfseries Widow} &
+ \multicolumn1c{\bfseries Orphan}
+ \\ \hhline{-||-}
+ \firstpage{A widow occurs when the last line of a paragraph is
+ placed on a page separate from}
+ & \vskip2.25\baselineskip\relax\firstpage{An orphan is}
+ \\ \hhline{-||-}
+ \lastpage{where it begins.}
+ & \lastpage{when the first line of a paragraph occurs on the
+ page before all of the other lines.} \\ \hhline{-||-}
+ \end{tabularx}
+ \caption{The difference between \waos/. If we imagine that each box is a
+ different page, then this roughly simulates how \waos/ appear.}
+ \label{tab:widow}
+ \end{figure}
+ \subsection{Broken hyphens}
+ \q{Broken} hyphens occur whenever a page break occurs in a
+ hyphenated word. These are not related to \waos/; however,
+ breaking a word across two pages is at least as disruptive for the reader
+ as \waos/. \TeX{} identifies broken hyphens in the same ways as \waos/, so
+ \lwc/ treats broken hyphens in the same way.
+ \section{History and etymology}
+ The concept of \waos/ is nearly as old as printing itself. In \cite{old},
+ a printers manual from 1683, we have:
+ \begin{quote}
+ Nor do good \emph{Compo\longs/iters} account it good Workman\longs/hip
+ to begin a \emph{Page} with a \emph{Break-line}, unle\longs/s it be a
+ very \longs/hort \emph{Break}, and cannot be gotten in the foregoing
+ \emph{Page}\,; but if it be a long \emph{Break}, he will let it be the
+ \emph{Direction-line} of the fore-going \emph{Page}, and \emph{Set} his
+ \emph{Direction} at the end of it. \endofline{(p.~226)}
+ \end{quote}
+ \subsection{Widows}
+ However, the terms \q{widow} and \q{orphan} are much newer. The earliest
+ published source that I could find referencing \q{widows} in typography is
+ \textsl{Webster's New International Dictionary} from~1934. However, no
+ one \Dash not even the editors of the dictionary~\cite{widowhistory} \Dash
+ seems to know how it got there. Even then, the definition is somewhat
+ different than it is now:
+ \begin{quote}
+ widow, n.\ c.\ \emph{Print}\@. A short line or single word carried over from
+ the foot of one column or page to the head of a succeeding column or
+ page. \endofline{\cite{widowhistory}}
+ \end{quote}
+ Contrast this with the modern definition:
+ \begin{quote}
+ \emph{Typography}\@. A short line of text (usually one consisting of one
+ word or part of a word) which falls undesirably at the end of a
+ paragraph, esp.\ one set at the top of a page or column.
+ \endofline{\cite{oed-widow}}
+ \end{quote}
+ which includes a single lone line of any length.
+ \subsection{Orphans}
+ The term \q{orphan} is even more confusing. Its initial usage seems to have
+ occurred some time after \q{widow}~\cite{widowhistory}, and it is given many
+ contradictory definitions. Most sources define an orphan as a first line at
+ the bottom of the page and a widow as the last line at the
+ top~\cite{elements, widowhistory, widowhistory2, xIsambert:TB31-1-12,
+ texbook, widows-and-orphans, oed-line, oed-widow}; however, some sources
+ define these two terms as \emph{exact opposites} of each other, with a widow
+ as a first line at the bottom of the page and an orphan as the last
+ line!~\cite{backwards1, widowhistory, backwards3, oed-line,
+ backwards2}\tubsentencespace
+ This usage is plain wrong; nevertheless, it is sufficiently common that you
+ need to be careful when you see the terms \q{widow} and \q{orphan}.
+ \subsection{Clubs}
+ \textsl{The \TeX{}book} never refers to \q{orphans} as such; rather, it
+ refers to them as \q{clubs}. This term is remarkably rare: I could only find
+ a \emph{single} source published before \textsl{The \TeX{}book} \Dash a
+ compilation article about the definition of \q{widow} \Dash that mentions
+ a \q{club line}:
+ \begin{quote}
+ The Dictionary staff informs me that they have no example of the use of
+ the word widow in the typographical sense.~[\dots]
+ Mr. Watson of the technical staff says that the Edinburgh printing
+ houses referred to it as a ``clubline''.
+ \endofline{\cite[p.~4]{widowhistory}}
+ \end{quote}\medskip
+ \begin{quote}
+ To my knowledge, a `widow', or `widow-line,' is a short line, forming
+ the end of a paragraph, which is carried over from the foot of a page or
+ column to the top of the succeeding one.~[\dots]
+ To my personal knowledge, in typographical parlance in Edinburgh,
+ Scotland, the `widow' is called a `club-line.'
+ \endofline{\cite[p.~23]{widowhistory}}
+ \end{quote}
+ Both quotes above are from separate authors, and they each define a \q{club}
+ like we define \q{widow}, not an \q{orphan}. In addition, they both mention
+ that the term is only used in Scotland. Even the extensive
+ \acro{OED}\Dash which lists 17~full definitions and
+ 103~subdefinitions for the noun \q{club}\Dash doesn't recognize the
+ phrase.~\cite{oed-club}
+ I spent a few hours searching through Google Books and my university library
+ catalogue, but I could not find a single additional source. If anyone has
+ any more information on the definition of a \q{club line} or why Knuth chose
+ to use this archaic Scottish term in \TeX{}, please let me know!
+ \section{Pagination in \TeX}
+ Let's move on to looking at how \TeX{} treats these \waos/.
+ \subsection{Algorithm}
+ It is tricky to understand how \lwc/ works if you aren't familiar with how
+ \TeX{} breaks pages and columns. For a full description, you should
+ consult Chapter~15 of \textit{\TB}~\cite{texbook} (\q{How \TeX{} Makes Lines
+ into Pages}); however, this goes into much more detail than most users
+ require, so here is a \emph{very} simplified summary of \TeX{}'s page
+ breaking algorithm:
+ \TeX{} fills the page with lines and other objects until the next object
+ will no longer fit. Once no more objects will fit, \TeX{} will align the
+ bottom of the last line with the bottom of the page by stretching any
+ available vertical spaces if (in \LaTeX) \cs{flushbottom} is set;
+ otherwise, it will
+ break the page and leave the bottom empty.
+ However, some objects have penalties attached. Penalties encourage or
+ discourage page breaks from occurring at specific places. For example,
+ \LaTeX{} sets a negative penalty before section headings to encourage a
+ page break there; conversely, it sets a positive penalty after section
+ headings to discourage breaking.
+ To reduce \waos/, \TeX{} sets weakly\hyph positive penalties between the
+ first and second lines of a paragraph to prevent orphans, and between the
+ penultimate and final lines to prevent widows.
+ One important note: once \TeX{} begins breaking a page, it never goes
+ back to modify any content on the page. Page breaking is a localized
+ algorithm, without any backtracking.
+ \subsection{Behaviour}
+ Merely describing the algorithm doesn't allow us to intuitively
+ understand how
+ \TeX{} deals with \waos/.
+ Due to the penalties attached to \waos/, \TeX{} tries to avoid
+ them. Widows and orphans with small penalties attached \Dash like
+ \LaTeX's default values of 150 \Dash are only lightly coupled to the rest
+ of the paragraph, while \waos/ with large penalties \Dash values of
+ 10\,000 or more \Dash are treated as infinitely bad and are thus
+ unbreakable. Intermediate values behave just as you would expect,
+ discouraging page breaks proportional to their value.
+ When \TeX{} goes to break a page, it tries to avoid breaking at a
+ location with a high penalty. How it does so depends on a few settings:
+ \subsubsection{\cs{flushbottom} and \cs{normalbottom}}
+ With the settings \cs{normalbottom} (Plain \TeX{}) or
+ \cs{flushbottom} (\LaTeX{}), \TeX{} is willing to stretch any glue on the
+ page by an amount roughly commensurate to the magnitude of the
+ penalty: for small \cs{clubpenalty} and \cs{widowpenalty} values, \TeX{} will
+ only slightly stretch the glue on the page before creating a \woo/;
+ for very large penalties, \TeX{} will stretch the glue by a
+ near-infinite amount.
+ This corresponds to the \q{Stretch} column in
+ Figure~\ref{fig:demo}. It is
+ the default behaviour of Plain~\TeX{}, and of the standard \LaTeX{} classes
+ when the \verb|twocolumn| option is given.
+ \subsubsection{\cs{raggedbottom}}
+ When \cs{raggedbottom} is set, \TeX{} won't stretch any glue. Instead,
+ for sufficiently-high \cs{clubpenalty} and \cs{widowpenalty} values, \TeX{} will
+ shorten the page or column by one~line in order to prevent the \woo/ from
+ being created.
+ This corresponds to the \q{Shorten} column in Figure~\ref{fig:demo} and is
+ the default behaviour of the \LaTeX{} classes when the
+ \verb|twocolumn| option is not given.
+ \section{\lsness/}\label{sec:looseness}
+ Before we can continue further, we need to discuss one more \TeX{}
+ command: \lsness/. The following is excerpted from Chapter~14 of
+ \cite{texbook} (\q{How \TeX{} Breaks Paragraphs into Lines}):
+ \begin{quote}\parskip=0pt
+ If you set \lsness/\verb|=1|, \TeX{} will try to make the current
+ paragraph one line longer than its optimum length, provided that
+ there is a way to choose such breakpoints without exceeding the
+ tolerance you have specified for the badnesses of individual lines.
+ Similarly, if you set \lsness/\verb|=2|, \TeX{} will try to make the
+ paragraph two lines longer; and \lsness/\verb|=-1| causes an attempt
+ to make it shorter.~[\dots]
+ For example, you can set \lsness/\verb|=1| if you want to avoid a
+ lonely \q{club line} or \q{widow line} on some page that does not
+ have sufficiently flexible glue, or if you want the total number of
+ lines in some two-column document to come out to be an even number.
+ It's usually best to choose a paragraph that is already pretty
+ \q{full}, i.e., one whose last line doesn't have much white space,
+ since such paragraphs can generally be loosened without much harm.
+ You might also want to insert a tie between the last two words of
+ that paragraph, so that the loosened version will not end with only
+ one \q{widow word} on the orphans line; this tie will cover your
+ tracks, so that people will find it hard to detect the fact that you
+ have tampered with the spacing. On the other hand, \TeX{} can take
+ almost any sufficiently long paragraph and stretch it a bit, without
+ substantial harm.
+ \end{quote}
+ The \wao/ removal strategy suggested in the second paragraph works quite
+ well; however, it requires manual editing each and every time a page
+ or paragraph is rewritten or repositioned.
+ \begin{figure*}[p]
+ % Note: this figure may appear incorrect on some systems.
+ \divide\abovecaptionskip by 2
+ \includegraphics{\jobname-figure}
+ \caption{A visual comparison of various automated widow-handling
+ techniques.
+ }\label{fig:demo}
+ \end{figure*}
+ \section{Alternate removal strategies}
+ \looseness=1 There have been a few previous attempts to improve upon \TeX's
+ previously-discussed \wao/-handling abilities; however, none of these
+ have been able to automatically remove \waos/ without stretching any glue
+ or shortening any pages.
+ The articles \q{Strategies against
+ widows} by Paul Isambert~\cite{xIsambert:TB31-1-12} and
+ \q{Managing forlorn paragraph lines} by Frank
+ Mittelbach~\cite{Mittelbach:2018:MFP} both
+ begin with comprehensive discussions of the methods of preventing \waos/.
+ They agree that \waos/ are bad and ought to be avoided; however, they
+ differ in their solutions. \textsl{Strategies}~proposes an output routine
+ that reduces the length of facing pages by one line when necessary to
+ remove \waos/, while \textsl{Managing}~proposes that the author manually
+ rewrites or adjusts \lsness/ when needed.
+ \looseness=1 The post \q{Paragraph callback \dots} by
+ jeremie~\cite{widow-assist} contains a file
+ \verb|widow-assist.lua| that
+ automatically detects which paragraphs can be safely shortened or
+ lengthened by one line. Mittelbach's \textsf{widows-and-orphans}
+ package~\cite{widows-and-orphans} alerts the author to
+ the pages that contain widows or orphans. Combined, these packages make
+ it simple for the author to quickly remove \waos/ by adjusting the
+ values of \lsness/; however, it still requires the author to make manual
+ source changes after each revision.
+ Another article by Mittelbach~\cite{global} suggests an fully-automated
+ solution to remove \waos/. This would seem to offer a complete solution;
+ however, it requires multiple passes, an external tool, and has not yet been
+ publicly released.
+ \pagebreak
+ \Lwc/ is essentially a combination of
+ \verb|widow-assist.lua|~\cite{widow-assist} and
+ \textsf{widows-and-orphans}~\cite{widows-and-orphans} (although its
+ implementation is independent of both): when the \openalty/
+ value indicates
+ that a \woo/ has occurred, Lua is used to find a stretchable paragraph. What
+ \lwc/ mainly adds on top of these packages is automation: it eliminates the
+ requirement for any manual adjustments or changes to your document's
+ source.
+ \section{Visual comparison}
+ Although \TeX{}'s page breaking algorithm is reasonably
+ straightforward, it can lead to
+ complex behaviour when \waos/ are involved. The usual
+ choices, when rewriting is not possible, are to ignore them,
+ stretch some glue, or shorten the
+ page. Figure~\ref{fig:demo} has a visual comparison of these
+ options, which we'll discuss in the following:
+ \subsection{\q{Ignore}}
+ As you can see, the last line of the page is on a separate page from the
+ rest of its paragraph, creating a widow. This is usually highly
+ distracting for the reader, so it is best avoided for the reasons previously
+ discussed.
+ \subsection{\q{Shorten}}
+ This page did not leave any widows, but it did shorten the previous page
+ by one line. Sometimes this is acceptable, but usually it looks bad because
+ pages will then have different text-block heights. This can make the pages
+ look quite uneven, especially when typesetting with columns or in a book
+ with facing pages.
+ \subsection{\q{Stretch}}
+ This page also has no widows and it has a flush bottom margin. However,
+ the space between each pair of paragraphs had to be stretched.
+ If this page had many equations, headings, and other elements with
+ natural space between them, the stretched out space would be much less
+ noticeable. \TeX{} was designed for mathematical typesetting, so it makes
+ sense that this is its default behaviour. However, in a page with mostly
+ text, these paragraph gaps look unsightly.
+ Also, this method is incompatible with grid typesetting, where
+ all glue stretching must be quantised to the height of a line.
+ \subsection{\q{\lwc/}}
+ \Lwc/ has none of these issues: it eliminates the widows in a document
+ while keeping a flush bottom margin and constant paragraph spacing.
+ To do so, \lwc/ lengthened the second paragraph by one line. If you look
+ closely, you can see that this stretched the interword spaces. This
+ stretching is noticeable when typesetting in a narrow text block, but
+ is mostly imperceptible with larger widths.
+ \Lwc/ automatically finds the \q{best} paragraph to stretch, so the
+ increase in interword spaces should almost always be minimal.
+ \section{Installation and standard usage}
+ The \lwc/ package was first released in
+ October~2021. It is available in the default installations of both
+ MiK\TeX{} and \TeX{}~Live, although you will need recent versions
+ of either.
+ You may also download \lwc/ manually from either
+ \inlineurl[]{\acro{CTAN},}
+ the \inlineurl%
+ []%
+ {\ConTeXt{} Garden,} or \inlineurl%
+ []%
+ {GitHub,} although it is best if you can install it through your
+ \TeX~distribution.
+ As its name may suggest, \lwc/ \textit{requires} \LuaTeX{}\footnote{Or
+ \LuaMetaTeX{} in the case of \ConTeXt{}.} regardless of the format used.
+ With that in mind, using \lwc/ is quite simple:
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}l@{}>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X@{}}
+ Plain \TeX{} &
+ \cs{input lua-widow-control}\phantom{\tt]} \\
+ \OpTeX {} &
+ \cs{load[lua-widow-control]} \\
+ \LaTeX{} &
+ \latexuse/ \\
+ \ConTeXt{} &
+ \cs{usemodule[lua-widow-control]} \\
+ \end{tabularx}
+ And that's usually enough. Most users won't need to do anything else since
+ \lwc/ comes preconfigured and ready-to-go.
+ \section{Options}
+ Nevertheless, \lwc/ does have a few options.
+ \Lwc/ tries very hard to have a \q{natural} user interface with each
+ format, so how you set an option heavily depends on how you are running
+ \lwc/. Also note that not every option is available in every format.
+ Some general guidelines:
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\rm \plainop/\ ] Some options are set
+ by modifying a register, while others must be set manually using
+ \cs{directlua}.
+ \item[\rm \LaTeX{}\ ] Options can be set either as package options
+ or at any point in the document with \cs{lwcsetup}.
+ \item[\rm \ConTeXt{}\ ] Always use \cs{setuplwc}.
+ \end{description}
+ \subsection{Disabling}
+ You may want to disable \lwc/ for certain portions of your
+ document. You can do so with the following commands:
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}Xl@{}}
+ \plainop/ &
+ \cs{lwcdisable} \\
+ \LaTeX{} &
+ \cs{lwcsetup\{disable\}} \\
+ \ConTeXt{} &
+ \cs{setuplwc[state=stop]}\hphantom{\texttt{a}} \\
+ \end{tabularx}
+ This prevents \lwc/ from stretching any paragraphs that follow. If a page
+ has earlier paragraphs where \lwc/ was still enabled and a \woo/ is
+ detected, \lwc/ will still attempt to remove the \woo/.
+ \subsection{Enabling}
+ \Lwc/ is enabled as soon as the package is loaded. If you
+ have previously disabled it, you will need to re-enable it to save new paragraphs.
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}Xl@{}}
+ \plainop/ &
+ \cs{lwcenable} \\
+ \LaTeX{} &
+ \cs{lwcsetup\{enable\}} \\
+ \ConTeXt{} &
+ \cs{setuplwc[state=start]} \\
+ \end{tabularx}
+ \subsection{Automatically disabling}
+ You may want to disable \lwc/ for certain commands where
+ stretching is undesirable such as section headings. Of course, manually
+ disabling and
+ then enabling \lwc/ multiple times
+ throughout a document would quickly become tedious, so \lwc/ provides
+ some options to do this automatically for you.
+ \Lwc/ automatically patches the default \LaTeX{}, \ConTeXt{},
+ Plain~\TeX{}, \OpTeX{}, \textsf{\mbox{memoir}}, \KOMAScript, and
+ \textsf{titlesec} section commands, so you don't need to patch these.
+ Any others, though, you'll need to patch yourself.
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}Xl@{}}
+ \leavevmode\rlap{\plainop/} & \texttt{ }%
+ \cs{lwcdisablecmd\{\meta{\ttbs macro}\}} \\
+ \LaTeX{} & \texttt{ }%
+ \cs{lwcsetup\{disablecmds=\{} \\
+ & \hfill\texttt{\meta{csnameone},
+ \meta{csnametwo}\}\}} \\
+ \ConTeXt{} &
+ \cs{prependtoks\textbackslash{}lwc@patch@pre} \\
+ & \hfill\cs{to\textbackslash{}everybefore\meta{hook}} \\
+ & \cs{prependtoks\textbackslash{}lwc@patch@post} \\
+ & \hfill\cs{to\textbackslash{}everyafter\meta{hook}} \\
+ \end{tabularx}
+ \subsection{\estretch/}
+ \Lwc/ defaults to an \estretch/ value of 3~em for stretched paragraphs,
+ but you can configure this.
+ \Lwc/ will only use the \estretch/ when it cannot lengthen a paragraph
+ in any other way, so it is fairly safe to set this to a large value.
+ \TeX{} accumulates badness when \estretch/ is
+ used~\cite{Knuth:TB10-3-325}, so it's pretty rare that a paragraph that
+ requires any \estretch/ will actually be used on the page.
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}Xl@{}}
+ \leavevmode\rlap{\plainop/} &
+ \hskip2em\cs{lwcemergencystretch=} \\
+ & \hfill\texttt{\meta{dimension}} \\
+ \LaTeX{} &
+ \cs{lwcsetup\{emergencystretch=\hphantom{\}}}\\
+ & \hfill\texttt{\meta{dimension}\}} \\
+ \ConTeXt{} &
+ \cs{setuplwc[emergencystretch=\hphantom{]}} \\
+ & \hfill\texttt{\meta{dimension}]} \\
+ \end{tabularx}
+ \subsection{Penalties}
+ You can also manually adjust the penalties that \TeX{} assigns to \waos/.
+ Usually, the defaults are fine, but there are a few circumstances where you
+ may want to change them.
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{.175\linewidth}@{}r@{\texttt{=\meta{integer}}}l@{}}
+ \leavevmode\rlap{\plainop/} &
+ \hskip6em\cs{widowpenalty} \\
+ & \hskip6em\cs{clubpenalty} \\
+ & \hskip6em\cs{brokenpenalty} \\
+ \LaTeX{} &
+ \cs{lwcsetup\{ widowpenalty} & \texttt{\}} \\
+ & \cs{lwcsetup\{orphanpenalty} & \texttt{\}} \\
+ & \cs{lwcsetup\{brokenpenalty} & \texttt{\}} \\
+ \leavevmode\hbox{\ConTeXt{}} &
+ \cs{setuplwc[ widowpenalty} & \texttt{]} \\
+ & \cs{setuplwc[orphanpenalty} & \texttt{]} \\
+ & \cs{setuplwc[brokenpenalty} & \texttt{]} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ The value of these penalties determines how much \TeX{} should attempt
+ to stretch glue before passing the \woo/ to \lwc/. If you set the values to~1
+ (default), \TeX{} will stretch nothing and immediately trigger \lwc/;
+ if you set the values to 10\,000, \TeX{} will stretch infinitely and
+ \lwc/ will never be triggered. If you set the value to some intermediate
+ number, \TeX{} will first attempt to stretch some glue to remove the \woo/;
+ only if it fails will \lwc/ come in and lengthen a paragraph. As a special
+ case, if you set the values to~0, both \TeX{} and \lwc/ will completely
+ ignore the \woo/.
+ \subsection{\cs{nobreak} behaviour}
+ When \lwc/ encounters an orphan, it removes it by moving the orphaned
+ line to the next page. The majority of the time, this is an appropriate
+ solution. However, if the orphan is immediately preceded by a section
+ heading (or \cs{nobreak}\slash\cs{penalty 10000}), \lwc/ would na\"ively separate a section heading from
+ the paragraph that follows. This is almost always undesirable, so \lwc/
+ provides some options to configure this.
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}Xr@{}}
+ \leavevmode\rlap{\plainop/} &
+ \cs{directlua\{lwc.}\hskip4em\null \\
+ & \hfill\texttt{nobreak\_behaviour="\meta{value}"\}} \\
+ \LaTeX{} &
+ \cs{lwcsetup\{nobreak=\meta{value}\}\hphantom{"}} \\
+ \ConTeXt{} &
+ \cs{setuplwc[nobreak=\meta{value}]\hphantom{"}} \\
+ \end{tabularx}
+ The default value, \texttt{keep}, \emph{keep}s the section heading with
+ the orphan by moving both to the next page. The advantage to this option
+ is that it removes the orphan and retains any \cs{nobreak}s; the
+ disadvantage is that moving the section heading can create a large blank
+ space at the end of the page.
+ The value \texttt{split} \emph{split}s up the section heading and the
+ orphan by moving the orphan to the next page while leaving the heading
+ behind. This is usually a bad idea, but exists for the sake of
+ flexibility.
+ The value \texttt{warn} causes \lwc/ to give up on the page and do nothing,
+ leaving an orphaned line. \Lwc/ \emph{warn}s the user so that they can
+ manually remove the orphan.
+ See figure~\ref{tab:nobreak} for a visual reference.
+ \begin{figure}
+ \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1}
+ \renewcommand{\doublerulesep}{0.5em}
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{%
+ |X|@{\hskip\doublerulesep}|X|@{\hskip\doublerulesep}|X|%
+ }
+ \multicolumn1c{\ttfamily keep} &
+ \multicolumn1c{\ttfamily split} &
+ \multicolumn1c{\ttfamily warn}
+ \\ \hhline{-||-||-}
+ &
+ &
+ \textbf{Heading} \\
+ &
+ \textbf{Heading} &
+ The\hfill first\hfill line
+ \\ \hhline{-||-||-}
+ \textbf{Heading} &
+ The\hfill first\hfill line &
+ text\hfill text\hfill text \\
+ The\hfill first\hfill line &
+ text\hfill text\hfill text &
+ last line. \\
+ text\hfill text\hfill text &
+ last line. &
+ % Nothing
+ \\ \hhline{-||-||-}
+ \end{tabularx}
+ \caption{A visual comparison of the \texttt{nobreak} option values.}
+ \label{tab:nobreak}
+ \end{figure}
+ \subsection{Maximum cost}
+ \Lwc/ ranks each paragraph on the page by how much it would \q{cost} to
+ lengthen that paragraph. By default, \lwc/ selects the paragraph on
+ the page with the lowest cost; however, you can configure it to only
+ select paragraphs below a selected cost.
+ If there aren't any paragraphs below the set threshold, then \lwc/ won't
+ remove the \woo/ and will instead issue a warning.
+ \begin{tabularx}{\linewidth}{@{}Xr@{\texttt{=\meta{integer}}}l@{}}
+ \leavevmode\rlap{\plainop/} &
+ \cs{lwcmaxcost} \\
+ \LaTeX{} &
+ \cs{lwcsetup\{max-cost} & \texttt{\}} \\
+ \leavevmode\hbox{\ConTeXt{}} &
+ \cs{setuplwc[maxcost} & \texttt{]} \\
+ \end{tabularx}
+ Based on my testing, \texttt{max-cost} values less than 1\,000
+ cause completely imperceptible changes in interword spacing; values less
+ than 5\,000 are only noticeable if you are specifically trying to pick out the
+ expanded paragraph on the page; values less than 15\,000 are typically
+ acceptable; and larger values may become distracting. \Lwc/ defaults to an
+ infinite \texttt{max-cost}, although the \q{strict} and \q{balanced} modes
+ sets the values to~5\,000 and 10\,000 respectively.
+ \section{Presets}
+ As you can see, \lwc/ provides quite a few options. Luckily, there are a few
+ presets that you can use to set multiple options at once. These presets are
+ a good starting point for most documents, and you can always manually
+ override individual options.
+ Currently, these presets are \LaTeX{}-only.
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}rl@{}}
+ \LaTeX{} &
+ \cs{lwcsetup\{\meta{preset}\}} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+ \subsection{\texttt{default}}
+ If you use \lwc/ without any options, it defaults to this preset. In default
+ mode, \lwc/ takes all possible measures to remove \waos/ and will not
+ attempt to stretch any vertical glue. This usually
+ removes~$\mathord{>}\,95\%$ of all
+ possible \waos/. The catch here is that this mode is quite aggressive, so
+ it often leaves behind some fairly \q{spacey} paragraphs.
+ This mode is good if you want to remove (nearly) all \waos/ from your
+ document, without fine-tuning the results.
+ \subsection{\texttt{strict}}
+ \Lwc/ also offers a strict mode. This greatly restricts \lwc/'s tolerance
+ and makes it so that it will only lengthen paragraphs where the change will
+ be imperceptible.
+ The caveat with strict mode is that\Dash depending on the document\Dash
+ \lwc/ will be able to remove less than a third of the \waos/.
+ For the \waos/ that can't be automatically removed, a warning will be
+ printed to your terminal and log file so that a human can manually fix the
+ situation.
+ This mode is good if you want the best possible typesetting and are willing
+ to do some manual editing.
+ \subsection{\texttt{balanced}}
+ Balanced mode sits somewhere between default mode and strict mode. This mode
+ first lets \TeX{} stretch a little glue to remove the \woo/; only if that
+ fails will it then trigger \lwc/. Even then, the maximum paragraph cost is
+ capped. Here, \lwc/ can usually remove 90\% of a document's
+ potential \waos/, and it does so while making a minimal visual impact.
+ This mode is recommended for most users who care about their document's
+ typography. This mode is not the default since it doesn't remove all
+ \waos/: it
+ still requires a little manual intervention.
+ \begin{table}
+ \caption{\Lwc/ options set by each mode.}\label{tab:modes}
+ \ttfamily\setlength{\tabcolsep}{4pt}
+ \begin{tabular}{l*3r}\toprule
+ \textrm{Option} & default & balanced & strict \\ \midrule
+ max-cost & $\infty$ & 10000 & 5000 \\
+ \rlap{emergencystretch} & 3em & 1em & 0pt \\
+ nobreak & keep & keep & warn \\
+ widowpenalty & 1 & 500 & 1 \\
+ orphanpenalty & 1 & 500 & 1 \\
+ brokenpenalty & 1 & 500 & 1 \\
+ \bottomrule\end{tabular}
+ \end{table}
+ \section{Compatibility}
+ The \lwc/ implementation is almost entirely in Lua, with only a minimal
+ \TeX{} footprint. It
+ doesn't modify the output routine, inserts\slash floats, \cs{everypar}, and
+ it doesn't insert any whatsits. This means that it should be compatible with
+ nearly any \TeX{} package, class, and format. Most changes that \lwc/ makes
+ are not observable on the \TeX{} side.
+ However, on the Lua side, \lwc/ modifies much of a page's internal
+ structure.
+ This should not affect any \TeX{} code; however, it may surprise
+ Lua code that modifies or depends on the page's low-level structure. This
+ does not matter for Plain~\TeX{} or \LaTeX{}, where even most Lua-based
+ packages don't depend on the node list structure; nevertheless, there are
+ a few issues with \ConTeXt{}.
+ Simple \ConTeXt{} documents tend to be fine, but many advanced
+ \ConTeXt{} features rely heavily on Lua and can thus be disturbed by
+ \lwc/. This is not a huge issue\Dash the \lwc/ manual is
+ written in \ConTeXt{}\Dash but \lwc/ is inevitably more reliable
+ with Plain \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} than with \ConTeXt{}.
+ Finally, keep in mind that adding \lwc/ to a document will almost certainly
+ change its page break locations.
+ \subsection{Formats}
+ \Lwc/ runs on all known \LuaTeX{}-based formats: Plain~\LuaTeX{},
+ \LuaLaTeX{}, \CMkIV{}, \ConTeXt{} Mk\acro{XL}\slash\acro{LMTX},
+ and~\OpTeX{}. Unless otherwise documented, all features should work
+ equally well in all formats.
+ \subsection{Columns}
+ Since \TeX{} and the formats implement column breaking and page
+ breaking through the
+ same internal mechanisms, \lwc/ removes \waos/ between columns just
+ as it does with \waos/ between pages.
+ \Lwc/ is known to work with the \LaTeX{} class option \verb|twocolumn|
+ and the two-column output routine from Chapter~23 of \cite{texbook}.
+ \subsection{Performance}
+ \Lwc/ runs entirely in a single pass, without depending on any
+ \verb|.aux| files or the like. Thus, it shouldn't meaningfully
+ increase compile times. Although \lwc/ internally breaks each paragraph
+ twice, modern computers break paragraphs near-instantaneously, so you
+ are not likely to notice any slowdown.
+ \subsection{\eTeX{} penalties}
+ Knuth's original \TeX{} has three basic line penalties:
+ \cs{interlinepenalty}, which
+ is inserted between all lines; \cs{club\-penalty}, which is inserted after
+ the first line; and \cs{widow\-penalty}, which is inserted before the last
+ line. The \eTeX{} extensions~\cite{etex} generalize these commands with a
+ syntax similar to \cs{parshape}: with \cs{widow\-penalties} you can set the
+ penalty between the last, second last, and $n$th last lines of a paragraph;
+ \cs{inter\-line\-penalties} and \cs{club\-penalties} behave similarly.
+ \Lwc/ makes no explicit attempts to support these new -\texttt{penalties}
+ commands. Specifically, if you give a line a penalty that matches either
+ \cs{widowpenalty} or \cs{clubpenalty}, \lwc/ will treat the lines
+ exactly as it would a \woo/. So while these commands won't break \lwc/, they
+ are likely to lead to some unexpected behaviour.
+ \section{Short last lines}
+ \looseness=1
+ When lengthening a paragraph with \lsness/, it is common advice to insert
+ ties (\verb|~|) between the last few words of the paragraph to avoid
+ overly-short last lines \cite{texbook}. \Lwc/ does this automatically,
+ but instead of using ties or \cs{hbox}es, it uses the
+ \cs{par\allowbreak fill\allowbreak skip}
+ parameter~\cite{texbook, Wermuth:2018:ECP}. When lengthening a paragraph
+ (and only when lengthening a paragraph\Dash remember, \lwc/ doesn't
+ interfere with \TeX{}'s output unless it detects a \woo/), \lwc/ sets
+ \cs{parfillskip} to \verb|0pt plus 0.8\hsize|.
+ This normally makes the last line of a paragraph be at least
+ 20\% of the overall paragraph's width, thus preventing
+ ultra-short~lines.
+ \section{How it works}
+ \Lwc/ uses a fairly simple algorithm to eliminate \waos/, but there
+ are a few subtleties.
+ \subsection{Setup}
+ \Lwc/ sets the parameters \cs{clubpenalty}, \cs{widowpenalty}, and
+ \cs{brokenpenalty} to sentinel values of~1. This will signal to \lwc/ when
+ a \woo/ occurs, yet it is small enough that it won't stretch any glue.
+ \Lwc/ also enables \LuaTeX{}'s micro\-typographic
+ extensions~\cite{xThanh:2000:MTE}. This isn't strictly necessary;
+ however, it significantly increases the number of paragraphs that can
+ be acceptably \q{loosened}.
+ That is all that happens on the \TeX{} end. The rest of \lwc/ is pure Lua.
+ \subsection{Paragraph breaking}
+ First, \lwc/ hooks into the paragraph breaking process, before any output
+ routines or page breaking.
+ Before a paragraph is broken by \TeX{}, \lwc/ grabs the unbroken
+ paragraph. Then \lwc/ breaks the paragraph one line longer than its natural
+ length and stores it for later. It does this in the background,
+ \emph{without} interfering with how \TeX{} breaks paragraphs into their
+ natural length.
+ After \TeX{} has broken its paragraph into its natural length, \lwc/
+ appears again. Before the broken paragraph is added to the main
+ vertical list, \lwc/ \q{tags} the first and last nodes of the paragraph
+ using a \LuaTeX{} attribute. These attributes associate the
+ previously-saved lengthened paragraph with the naturally-typeset
+ paragraph on the page.
+ \subsection{Page breaking}
+ \Lwc/ intercepts \cs{box255} (the \cs{vbox} output by \TeX) immediately
+ before the output routine runs,
+ after all the paragraphs have been typeset.
+ First, \lwc/ looks at the \openalty/ of the page or column. If the page
+ was broken at a \woo/, the \openalty/ will be equal to either
+ the \cs{widowpenalty} or the \cs{clubpenalty}. If the \openalty/ does not
+ indicate a \woo/, \lwc/ will stop and return \cs{box255} unmodified to
+ the output~routine, and \TeX{} continues as normal.
+ Otherwise, we assume that we have a \woo/ on the page,
+ meaning that we should lengthen the page by 1~line. We iterate through
+ the list of saved paragraphs to find the lengthened paragraph with the
+ least cost. After we've selected a good paragraph, we traverse
+ through the page to find the original version of this paragraph\Dash the
+ one that unmodified \TeX{} originally typeset. Having found the original
+ paragraph, we splice in the lengthened paragraph in place of the original.
+ Since the page is now 1~line longer than it was before, we pull the last
+ line off the page to bring it back to its original length, and place
+ that line onto the top of \TeX's \q{recent contributions} list. When
+ the next page begins, this line will be inserted before all other
+ paragraphs, right at the top. Now, we can return the new, widow-free page
+ (updated \cs{box255}) to the output routine, which proceeds
+ as normal.
+ \section{Choosing the \q{best} paragraph}
+ As we discussed previously, \lwc/ lengthens the paragraph with the lowest
+ cost. However, assigning a cost to each paragraph is not quite as simple as
+ it sounds. Before we look at how \lwc/ assigns costs, let's look at how
+ \TeX{} scores paragraphs when breaking them naturally.
+ \subsection{How \TeX{} scores paragraphs}
+ All glue in \TeX{} has a certain natural size: the size that it would be
+ in an ideal scenario. However, most glue also has stretch and shrink
+ components so that the glue can change in size to adapt to its
+ surroundings. For each line, \TeX{} individually sums the total
+ stretch/shrink for the line and the stretch/shrink that was actually used.
+ We define the stretch/shrink ratio~$r$ as the quotient of the
+ stretch/shrink used and the stretch/shrink available. Then the badness~$b$
+ of a line is approximately defined as
+ \begin{equation*}
+ b = 100r^3.
+ \end{equation*}
+ This is the badness referenced in the commonly-seen
+ \texttt{Underfull \cs{hbox}
+ (badness 1234)} warnings that \TeX{} produces.
+ \TeX{} calculates the badness for each line individually; however, we also
+ need to assess the paragraph as a whole. To do so, \TeX{} defines the
+ demerits for a whole paragraph~$d$ as approximately\footnotemark{} the sum of
+ the squared badnesses for each line. The natural paragraph that \TeX{}
+ breaks is the one that minimizes~$d$.
+ \footnotetext{We ignore any additional demerits or penalties that
+ \TeX{} may add.}
+ One important thing to realize is that demerits grow incredibly fast:
+ demerits are proportional to the \emph{sixth} power of glue stretch. This
+ means that you can expect to see extremely large demerit values, even for
+ a relatively \q{good} paragraph.
+ \subsection{Possible cost functions}
+ Now, let's return to how \lwc/ assigns costs to each paragraph. This is
+ surprisingly more complicated than it sounds, so we'll go through a few
+ possible cost functions first.
+ Here, we use $c$~for the cost of a paragraph, $d$~for the total demerits,
+ and $l$~for the number of lines (\cs{prevgraf}).
+ \subsubsection{The original implementation}
+ The original implementation of \lwc/ used the very simple cost function
+ \begin{equation*}
+ c = d.
+ \end{equation*}
+ This cost function works reasonably well, but has one major issue: it doesn't
+ take into account the number of lines in the paragraph. The demerits for a
+ paragraph is the sum of the demerits for each line. This means this cost
+ function will prefer using shorter paragraphs since they tend to have fewer
+ demerits. However, long paragraphs tend to have much more available glue
+ stretch, so this strategy can lead to suboptimal solutions.
+ \subsubsection{Scaling by the number of lines}
+ Once I realized this issue, I tried correcting it by dividing by the number
+ of lines in the paragraph to get the average demerits instead of the total
+ demerits:
+ \begin{equation*}
+ c = \frac{d}{l}
+ \end{equation*}
+ This works better than the previous function, but still has an issue.
+ If we have a fairly bad ten-line paragraph with total demerits $10d$ and an
+ almost-equally bad two-line paragraph with total demerits $2d + 1$, then by
+ this cost function, the ten-line paragraph will have a lower cost and will
+ be chosen. This means that our page now has ten bad lines instead of two bad
+ lines, which is not ideal.
+ \subsubsection{Current implementation}
+ Our first cost function, $c=dl^0$, doesn't consider the number of lines at
+ all, while our second cost function, $c=dl^{-1}$, considers the number of
+ lines too much. Splitting the difference between the two functions, we get
+ the current implementation:
+ \begin{equation*}
+ c = \frac{d}{\sqrt{l}}
+ \end{equation*}
+ I didn't arrive at this function through any sort of scientific testing;
+ rather, I picked the simplest function that I could think of that satisfies
+ the following two properties:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item Given a long paragraph and a short paragraph with different
+ average badnesses per line, prefer the one with the least average
+ badness.
+ \item Given two paragraphs with equal average badnesses per line,
+ prefer the shorter one.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \section{Quantitative analysis}
+ \begin{figure}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[
+ ybar interval,
+ xticklabels={1, ..., 15,
+ {$\,\ge\! 16$}},
+ x tick label style={font=\small},
+ y tick label style={font=\small},
+ enlarge y limits=upper,
+ enlarge x limits={abs=1},
+ grid=none,
+ scaled y ticks=base 10:-3,
+ ytick scale label code/.code={},
+ xlabel={Paragraph length (lines)},
+ ylabel={Count (thousands)}
+ ]
+ \addplot+ [
+ draw=black,
+ fill=black!10,
+ semithick,
+ ] table {
+ Length Count
+ 1 4429
+ 2 3704
+ 3 2045
+ 4 1320
+ 5 894
+ 6 717
+ 7 498
+ 8 406
+ 9 379
+ 10 251
+ 11 175
+ 12 152
+ 13 111
+ 14 95
+ 15 79
+ 16 437
+ 18 0
+ };
+ \filldraw [fill=black!25, draw=black] (16, 0) rectangle (18, 437);
+ \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture}
+ \caption{Histogram of natural paragraph lengths in the sample text.}
+ \label{fig:hist}
+ \end{figure}
+ Let's look at some statistics for \lwc/. For testing, I
+ downloaded the top~ten books on \textsl{Project Gutenberg},\footnotemark{}
+ converted them to \LaTeX{} using \textsf{pandoc}, concatenated them into a
+ single \textsf{article} file, and compiled twice. This gives us a \acro{PDF}
+ with 1\,381~pages, 15\,692~paragraphs, 61\,865~lines, and 399~\waos/
+ (if they aren't removed).
+ \footnotetext{\textsl{Frankenstein},
+ \textsl{Pride and Prejudice},
+ \textsl{Alice's Adventures in Wonderland},
+ \textsl{The Great Gatsby},
+ \textsl{The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes},
+ \textsl{Simple Sabotage Field Manual},
+ \textsl{A Tale of Two Cities},
+ \textsl{The Picture of Dorian Gray},
+ \textsl{Moby Dick},
+ and \textsl{A Doll's House}.
+ }
+ This is a fairly challenging test: almost every third page has a \woo/, over
+ half of the paragraphs have two lines or fewer, and the text block is set to
+ the fairly wide \textsf{article} defaults. An average document is
+ much less challenging for \lwc/, so we can consider this to be a
+ worst-case scenario.
+ \subsection{Widows and orphans removed}
+ \begin{figure}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[
+ ybar=0pt,
+ bar width=0.8,
+ xtick=data,
+ ylabel={Widows and orphans removed},
+ width=\linewidth,
+ height=0.8\linewidth,
+ xticklabels={
+ \shortstack[c]{\hfill Maximum\\\hfill possible},
+ \textsf{lwc} \texttt{default},
+ \texttt{balanced},
+ \LaTeX{},
+ \texttt{strict},
+ },
+ x tick label style={
+ font=\small,
+ rotate=45,
+ anchor=east,
+ },
+ enlarge x limits=0.2,
+ ]
+ \addplot+ [
+ draw=black,
+ fill=black!10,
+ semithick,
+ ] table [x expr=\coordindex, y index=0] {
+ 399
+ 392
+ 348
+ 179
+ 52
+ };
+ \filldraw [fill=black!25, draw=black]
+ (-0.4, 0) rectangle (0.4, 399);
+ \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture}
+ \divide\abovecaptionskip by 2
+ \caption{The number of \waos/ removed by each method.}\label{fig:modes}
+ \end{figure}
+ When we run \LaTeX{} with its default settings on the file, 179~(47\%) of
+ the \waos/ are removed. When we add \lwc/ with default settings, we remove
+ 392~(98\%). Switching to strict mode, we can only remove 52~(13\%) of the
+ \waos/. In balanced mode, we remove 348~(87\%). See figure~\ref{fig:modes}
+ for a visual comparison.
+ \subsection{Paragraph costs}
+ \begin{figure}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[
+ width=\linewidth,
+ height=0.8\linewidth,
+ xlabel={Percentile},
+ ylabel={Cost},
+ ymode=log,
+ legend entries={Long, Natural},
+ legend pos=north west,
+ cycle list={
+ {black, thick},
+ {black!35, thick},
+ },
+ ]
+ \addplot+ table [x=Percentile, y=Long] {\plotdata};
+ \addplot+ table [x=Percentile, y=Natural] {\plotdata};
+ \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture}
+ \divide\abovecaptionskip by 2
+ \caption{Paragraph costs by percentile rank for naturally-broken and
+ one-line lengthened paragraphs.}\label{fig:costs}
+ \end{figure}
+ The last section showed us that \lwc/ is quite effective at removing \waos/,
+ so now let's look at the paragraphs that \lwc/ expands. As \TeX{}
+ processes a document, \lwc/ is recording the costs for the naturally-broken
+ and expanded versions of each paragraph in the document. Costs don't
+ mean that much on their own, but a lower cost is always better.
+ As you can see in figure~\ref{fig:costs}, the lengthened paragraphs tend to
+ have \emph{much} higher costs than the naturally-broken paragraphs. This
+ is not surprising, since (as we've seen) a paragraph's demerits
+ scale with the sixth
+ power of glue stretch, so even a small amount of glue stretch can cause a
+ huge increase in demerits.
+ The empty space on the left of the \q{long} line is from the paragraphs
+ that \lwc/ was unable to lengthen at any cost. \LuaTeX{} assigns these
+ paragraphs zero~demerits, so they disappear on a logarithmic plot.
+ \subsection{Lengthening vs.\ shortening paragraphs}
+ \begin{figure}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}\begin{axis}[
+ xbar stacked,
+ height=0.2\linewidth,
+ width=\dimexpr\linewidth-1em,
+ scale only axis,
+ bar width=1,
+ enlargelimits=false,
+ xmin=0,
+ ymin=-0.5,
+ ymax=1,
+ ymajorticks=false,
+ xtick style={draw=none},
+ xlabel={Paragraphs (thousands)},
+ scaled x ticks=base 10:-3,
+ xtick scale label code/.code={},
+ legend style={at={(0.5,1)}, anchor=north},
+ legend columns=5,
+ legend cell align=left,
+ legend style={
+ /tikz/every even column/.append style={column sep=1em},
+ draw=none,
+ fill=none,
+ },
+ legend entries={
+ {$n=1$},
+ {$n$},
+ {$n+1$},
+ {$n\pm1$},
+ {$n-1$}
+ },
+ ]
+ \addplot [fill=black!10 ] coordinates {(4429, 0)}; % One
+ \addplot [fill=white ] coordinates {(4474, 0)}; % None
+ \addplot [pattern=north east lines] coordinates {(5457, 0)}; % Long
+ \addplot [pattern=crosshatch ] coordinates {( 482, 0)}; % Both
+ \addplot [pattern=north west lines] coordinates {( 850, 0)}; % Short
+ \end{axis}\end{tikzpicture}
+ \divide\abovecaptionskip by 2
+ \caption{The number of paragraphs in the test sample that
+ (respectively) have exactly
+ one line, cannot be stretched or shrunk, can be only stretched
+ by one~line, can be either stretched or shrunk, and can be
+ only shrunk.}
+ \label{fig:stretchshrink}
+ \end{figure}
+ Figure~\ref{fig:stretchshrink} shows the number of paragraphs that \lwc/
+ could potentially stretch or shrink. The one-line paragraphs are broken out
+ separately since this test sample has an anomalous number of them.
+ Otherwise, we can see that \lwc/ is capable of stretching the majority of
+ paragraphs.
+ We can also see that of non-single-line paragraphs, only about 8\%
+ of paragraphs can only be shrunk (the last segment of
+ figure~\ref{fig:stretchshrink}), and this is in a document where 13\%
+ of paragraphs have at least eight~lines. Most documents rarely have
+ such long paragraphs, and it is these long paragraphs that are the
+ easiest to shrink.
+ Because of this, \lwc/ doesn't even attempt to shrink paragraphs; it
+ only stretches them.
+ \section{Known issues}
+ \Lwc/ is quite stable these days, a few issues remain:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item When a three-line paragraph is at the end of a page forming a
+ widow, \lwc/ will remove the widow; however, it will leave an orphan.
+ This issue is inherent to any process that removes widows through
+ paragraph expansion and is thus unavoidable. Orphans are considered
+ to be better than widows~\cite{elements}, so this is still an
+ improvement.
+ \item Sometimes a \woo/ cannot be eliminated because no paragraph has
+ enough stretch. Sometimes this can be remediated by
+ increasing \lwc/'s \estretch/; however, some pages just don't have
+ any suitable paragraph.
+ Long paragraphs with short words tend to be stretchier than short
+ paragraphs with long words since these long paragraphs have more
+ interword glue. Narrow columns also stretch more easily than wide columns
+ since you need to expand a paragraph by less to make a new line.
+ \item When running under \LuaMetaTeX{} (\ConTeXt{}), the log may
+ contain many lines like \q{\texttt{%
+ \spaceskip=\fontdimen2\font plus1.25pt minus1.25pt
+ luatex warning > tex: left parfill skip is gone}}. These messages
+ are completely harmless (although admittedly quite annoying).
+ \item \TeX{} may warn about overfull \cs{vbox}es on pages where
+ \lwc/ removed a \woo/. This happens due to the way that \lwc/
+ corrects for the \cs{prevdepth} when replacing paragraphs. It
+ does not actually produce an overfull \texttt{vbox}, but there
+ is a warning nevertheless. You can set \cs{vfuzz=2.5pt} to
+ hide the
+ warning.
+ \item \Lwc/ only attempts to expand paragraphs on a page with
+ a \woo/. A global system like in~\cite{global} would solve this;
+ however, this is both \acro{NP}-complete~\cite{plass} and
+ impossible to solve in a single pass. Very rarely would such a
+ system remove \woos/ that \lwc/ cannot.
+ \end{itemize}
+ \section{Conclusion}
+ All this probably makes \lwc/ look quite complicated, and this is true to
+ some extent. However, this complexity is hidden from the end~user:
+ as stated at the outset, most
+ users merely need to place \latexuse/ in their \LaTeX{} document
+ preamble, and \lwc/ will remove all the troublesome \waos/, without needing
+ any manual intervention.
+ Should you have any issues, questions, or suggestions for \lwc/, please
+ visit the project's GitHub page:
+ \href{}
+ {\ttfamily}.
+ Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
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