path: root/language/sanskrit/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'language/sanskrit/')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/language/sanskrit/ b/language/sanskrit/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7f405d8bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/sanskrit/
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+% Revision 1.0 1996/02/13 Charles Wikner
+% Revision 2.0 1996/11/27 Charles Wikner
+% Revision 2.1 1997/02/11 Charles Wikner
+% Copyright 1996 & 2002 Charles Wikner
+% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the terms
+% of the LaTeX Project Public License Distributed from CTAN
+% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either
+% version 1 of the License, or any later version.
+% Make pen adjustments here.
+ thin_weight := 2; % factor to increase thin pen stroke
+ penwd# := cap#/pen_scale; % width of horizontal or vertical pen stroke
+ penht# := penwd#; % ht = wd, at this stage anyway!
+ thin# := (penwd#/6.5cosd(45))*thin_weight; % pen stroke width at 135-deg
+ thick# := (pen_ratio*6.25thin#)/thin_weight; % pen stroke width at 45-deg
+ ht# := cap#; % character height at horizontal line
+ wd# := charwd_scale*ht#; % character width - nominal reference
+smoothing := 0;
+font_slant := slant;
+font_quad wd#; % specifies width of `em'
+font_x_height cap#; % specifies height of `ex'
+font_normal_space := .75wd#; % inter-word spacing
+font_normal_stretch := .5wd#; % glue for inter-word spacing
+font_normal_shrink := .2wd#; % glue for inter-word spacing
+% P E N D E F I N I T I O N S %
+pickup pencircle xscaled thick yscaled thin rotated (pen_rot);
+ main_pen := savepen;
+if unknown squarepen :
+ capsule_def (squarepen) makepen (unitsquare shifted (-.5,-.5)
+ scaled thick rotated 135);
+if unknown penoffsquare :
+ capsule_def (penoffsquare) makepen (unitsquare shifted (0,-.5));
+pickup penoffsquare xscaled (.8thick) yscaled (1.4thin) rotated pen_rot;
+ mpen135 := savepen;
+pickup penoffsquare xscaled (.8thick) yscaled (1.4thin) rotated (pen_rot-180);
+ mpen315 := savepen;
+pickup penoffsquare xscaled (.8thin) yscaled (1.4thick) rotated (pen_rot+90);
+ mpen225 := savepen;
+pickup penoffsquare xscaled (.8thin) yscaled (1.4thick) rotated (pen_rot-90);
+ mpen45 := savepen;
+pickup pencircle xscaled .667thick yscaled thin rotated (pen_rot);
+ sub_pen := savepen;
+% M A C R O S %
+def mdraw expr p =
+ pickup main_pen;
+ draw p;
+ cullit
+def bedraw expr p =
+ picture savedpicture; savedpicture = currentpicture; clearit;
+ pickup main_pen;
+ draw p;
+ cullit;
+ trim (point 0 of p, 180+angle direction 0 of p);
+ trim (point infinity of p, angle direction infinity of p);
+ cullit;
+ addto currentpicture also savedpicture
+def bdraw expr p =
+ picture savedpicture; savedpicture = currentpicture; clearit;
+ pickup main_pen;
+ draw p;
+ cullit;
+ trim (point 0 of p, 180+angle direction 0 of p);
+ cullit;
+ addto currentpicture also savedpicture
+def edraw expr p =
+ picture savedpicture; savedpicture = currentpicture; clearit;
+ pickup main_pen;
+ draw p;
+ cullit;
+ trim (point infinity of p, angle direction infinity of p);
+ cullit;
+ addto currentpicture also savedpicture
+vardef trim (expr z, theta) =
+ if (theta <= 0) : alpha := (theta + 360) ;
+ else : alpha := theta;
+ fi
+ if ((alpha < 120) or (alpha > 330)) : pickup mpen45;
+ elseif ((alpha >= 120) and (alpha <= 150)) : pickup mpen135;
+ elseif ((alpha >= 300) and (alpha <= 330)) : pickup mpen315;
+ else : pickup mpen225;
+ fi
+ undrawdot z;
+def vector (expr z, length, theta) =
+ z--z shifted (length * cosd theta, length * sind theta)
+def putdot expr z =
+ pickup squarepen; drawdot z;
+def empty =
+ pickup pencircle;
+ draw (12W,0)--(12W,12H)--(0,0)--(12W,0)--(0,12H)--(12W,12H);
+ draw (0,0)--(0,12H);
+% sdraw = mdraw with sub-pen
+def sdraw expr p =
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ draw p;
+ cullit
+% sbdraw = bdraw with subpen
+def sbdraw expr p =
+ picture savedpicture; savedpicture = currentpicture; clearit;
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ draw p;
+ cullit;
+ trim (point 0 of p, 180+angle direction 0 of p);
+ cullit;
+ addto currentpicture also savedpicture
+% sedraw = edraw with subpen
+def sedraw expr p =
+ picture savedpicture; savedpicture = currentpicture; clearit;
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ draw p;
+ cullit;
+ trim (point infinity of p, angle direction infinity of p);
+ cullit;
+ addto currentpicture also savedpicture
+% sbedraw = bedraw with subpen
+def sbedraw expr p =
+ picture savedpicture; savedpicture = currentpicture; clearit;
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ draw p;
+ cullit;
+ trim (point 0 of p, 180+angle direction 0 of p);
+ trim (point infinity of p, angle direction infinity of p);
+ cullit;
+ addto currentpicture also savedpicture
+% M A G I C N U M B E R S %
+def H := ht/12 enddef;
+def W := H enddef; % used to be wd/12, but because angles used in
+ % defining pen movements would also need to change
+ % with aspect ratio, it is simpler to work with a
+ % fixed grid and then use TRANSFORMATION to scale
+ % the x-axis.
+% F I N I S %
+currenttransform:=identity xscaled (wd#/ht#) slanted slant;