path: root/language/japanese/japanese-otf-uptex/script/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'language/japanese/japanese-otf-uptex/script/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 602 deletions
diff --git a/language/japanese/japanese-otf-uptex/script/ b/language/japanese/japanese-otf-uptex/script/
deleted file mode 100755
index 2620888454..0000000000
--- a/language/japanese/japanese-otf-uptex/script/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,602 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -s
-=head1 NOTE
-This software is a part of otfbeta-uptex (a.k.a. japanese-otf-uptex).
-use Encode;
-use FindBin;
-use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
-use CheckDVICode;
-if ($sp==1) { # supplemental plane
- use MakeSPList;
- &make_sp_char_list('j');
- %exist_char=%{$MakeSPList::r_exist_char->{'j'}};
-while(<DATA>) {
- chomp($_);
- my (@data)=split(' ', $_);
- my ($char);
- last if (@data<6);
- $char = shift @data;
- push @character, $char;
- $cid {$char}=shift @data;
- $min_w3 {$char}=shift @data;
- $min_w6 {$char}=shift @data;
- $goth_w3{$char}=shift @data;
- $goth_w6{$char}=shift @data;
- $maru_w4{$char}=shift @data;
-@charwidth=({%min_w3}, {%min_w6}, {%goth_w3}, {%goth_w6}, {%maru_w4});
-@font_name=("phiraminw3-h", "phiraminw6-h", "phirakakuw3-h", "phirakakuw6-h", "phiramaruw4-h");
-@kanji_font_name=("hminr-h", "hminb-h", "hgothr-h", "hgothb-h", "hmgothr-h");
-@kana_font_name=("hiramin-w3-h", "hiramin-w6-h", "hirakaku-w3-h", "hirakaku-w6-h", "hiramaru-w4-h");
-$half_width= ($font_at / 2);
-$quater_width= ($font_at / 4);
-opendir(OVP, "ovp") || mkdir("ovp",0755) || die "cannot mkdir ovp";
-opendir(VF, "vf") || mkdir("vf",0755) || die "cannot mkdir vf";
-opendir(JPL, "pl") || mkdir("pl",0755) || die "cannot mkdir pl";
-opendir(JFM, "tfm") || mkdir("tfm",0755) || die "cannot mkdir tfm";
-$n_fixed=7; ## type 0..6
-$ucs=1; # 1: upphiraXXX or 0: phiraXXX
-if ($ucs) {
- $CheckDVICode::is_ucs=1;
- foreach(@font_name, @kanji_font_name) {
- $_="up$_";
- }
- if ($hk) { ## command line option -hk: Enable halfwidth katakana
- $hk_mode=1;
- $n_fixed=8; ## type 0..7
- }
-for ($i=0; $i<=4; $i++){
- open (JPL, ">pl/$font_name[$i].pl");
- &tfm_head_h;
- &chars_in_type_jis;
- &chars_in_type_prop;
- &print_type_jis;
- &print_type_prop;
- &glue_kern;
- close(JPL);
-for ($i=0; $i<=4; $i++){
- @cpm_h=(0x29E, 0x29F, 0x2A0, 0x2A1);
- open (OVP, ">ovp/$font_name[$i].ovp");
- &fonthead;
- &write_char;
- close(OVP);
-#sub rtn
-sub tfm_head_h {
- print JPL "(FAMILY PROP KANA)\n";
- print JPL "(FACE F MRR)\n";
- print JPL "(DESIGNSIZE R 10.0)\n";
- print JPL "(CHECKSUM O 0)\n";
- print JPL "(FONTDIMEN\n";
- print JPL " (SLANT R 0.0)\n";
- print JPL " (SPACE R 0.0)\n";
- printf JPL " (STRETCH R %f)\n", $font_at/10;
- print JPL " (SHRINK R 0.0)\n";
- printf JPL " (XHEIGHT R %f)\n", $font_at;
- printf JPL " (QUAD R %f)\n", $font_at;
- printf JPL " (EXTRASPACE R %f)\n", $font_at/4;
- printf JPL " (EXTRASTRETCH R %f)\n", $font_at/5;
- printf JPL " (EXTRASHRINK R %f)\n", $font_at/8;
- print JPL " )\n";
-sub char_foot_h {
- printf JPL " (CHARHT R %f)\n", $font_at*0.88;
- printf JPL " (CHARDP R %f)\n", $font_at*0.12;
- print JPL " )\n";
-sub glue_kern{
- print JPL "(GLUEKERN\n";
- print JPL " (LABEL O 5)\n";
- print JPL " (KRN O 5 R 0.0)\n";
- print JPL " (LABEL O 0)\n";
- for ($char=0; $char<=$#uniq_char_width_array; $char++){
- printf JPL " (LABEL H %X)\n",($char+$n_fixed);
- }
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 1 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $half_width, $half_width;
- print JPL " (LABEL O 1)\n";
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 3 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $quater_width, $quater_width;
- print JPL " (STOP)\n";
- print JPL " (LABEL O 2)\n";
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 5 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $half_width, $half_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 6 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $half_width, $half_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 7 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $half_width, $half_width if $hk_mode;
- print JPL " (STOP)\n";
- if ($hk_mode) {
- print JPL " (LABEL O 7)\n";
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 1 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $half_width, $half_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 3 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $quater_width, $quater_width;
- print JPL " (STOP)\n";
- }
- print JPL " (LABEL O 6)\n";
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 0 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $half_width, $half_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 1 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $half_width, $half_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 3 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $quater_width, $quater_width;
- for ($char=0; $char<=$#uniq_char_width_array; $char++){
- printf JPL " (GLUE H %X R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n",($char+$n_fixed), $half_width, $half_width;
- }
- print JPL " (STOP)\n";
- print JPL " (LABEL O 4)\n";
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 0 R %f R 0.0 R 0.0)\n", $half_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 1 R %f R 0.0 R 0.0)\n", $half_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 3 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $half_width+$quater_width, $quater_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 5 R %f R 0.0 R 0.0)\n", $half_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 6 R %f R 0.0 R 0.0)\n", $half_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 7 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $half_width, $half_width if $hk_mode;
- for ($char=0; $char<=$#uniq_char_width_array; $char++){
- printf JPL " (GLUE H %X R %f R 0.0 R 0.0)\n",($char+$n_fixed), $half_width;
- }
- print JPL " (STOP)\n";
- print JPL " (LABEL O 3)\n";
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 0 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $quater_width, $quater_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 1 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $quater_width, $quater_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 2 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $quater_width, $quater_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 3 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $half_width, $quater_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 4 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $quater_width, $quater_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 5 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $quater_width, $quater_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 6 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $quater_width, $quater_width;
- printf JPL " (GLUE O 7 R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n", $half_width, $half_width if $hk_mode;
- for ($char=0; $char<=$#uniq_char_width_array; $char++){
- printf JPL " (GLUE H %X R %f R 0.0 R %f)\n",($char+$n_fixed), $quater_width, $quater_width;
- }
- print JPL " (STOP)\n";
- print JPL " )\n";
-sub chars_in_type_jis{
- my ($type1add, $type2add, $type3add, $type5, $type6add)=();
- if ($ucs) {
- $type1add = "UFF5F U3018 U3016 U301D U00AB U2329 U301A";
- $type2add = "UFF60 U3019 U3017 U301F U00BB U232A U301B U301E";
- $type3add = "U00B7";
- $type5 = "— ― … ‥";
- $type6add = "U203C U2047 U2048 U2049";
- } else {
- $type5 = "— … ‥";
- }
-print JPL <<END_OF_DATA;
- ‘ “ ( 〔 [ { 〈 《 「 『 【
- $type1add
- )
- 、 , ’ ” ) 〕 ] } 〉 》 」 』 】
- $type2add
- )
- ・ : ;
- $type3add
- )
- 。 .
- )
- $type5
- )
- ? !
- $type6add
- )
-print JPL <<END_OF_DATA if ($hk_mode) ; ## Halfwidth Katakana
- UFF61 UFF62 UFF63 UFF64 UFF65 UFF66 UFF67
- UFF70 UFF71 UFF72 UFF73 UFF74 UFF75 UFF76 UFF77
- UFF80 UFF81 UFF82 UFF83 UFF84 UFF85 UFF86 UFF87
- UFF90 UFF91 UFF92 UFF93 UFF94 UFF95 UFF96 UFF97
- )
-sub print_type_jis{
- @type_width=($font_at, $half_width, $half_width, $half_width, $half_width, $font_at, $font_at);
- if ($hk_mode) { push @type_width, $half_width; }
- for ($k=0; $k<$n_fixed; $k++){
- printf JPL "(TYPE H %x\n", $k;
- printf JPL " (CHARWD R %f)\n", $type_width[$k];
- &char_foot_h;
- }
-sub fonthead {
- print OVP "(VTITLE Prop Kana)\n";
- print OVP "(OFMLEVEL D 0)\n";
- print OVP "(DESIGNSIZE R 10.000000)\n";
- print OVP "(CHECKSUM O 0)\n";
- print OVP "(MAPFONT D 1\n";
- print OVP " (FONTNAME $kanji_font_name[$i])\n";
- print OVP " (FONTCHECKSUM O 0)\n";
- printf OVP " (FONTAT R %f)\n", $font_at;
- print OVP " (FONTDSIZE R 10.000000)\n";
- print OVP " )\n";
- print OVP "(MAPFONT D 2\n";
- print OVP " (FONTNAME $kana_font_name[$i])\n";
- print OVP " (FONTCHECKSUM O 0)\n";
- printf OVP " (FONTAT R %f)\n", $font_at;
- print OVP " (FONTDSIZE R 10.000000)\n";
- print OVP " )\n";
-sub write_char {
- if (!$ucs) {
- for ($ku=1; $ku<=94; $ku++){
- for ($ten=1; $ten<=94; $ten++){
- $dvicode=($ku+32)*256+($ten+32);
- if ($ku==1){&print_kigo_char;}elsif($ku==4){&print_kana_char;}
- elsif($ku==5){&print_kana_char;}else{&print_char;}
- }
- }
- } else { # ucs
- $max_ucs= $sp ? 0x2FA1F : 0xFFFF; # U+2FA1F: max of CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement
- for ($ucscode=0; $ucscode<=$max_ucs; $ucscode++){
- $CheckDVICode::dvicode=$dvicode=$ucscode;
- next unless (&is_ucs_jpn_range);
- if ($sp==1 && $ucscode>0xFFFF) {
- next unless ($exist_char{sprintf("%X",$ucscode)});
- }
- if (&is_ucs_kigo){&print_kigo_char;}
- elsif(&is_ucs_hira || &is_dvicode('hira-yori')){&print_kana_char;}
- elsif(&is_ucs_kata || &is_dvicode('kata-koto')){&print_kana_char;}
- elsif(&is_ucs_hankana && $hk_mode){&print_hankana_char;}
- else{&print_char;}
- }
- }
-sub print_char{
- return if ($omitfw);
- printf OVP "(CHARACTER H %X\n", $dvicode;
- printf OVP " (CHARWD R %f)\n", $font_at;
- print OVP " (MAP\n";
- printf OVP " (SETCHAR H %X)\n",$dvicode;
- print OVP " )\n";
- print OVP " )\n";
-sub print_kigo_char{
- my ($width,$cid);
- printf OVP "(CHARACTER H %X\n", $dvicode;
- if (&is_dvicode('quote') || &is_dvicode('kakko')){#Kakko
- $width=$half_width;
- } elsif (&is_dvicode('kutouten')){#Kutouten
- $width=$half_width;
- } elsif (&is_dvicode('odoriji')){#odoriji
- ($width,$cid)=&get_charwidth($i,$dvicode);
- $width/=10;
- } else{
- $width=$font_at;
- }
- printf OVP " (CHARWD R %f)\n", $width;
- print OVP " (MAP\n";
- if (&is_dvicode('odoriji')){#odoriji
- print OVP " (SELECTFONT D 2)\n";
- } elsif ($ucs && &is_dvicode('quote')){#Quote
- print OVP " (SELECTFONT D 2)\n";
- }
- if (&is_dvicode('nakaten') || &is_dvicode('colon') || &is_dvicode('semicolon')){#colon, semicolon, nakaten
- printf OVP " (MOVERIGHT R -%f)\n",$quater_width;}
- if ((&is_dvicode('quote') || &is_dvicode('kakko')) && &is_dvicode('open')){#Kakko
- printf OVP " (MOVERIGHT R -%f)\n",$half_width;
- }
- if (&is_dvicode('odoriji')){#odoriji
- printf OVP " (SETCHAR H %X)\n",$cid;
- } elsif ($ucs && &is_dvicode('quote')){#Quote
- $cpmcode= shift(@cpm_h);
- printf OVP " (SETCHAR H %X)\n",$cpmcode;
- } else {
- printf OVP " (SETCHAR H %X)\n",$dvicode;
- }
- print OVP " )\n";
- print OVP " )\n";
-sub print_kana_char{
- my ($width,$cid)=&get_charwidth($i,$dvicode);
- if ($width==0) {
- return &print_char;
- }
- $width/=10;
- printf OVP "(CHARACTER H %X\n", $dvicode;
- printf OVP " (CHARWD R %f)\n", $width;
- print OVP " (MAP\n";
- print OVP " (SELECTFONT D 2)\n";
- printf OVP " (SETCHAR H %X)\n",$cid;
- print OVP " )\n";
- print OVP " )\n";
-sub print_hankana_char{
- printf OVP "(CHARACTER H %X\n", $dvicode;
- printf OVP " (CHARWD R %f)\n", $half_width;
- print OVP " (MAP\n";
- printf OVP " (SETCHAR H %X)\n",$dvicode;
- print OVP " )\n";
- print OVP " )\n";
-sub chars_in_type_prop{
- %char_width_hash=();
- for ($j=0; $j<@character; $j++){
- my ($c0, $c1);
- $c0=$c1=$character[$j];
- if (!$ucs) {
- if (!Encode::from_to($c1,'utf-8','euc-jp', Encode::FB_QUIET)
- || $c0 eq "〃"
- || $c0 eq "〆") { next; }
- }
- $char_width_hash{$c0}=$charwidth[$i]{$c0}/10;
- }
- $x = '-';
- @uniq_char_width_array = grep( $_ ne $x && ($x = $_), sort values(%char_width_hash));
- for ($j=0; $j<=$#uniq_char_width_array; $j++){
- printf JPL "(CHARSINTYPE H %X\n",($j+$n_fixed);
- print JPL " ";
- @char_in_this_type = ();
- while (($name, $value) = each(%char_width_hash)) {
- if ($value == $uniq_char_width_array[$j]){
- push(@char_in_this_type, $name);
- }
- }
- @char_in_this_type = sort @char_in_this_type;
- foreach $char_in_this(@char_in_this_type){
- print JPL "$char_in_this ";#character
- }
- print JPL "\n";
- print JPL " )\n";
- }
-sub print_type_prop{
- for ($j=0; $j<=$#uniq_char_width_array; $j++){
- $char_width=$uniq_char_width_array[$j];
- printf JPL "(TYPE H %X\n", ($j+$n_fixed);
- printf JPL " (CHARWD R %f)\n", $char_width;
- &char_foot_h;
- }
-sub get_charwidth{
- my ($i,$dvicode)=@_;
- my ($char,$u,$l);
- if (!$ucs) {
- if ($dvicode>=0x2474 && $dvicode<=0x2476) {
- return 0;
- }
- $u = ($dvicode >> 8) & 0xFF | 0x80;
- $l = $dvicode & 0xFF | 0x80;
- $char = pack("C*",$u,$l);
- Encode::from_to($char,'euc-jp','utf-8');
- } else {
- $u = ($dvicode >> 8) & 0xFF;
- $l = $dvicode & 0xFF;
- $char = pack("C*",$u,$l);
- Encode::from_to($char,'utf-16be','utf-8');
- }
- if (!exists($charwidth[$i]{$char})) {
- return 0;
- }
- return ($charwidth[$i]{$char}, $cid{$char});
-character cid min_w3 min_w6 goth_w3 goth_w6 maru_w4
-ヽ 15449 7.11 7.54 7.19 7.49 7.45
-ヾ 15450 7.68 7.95 7.69 8 8.15
-ゝ 15451 7.17 7.43 7.23 7.53 7.63
-ゞ 15452 7.79 7.97 7.72 8.09 8.08
-ー 15455 9.9 10 10 10 10
-ぁ 15517 8.21 8.44 8.56 8.77 8.72
-あ 15518 8.83 9.17 9.18 9.41 9.32
-ぃ 15519 8.56 8.72 8.67 8.95 8.97
-い 15520 9.14 9.46 9.3 9.52 9.58
-ぅ 15521 7.3 7.65 8.08 8.27 8.32
-う 15522 7.68 8.04 8.51 8.74 8.78
-ぇ 15523 7.97 8.2 8.34 8.56 8.61
-え 15524 8.69 8.95 9.14 9.33 9.36
-ぉ 15525 8.59 8.9 8.77 9.02 8.97
-お 15526 9.15 9.52 9.37 9.62 9.54
-か 15527 9.53 9.81 9.49 9.72 9.58
-が 15528 9.69 9.93 9.68 9.82 9.79
-き 15529 8.34 8.64 8.87 9.09 9.15
-ぎ 15530 9.09 9.42 9.49 9.49 9.66
-く 15531 6.76 7.04 7.64 7.92 8.04
-ぐ 15532 8.31 8.52 8.34 8.5 8.72
-け 15533 9.07 9.35 9.16 9.37 9.39
-げ 15534 9.56 9.75 9.66 9.82 9.78
-こ 15535 8.05 8.3 8.37 8.65 8.88
-ご 15536 8.91 9.08 8.9 9 9.27
-さ 15537 8.26 8.61 8.71 9.02 9.03
-ざ 15538 9.19 9.53 8.97 9.3 9.34
-し 15539 8.07 8.51 8.58 8.84 8.91
-じ 15540 8.17 8.62 8.65 8.94 9
-す 15541 9.16 9.44 9.17 9.33 9.41
-ず 15542 9.52 9.63 9.53 9.66 9.72
-せ 15543 9.52 9.76 9.44 9.65 9.61
-ぜ 15544 9.79 9.92 9.73 9.86 9.87
-そ 15545 8.59 8.93 9.27 9.48 9.43
-ぞ 15546 9.25 9.49 9.4 9.64 9.69
-た 15547 8.94 9.25 9.22 9.45 9.37
-だ 15548 9.23 9.44 9.28 9.51 9.57
-ち 15549 8.5 8.77 8.83 9.05 9.11
-ぢ 15550 8.98 9.25 8.92 9.16 9.28
-っ 15551 8.81 8.97 8.66 8.84 8.83
-つ 15552 9.39 9.71 9.26 9.41 9.44
-づ 15553 9.65 9.8 9.54 9.68 9.71
-て 15554 8.91 9.11 8.93 9.12 9.25
-で 15555 9.3 9.5 9.26 9.42 9.5
-と 15556 7.62 7.89 8.3 8.62 8.66
-ど 15557 8.45 8.72 8.56 8.78 8.88
-な 15558 9.08 9.42 9.45 9.66 9.55
-に 15559 8.94 9.18 9.16 9.42 9.38
-ぬ 15560 9.41 9.67 9.51 9.72 9.62
-ね 15561 9.51 9.73 9.67 9.82 9.83
-の 15562 9.29 9.57 9.35 9.69 9.58
-は 15563 9.13 9.45 9.44 9.69 9.56
-ば 15564 9.69 9.79 9.73 9.85 9.8
-ぱ 15565 9.58 9.77 9.66 9.8 9.75
-ひ 15566 8.98 9.33 9.26 9.52 9.52
-び 15567 9.27 9.49 9.48 9.71 9.62
-ぴ 15568 9.33 9.53 9.39 9.63 9.63
-ふ 15569 9.19 9.44 9.4 9.62 9.52
-ぶ 15570 9.33 9.59 9.61 9.78 9.74
-ぷ 15571 9.36 9.59 9.51 9.73 9.74
-へ 15572 9.71 9.97 9.69 9.76 9.73
-べ 15573 9.54 9.84 9.64 9.76 9.72
-ぺ 15574 9.51 9.82 9.5 9.73 9.69
-ほ 15575 9.14 9.49 9.48 9.73 9.62
-ぼ 15576 9.73 9.9 9.79 9.88 9.93
-ぽ 15577 9.77 9.92 9.72 9.9 9.88
-ま 15578 8.32 8.62 8.98 9.24 9.28
-み 15579 9.07 9.38 9.38 9.62 9.57
-む 15580 9.22 9.57 9.33 9.52 9.48
-め 15581 9.03 9.36 9.27 9.54 9.48
-も 15582 8.08 8.34 8.82 9.1 9.15
-ゃ 15583 8.68 8.93 8.72 8.9 8.9
-や 15584 9.38 9.62 9.25 9.49 9.46
-ゅ 15585 8.74 8.95 8.78 8.98 9
-ゆ 15586 9.33 9.64 9.41 9.63 9.62
-ょ 15587 7.64 7.85 8.09 8.36 8.45
-よ 15588 8.1 8.41 8.63 8.95 9.04
-ら 15589 8.14 8.39 8.59 8.81 8.94
-り 15590 7.69 8.09 8.33 8.59 8.71
-る 15591 8.2 8.55 8.86 9.11 9.12
-れ 15592 9.76 9.96 9.62 9.82 9.81
-ろ 15593 8.38 8.63 8.7 8.94 9.09
-ゎ 15594 8.58 8.83 8.82 9.07 9.02
-わ 15595 9.24 9.58 9.46 9.71 9.66
-ゐ 15596 8.77 9.12 9.02 9.29 9.35
-ゑ 15597 9.14 9.32 9.34 9.53 9.5
-を 15598 8.78 9.14 9.05 9.33 9.45
-ん 15599 9.13 9.39 9.2 9.47 9.39
-ァ 15608 8.01 8.28 8.37 8.61 8.5
-ア 15609 8.69 9.01 9 9.24 9.17
-ィ 15610 7.6 7.78 8.26 8.44 8.33
-イ 15611 8.2 8.43 8.91 9.13 8.96
-ゥ 15612 7.89 8.24 8.4 8.61 8.72
-ウ 15613 8.4 8.67 8.81 9.06 9.18
-ェ 15614 8.44 8.63 8.63 8.83 8.73
-エ 15615 9.23 9.5 9.36 9.52 9.36
-ォ 15616 8.34 8.57 8.66 8.88 8.69
-オ 15617 8.94 9.26 9.18 9.39 9.32
-カ 15618 8.64 8.9 9.04 9.33 9.23
-ガ 15619 9.39 9.53 9.37 9.53 9.55
-キ 15620 8.76 9.19 9.27 9.45 9.34
-ギ 15621 9.05 9.4 9.31 9.54 9.55
-ク 15622 8.25 8.6 8.68 8.96 8.9
-グ 15623 9.06 9.37 9.55 9.57 9.67
-ケ 15624 8.84 9.05 9.28 9.43 9.41
-ゲ 15625 9.28 9.42 9.52 9.66 9.69
-コ 15626 8.49 8.83 8.88 9.15 9.16
-ゴ 15627 9.1 9.3 9.4 9.59 9.55
-サ 15628 9.16 9.44 9.26 9.42 9.46
-ザ 15629 9.46 9.68 9.62 9.72 9.8
-シ 15630 9.02 9.22 8.94 9.22 9.32
-ジ 15631 8.99 9.22 9.42 9.5 9.74
-ス 15632 8.68 8.96 9.06 9.32 9.25
-ズ 15633 9.24 9.48 9.5 9.73 9.67
-セ 15634 9.02 9.4 9.17 9.36 9.33
-ゼ 15635 9.44 9.71 9.54 9.63 9.63
-ソ 15636 8.23 8.49 8.47 8.76 8.8
-ゾ 15637 9.13 9.3 9.04 9.19 9.44
-タ 15638 8.41 8.78 8.75 9 8.95
-ダ 15639 9.32 9.56 9.67 9.65 9.73
-チ 15640 8.91 9.27 9.25 9.48 9.36
-ヂ 15641 9.36 9.64 9.55 9.63 9.61
-ッ 15642 7.86 8.12 8.15 8.4 8.48
-ツ 15643 8.44 8.73 8.86 9.13 9.04
-ヅ 15644 9.24 9.43 9.41 9.53 9.57
-テ 15645 8.85 9.2 9.22 9.38 9.33
-デ 15646 9.37 9.58 9.64 9.67 9.74
-ト 15647 7.25 7.6 8.02 8.3 8.57
-ド 15648 7.95 8.16 8.26 8.48 8.7
-ナ 15649 8.84 9.22 9.13 9.32 9.26
-ニ 15650 9.21 9.52 9.23 9.42 9.22
-ヌ 15651 8.11 8.42 8.46 8.7 8.79
-ネ 15652 9 9.27 9.23 9.46 9.4
-ノ 15653 7.81 8.17 8.4 8.7 8.66
-ハ 15654 9.46 9.77 9.45 9.66 9.41
-バ 15655 9.58 9.76 9.63 9.78 9.56
-パ 15656 9.45 9.71 9.53 9.75 9.55
-ヒ 15657 8.14 8.42 8.6 8.88 8.84
-ビ 15658 8.76 9 9.23 9.41 9.46
-ピ 15659 8.66 8.9 9.15 9.33 9.4
-フ 15660 8.12 8.46 8.57 8.81 8.91
-ブ 15661 9.05 9.3 9.27 9.42 9.73
-プ 15662 9.05 9.27 9.11 9.31 9.73
-ヘ 15663 9.68 9.95 9.62 9.77 9.66
-ベ 15664 9.44 9.77 9.56 9.73 9.62
-ペ 15665 9.42 9.77 9.56 9.71 9.59
-ホ 15666 8.85 9.19 9.46 9.67 9.52
-ボ 15667 9.14 9.39 9.51 9.71 9.69
-ポ 15668 8.81 9.24 9.5 9.72 9.71
-マ 15669 8.86 9.17 8.99 9.19 9.17
-ミ 15670 7.57 7.9 8.39 8.64 8.87
-ム 15671 8.56 8.87 9.2 9.4 9.39
-メ 15672 8.2 8.55 8.64 8.92 8.81
-モ 15673 9.09 9.41 9.42 9.61 9.49
-ャ 15674 8.39 8.69 8.49 8.73 8.73
-ヤ 15675 8.95 9.24 9.16 9.39 9.31
-ュ 15676 8.38 8.61 8.43 8.65 8.61
-ユ 15677 9.18 9.57 9.22 9.37 9.35
-ョ 15678 7.94 8.23 8.44 8.72 8.74
-ヨ 15679 8.37 8.74 8.91 9.19 9.22
-ラ 15680 8.08 8.41 8.71 8.97 8.95
-リ 15681 7.6 7.91 8.16 8.43 8.63
-ル 15682 9.27 9.69 9.46 9.64 9.49
-レ 15683 8.46 8.8 8.61 8.9 9.01
-ロ 15684 8.51 8.95 9.26 9.51 9.54
-ヮ 15685 7.77 8.09 8.32 8.51 8.71
-ワ 15686 8.34 8.67 8.71 8.97 9.02
-ヰ 15687 9.19 9.5 9.47 9.64 9.57
-ヱ 15688 9.19 9.51 9.32 9.52 9.35
-ヲ 15689 8.01 8.39 8.49 8.76 8.93
-ン 15690 8.71 9.03 8.85 9.12 9.04
-ヴ 15691 9.06 9.34 9.33 9.51 9.66
-ヵ 15692 8.11 8.33 8.51 8.8 8.74
-ヶ 15693 8.18 8.39 8.63 8.74 8.73
-〃 15453 7.69 8.15 8.29 8.62 8.36
-〆 15454 8.69 9.03 9.09 9.33 9.15
-ヿ 15462 8.09 8.42 8.6 8.83 8.87
-ゟ 15463 8.03 8.27 8.82 9.19 8.93
-ゔ 15600 8.73 9.06 9.27 9.47 9.44
-ゕ 15601 8.75 9.02 8.82 9.06 8.95
-ゖ 15602 8.36 8.64 8.55 8.78 8.73
-ㇰ 15702 7.68 8.03 8.02 8.34 8.43
-ㇱ 15703 8.39 8.58 8.43 8.67 8.66
-ㇲ 15704 8 8.19 8.3 8.59 8.55
-ㇳ 15705 7.02 7.29 7.66 7.9 8.16
-ㇴ 15706 7.65 7.89 8.04 8.35 8.38
-ㇵ 15707 8.6 8.79 8.61 8.84 8.63
-ㇶ 15708 7.83 8.02 8.15 8.43 8.41
-ㇷ 15709 7.61 7.94 8.09 8.3 8.39
-ㇸ 15710 8.81 9.1 8.78 8.94 8.83
-ㇹ 15711 8.27 8.53 8.86 9.09 8.97
-ㇺ 15713 7.92 8.13 8.39 8.61 8.62
-ㇻ 15714 7.8 8.09 8.32 8.54 8.55
-ㇼ 15715 7.39 7.66 7.9 8.13 8.31
-ㇽ 15716 8.59 8.79 8.72 8.9 8.81
-ㇾ 15717 8.06 8.32 8.18 8.41 8.55
-ㇿ 15718 8.13 8.44 8.67 8.93 8.98
-ヷ 15719 9.2 9.51 9.64 9.6 9.81
-ヸ 15720 9.41 9.75 9.6 9.7 9.75
-ヹ 15721 9.47 9.7 9.65 9.7 9.8
-ヺ 15722 8.91 9.32 9.34 9.39 9.73