path: root/language/hungarian/hyphenation/searchforerrors.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'language/hungarian/hyphenation/searchforerrors.rb')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/language/hungarian/hyphenation/searchforerrors.rb b/language/hungarian/hyphenation/searchforerrors.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8bc92efc20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/hungarian/hyphenation/searchforerrors.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# Copyright (C) 2003, NAGY Bence <>
+# This program can be distributed under the terms of the
+# GNU General Public License version 2.
+class Searchforerrors
+ def initialize
+ print "Minták betöltése...\n"
+ @patterns=[]
+ patterns=0
+ IO.foreach("huhyphn.tex"){|aline|
+ unless aline=~/[\\%{}]/
+ aline=aline.gsub('®','õ').gsub('¶','û')
+ letter=false
+ hyphenated,value='',''
+ aline.chop.length.times{|i|
+ if aline[i,1]=~/\d/
+ value<<aline[i,1]
+ letter=false
+ else
+ value<<'0' if letter
+ hyphenated<<aline[i,1]
+ letter=true
+ end
+ }
+ value<<'0' if letter
+ @patterns[hyphenated.length]={} unless @patterns[hyphenated.length]
+ @patterns[hyphenated.length][hyphenated]=value
+ patterns+=1
+ else
+ puts $1 if aline=~/\\message\{(.*)\}/
+ end
+ } if File.exist?("huhyphn.tex")
+ @patterns.length.times{|i|
+ @patterns[i]={} unless @patterns[i]
+ }
+ print patterns," minta betöltve.\n"
+ end
+ def getpattern(hyphenated,value)
+ pattern=''
+ pattern=value.slice!(0,1) if value.length>hyphenated.length
+ hyphenated.length.times{|i|
+ pattern<<hyphenated[i]
+ pattern<<value[i] if value[i]
+ }
+ pattern.delete('0')
+ end
+ def hyphenword(word)
+ if word.length>1
+ hyphenated='.'+word+'.'
+ value='0'*hyphenated.length
+ pattern=''
+ 1.upto(hyphenated.length){|i|
+ 0.upto(hyphenated.length-i){|j|
+ if @patterns[i] and pattern=@patterns[i][hyphenated[j,i]]
+ pattern.length.times{|k|
+ value[j+i-pattern.length+k]=pattern[k] if value[j+i-pattern.length+k]<pattern[k]
+ }
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ hyphenated=''
+ 0.upto(word.length-2){|i|
+ hyphenated<<word[i,1]
+ hyphenated<<'-' if value[i+1,1]=~/[13579]/
+ }
+ hyphenated<<word[-1,1]
+ else
+ hyphenated=word
+ end
+ end
+print "#{$programname} #{$programversion}\n"
+if filename and File.exist?(filename)
+ words=[]
+ IO.foreach(filename){|aline|
+ aline.strip.split(/[{}.,;:!?\s]+/).each{|aword|
+ if aword=~/\A[A-Za-zÁÁÉÍÓÖÕÚÜÛáäéíóöõúüû]+\Z/
+ word=searchforerrors.hyphenword(aword)
+ if (word=~/-([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]|cs|dz|dzs|gy|ly|ny|sz|ty|zs)-/ or
+ word=~/[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]-[aeiouáäéíóöõúüû]-[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]/ or
+ word=~/[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz](ccs|ddz|ddzs|ggy|lly|nny|ssz|tty|zzs)/ or
+ word=~/(ccs|ddz|ddzs|ggy|lly|nny|ssz|tty|zzs)[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]/ or
+ word=~/[aáoóuú](ccs|ddz|ddzs|ggy|lly|nny|ssz|tty|zzs)[eéöõüû]/ or
+ word=~/[eéöõüû](ccs|ddz|ddzs|ggy|lly|nny|ssz|tty|zzs)[aáoóuú]/) or
+ word=~/(csz|zsz|szs)/ or
+ word=~/[bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]{1,2}[aeiouáäéíóöõúüû]([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyz]{1,2})[aeiouáäéíóöõúüû]/ and
+ not words.include?(word)
+ print word,"\n"
+ words<<word
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ print 'Nincs fájlnév megadva vagy a fájl nem létezik!',"\n"