path: root/language/hebrew/hebclass/iitcsw.cls
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'language/hebrew/hebclass/iitcsw.cls')
1 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/language/hebrew/hebclass/iitcsw.cls b/language/hebrew/hebclass/iitcsw.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2296eff45d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/hebrew/hebclass/iitcsw.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+%latex2e declaration
+\ProvidesClass{iitcsw}[2002/01/29 homework class]
+% wide margins
+\newif\ifiitcsw@fontload % Whether or not we need to load hebfont
+ \iitcswdrafttrue%
+ \renewcommand{\iitcsw@articledraft}{draft}%
+% Should I leave both "answers" and "remarks"?
+% set the option "answers" if LatexMake set it
+% I don't feel like leaaving wide margins. I would use wider margins for what
+% I submit, though. 'wide' is currently on by default. (Tzafrir)
+ \RequirePackage{a4wide}% has to come before 'onehalfspacing, if that one is
+ % used
+ %\RequirePackage[top=3cm,bottom=4cm,left=3cm,right=3cm]{geometry}%
+ % If this form is typeset with answers
+ \iitcsw@fontloadtrue%
+ \newcommand{\HeblatexEightBitFont}{}%
+\else% the current 7bit fonts need more spacing
+ \RequirePackage{setspace}
+ \onehalfspacing
+ % Do the following if an input encoding option was given
+ \RequirePackage[\iitcsw@inputenc]{inputenc}%
+ \RequirePackage{amssymb}%
+ \RequirePackage{fancybox}%
+ \newcommand{\iitcsw@goodluckbox}[1]{%
+ {\LARGE $\looparrowright$ \shadowbox{#1} $\looparrowleft$}%
+ }%
+ \newcommand{\iitcsw@goodluckbox}[1]{\LAARGE #1}
+\newcommand{\draftremarkname}{drxz hiehd} %7bit for "הערת טיוטה"
+% define \remark:
+ \newcommand{\remark}[2][\draftremarkname]{\footnote{\R{#1: #2}}}%
+ \newcommand{\remark}[2][]{}%
+% If any option requires hebfont load it
+ \RequirePackage{hebfont}
+% The fllowing have to be explicitly defined:
+% \providecommand\CourseName{תכן לוגי}
+% \providecommand\CourseFullName{\CourseName \ \L{234262}} %or simply \CourseName
+% \providecommand\Semester{חורף תשס"ב}
+% \providecommand\AssignmentSubject{מעבד ה-\L{MIPS}}
+% \providecommand\HWNum{2}
+% \providecommand{\SubmitionTime}{יום ח' \L{35.5.2005} בשעה \L{12:30}
+ \vfill
+ \center{\iitcsw@goodluckbox{\goodluckname!}}
+ \vfill
+ \vfill
+\rhead{\R{\homeworkname \HWNum}}
+\def\homeworkname{\hebtav\hebresh\hebgimel\hebyod\heblamed \hebbet\hebyod\hebtav}
+\def\withanswersname{\hebayin\hebfinalmem \hebtav\hebshin\hebvav\hebbet\hebvav\hebtav}
+\def\answersprintedname{\hebhe\hebtav\hebshin\hebvav\hebbet\hebvav\hebtav \hebmem\hebvav\hebdalet\hebpe\hebsamekh\hebvav\hebtav !!!}
+\def\tainchargename{\hebmem\hebtav\hebresh\hebgimel\heblamed \hebalef\hebhet\hebresh\hebalef\hebyod}
+\def\rechoursname{\hebshin\hebayin\hebvav\hebtav \hebqof\hebbet\heblamed\hebhe}
+\def\subdatename{\hebtav\hebalef\hebresh\hebyod\hebfinalkaf \hebhe\hebgimel\hebshin\hebhe}
+\def\subinpairsname{\hebhe\hebhe\hebgimel\hebshin\hebhe \hebbet\hebzayin\hebvav\hebgimel\hebvav\hebtav \hebbet\heblamed\hebbet\hebdalet!}
+\def\retboxname{\hebtav\hebalef \heblamed\hebhe\hebhet\hebzayin\hebresh\hebhe}
+\def\AnswerExplainname{\hebhe\hebsamekh\hebbet\hebresh: }
+ \noindent
+ \FacultyName\ \hfill \semestername{} \Semester \\
+ \CourseFullName\ \hfill \today
+ \vskip 3em
+ \begin{center}
+ {\LARGE \homeworkname{} \HWNum} \par
+ {\large \AssignmentSubject}
+ \ifiitcswanswers
+ \\ {\large )\withanswersname(}
+ \fi
+ \end{center}
+ %\vskip 1em
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \zeroparskip
+ \remark{\LARGE \answersprintedname}
+ \noindent{\bf \tainchargename}: \TaInCharge \L{(\TaInChargeEmail)}
+ \ifiitcswrecpt%
+ \noindent{\bf \rechoursname}: \RecHours
+ \fi
+ \noindent{\bf \subdatename}: \SubmitionTime
+ \ifiitcswpairs
+ \vskip 1ex
+ \noindent{\bf \subinpairsname}
+ \fi
+ \vskip 1ex
+ \Instructions
+ \restoreparskip
+ \vfill
+ \begin{center} \Large
+ {\normalsize \submittersname:}
+ \namename: \underline{\makebox[7em]{}} \quad
+ \studnumname: \underline{\makebox[7em]{}}
+ \bigskip
+ %\Large
+ \namename: \underline{\makebox[7em]{}} \quad
+ \studnumname: \underline{\makebox[7em]{}}
+ \bigskip
+ %\Large
+ \addressname: \underline{{\makebox[13em]{}}@\makebox[8em]{}}
+ \medskip
+ \vfill
+ \gradename: \underline{\makebox[2em]{}} \hfill
+ \retboxname: \underline{\makebox[2em]{}}
+ \end{center}
+ \vfill
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ \setcounter{page}{0} % we start at page 1
+ \pagebreak
+%% \Answer{} Print text in "answer" font if answers are to be printed
+%% \AnswerLines: produce 5 horisental lines, for filling in the answer
+%% \NaswerPlace: Porduces some underlined space
+%% The non-optional (though possibly empty) argument of them is the
+%% answer, that wil be typeset if the option 'answers' is used
+ \ifiitcswanswers%
+ \Answer{#2}% This is non-optimal: doing this if twice...
+ \else%
+ % \begin{tabular*}{0.95\textwidth}{c}% without factor of 0.95 I get a latex
+ % % warning about the width
+ % \\ \hline \\ \hline \\\hline \\ \hline \\ \hline %
+ % \end{tabular*}%
+ \setcounter{iitcsw@ansline}{#1}
+ \whiledo{\value{iitcsw@ansline} > 0}{
+ \noindent \rule{0em}{1ex} \hrulefill \\ %
+ \addtocounter{iitcsw@ansline}{-1}%
+ }
+ \fi
+% \AnswerPlace[width]: create an underlined space of the specified width.
+% \AnswerPlace (with no parameter): The width is \AnswerPlacelen (3em, by
+% default)
+ \underline{\makebox[#1]{\Answer{#2}}}
+% explanations are answers that are given as footnotes, for further
+% clarification
+ \ifiitcswanswers%
+ \footnote{\Answer{\AnswerExplainname #1}}
+ \fi%
+% don't use two \zeroparskip without a \restoreparskip in the middle!
+%%% Some helper macros:
+%\renewcommand{\thesection}{\hebshin\hebalef\heblamed\hebhe \arabic{section}}
+\renewcommand\section{\BeforeQuestion %
+ \@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
+ {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}{2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
+ {%
+ \normalfont\Large\bfseries\centering%
+ \questionname\ %
+ }%
+ }
+% \newcommand\question[1]{%
+% \begin{center}%
+% \section{\hebshin\hebalef\heblamed\hebhe \hebmem\hebsamekh' \arabic{section} - #1}%
+% \end{center}%
+% }
+% \newcommand{\ques}[1][]{\section{#1}}
+\providecommand{\question}[1]{\iitcsw@quesPageBreak \section{#1}}
+ {\footnotesize
+ \noindent
+ \begin{flushleft}
+ \hfill
+ #1
+ \end{flushleft}
+ }