path: root/language/arabic/arabtex/doc/txt/changes2.txt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'language/arabic/arabtex/doc/txt/changes2.txt')
1 files changed, 378 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/language/arabic/arabtex/doc/txt/changes2.txt b/language/arabic/arabtex/doc/txt/changes2.txt
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/arabic/arabtex/doc/txt/changes2.txt
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+CHANGES 25.10.1993
+ ArabTeX Version 2
+ =================
+ (for information on newer versions see the file "changes.txt")
+25.10.93: Version 2.08 (not widely distributed)
+ Status:
+ - all corrections in version 2.07 have been incorporated; there
+ has been extensive rearrangement of code
+ - all known bugs have been removed
+ - some details in the manual have been rearranged; otherwise
+ the manual is slightly out of date
+ Additions:
+ - \footnote in Arabic text now also works inside a minipage
+ - more commands are valid inside Arabic text; a complete list
+ appears in the log file
+ - see also versions 2.07a - d below
+ How to move from version 2.0x, 0 <= x <= 7d:
+ - install all files in the directory TEXINPUT anew
+ - replace "arabdoc.tex", "arabdoc0.tex", "arabdoc.ind" in the
+ directory REPORT
+ - leave the fonts alone
+ How to move from version 1 (or none at all) to version 2.08:
+ - Do as above; install the fonts "nash14" and "nash14bf" first
+ according to local TeX conventions.
+ - If the font "nash10" is still there, delete it.
+01.07.93: Version 2.07d
+ Fixes:
+ - "quoting" for <sukun> and <wasla> works now correctly.
+ - <H> for silent <hah> in Persian works as described.
+ Additions:
+ - <j> instead of <^g> for <gim>, and <x> instead of <_h> for <hhah>
+ are now legal, but not recommended.
+ If required, download the ASCII file "apatch.sty" again.
+04.05.93: Version 2.07c
+ Fixes:
+ - a modification that will usually prevent a known bug in Ml-TeX
+ from doing too much harm. May be ignored by non-Ml-TeX-users;
+ otherwise download the new version of "apatch.sty".
+26.03.93: Version 2.07b
+ New features:
+ - The commands \smallskip, \medskip, \bigskip, \input filename
+ work also inside an arabic environment
+ - <aa> works like <A>: <kaatib> is like <kAtib>.
+ There always was <iy> for <I>, <uw> for <U>.
+ - Download the "apatch.sty" ASCII file again if you have already
+ installed the version 2.07.
+25.03.93: Version 2.07a
+ Fixes:
+ - There was a subtle interaction with the \tabular environment
+ which prevented printing of the user manual.
+ - Download the "apatch.sty" ASCII file again if you have already
+ installed the version 2.07.
+ - The compressed versions have been corrected.
+22.03.93: Version 2.07
+ Policy:
+ - ArabTeX is still free for scientific purposes, but we should
+ appreciate receiving an offprint of any publication produced
+ by using ArabTeX, for our collection. This does not apply to
+ any personal correspondence.
+ Status:
+ - There have been extensive changes to all "*.sty" files.
+ - Many minor errors have been fixed.
+ - There is a new file "aedpatch.sty".
+ - The tentative features of version 2.06 have been incorporated.
+ - The command processing has been completely reworked and is
+ believed to be more robust.
+ - The font has not changed.
+ - The user manual has not yet been updated; visible changes are
+ minor.
+ New features:
+ - ArabTeX is now compatible with the EDMAC package for critical
+ editions (see TUGboat 11/1, 623-643 (1990)). Just load ArabTeX
+ *after* loading EDMAC. The necessary extensions will be loaded
+ automatically via "aedpatch.sty".
+ - All arguments of EDMAC commands are considered "Roman" text but
+ may contain arabic insertions.
+ Changes and extensions:
+ - Arabic insertions may now also contain commands.
+ - Most Plain TeX or LaTeX commands that make sense in an arabic
+ environment are now allowed, as well as in arabic insertions.
+ - Font, mode and size changing commands obey the normal grouping
+ rules.
+ - The commands \footnote and \marginpar work now both in Plain TeX
+ and LaTeX mode; observe the different calling conventions!
+ - The \marginpar command inside arabic text works also with Plain
+ TeX, analogous to the LaTeX \marginpar command; marginal notes
+ always go to the right margin. If this feature is used, the user
+ may have to adjust the parameters \marginparwidth, \marginparsep,
+ and \hsize accordingly.
+ - The new options \accentshigh and \accentslow influence the
+ positioning of the diacritical marks. \accentslow is the default.
+ - The new options \oldtanwin and \newtanwin influence the position
+ of <tanwin fa.tha>: on the last consonant or on the final <alif>
+ if applicable. Defaults are language dependent.
+ - A group of arabic words can be emphasized by overlining; this is
+ effected by \emphasize {arabic words}.
+ - A group of arabic words, if enclosed in curly braces, is not
+ split across a line boundary.
+ - A final silent <hah> in Persian can be denoted <h>, <H>, or <T>.
+ Known problems:
+ - None at present.
+ How to move from versions 2.05 - 2.06 to version 2.07:
+ - Replace all "*.sty" files
+ - The fonts "nash14" and "nash14bf" are unchanged.
+ How to move from versions 2.00 - 2.04 to version 2.07:
+ - As above; add the manual files "arabdoc*.*" in the directory
+ "report" and process them to get the User Manual.
+ How to move from version 1 (or none at all) to version 2.07:
+ - Do as above; install the fonts "nash14" and "nash14bf" first
+ according to local TeX conventions.
+ - If the font "nash10" is still there, delete it.
+02.12.92: Version 2.06
+ Status:
+ - This is an experimental version processing some Persian
+ features differently; otherwise identical to version 2.05.
+ - This version is NOT part of the packages "" and
+ "arabtex.tar.Z"; instead there are additional ASCII files
+ "apatch25.sty", "apatch26.sty", and "arab2-06.doc". Thus
+ installing it does not destroy a working version 2.05.
+ - This version has not been extensively tested.
+ - Moving back and forth between versions 2.05 and 2.06 is easy.
+ - For details: see the file "arab2-06.doc".
+05.11.92: Version 2.05
+ Status:
+ - There is a new User Manual "arabdoc.tex" in the subdirectory
+ "report". It contains many examples for the use of ArabTeX;
+ some of them also show several small extensions for special
+ cases which are not otherwise documented, but supported.
+ - The new User Manual is in ArabTeX format for local printing,
+ so it serves at the same time as an extensive installation test.
+ A hard-copy version is available on request; write to the author
+ and enclose DM 10 (outside of Europe US$ 10) to cover printing
+ and mailing expenses. For additional DM 5 (US$ 5) you can also
+ get the software on diskette (please indicate computer system,
+ TeX implementation version, and desired diskette format).
+ - The "*.sty" files have been updated so that the system works
+ (apparently) exactly as described in the User Manual; some small
+ bugs that have shown up in the meantime have been fixed.
+ Changes and extensions:
+ - The vowel marks, if shown, are now positioned at about the same
+ height from the baseline.
+ - Arabic words can be emphasized by overlining.
+ - A group of arabic words, if enclosed in curly braces, is not
+ split across a line boundary.
+ - A final mute "hah" in Persian can be denoted <h>, <H>, or <T>.
+ How to move from versions 2.00 - 2.04 to version 2.05:
+ - Replace all "*.sty" files
+ - Add the manual files "arabdoc*.*" in the directory "report" and
+ process them to get the new User Manual.
+ - The fonts "nash14" and "nash14bf" are unchanged.
+ How to move from version 1 (or none at all) to version 2.05:
+ - Do as above; install the fonts "nash14" and "nash14bf" first
+ according to local TeX conventions.
+ - If the font "nash10" is still there, delete it.
+ Known problems:
+ - The non-arabic language modes have not been extensively tested.
+ - The text file "arabtex.doc" can be used as a first introduction,
+ but does not describe all features. For full details, see the
+ User Manual.
+05.08.92: Version 2.04
+ Status and fixes:
+ - see also Version 2.03 below
+ - "awrite.sty" has been extensively restructured to ease
+ further maintenance
+ - the storage utilization is somewhat better, the running time
+ is about the same as with version 2.02
+ Changes: only format and contents of THIS file
+ How to move from version 2.02:
+ - replace aparse.sty, awrite.sty, aligs.sty
+ or: reinstall all *.sty files if that is easier
+ - the font has NOT changed, leave it alone
+ How to move from version 2.00:
+ - replace all *.sty files, including "apatch.sty" (new)
+ - the font has NOT changed, leave it alone
+ - there is a new demo for Farsi: "omar.tex"
+01.08.92: Version 2.03 (not distributed)
+ Status and fixes:
+ - a rare but grave bug has been fixed; it made ArabTeX explode
+ on <sa'AmaTuN> and a few related words.
+ - to fix the bug, the internal interface of "aparse.sty",
+ "awrite.sty", and "aligs.sty" had to be altered drastically.
+ Changes: none
+03.05.92: Version 2.02
+ Status and fixes:
+ - there have been extensive changes to nearly all "*.sty" files
+ - the Nasta'liq font is still missing; sorry, but at the moment
+ there is no free time to design it. For the meantime, Naskh will
+ be substituted automatically, and should be readable.
+ - the problem with ^ and _ has been fixed; they now work correctly
+ in all modes
+ - the <~n> problem has been fixed
+ - the prefix <li-> before <alif> with <hamza> below now works, as
+ e.g. in <li-'ism>
+ - short Arabic quotations may be used in moving arguments in
+ LaTeX, e.g. section names, frameboxes, captions, margin notes
+ and the like
+ - Farsi and related languages: <izafet> and <yah-i-wahdat> now
+ seem to work correctly.
+ Changes:
+ - in Farsi and related languages, the final <hah> after <a> and
+ <e> is NO MORE generated automatically; you have to write it
+ explicitly if you want it. THIS IS NO BUG: the old strategy was
+ found to be inconsistent.
+ - the additional option \showtrue will echo the ASCII input
+ verbatim; \showfalse will switch this mode off again. This
+ feature is intended for test purposes; it might not work in all
+ contexts, and could disappear again.
+ - there is a new file "apatch.sty" which is loaded automatically
+ and will contain last minute corrections (none at the moment)
+ Open problems:
+ - see "bugs" and "fixes" below
+ Hints:
+ - with LaTeX, the option "arabtex" should ONLY be followed by its
+ local sub-options like "nashbf" or "atrans"; put other options
+ BEFORE it and DON'T define any own commands that use "<"; use
+ ">" instead.
+ - with Plain TeX, define your own macros BEFORE "\input arabtex".
+ How to move from version 2.00 or 2.01:
+ - replace all *.sty files, including "apatch.sty" (new)
+ - the font has NOT changed, leave it alone
+ - there is a new demo for Farsi: "omar.tex"
+15.04.92: Version 2.01 (was available on direct request)
+ Status and fixes:
+ - Temporary patch for the ^ and _ problem (thanks, Bernd Raichle!)
+ but still does not work in moving arguments
+ More known bugs:
+ - \footnote does not work (we never promised it would, but will
+ think about it)
+ - \footnotemark may put the mark into unexpected places if used
+ within an Arabic Environment; however:
+ \footnotetext works outside Arabic Environments even with Arabic
+ text in angle brackets
+ - the prefix <li-> as in <li-'ism> will produce garbage
+ - <~n> will blow up
+ How to get the version: DON'T, this version is obsolete
+10.04.92: Version 2.0
+ Version 2.00 is here at last. See "README".
+ Changes from version 1:
+ - now compatible with Plain TeX
+ - new (hopefully) better looking font
+ - many ligatures generated automatically
+ - support for Farsi, Urdu, Pashto, Ottoman, Maghribi
+ - some more documentation
+ - the input coding has changed slightly
+ Implementation status:
+ - all macro files have version number 2.00
+ - only fonts nash14 and nash14bf, no nasta`liq font yet available
+ - ArabTeX was developed on a PC AT with emTeX and is known also to
+ run on a PC XT and a U*IX work station; therefore it is
+ supposed to be easily portable
+ - language options other than Arabic have not been extensively
+ tested
+ Known bugs:
+ - control sequences inside of curly braces do not work
+ - arabic insertions may still be started with <
+ - < is an active character and may conflict with the user's macros
+ - ^ and _ do not work correctly in math environments
+ - some troubles with <izafet> in Farsi
+ Prof. Klaus Lagally
+ Institut fuer Informatik
+ Universitaet Stuttgart
+ Breitwiesenstrasse 20-22
+ D-70565 Stuttgart
+ FAX: +49 - 711 - 7816 370
+ Copyright (c) 1990 - 1997, Klaus Lagally