path: root/info/tex-overview/tex-overview-aux.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'info/tex-overview/tex-overview-aux.tex')
1 files changed, 322 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/tex-overview/tex-overview-aux.tex b/info/tex-overview/tex-overview-aux.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a2404930da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/tex-overview/tex-overview-aux.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+%% This document is part of the document tex-overview and should not be distributed without it. This file contains the formatting and definitions for typesetting. Please do *not* consider anything here as an example of good TeX coding style – it's not.
+%% author: Arno Trautmann
+% !TeX root = tex-overview.tex
+%% (for the TeXworks-users.)
+ array,
+ bookmark,
+ booktabs,
+ colortbl,
+ fontspec,
+ geometry,
+ hyperref,
+ longtable,
+ luacode,
+ metalogo,
+ multicol,
+ microtype,
+% pdftexcmds,
+ tabu,
+ tikz,
+ xparse
+%% copied definitions from old dtklogos, which are no longer supported:
+ \(\cal N\mkern -4mu\lower .5ex\hbox{$\cal T$}\mkern -2mu S\)}}
+\providecommand\AMS{{\normalfont\(\cal A\)\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{\(\cal M\)}\kern-.125em{\(\cal S\)}}}
+ L\raise.42ex\hbox{\kern-.3em\the\scriptfont2 A}%
+ \kern-.2em\lower.376ex\hbox{\the\textfont2 M}%
+ \kern-.125em {\the\textfont2 S}-\TeX}
+ \hbox{$\m@th$% %% force math size calculations
+ \csname S@\f@size\endcsname
+ \fontsize\sf@size\z@
+ \math@fontsfalse\selectfont
+ I\kern-.025emB}%
+ \kern-.08em%
+ \-\TeX}
+ \addtocentrydefault{part}{#1}{\Large #2 \normalsize}
+\microtypesetup{stretch=35} %% allow for a bit more expansion to improve typesetting of the columns.
+%% define the look-and-feel of the document
+\setmainfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
+\setsansfont{TeX Gyre Pagella}
+%% setup the style of hyperlinks.
+ unicode=true,
+ colorlinks=true,
+ linkcolor=DarkRed,
+ urlcolor=blue
+%% page layout, headings
+\addtokomafont{disposition}{\color[rgb]{0 0 .7}}
+%% some missing definitions for \TeX-like things
+\tl_set:Nn\XeT{X\kern -.1667em\lower .5ex\hbox {E}\kern -.125emT\@}
+%% constants for the colors. Might change from time to time …
+%% shorthand to keep a good structure of the node positions
+%% width of the tooltip-boxes (negative value to make them disappear at all)
+%% to separate important from not-so-important nodes
+%% the token list to save all the textviews. When set once, it is reset. May be useful anyhow. Or not.
+ \setcounter{section}{4} %% to enable equal section numbers for both text and tree views
+ \to_textviews
+ \tl_set:Nn\to_textviews{}
+%% environment to set the graphs
+ \IfBooleanT{#1}{
+ \ExplSyntaxOn
+ \bool_gset_true:N\to_short
+ \ExplSyntaxOff
+ #2
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ #3
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \clearpage
+ }
+ \ExplSyntaxOn
+ \bool_gset_false:N\to_short
+ \ExplSyntaxOff
+ #2
+ \begin{tikzpicture}
+ #3
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+%% Style of the nodes: shade from a light
+\tikzstyle{coolnode} = [
+ draw=\nodecolor!50!black!70,
+ top~color=\nodecolor!10!white!105,
+ bottom~color= \nodecolor!50!black!50
+%% set the first default node style (will change to \distro or \program in the document)
+%% tonode ⇒ tex-overview node, now with better argument specifier
+\NewDocumentCommand\tonode{O{\tonodestyle}D(){no label given}D(){no position given}D<>{no description given}m}{
+%% test if we are in the short or full view
+ \tl_gset:Nn\nodecolor{#1}
+ \bool_if:NTF\to_short{
+ %% short view
+ \tl_if_eq:NNT#1{\vip}{ %% then check if this is an important node
+ \node[coolnode] (#2) at (#3) {
+ \href{#4}{\color{black}#5\strut}
+ };
+ }
+ }{
+ %% long view
+ \node[coolnode] (#2) at (#3) {
+ \href{#4}{\color{black}#5\strut}
+ };
+ %% and the text view, to be added only once!
+ \addtotextviews:f{\subsubsection*{\color{blue}#5}\parbox{\columnwidth}{#4}}
+ }
+%% we want to make use of two pdf layers: the upper (main) one for the nodes
+%% and the lower (background) one for the lines. That way, the lines will not cross the nodes
+%% the command to draw from one node to the other one. Fine tuning is possible via optional argument #3
+ \begin{pgfonlayer}{background}
+ %% draw in the case that: either a * is given (always draw) or (' is given and \to_short) or nothing is given
+ \bool_if:nT{#1 || (#2 && \to_short) || !(#2 || \to_short)}
+ {\draw [thick,gray,\IfBooleanT{#3}{dotted},\IfBooleanT{#4}{dashed},#5] (#6) to (#7);} %% I’m just loooving expl3!
+ \end{pgfonlayer}
+%% a nice way to control the vertical position of nodes
+ \fp_set:Nn\layer_num{#1}
+ \fp_add:Nn\layer_num{#1}
+% \clearpage
+% \pdfpagewidth is not available in LuaTeX > 0.85. So we skip this gimmick, might come back later.
+%% \dim_set:Nn\pdfpagewidth{9cm} %% make a smaller paper so the header won’t feel so alone on the big, cold paper
+%% \dim_set:Nn\pdfpageheight{4cm}
+% \newgeometry{margin=1cm}
+ \part{#1}
+ \newpage
+% \restoregeometry
+%% \dim_set:Nn\pdfpagewidth{21cm} %% back to a4
+%% \dim_set:Nn\pdfpageheight{29.7cm}
+%% the following code is made to avoid code doubling on cost of readability. Seems to be stable enough to work here.
+%% the first argument, given in (), determines the level (sub/sub/section) of the entry.
+% second argument: Short name of the struct for toc
+% third argument: Full name of the struct
+% forth argument: default node style for this struct. Default for the default is the default style.
+ \tl_set:Nn\to_disp{section}
+ \int_compare:nT{#1 > 0}{\tl_put_left:Nn\to_disp{sub}}
+ \int_compare:nT{#1 > 1}{\tl_put_left:Nn\to_disp{sub}}
+ \bool_if:NTF\to_short
+ {
+ \int_compare:nT{#1 = 0}{\stepcounter{section}}
+ \tl_gset:cn{\to_disp mand}{\cs:w the\to_disp\cs_end:.\hspace{.175em} #3\newline short~view}
+ \IfNoValueTF{#2}{\tl_gset:cn{\to_disp opt}{\tl_use:c{\to_disp mand}}}{\tl_gset:cn{\to_disp opt}{~#2, short~view}}
+ \cs:w \to_disp \cs_end:*{\cs:w\to_disp mand\cs_end:}
+ \int_compare:nT{#1 = 0}{\addtocounter{section}{-1}}
+ }
+ {
+ \tl_gset:cn{\to_disp mand}{#3}
+ \IfNoValueTF{#2}{\tl_gset:cn{\to_disp opt}{\cs:w \to_disp mand\cs_end:}}{\tl_gset:cn{\to_disp opt}{~#2}}
+ \addtotextviews:f{\cs:w \to_disp\cs_end:[~#2]{#3}}
+ \cs:w \to_disp\cs_end:[\cs:w \to_disp opt\cs_end:]{\cs:w \to_disp mand\cs_end:}
+ }
+ \cs_gset_eq:NN\tonodestyle#4
+%% the sectioning of the names table
+~ \\[-2ex]
+ \rowcolor[gray]{0.9}\hspace*{2em}\Large \strut \large\rmfamily #1 \\
+ ~ \\[-2ex]
+%% a command for creation of bib-items.
+ \subsection*{#1}
+ \subsection*{#1}
+ \medskip
+\begin{minipage}{\textwidth} %% to prevent page breaks within bib-items
+ \large #1\normalsize\\ \hspace*{1em} \parbox{.95\textwidth}
+{\url{#2} #3}
+ {
+ \centering
+ \huge\bfseries An overview of \TeX, its children\\
+ and their friends~\dots
+ \vspace*{-.2cm}
+ \flushright\parbox{4cm}{
+ \large \color[rgb]{0 0 .7} Arno Trautmann\\
+ \fontsize{8.25}{10}\selectfont
+ }
+ \hspace*{.7cm}\par
+ }
+ \vspace*{1cm}
+%% ok, now something just for fun, but I wanted to use this in a "real life" document:
+% we first define some Lua functions for drawing and then use them to colorize the corners of the document.
+function pdf_print (...)
+ for _, str in ipairs({...}) do
+ pdf.print(str .. " ")
+ end
+ pdf.print("\string\n")
+function move (p)
+ pdf_print(p[1],p[2],"m")
+function line (p)
+ pdf_print(p[1],p[2],"l")
+function curve(p1,p2,p3)
+ pdf_print(p1[1], p1[2],
+ p2[1], p2[2],
+ p3[1], p3[2], "c")
+function linewidth (w)
+ pdf_print(w,"w")
+function disturb_point(point,strength)
+ if strength then else strength = 5 end
+ return {point[1] + math.random()*2*strength - strength,
+ point[2] + math.random()*2*strength - strength}
+function sloppyline(start,stop)
+ local start_line = disturb_point(start,10)
+ local stop_line = disturb_point(stop,10)
+ move(start) curve(start_line,stop_line,stop)
+ pdf_print("S") -- stroke
+ \AtBeginShipoutUpperLeft{%
+ \color[rgb]{0 0 .7}
+ \luatexlatelua{
+ linewidth(40)
+ sloppyline({-30,-30},{30,30})
+ sloppyline({620,-30},{560,30})
+ sloppyline({-30,-800},{30,-860})
+ sloppyline({620,-800},{560,-860})
+ }
+ }%