path: root/info/ltx3pub/vt11d01.tex
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diff --git a/info/ltx3pub/vt11d01.tex b/info/ltx3pub/vt11d01.tex
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+%%% ====================================================================
+%%% @LaTeX3-article{ LaTeX3-VT11-01,
+%%% filename = "vt11d01.tex",
+%%% archived = "ctan:/tex-archive/info/ltx3pub/",
+%%% author = "Mike Piff",
+%%% doc-group = "Volunteer task VT11",
+%%% title = "Backus-Naur form in {\LaTeX3}",
+%%% version = "1.03",
+%%% date = "02 April 1993",
+%%% time = "22:49:47 GMT",
+%%% status = "public, contributed.",
+%%% author-email = "",
+%%% author-address = "Department of Pure Mathematics \\
+%%% University of Sheffield \\
+%%% Hicks Building \\
+%%% Hounsfield Road \\
+%%% SHEFFIELD S3 7RH \\
+%%% England",
+%%% abstract = "",
+%%% keywords = "",
+%%% project-address = "LaTeX3 Project \\
+%%% c/o Dr. Chris Rowley \\
+%%% The Open University \\
+%%% Parsifal College \\
+%%% Finchley Road \\
+%%% London NW3 7BG, England, UK",
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+%%% project-FAX = "+44 171 433 6196",
+%%% project-email = "",
+%%% copyright = "Copyright (C) 1993 LaTeX3 Project
+%%% and Mike Piff.
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+%%% equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
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+%%% characters. This is produced by Robert
+%%% Solovay's checksum utility.",
+%%% }
+%%% ====================================================================
+%% This needs the style option bnf.sty
+%% Latest version 1.05
+%% Date 09 Feb 1993
+\title{Backus-Naur form in \LaTeX3}
+\author{Coordinator: Mike Piff}
+\date{02 April 1993 \\
+Version 1.03}
+ \item Create environments and commands to produce the symbolism of
+ BNF notation in mathematics.
+ \item Provide easy mechanisms for customizing this notation.
+ \item Provide short forms which are close to the teletype way of
+ representing BNF, by means of a $"bnf"$ environment.
+ \item Try not to disable too many features of \LaTeX\ when the short
+ forms are in operation.
+The whole notation of Backus-Naur Form seems to be
+deeply mathematical. Some examples:
+ \item Use of $\lbrace$ and $\rbrace$, round and square brackets.
+ \item Variable names such as $w$ for a word, $\cal A$ for an
+ alphabet, etc.
+ \item Subscripting, eg, $w_1<X>w_2 -> w_1 w w_2$.
+ \item Use of $\Production$, $\Yields$ and $\Yields^*$ for productions
+ and yields, and $|$ for alternatives.
+We should also consider the spacing problems that doing these
+in text mode would entail.
+The BNF notation is really part of the mathematical notation for
+specifying a phrase structure grammar. It is a means of simplifying
+groups of productions into one compound production, and thus
+decreasing the apparent complexity of its structure. This is the
+reason why things should be set up so that BNF is only available
+within maths mode.
+It is also perhaps true that BNF should not be considered in isolation
+from the requirements of the body of mathematical notations into which
+it fits. There is also a clear link with the task looking at short forms
+in mathematics. One point which was discovered in writing a preliminary
+version of the macros was the dangers involved in making $"-"$ active in
+mathematics, because of the way long arrows had been defined in plain \TeX!
+The following should happen in maths mode.
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item The environment $"NonTerminal"$ should produce the text
+ between $"\begin{NonTerminal}"$ and $"\end{NonTerminal}"$
+ enclosed between angle brackets, thus:
+ $$<enclosed text>.$$
+ Spaces in the enclosed text should be respected, but not made
+ visible. The maths font used between the angle brackets should
+ be customizable through the command $"\NonTerminalStyle"$.
+ The default should be $"fam0"$, that is, ordinary roman.
+ \item The command $"\Terminal"<char>"string"<char>$ should produce
+ the enclosed string exactly as if it had been produced by \LaTeX'
+ $"\verb*"$ command, except that it is preceded and followed
+ by the expansion of $"\PreTerminal"$ and $"\PostTerminal"$
+ respectively.
+ \item The environments $"Star"$, $"Optional"$ and $"Bracket"$
+ should put paired braces, square brackets and round brackets
+ respectively
+ around the enclosed text.
+ Spaces of $"\StarSpace"$, $"\OptionalSpace"$ and $"\BracketSpace"$
+ respectively should precede and follow the environment.
+ \item The commands $"\Production"$, $"\Yields"$ and $"\OR"$
+ should produce the special symbols $->$, $=>$ and $|$
+ respectively, the first two being relations and the last an
+ operator. The $"\Empty"$ command should produce the
+ symbol $\Empty$.
+ \item A special environment $"bnf"$ should have the effect of making
+ the short forms of these commands available in maths mode.
+ This environment should be capable of spanning many paragraphs,
+ and should only affect the meaning of certain symbols in maths
+ mode. These are:
+ $$"`",`"`,"(",")","<",">","[","]","-","=","|","@".$$
+ The effects should be as follows.
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item $"`string`"$ and $`"string"`$ should produce the effect
+ of a $"\Terminal"$ command.
+ \item $"<"N">"$ should produce the effect of a $"NonTerminal"$
+ environment.
+ The following symbols should be rejected as part of
+ $N$, so as to allow some error detection.
+ $$"[","]","(",")","|","<","=".$$
+ The symbol $"-"$ should be interpreted as a hyphen.
+ The symbols $@<$ and $@>$ should be made available
+ as $"\lt"$ and $"\gt"$, or alternatively as $"@<"$
+ and $"@>"$.
+ \item $"("E")"$ and $"["E"]"$ should produce the same effects as
+ the $"Bracket"$ and $"Optional"$ environments.
+ \item $"->"$ and $"=>"$ should produce $->$ and $=>$,
+ otherwise $"-"$ and $"="$ should behave normally.
+ $"|"$ should produce $|$.
+ \item $"{@"E"}"$ should produce ${@E}$.
+ It would be preferable for $"{"E"}"$ to produce this effect,
+ but that would probably entail not allowing braces to appear
+ in a $"bnf"$ environment other than for this purpose.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{enumerate}