path: root/info/first-packages/first-packages.tex
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'info/first-packages/first-packages.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 384 deletions
diff --git a/info/first-packages/first-packages.tex b/info/first-packages/first-packages.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 47ce64ab1a..0000000000
--- a/info/first-packages/first-packages.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-% \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
-\usepackage{graphicx} % needed for \XeLaTeX command
-\lstset{basicstyle = \small\ttfamily,
- keepspaces=true,
- columns=fullflexible,
- xleftmargin=10pt}
-% Get ISO dates
-% Color for links
-% Color theme from Rodryggo Sylva
-% \definecolor{papyrus}{HTML}{D9D8D7}
- colorlinks=true,
- linkcolor=darkred,
- filecolor=darkred,
- urlcolor=darkred,
-% ? This worked for a while and then it didn't, so I wrapped \url{..}
-% Logos and acronyms, some of them to match TUGboat commands
-\RequirePackage{mflogo} % for MetaPost \MP
-\newcommand{\Asymptote}{\textit{Asymptote}} % as per the manual
-\newcommand{\TikZ}{Ti{\em k}Z} % from TUB
-% Stuff from ltugboat.cls
- \ifx\@currsize\normalsize\small\else
- \ifx\@currsize\small\footnotesize\else
- \ifx\@currsize\footnotesize\scriptsize\else
- \ifx\@currsize\large\normalsize\else
- \ifx\@currsize\Large\large\else
- \ifx\@currsize\LARGE\Large\else
- \ifx\@currsize\scriptsize\tiny\else
- \ifx\@currsize\tiny\tiny\else
- \ifx\@currsize\huge\LARGE\else
- \ifx\@currsize\Huge\huge\else
- \small\SMC@unknown@warning
- \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
-\newcommand{\SMC@unknown@warning}{\TBWarning{\string\SMC: nonstandard
- text font size command -- using \string\small}}
-\newcommand{\textSMC}[1]{{\SMC #1}}
- \@ifundefined{reflectbox}{%
- \TBerror{A graphics package must be loaded for \string\XeTeX}%
- }{%
- \ifdim \fontdimen1\font>0pt
- \raise 1.75ex \hbox{\kern.1em\rotatebox{180}{#1}}\kern-.1em
- \else
- \reflectbox{#1}%
- \fi
- }%
-\def\tubhideheight#1{\setbox0=\hbox{#1}\ht0=0pt \dp0=0pt \box0 }
- \tubhideheight{\hbox{X%
- \setbox0=\hbox{\TeX}\setbox1=\hbox{E}%
- \lower\dp0\hbox{\raise\dp1\hbox{\kern\XekernbeforeE\tubreflect{E}}}%
- \kern\XekernafterE}}}
-\def\XeLaTeX{\Xe{\kern.11em \LaTeX}}
- \ifdim \fontdimen1\font>0pt
- \else
- B\textsc{ib}%
- \fi
-\def\BibLaTeX{\Bib\kern.02em \LaTeX}
-\def\BibTeX{\Bib\kern-.08em \TeX}
-% Style I chopped out of ltugboat.cls
-% Section title styling
-% \titlespacing{\section}{0pt}{2ex plus 0.1ex minus 0.05ex}{0.85ex plus 0.05ex}
-% Give paras just a bit of room
- {\color{darkblue}\Large\bf A First Set of \LaTeX\ Packages} \\[1.5ex]
- {\color{darkblue}\large Jim Hef{}feron}
-If you are a \LaTeX{} beginner and ask,
-``How do I \ldots{}\,?''
-then often you will be told that there is a package for that.
-You may well next ask,
-``How would I know that?
-And if there is more than one package then which should I use?''
-This list covers most of what
-beginners want to do.
-Its goal is to cite one
-package in each area that is capable and reliable, and
-that is in
-% \textsf{Mac}\kern-0.35pt\TeX,
-MiK\TeX, and \TeX\ Live.
-(There are some extra comments in parentheses that
-often come up along with the recommendations.)
-% ==============================
-For \LaTeX{} users, the canonical archive is
-the Comprehensive \TeX{} Archive Network,
-It has the latest official versions of
-the packages in the distributions,
-with documentation.
-And, \href{}{\color{darkblue}searching by topic}
-is very handy.
-You can also see the package documentation installed on
-your computer by typing
-\verb!texdoc <packagename>! % space too wide?
-in a terminal window.
-Before the list, one more note.
-If you are writing for a journal or
-institution that has its own package then of course you should
-use that.
-Look on their web page and on \CTAN.
-% ===================================
-\section{Every document}
-To change page size, margins, and orientation, use
-Get multiple columns with \pkg{multicol}.
-Any document containing significant amounts of mathematics should use
-the American Mathematical Society's packages
-I also use \pkg{amsthm}
-for producing theorem environments.
-Notes: (1)~\pkg{amssymb} inputs \pkg{amsfonts} so you don't need to load
-the latter,
-(2)~many authors also use the caligraphic characters in \pkg{rfsf},
-(3)~get bold math symbols with \pkg{bm},
-(4)~load \texttt{amsthm} after \texttt{amsmath},
-and (5)~don't load \texttt{amsmath} directly, instead get it by loading
-\pkg{mathtools} for some useful improvements.
-You can toss in
-My eye can't spot the improvements but I appreciate that
-it means there are fewer awkward lines.
-% ===================================
-\section{Inside a document}
-To tweak lists, use \pkg{enumitem}.
-Enhance captions with
-and control floating environments with
-(In particular, this package provides the option `\texttt{H}'
-to override automatic float placement and put something
-exactly where you ask.)
-Get hyperlinks and turn references into links with
-(this should be the last or next to last package
-that you load).
-Make cross-references say `Theorem~1.2' instead of just `1.2'
-with the one-r-ed \pkg{cleveref}
-(load it after \texttt{hyperref}).
-Have \acro{URL}'s and file paths that can linebreak with
-(If you use \texttt{hyperref} then note that it has its own
-commands for the \texttt{cleveref} and \texttt{url} functions.)
-I do code listings with
-although \pkg{minted} is also great.
-Make single quotes inside verbatim text come out correctly with
-(A tangent:~copy and paste for computer code listings would be especially
-This is a start for the \texttt{listings} package.
-\lstset{basicstyle = \ttfamily,
- keepspaces=true,
- columns=fullflexible}
-But it is not a full solution.
-The results depend on the \PDF{} viewer and
-worse, if your code line begins with
-blank spaces then after copy and paste those spaces are gone.)
-If you use Python,
-will show code listings, but it also allows you to execute
-Python and put the results in your output.
-Do the same for
-the \textit{Sage} mathematics software with \pkg{sagetex},
-and similar systems exist for R, Haskell, and Scheme.
-There are many package that add table capabilities such as
-multirow entries and breaking across pages.
-I most often use \pkg{array}, which lets you define your own column
-To handle units,
-use \pkg{siunitx}
-(which also has a table column type for aligning on a decimal point).
-Make boxes that are colored or framed, such as boxes for theorems,
-% Finally, when developing a document I often want some filler text.
-% I use
-% \pkg{lipsum}.
-% ===================================
-\section{Graphics and color}
-To include graphics and do simple manipulations such as resizing,
-use \pkg{graphicx}.
-Use the \acro{JPG} format for photos,
-\acro{PNG} for other kinds of raster graphics,
-and \PDF{} for vector graphics.
-If your graphic is in another format then convert it to one of these three.
-(Usually you give the file name without the extension,
-as with \verb!\includegraphics{graph}!.)
-Include parts of a \PDF{} document with
-Include video or sound using
-For colors, use
-(although the documentation can be hard to make out).
-To make plots and graphics, I use
-a development of \MP{} with three dimensional
-However, many people instead draw graphics
-inside the document with
-\section{Front and back matter, headers, footers}
-To style chapter and section titles, use
-For page headers and footers, reach for
-You can tweak the format of tables of contents, lists of figures, etc.,
-Write exercise answers to an external file so that you can read them in
-later with
-I like footnotes at the page bottom so I use
-(but I had to hack to change the space between a footnote mark and
-the footnote).
-Make an index with
-Bibliographies are a thorny area.
-Often you have strict requirements, such as from the
-\CTAN{} is a big help here; check out the many styles for both
-\section{Special documents}
-Make exams and problem sets with the
-\pkg{exam} class.
-There are many, many resume and CV packages.
-Start with \acro{CTAN}'s
-\href{}{\textit{cv}} topic.
-To make presentations, use the
-\pkg{beamer} class.
-(But with this package you are entering another world, where many of the
-packages discussed here do not work.
-For example, section title styling happens via a completely
-different mechanism.)
-\section{Fonts and engines}
-To see options besides the default Computer Modern fonts,
-visit the
-\href{}{\LaTeX\ Font Catalogue},
-which includes copy and paste code to make each one work.
-Beyond that list, you can also use any font that your computer has
-(which usually works well only if your document
-does not have much mathematics).
-To convert \LaTeX{} source to \PDF{} there are
-three programs, called engines.
-Most people use \PDFLaTeX.
-The \XeLaTeX{} engine and the \LuaLaTeX{} engine can leverage
-the \pkg{fontspec}
-package to use your system's fonts.
-(A word about the preprint site \texttt{}.
-If your document was produced with \XeLaTeX{} or \LuaLaTeX{} then
-you can only submit a \PDF, not the document source.)
-\LaTeX{} now defaults to UTF-8 encoded input on all three engines.
-Use \pkg{babel} for internationalization, such as changing the
-the title of the abstract or the bibliography.
-Contact me via
-(This version is from \today.)
-% The source is at
-% \href{}{\color{lightblue}my GitLab repository}.)