path: root/info/drawing-with-metapost/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'info/drawing-with-metapost/src/')
1 files changed, 57 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/drawing-with-metapost/src/ b/info/drawing-with-metapost/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a854ede62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/drawing-with-metapost/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+vardef pi_quarters(expr n) =
+ save s, f, q; string s, f; numeric q;
+ s = if n < 0: "-" else: "" fi; q = abs(n);
+ if q mod 4 = 0:
+ f = if q > 4: decimal 1/4 q else: "" fi;
+ elseif q mod 2 = 0:
+ f = "\frac{" & decimal 1/2 q & "}{2}";
+ else:
+ f = "\frac{" & decimal q & "}{4}";
+ fi
+ "$\scriptstyle" & s & f & "\pi$"
+ numeric u, pi; u = 50; pi = 3.141592653589793;
+ path xx, yy;
+ xx = (3.5 left -- 3.6 right) scaled u;
+ yy = (1.1 down -- 1.2 up) scaled u;
+ path ss;
+ ss = origin for t=1 upto 360: -- (t, sind(t)) endfor;
+ ss := ss shifted 360 left & ss;
+ ss := ss xscaled (pi/180) scaled u;
+ drawoptions(dashed withdots scaled 1/4);
+ draw ((1/4 pi, 0) .. (1/4 pi, sind(45))) scaled u;
+ draw ((1/2 pi, 0) .. (1/2 pi, sind(90))) scaled u;
+ draw ((3/4 pi, 0) .. (3/4 pi, sind(135))) scaled u;
+ drawoptions();
+ draw ss cutbefore yy shifted point 0 of xx
+ cutafter yy shifted point 1 of xx
+ withcolor 3/4 blue;
+ draw ss shifted (-1/2 pi * u ,0)
+ cutbefore yy shifted point 0 of xx
+ cutafter yy shifted point 1 of xx
+ withcolor 2/3 red;
+ drawarrow xx; label.rt("$t$", point 1 of xx);
+ drawarrow yy;"$u(t)$", point 1 of yy);
+ for i=-4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4:
+ draw (down--up) scaled 2 shifted (pi * i/4 * u, 0);
+, (pi * i/4 * u, -2));
+ endfor