path: root/info/drawing-with-metapost/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'info/drawing-with-metapost/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 73 deletions
diff --git a/info/drawing-with-metapost/src/ b/info/drawing-with-metapost/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 16c40d8a49..0000000000
--- a/info/drawing-with-metapost/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
- numeric s; s = 21;
- path alpha;
- alpha = ((-2s, s) {right}
- .. halfcircle rotated -90 scaled 2s shifted (2s, 0)
- .. {left} (-2s, -s)) shifted (s*left);
- vardef overdraw(expr a, b, r, P, shade) =
- linecap := butt;
- undraw subpath (a+r, b-r) of P withpen pencircle scaled 2;
- draw subpath (a, b) of P withcolor shade;
- enddef;
- picture cb; cb = image(
- draw alpha withcolor 2/3 red;
- undraw alpha rotated 180 withpen pencircle scaled 2;
- draw alpha rotated 180 withcolor 2/3 blue;
- overdraw(0.21, 0.36, 0.02, alpha, 2/3 red);
- overdraw(0.67, 0.86, 0.02, alpha, 2/3 red);
- overdraw(3.4, 4.3, 0.1, alpha, 2/3 red);
- overdraw(5.4, 5.6, 0.02, alpha, 2/3 red);
- overdraw(5.4, 5.6, 0.02, alpha rotated 180, 2/3 blue);
- );
- picture P[];
- P1 = image(draw cb; label.rt("\texttt{draw cb;}", point 3/2 of bbox currentpicture));
- P2 = image(draw cb withpen pencircle scaled 4; label.rt("\texttt{draw cb withpen pencircle scaled 4;}", point 3/2 of bbox currentpicture));
- P3 = image(draw cb withcolor 1/2; label.rt("\texttt{draw cb withcolor 1/2;}", point 3/2 of bbox currentpicture));
- P4 = image(draw cb withpen pencircle scaled 4 withcolor 1/2; label.rt("\texttt{draw cb withpen pencircle scaled 4 withcolor 1/2;}", point 3/2 of bbox currentpicture));
- P5 = image(
- color bagel; bagel = 1/256(187, 146, 79);
- for i=4 step -1/4 until 1/2:
- draw cb withpen pencircle scaled i
- withcolor (i/4)[white, bagel];
- endfor
- label.rt(btex \vbox{\halign{\texttt{#}\cr
- for i=4 step -1/4 until 1/2:\cr
- \quad draw cb withpen pencircle scaled i \cr
- \qquad withcolor sqrt(i/4)[white, bagel];\cr
- endfor\cr}} etex, point 3/2 of bbox currentpicture);
- );
- P6 = image(
- for e within cb:
- draw pathpart e withpen penpart e scaled 4
- withcolor 7/8[colorpart e, background];
- endfor
- label.rt(btex \vbox{\halign{\texttt{#}\cr
- for e within cb:\cr
- \quad draw pathpart e withpen penpart e scaled 4\cr
- \qquad withcolor 7/8[colorpart e, background];\cr
- endfor\cr}} etex, point 3/2 of bbox currentpicture);
- );
- for i=1 upto 6:
- if known P[i]:
- pair p; p = 60i * down;
- label.rt(P[i], p);
- fill superellipse(right, up, left, down, 0.8) scaled 6 shifted p
- withcolor 2/3;
- label("\textsf{" & decimal i & "}", p) withcolor white;
- fi;
- endfor