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+To: UKTeX Distribution: ;
+Subject: UKTeX Digest V94 #37
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Fri, 07 Oct 1994 14:29:47 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+UKTeX Digest Friday, 7 Oct 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 37
+Today's Topics:
+ Bib style using key as label?
+ Inserting space
+ using more than one bib file via bibtex
+ Re: using more than one bib file via bibtex
+ Re: using more than one bib file via bibtex
+ Installing GTex on PC. Help!!
+ Re: Installing GTex on PC. Help!!
+ Re: Installing GTex on PC. Help!!
+ Re: Problems building 600dpi HPLJ fonts with EmTeX
+ E-mail address
+ Problem with printing using Epson FX 80
+ Framemaker -> TeX
+ Moderators: Peter Abbott (UK TeX Users Group) and
+ David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe uktex" or "unsubscribe uktex", [no quotes])
+Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 22:24:56 -0000
+From: (Ajith P Madurapperuma)
+Subject: Bib style using key as label?
+I need to find a bibliography style file that would use the key as the label.
+For example a style file that would create a Bibliography entry that would use
+ABB91(the given KEY) as the label.
+ author = {Abbas Abbas et. al.},
+ journal = {In IMS91},
+ key = {ABB91},
+ title = {"Multidatabase Management in Pegasus"}
+ALPHA style does this for entries with one author, but when there are more than
+one author it uses the first letters of each surname as the label. e.g. for the
+ author = {R. Agrawal and N.H. Gehani},
+ journal = {Proceedings ACM SIGMOD},
+ key = {AGR89},
+ title = {ODE (Object Database and Environment): The language and the data mo
+ year = {1989}
+it creates as the label AG89. I need a style that would create AGR89 (the given
+KEY) for this entry as well.
+I have tried to modify the alpha.bst file, but it looks very complicated for me
+and I couldn't find any information on the language used other than bxtbst.doc.
+Hope someone knows a style file that would do this or if anybody can explain me
+how and where to change the .bst file to do this.
+Sorry for the longness of the request.
+Date: Sun, 02 Oct 1994 17:41:00 -0000
+From: (Robert Davidge)
+Subject: Inserting space
+I hope you cna help me. Our local texperts are proving silent on this question.
+We have at Sussex a thing called thesis.sty which we use for writing
+theses, but the problem may occur in other latex styles.
+I am not a Texer so can not write in this language.
+The problem is to do with the list of figures. It seems to have a fixed
+amount of space between the numbering and the caption. This works fine
+until you have a chapter number > 9 and a figure no. > 9. Then ther
+is no space left before your caption starts.
+ 1.1 The ......
+ 2.10 The......
+ 10.1 The ......
+ 10.10The ......
+I would not like to see the mess produced if you had more than 99 figures!
+many thanks for your attention
+Robert Davidge
+Sussex University
+School of Cognitive and Computer Sciences
+Date: Sun, 02 Oct 1994 18:28:52 +0000
+From: (Steve Hughes)
+Subject: using more than one bib file via bibtex
+Does anyone know how to incorporate more than one bib file
+in a large tex document, when using bibtex. ie- I want to have a seperate bib
+file for each chapter but tex doesn't seem to liker that.
+I'm sure there must be a way out of it as it seems a sensible
+request. Thank you in advance
+ __________________________________________________________________
+| | |
+| Steve Hughes | |
+| Physics Department, | Tel: +44 (0)31-451-3068 |
+| Heriot-Watt University, | Fax: +44 (0)31-451-3136 |
+| Edinburgh, EH14 4AS, | |
+| Scotland. | Internet: |
+Date: 03 Oct 1994 09:35:27 +0000
+From: (Robin Fairbairns)
+Subject: Re: using more than one bib file via bibtex
+In article <>, Steve Hughes <> wrote:
+>Does anyone know how to incorporate more than one bib file
+>in a large tex document, when using bibtex. ie- I want to have a seperate bib
+>file for each chapter but tex doesn't seem to liker that.
+The chapterbib package, available on
+ ftp//
+may or may not help (it's supposed to, but I've never used it). Give
+it a whirl...
+Robin (Campaign for the Third Programme) Fairbairns
+U of Cambridge Computer Lab, Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QG, UK
+Private page:
+Date: 07 Oct 1994 11:03:08 +0000
+From: Jeremy Henderson <>
+Subject: Re: using more than one bib file via bibtex
+Steve Hughes ( wrote:
+: Does anyone know how to incorporate more than one bib file
+: in a large tex document, when using bibtex. ie- I want to have a seperate bib
+: file for each chapter but tex doesn't seem to liker that.
+I've used the bibunits.sty package to do something like this.
+In fact what I did was create a resume with separate sections for
+"Publications" and "Presentations" - each of which produces a separate
+"bibliography" from a separate bib file. Anal or what? :-)
+Date: 03 Oct 1994 15:21:12 +0000
+From: (Leonard Aye)
+Subject: Installing GTex on PC. Help!!
+I downloaded the entire contents of the gtex/ directory in and followed the instrctions on installation after
+reading README.DOC file.
+However, it doesn't mention where I should put the environment
+varialbes, such as
+So, I put these instructions in the autoexec file and after starting
+up I get 'Out of environment space' errrors.
+What am I doing wrong??
+Any help appreciated.
+Len Aye
+Leonard Kyaw Soe Aung Aye |Internet:
+School of Computer Science, |Janet:
+The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, |tel: +44 (0)21 414-3705
+Birmingham, West Midlands B15 2TT, England, UK |fax: +44 (0)21 414-4281
+Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 11:52:36 +0100
+From: (Tim Collins)
+Subject: Re: Installing GTex on PC. Help!!
+Leonard Aye ( wrote:
+> etc.
+Yes, that's correct.
+> So, I put these instructions in the autoexec file and after starting
+> up I get 'Out of environment space' errrors.
+Ok, edit your CONFIG.SYS, and include the line:
+SHELL=C:\COMMAND.COM /e:1024 /p
+Note, that I have assumed that COMMAND.COM is on the C drive, at the
+top level. If it is anywhere else, addapt the line accoringly!
+> What am I doing wrong??
+This specifies that 1024 bytes of memory should be allocated for the
+environment and path variables.
+Timothy L D Collins |
+Physics Dept. |
+University of Leeds, |
+Leeds. | "Opinions expressed are just that: opinions!"
+Date: 04 Oct 1994 17:01:33 +0100
+Subject: Re: Installing GTex on PC. Help!!
+The solution of your problem is quite simple.
+Increase the environment space allocate for COMMAND.COM.
+To do this add in your CONFIG.SYS file the line:
+SHELL=c:\dos\ /e:720
+where 720 is the number of bytes for the environment. Adjust it to your
+system's needs.
+hope that helps
+Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 13:13:41 -0100
+From: Fabricio Chalub Barbosa do Rosario <>
+Subject: Re: Problems building 600dpi HPLJ fonts with EmTeX
+> I have tried to remake all my fonts for our 600dpi HPLJ.
+> After changing MODES.MFJ I tried MFJOB, but I get errors trying to write
+> files. My *guess* is that the environment is set up wrong (I have no TeX
+> environmental variables set in this instance). Hints please.
+I don't have a hplj yet, but I'm planning to aquire one in the future
+so I've decided to start trying to produce 600dpi METAFONTs... So, I
+changed the file LOCAL.MF and added another `def' named ``hpdouble'',
+where the settings are the same of the ``hplaser'' just that the
+resolution I set to 600dpi. I had to rebuild CM.BAS and PLAIN.BAS by
+typing MF -i CM.INI and MF -i PLAIN.INI (MF -i is INITMF, just like
+Then I defined another variable (dlj) on MODES.MFJ where I tell MJob
+to put the fonts in the directory \NEWFONTS\PIXEL.DLJ\$rDPI and the
+Then I fired MFJOB m=dlg all. And for the next few hours he ran MF
+in all Computer Modern! I checked with PKEDIT one of that fonts and
+it's really much bigger (on the screen) than those that were made
+with 300dpi, so I think it worked out alright, but as I've said I
+don't have (yet) a 600dpi laser printer (I have only an epson...).
+I'm sorry to give only a literal explanation without examples of the
+files that were really modified, since I'm writing from the terminal
+of my university and my TeX installation is at my home computer...
+ Fabricio Chalub,
+Date: Tue, 04 Oct 1994 17:43:47 -0000
+From: (C.D.Dimelow)
+Subject: E-mail address
+ I hope someone can help me. I've got a copy of maltby-intro.tex from, and need to contact the author, Gavin Maltby. If someone
+could please E-mail me his address.
+ Thanks in advance,
+ ____
+ \ ~-_ From: Carl Dimelow, Dept. of Aeronautics,
+ \ ~. Imperial College, London, U.K.
+ \_____\___________________,-~~~~~~~`-.._
+ / o O o o o o O O o o o o o o O o o ) Home Tel: +44 171 371 3998
+ ~-.__ ___..----.. _.-~ E-mail:
+ ~~~---~~___________)---------~~ or
+ ==(__D or fe343@cleveland.Freenet.Edu
+Date: Wed, 05 Oct 1994 12:01:48 +0100
+From: Serene Lee <>
+Subject: Problem with printing using Epson FX 80
+ In the past I used DeskJet printer for Tex output -- no problems
+ ever encountered. I now have an Epson FX 80 printer and I can't get any
+ printout!
+ Any help would be much appreciated!!
+ Thank you.
+ Serene Lee.
+ Address: e-mail:
+ School of Mathematics and Computing
+ University of Derby
+ Kedleston Road
+ Derby DE22 1GB.
+ Tel: 0332 622 222 ext 1144
+Date: 05 Oct 1994 18:35:52 +0000
+From: (Rudolf Potucek)
+Subject: WANTED: TEXCAD for PC
+About 2 years ago I worked with a very basic version of TEXCAD? which
+was capable only of the most basic picture operations. Does anyone
+still have this or something similar?
+ I would very much appreciate any help as to obtaining this program.
+Please e-mail to
+ Rudolf
+| Rudolf Potucek jr. | If you notice strange abrasions |
+| University of Karlsruhe | on your exit doors you might |
+| | be working under just too |
+| | restrictive conditions ... |
+| | Beware of overt vandalism! |
+Date: Wed, 05 Oct 1994 20:43:26 +0000
+From: (Peter Flynn)
+Subject: Re: WANTED: TEXCAD for PC
+In article <36urm8$> uc0g@rzstud1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.
+de (Rudolf Potucek) writes:
+ About 2 years ago I worked with a very basic version of TEXCAD? which
+ was capable only of the most basic picture operations. Does anyone
+ still have this or something similar?
+It comes with emTeX. Get it from any of the CTAN archive sites.
+Date: 06 Oct 1994 10:16:26 +0000
+From: (Geoff Rubner)
+Subject: Framemaker -> TeX
+We need to convert our FrameMaker files (postscript
+or MIF) to TeX.
+Can anyone tell me if there are any filters to do this
+job, or where I might look for one ...
+Thanks in advance,
+Geoff Rubner,
+E.E.+E., UMIST.
+Manchester, UK.
+Date: Thu, 06 Oct 1994 09:56:33 -0400
+Please can you help?
+The new fon system NFSSFONT for Latex2e, is this only for use with postscript
+printers or can it be used with non-postscript laser printers? If it can be
+used with non-postscript laser printers, is there a package which will run on
+dos based pc's that can be downloaded?
+Regards Gordon Evans
+ UK TeX Archive
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+\section Digests
+ This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
+ tex-archive/digests/uktex/94
+ This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/94
+ Latest TeXhax: V94 #08
+\section Media Distributions
+ Postal addresses are given below.
+\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
+ Our latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
+ TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
+ suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
+ tar format, 1 file (36Mb)
+ Send One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format
+ (DC600A or DC6150) with envelope AND stamps for return
+ postage to David Osborne (address below); regret that due to currency
+ exchange difficulties, this service is offered only within the UK.
+\section TeX Implementations for Small Computers
+\subsection PC and Mac disks
+ From January 1994 the UK TeX Users' Group is distributing an
+ emTeX kit for PCs, and an OzTeX kit for Macintosh. The cost
+ covers copying and postage costs, and the shareware fee for
+ OzTeX. Each set costs \pounds30, and is available from
+ Peter Abbott, 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 4LB.
+ Cheques must be payable to `UKTUG'. Please note that this
+ service **is available to UKTUG members only.**
+ Each set comes with an installation guide, and (at least)
+ full TeX and Metafont, a previewer, a PostScript driver, and
+ CM fonts. Two update disks a year will be sent out
+ automatically, with the current version of LaTeXe, and other
+ goodies. A subscription service will be available for
+ subsequent years. In addition, subscribers can request up to
+ 3 disks a year with any material from the CTAN archives, but
+ this will be supplied `as is', without instructions.
+ OzTeX and emTeX are also available on disk from TeX Users Group;
+ mail TUG for details.
+\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
+ Enquiries for TeX for the Atari ST etc. can be directed to:
+ The Fast Club, 7 Musters Road, Nottingham NG2 7PP. Phone
+ 0602 455250, fax 0602 455305. They also supply a variety of
+ TeX-related software in Atari format.
+ Enquiries for disks etc. can also be directed to:
+ The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
+ Internet:
+\section Postage Rates
+ Quarter-inch cartridges: UK: GBP 1.00, Europe: GBP 2.00.
+\section Postal Addresses
+ Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.
+ Peter Abbott
+ 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 4LB
+ Internet:
+ David Osborne
+ Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
+ (for Unix cartridges ONLY -- MUST include stamps for return postage)
+ Internet:
+ TeX Users Group
+ P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, USA.
+ Internet:
+\section UK TeX Users Group
+ Details available from
+ Jonathan Fine, 203 Coldhams Lane, Cambridge CB1 3HY, UK
+ or from
+ Internet:
+ or from
+ World-Wide Web server:
+End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 94 Issue 37]