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+To: UKTeX Distribution: ;
+Subject: UKTeX Digest V94 #35
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Thu, 15 Sep 1994 13:40:15 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+UKTeX Digest Thursday, 15 Sep 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 35
+Today's Topics:
+ Garbage at start of printout
+ Re: Garbage at start of printout
+ Re: Garbage at start of printout
+ Re: Garbage at start of printout
+ "A.W. Bingham": emTeX
+ emTeX
+ BibTeX
+ Re: BibTeX
+ \Bbb font and LaTeX3
+ Re: \Bbb font and LaTeX3
+ AGM and committee elections: reminder
+ Moderators: Peter Abbott (UK TeX Users Group) and
+ David Osborne (University of Nottingham)
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe uktex" or "unsubscribe uktex", [no quotes])
+ E D I T O R ' S N O T E
+ This week's issue appears a day early,
+ due to much-needed editorial holidays (vacation).
+ There will be no UKTeX Digest next week.
+ --Ed.
+Date: 10 Sep 1994 20:08:39 +0100
+From: (Mark Turner)
+Subject: Garbage at start of printout
+I've recently started dabbling with TeX and would like to print out my
+efforts. The problem is that I get garbage instead of the first character
+of my text.
+For example, using the following input file (test.tex)....
+- ---- test.tex ----
+%% Some comments.
+Here is my first \TeX\ sentence.
+- ---- end ----
+....which tex turns into test.dvi, which dvips turns into, which
+I throw at gs using the following command line....
+gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=bj10e
+....then piping through lpr, the printed output looks like....
+- ---- output ----
+````````ere is my first TeX sentence.
+- ---- end ----
+BTW, the TeX does turn out "up and down-ish" as expected.
+The setup here is Linux and a Canon BJ-10sx.
+Any clues would be appreciated.
+Mark Turner,,
+Also but speaking for me rather than PIPEX in this message
+Date: Mon, 12 Sep 1994 20:11:27 -0000
+From: ("Paul L. Allen")
+Subject: Re: Garbage at start of printout
+In article <34t07n$>
+ (Mark Turner) writes:
+> I've recently started dabbling with TeX and would like to print out my
+> efforts. The problem is that I get garbage instead of the first character
+[test file]
+> ....which tex turns into test.dvi, which dvips turns into, which
+> I throw at gs using the following command line....
+Gak! I have to use GhostScript on my machine when somebody sends me a PS
+file and the result (after a l o n g wait) is crap...
+> gs -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=bj10e
+> ....then piping through lpr, the printed output looks like....
+> ---- output ----
+> ````````ere is my first TeX sentence.
+> ---- end ----
+> BTW, the TeX does turn out "up and down-ish" as expected.
+Looks like GS is even crappier than I thought. The \TeX\ in your input
+file should indeed be printed `up and down-ish'.
+> The setup here is Linux and a Canon BJ-10sx.
+I'd try looking for a dvi-driver for the BJ-10sx. Unfortunately the
+only one I know of is dvidot in the emTeX DOS distribution. Some day
+Nelson Beebe may release version 3 of his drivers, until then you're stuck
+with dvidot.
+- --Paul
+Date: 13 Sep 1994 09:08:22 +0100
+From: (Mark Turner)
+Subject: Re: Garbage at start of printout
+In article <>,
+>I'd try looking for a dvi-driver for the BJ-10sx. Unfortunately the
+>only one I know of is dvidot in the emTeX DOS distribution. Some day
+>Nelson Beebe may release version 3 of his drivers, until then you're stuck
+>with dvidot.
+DOS isn't an option I'm afraid, I don't run it on any of my machines.
+I'll carry on looking for a driver, and maybe investigate writing a
+filter to turn the first line back into something useful.
+Hmmm..... wonder what would happen if I put the beast into Epson mode and
+tried to generate Epson compatible output from gs. I'll try that too.
+Date: Wed, 14 Sep 1994 23:11:56 -0000
+From: ("Paul L. Allen")
+Subject: Re: Garbage at start of printout
+In article <353mlm$>
+ (Mark Turner) writes:
+> In article <>,
+> >I'd try looking for a dvi-driver for the BJ-10sx. Unfortunately the
+> >only one I know of is dvidot in the emTeX DOS distribution.
+> DOS isn't an option I'm afraid, I don't run it on any of my machines.
+Windows? emTeX runs under that too.
+> I'll carry on looking for a driver, and maybe investigate writing a
+> filter to turn the first line back into something useful.
+I doubt it's just the first line though, I suspect you'll get random errors
+all over the place...
+> Hmmm..... wonder what would happen if I put the beast into Epson mode and
+> tried to generate Epson compatible output from gs. I'll try that too.
+It might work. It might not. You could treat yourself to a LaserJet -
+plenty of drivers for them...
+- --Paul
+Date: Mon, 12 Sep 1994 09:46:54 +0100
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+Subject: "A.W. Bingham": emTeX
+This message was sent to me as the coordinator for UKTUG electronic
+enquiries. Since I'm not at home (and hence don't have access to my
+emTeX machine and its documentation), I wonder if anyone on the UKTeX
+queries list can deal with it more immediately?
+As a general rule, I can't guarantee to answer questions about TeX
+posted to uktug-enquiries -- it's best to use the UKTeX route, folks!
+- ------- Forwarded Message
+Date: Mon, 12 Sep 1994 09:32:05 +0100 (BST)
+From: "A.W. Bingham" <>
+Subject: emTeX
+Can anyone help?
+I've installed emTex onto my Pentium PC and have a couple of problems
+which I cannot solve.
+1. I have installed the lj and ito font libraries. When I run:
+ dviscr @ito.cnf
+ I CAN view a dvi file.
+ However, when I use the lj fonts and run:
+ dviscr @lj.cnf /ocr=1 /fl=-1 (i.e v.bat)
+ I CAN NOT view a dvi file. Instead the computer hangs and appears to
+ violate memory, forcing me to reboot. I've tried changing the arguments
+ to no avail.
+2. We have a Apple LaseWriter which can be configured to emulate a HP
+ LaserJet+. The printer is attached to the serial COM2 port. When I
+ try to print a dvi file using:
+ dvihplj @ito.cnf /po=com2 /ox+
+ only the first page prints, after that I get nonense. The computer will
+ also again hang when I select the other fonts:
+ dvihplj @lj.cnf /po=com2 /xo+
+Does anyone have any suggesting on how to fix these problems?
+Andy Bingham
+Scott Polar Research Institute
+Date: Wed, 14 Sep 1994 06:51:50 +0000
+From: (Virgil Stokes neuro)
+Subject: BibTeX
+Does anyone have information on the actual running of BibTeX (vers.
+0.99c) under DOS. I recently installed BibTeX; but find it rather awkward
+to work with. First, I have not been able to find any documentation on
+things like error messages, limitation (memory requirements), etc.
+Second, when I try to use a style file ieee.bst (avaiable at CTAN) it
+gives the following:
+ This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (MS-DOS port by D. Vulis/J.Demel)
+ The top-level auxiliary file: c:\Y&YTEX\Latex\bibtest1. .aux
+ The style file: ieee.bst
+ Sorry---you've exceeded BibTeX's buffer size 1000
+ (That was a fatal error)
+What can be done (if anything) to solve this problem?
+- --Thanks (VPS)
+* | *
+* BMC, Neuroscience | Things of quality *
+* Karolinska Institute | have no fear of time. *
+Date: 14 Sep 1994 13:03:54 +0000
+From: (Robin Fairbairns)
+Subject: Re: BibTeX
+In article <>, Virgil Stokes neuro <> wrote:
+>Does anyone have information on the actual running of BibTeX (vers.
+>0.99c) under DOS. I recently installed BibTeX; but find it rather awkward
+>to work with. First, I have not been able to find any documentation on
+>things like error messages, limitation (memory requirements), etc.
+>Second, when I try to use a style file ieee.bst (avaiable at CTAN) it
+>gives the following:
+> This is BibTeX, Version 0.99c (MS-DOS port by D. Vulis/J.Demel)
+> The top-level auxiliary file: c:\Y&YTEX\Latex\bibtest1. .aux
+> The style file: ieee.bst
+> Sorry---you've exceeded BibTeX's buffer size 1000
+> (That was a fatal error)
+>What can be done (if anything) to solve this problem?
+I recommend at least trying the rather new emTeX betatest BibTeX,
+which is available on
+I haven't tried it myself, but the documentation does say (inter alia)
+ - The maximum length if input lines (.aux file) has been increased
+ from 1000 to 2000 characters
+ - The maximum number of wizard-defined functions has been increased
+ from 3000 to 5000
+If you still have problems, look to see if your copy of ieee.bst has
+proper line terminations in it. If BibTeX isn't seeing the end of
+line, it may try and load the whole file into a buffer intended for
+just one line.
+Robin (Campaign for the Third Programme) Fairbairns
+U of Cambridge Computer Lab, Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QG, UK
+Private page:
+Date: Thu, 15 Sep 1994 10:48:00 -0700
+From: Karsten Strobek <>
+Subject: \Bbb font and LaTeX3
+Do you still need AmSTeX to produce the \Bbb font, if you use LaTeX3 or can
+you do without?
+I am thinking about something like
+$f\in{\Bbb R}^n$
+or someting like that.
+Karsten Strobek
+Institute of Economics Phone: +45 35 32 30 25
+University of Copenhagen Fax: +45 35 32 30 00
+Studiestraede 6 Internet:
+DK-1455 Copenhagen K
+Date: Thu, 15 Sep 1994 09:49:10 +0100
+From: Sebastian Rahtz <Sebastian.Rahtz@CL.CAM.AC.UK>
+Subject: Re: \Bbb font and LaTeX3
+well, you'll need the AMS fonts installed at least. and latex2e by
+default doesnt defined \Bbb. you'll need to install the amslatex
+stuff, and use the `amsfonts' package
+Date: Tue, 13 Sep 1994 17:38:04 +0200
+From: (Rosemary Bailey)
+Subject: AGM and committee elections: reminder
+ Final Announcement of Annual General Meeting
+The Annual General Meeting of the UKTUG will be held at 1030 on
+ Wednesday 19~October 1994 at the University of Warwick,
+in the Staff Club `Quiet Room' in Rootes Building.
+A draft agenda for the meeting is in Baskerville 4.4.
+Lunch will be available after the AGM, and will be followed by an ordinary
+meeting on {\it What's up doc?} Further details of the afternoon meeting,
+including a booking form, are in Baskerville 4.4.
+There is no charge for the AGM itself, but members who wish to stay for the
+afternoon meeting will have to pay. Non-members are not permitted to
+participate in the AGM but are welcome to attend the afternoon meeting.
+All members of the UK TeX Users' Group are urged to attend the AGM.
+Agenda item~11 specifically seeks your opinion on future meetings:
+where? when? how often? what topics? talks or training?
+regular or flexible schedule? The Committee
+needs your input in order to plan the meetings that the membership wants.
+The Constitution contains the following clauses:
+17. The annual general meeting of the UKTUG shall be held in the
+United Kingdom not later than the last day of November in each year
+on a date and at a time to be fixed by the Committee and notified
+to members at least 35 days in advance for the following purposes---
+(1) to receive from the Committee a report balance sheet and statement of
+accounts for the preceding financial year
+(2) to fill the vacancies in the Committee and to appoint auditors for the
+ensuing year
+(3) to decide on any motion which may be proposed to the meeting in the
+manner provided below
+(4) to fix the entrance fee (if any) and annual subscription
+18. Any member desirous of proposing any motion at the
+annual general meeting shall give notice in writing to the secretary not
+later than 14 days before the date of such meeting
+23. No amendment (other than a motion for adjournment) shall be moved to any
+motion proposed at any annual or special general meeting unless written notice
+of the amendment shall have been sent to the secretary prior to the meeting
+I think that Clauses 17(3), 18 and 23 are self-explanatory.
+Having seen the draft agenda in Baskerville, anyone wishing to propose
+any other motion to the AGM must send me, in writing, the text of the
+proposed motion and their own name and address, to reach me by
+5~October 1994. If there are any changes to the draft agenda,
+the final agenda will be sent to members in the 14 days before
+the AGM. Anyone wishing, at that stage, to move
+any amendment to any motion, must send me, in writing, the text of
+the proposed amendment and their own name and address, to reach me
+by 18 October 1994.
+As for vacancies on the Committee, C. A. Rowley will continue as Chair in
+1994--94 and P. Abbott as Treasurer and Membership Secretary.
+M. Clark, J. Fine and A. S. A. Jeffrey are eligible and willing to continue
+their Committee membership. C. Hewlett and R. Fairbairns must retire but are
+eligible and willing to stand for re-election.
+Thus there are up to 7 vacancies to be filled, and at least
+5 nominations are needed from outside the present Committee.
+The following parts of Clause 10 describe the procedure for
+filling these vacancies:
+(3) Any two members who are individuals may nominate any member or
+members of the group who are individuals to fill any of the vacancies
+by giving at least 7~days notice in writing to the secretary
+(4) If there are more nominations than vacancies then the membership
+will be decided by an election by single transferable vote in which
+every member of the UKTUG who is an individual and is present at the
+annual general meeting shall be entitled but not obliged to vote
+Nominations for committee members in accordance with the above
+sub-clauses are thus being sought. Written nominations for new committee
+members should be sent to me, to reach me by 12~October 1994.
+There is no official nomination form. If you like, you may use the
+forms provided in Baskerville 4.3 and Baskerville 4.4. Otherwise,
+what you send me should contain, clearly and legibly,
+ ---name and address of nominee
+ ---declaration that (s)he is willing to stand for this
+ office, signed by the nominee
+ ---name and address of the nominator
+ ---statement nominating the nominee, signed by the
+ nominator
+ ---name and address of seconder
+ ---statement in support of the nomination, signed by
+ the seconder.
+The nominee, nominator and seconder should all be members of the UKTUG,
+and the last two should be different from each other.
+Once elected, the Committee appoints officers from its membership.
+Your present secretary is retiring (forced to under Clause 10(1)) and
+there is at present no Publicity person. Anyone with talents for either
+of these jobs is strongly encouraged to stand for election to the Committee.
+In all the above, `in writing' means `on paper', not email.
+Please put `UKTUG' on the outside of the envelope when you send me any
+of the above. Otherwise, people may find themselves elected to the
+wrong committee.
+My address is
+School of Mathematical Sciences
+Queen Mary and Westfield College
+Mile End Road
+London E1 4NS
+R. A. Bailey, Honorary Secretary, UK TeX Users' Group
+ UK TeX Archive
+ >>> <<<
+ Part of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN)
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+\section Files of Interest
+ tex-archive/00Contents
+ tex-archive/CTAN.sites
+ tex-archive/FILES.bydate
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+ tex-archive/README.archive-features
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+ tex-archive/README.uploads
+\section Digests
+ This year's UKTeX back issues are stored in the archive in directory
+ tex-archive/digests/uktex/94
+ This year's TeXhax back issues are stored in the archive in directory
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/94
+ Latest TeXhax: V94 #08
+\section Media Distributions
+ Postal addresses are given below.
+\subsection Washington Unix TeX distribution tape
+ Our latest copy of May/June 1991 contains:
+ TeX 3.14, LaTeX 2.09, Metafont 2.7, plus many utilities
+ suitable for Unix 4.2/4.3BSD & System V
+ tar format, 1 file (36Mb)
+ Send One Quarter-Inch Cartridge, QIC-120 or QIC-150 format
+ (DC600A or DC6150) with envelope AND stamps for return
+ postage to David Osborne (address below); regret that due to currency
+ exchange difficulties, this service is offered only within the UK.
+\section TeX Implementations for Small Computers
+\subsection PC and Mac disks
+ From January 1994 the UK TeX Users' Group is distributing an
+ emTeX kit for PCs, and an OzTeX kit for Macintosh. The cost
+ covers copying and postage costs, and the shareware fee for
+ OzTeX. Each set costs \pounds30, and is available from
+ Peter Abbott, 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 4LB.
+ Cheques must be payable to `UKTUG'. Please note that this
+ service **is available to UKTUG members only.**
+ Each set comes with an installation guide, and (at least)
+ full TeX and Metafont, a previewer, a PostScript driver, and
+ CM fonts. Two update disks a year will be sent out
+ automatically, with the current version of LaTeXe, and other
+ goodies. A subscription service will be available for
+ subsequent years. In addition, subscribers can request up to
+ 3 disks a year with any material from the CTAN archives, but
+ this will be supplied `as is', without instructions.
+ OzTeX and emTeX are also available on disk from TeX Users Group;
+ mail TUG for details.
+\subsection TeX for the Atari ST
+ Enquiries for TeX for the Atari ST etc. can be directed to:
+ The Fast Club, 7 Musters Road, Nottingham NG2 7PP. Phone
+ 0602 455250, fax 0602 455305. They also supply a variety of
+ TeX-related software in Atari format.
+ Enquiries for disks etc. can also be directed to:
+ The South West Software Library, P.O. Box 562, Wimborne, Dorset BH21 2YD
+ Internet:
+\section Postage Rates
+ Quarter-inch cartridges: UK: GBP 1.00, Europe: GBP 2.00.
+\section Postal Addresses
+ Please include SELF-ADDRESSED ADHESIVE LABELS for return postage.
+ Peter Abbott
+ 1 Eymore Close, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 4LB
+ Internet:
+ David Osborne
+ Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD
+ (for Unix cartridges ONLY -- MUST include stamps for return postage)
+ Internet:
+ TeX Users Group
+ P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, USA.
+ Internet:
+\section UK TeX Users Group
+ Details available from
+ Jonathan Fine, 203 Coldhams Lane, Cambridge CB1 3HY, UK
+ or from
+ Internet:
+ or from
+ World-Wide Web server:
+End of UKTeX Digest [Volume 94 Issue 35]