path: root/info/digests/ttn/ttn3n4.sty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/ttn/ttn3n4.sty')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/ttn/ttn3n4.sty b/info/digests/ttn/ttn3n4.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..af9dc21a38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/ttn/ttn3n4.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+%% IMPORTANT NOTICE: You *MUST* use this version, ttn3n4.sty,
+%% dated OCT 1994 in order to run vol.3, no.4 of
+%% _TeX and TUG NEWS_. (Ch. Thiele, Editor, TTN).
+\input report.sty %% default report style, 10pt font
+\typeout{Version 3.4 -- Oct. 94}
+\overfullrule=0pt \hfuzz=5pt
+\font\Sectionfont=cmbxsl10 scaled \magstep2 %% \Large = 14.40pt
+%% \Subsectionfont isn't used anymore
+%% \font\Subsectionfont=cmbxsl10 scaled \magstep1 %% \large = 12pt
+\font\subsectionbit=cmbxti10 scaled\magstep1 %% bold italic 12pt
+\font\subsectiontt=cmtt10 scaled\magstep1 %% 12pt \tt (2 JAN 94)
+\font\bsl=cmbxsl10 %% bold slant 10pt
+\font\unsl=cmu10 %% unslant 10pt for
+ %% upright pound sign
+%test for nfss as suggested by Johannes Braams (cjc, 1992.10)
+ \ifx\undefined\selectfont
+ % If NFSS is not preloaded, do nothing.
+ \else
+ % If NFSS has been preloaded, we need the following:
+ % \font\tenmi=cmmi10 % or better yet:
+ \def\tenmi{\fontfamily{cmm}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{it}%
+ \fontsize{10}{12pt}\selectfont}
+ \fi
+ \hrule\hrule \vskip.5pc
+ {\Sectionfont #1}
+ \vskip.5pc \hrule\hrule
+ \vskip1pc
+ }
+ }
+%% The following macro hasn't been used since the prototype:
+%% Reggie's \Subsection (6 MAY 91): %% 15 JAN 92: not used in 1,1
+%% \newcommand{\Subsection}[1]{\subsection*{\centering%
+%% \centerline{\vrule width 6cm height .5pt} \vskip 6pt
+%% {{\Subsectionfont #1}}
+%% \centerline{\vrule width 6cm height .5pt} \vskip 6pt
+%% }
+%% }
+%% 24 MAY 93: The following macro introduced in TTN 2,3 (written by
+%% Jeremy Gibbons):
+% \squashedsubsection{foo}{bar} gives similar results to
+% \subsection*{foo}
+% \vspace*{-1.5pc}
+% \begin{flushright} bar \end{flushright}
+% \noindent
+% except you don't have to guess the 1.5pc.
+% NB: no attempt is made to avoid overlap!
+ \subsection*{%
+ \hbox to \linewidth{%
+ #1% subsection title
+ \hfil%
+ \llap{\normalsize%
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{r@{}}
+ #2% byline
+ \end{tabular}}%
+ }%
+ }%
+%% 29 SEP 93: added the following (adapted from a macro in
+%% Chris/Frank's report in TTN 2,4:
+ \paragraph*}
+%% 11 JAN 92: added \bibentry, a hanging indent biblio style (Ch.)
+ \hangafter=1
+ \noindent \sloppy
+ \clubpenalty500 \widowpenalty500
+ \frenchspacing
+ }
+%% 3 FEB 92: Jackie Damrau provided this:
+ {\end{verse}}
+%% 8 MAR 93: Peter Schmitt added this for his column.
+%% [7 APR 94: Note that it is no longer clear what ``this''
+%% refers to, since there have been several updates
+%% to Peter's macros over the years --Ch.]
+%% 1 JUN 93: added: = for slanted
+%% \etext, \etexts, \Etexts:
+%% for electronic publications
+%% changed: \book
+%% (a) to allow controlword at the end of title
+%% (b) to work better with \ISBN
+%% 13 DEC 93: added: \article, \articles, \Articles:
+%% for papers, reviews, articles
+%% 20 MAR 94: added: \article for articles
+%% changed: _ and = together with \sDef
+%% to insert the italic correction \/
+%% added: \| for forcing line breaks in titles
+\newenvironment{New Publications}%
+%% begin text
+ {
+ \hyphenation{news-letter}
+% tools for defining active characters
+ \def\Def##1{\catcode`##1\active
+ \uccode`\~`##1\uppercase{\uccode`\~0 \def~}}
+ \def\sDef##1##2##3{\catcode`##1\active
+ \uccode`\~`##1\uppercase{\uccode`\~0 \def~####1~}{{##2####1##3}}}
+% macros for formatting items
+ \def\article ##1##2: ##3##4\par ##5:##6\par {%
+ \iflist \else \openlist \fi
+ {\frenchspacing
+ \item [##1##2.]
+ \ifx ##3\|##3``\ignorespaces##4\unskip''.
+ \else ``##3##4\unskip''. \fi
+ \\{\it##5\/}:##6\penalty10000\hfill\hbox{}}}
+ \def\book ##1##2:##3\par ##4\par {%
+ \iflist \else \openlist \fi
+ {\frenchspacing
+ \item [##1##2.] {\sl##3\unskip\/}.\\##4\penalty10000\hfill\hbox{}}}
+ \def\etext ##1##2:##3\par {%
+ \iflist \else \openlist \fi
+ {\frenchspacing
+ \item [##1##2.] {\sl##3\unskip\/}.}}
+ \def\issue ##1##2:##3\par {%
+ \iflist \else \openlist \fi
+ {\frenchspacing
+ \item [{\sl##1##2\/}:] ##3}}
+% macros for marking subsections
+ \def\books{}
+ \def\Etexts{%
+ \iflist \closelist \fi
+ \subsection*{Electronic publications}
+ \etexts}
+ \def\etexts{\Def\>{\etext}}
+ \def\articles{\Def\>{\article}}
+ \def\Articles{%
+ \iflist \closelist \fi
+ \subsection*{Articles on \TeX}
+ \articles}
+ \def\newsletters{\Def\>{\issue}\Def\#{\newline}}
+ \def\Newsletters{%
+ \iflist \closelist \fi
+ \subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}
+ \newsletters}
+% font switches
+ \sDef\|{\tt} {}
+ \sDef\_{\it} {\/}
+ \sDef\"{\small} {}
+ \sDef\={\sl} {\/}
+% auxiliary macros
+ \def\ISBN##1-##2-##3-##4{\penalty10000\hfil\hbox{}\hskip0pt\relax
+ \hbox{\isbn\ ##1-##2-##3-##4}}
+ \Def\&{{\rm and}}
+ \Def\#{\\$\bullet$}
+ \Def\>{\book}
+ \Def<##1 \\{\iflist \closelist \fi
+ {\parfillskip0pt\parskip0pt\parindent0pt
+ \hskip0pt\hfil##1\par}}
+% for linebreaks where LaTeX's \\ does not work (after item)
+ \def\|{\hfill\break}
+% macros managing the description environment
+ \def\openlist{\begin{description}\let\iflist\iftrue}
+ \def\closelist{\end{description}\let\iflist\iffalse}
+ \let\iflist\iffalse
+% start page
+ \Section{New Publications}
+ }%
+%% 9 JUL 94: JUST FOR THIS ISSUE: remove \newpage from this macro, so
+%% that I can control the page break and put something else
+%% on the bottom of Publications section (Ch.)
+%%%%%%% %% end text
+%%%%%%% {\iflist \closelist \fi
+%%%%%%% \newpage}
+%% end text
+{\iflist \closelist \fi}
+%% 7 OCT 93: Jeremy Gibbons added this for TTN 2,4 (and described it
+%% in his column):
+% myfootnote.sty
+% incorporate plain TeX's trickery into LaTeX's footnote macros to allow
+% \verb"..." within footnotes (argument to \footnote is not read before
+% it is executed)
+ \insert\footins\bgroup
+ \footnotesize
+ \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty
+ \splittopskip\footnotesep
+ \splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
+ \hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore
+ \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark}%
+ \@makefntext{\rule{\z@}{\footnotesep}\ignorespaces}%
+ \futurelet\next\fo@t %% #1\strut\egroup
+\def\fo@t{\ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\next \let\next\f@@t
+ \else \let\next\f@t\fi \next}
+%% Abbreviations and Logos (some copped from tugboat.cmn):
+%% \LaTeXe is the logo for \LaTeX2e:
+\newcommand{\LaTeXe} %% used in TTN 2,4 (Ch.)
+ {\LaTeX{}\kern.05em2$_{\textstyle\varepsilon}$}
+%% for the METAFONT logo font:
+\font\manual=manfnt %% logo10
+\newcommand{\MF}{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}
+\newcommand{\MFB}{{\sl The \MF book\/}} %% added 2 JAN 94 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\PS}{{\sc Post\-Script}}
+\newcommand{\TB}{{\sl The \TeX book\/}} %% added 2 JAN 94 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\TTN}{{\sl\TeX{} and TUG NEWS\/}}
+\newcommand{\TUG}{\TeX{} Users Group}
+\newcommand{\TUB}{{\sl TUGboat\/}}
+\newcommand{\ascii}{{\small ASCII}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 28 SEP 93 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\act}{{\small ACT}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 28 SEP 93 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\cdrom}{{\small CD-ROM}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 2 JUL 94 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\ctan}{{\small CTAN}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 30 DEC 93 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\Cyrtug}{{\sl CyrTUG}} %% added 30 OCT 94 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\dante}{{\small DANTE}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 28 SEP 93 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\fax}{{\small FAX}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 15 OCT 92 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\ftp}{{\small FTP}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 21 JUN 93 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\isbn}{{\small ISBN}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 30 SEP 92 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\iso}{{\small ISO}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 30 DEC 93 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\issn}{{\small ISSN}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 30 SEP 92 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\nfss}{{\small NFSS}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 30 SEP 92 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\ntg}{{\small NTG}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 30 DEC 93 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\pim}{{\small PIM}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 28 SEP 93 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\ttn}{{\small TTN}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 30 SEP 92 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\tug}{{\small TUG}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 30 SEP 92 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\twg}{{\small TWG}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 30 DEC 93 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\uk}{{\small UK}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 15 OCT 92 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\unix}{{\small UNIX}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 27 MAR 93 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\usa}{{\small USA}\spacefactor = 1000 } %% added 30 DEC 93 (Ch.)
+\renewcommand{\pounds}{{\unsl\$}} %% added 15 OCT 92 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\GUTenberg}{{\small GUT}enberg} %% added 2 FEB 93 (Ch.)
+%% 4 FEB 92: improved versions of LaTeX, and (La)TeX macros:
+\newcommand{\La}{\TestCount=\the\fam \leavevmode L\raise.42ex
+ \hbox{$\fam\TestCount\scriptstyle\kern-.3em A$}}
+\newcommand{\AmSTeX}{{\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox
+ {\the\textfont2 M}\kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}-\TeX}
+\newcommand{\AmSLaTeX}{{\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox
+ {\the\textfont2 M}\kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}-\LaTeX}
+\newcommand{\BibTeX}{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025emb}\kern-.08em\TeX}}
+ /\kern-.125em\smash{\lower.3ex\hbox{o}}} \ignorespaces}
+%% 24 MAY 93: added PiCTeX macro (Ch.):
+\newcommand{\PiC}{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075em C}
+%% 26 SEP 93: added SLiTeX macro (Ch.):
+%% 7 APR 94: this def'n removed; apparently no longer needed (Ch.)
+%% \newcommand{\SLiTeX}{{\rm S\kern-.06em{\sc l\kern-.035emi}\kern-.06em\TeX}}
+\newcommand{\TeCH}{{\rm T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125em{\sf CH}}}
+\newcommand{\TeXline}{{\TeX\kern-0.1em line}}
+%% 28 JAN 93: from Phil Taylor:
+%% Miscellaneous:
+%% CHANGES FROM ttn1-1.sty to ttn1-2.sty:
+%% 25 MAY 92: changed \smc to \sc in \BiBTeX def'n (Ch.)
+%% added \AmSLaTeX def'n (Ch.)
+%% 14 JUN 92: added \TeXline def (Ch.)
+%% CHANGES from ttn1-2.sty to ttn1-3.sty:
+%% 10 SEP 92: Jackie added {ttnlist}
+%% 24 MAY 93: uncommented \bsl def (cmbxsl10) (Ch.)
+%% added \PiCTeX macro (Ch.)
+%% CHANGES from ttn2n3 to ttn2n4:
+%% -- changed a lot of \def's to \newcommand (Ch.)
+%% -- added several new {\small ...} macros
+%% -- revised \subsubsection to be \paragraph*
+%% -- added Jeremy Gibbons' footnote macro (does \verb|...| now)
+%% CHANGES from ttn2n4 to ttn3n1:
+%% -- included Flynn's keybox.tex macros into this TTN .sty file
+%% -- replaced Peter Schmitt's macros with an augmented update version
+%% -- added \small CTAN, ISO
+%% -- added \TB and \MFB (TeXbook, Metafont book)
+%% -- added \tt at 12pt for \subsection size
+%% -- added \LaTeXe macro from TTN 2,4
+%% CHANGES from ttn3n1 to ttn3n2:
+%% -- removed Peter Flynn's keybox.tex macros
+%% -- added Flynn's shadebox.sty
+%% -- replaced Peter Schmitt's macros with a new updated version
+%% -- added \let\p=\phantom
+%% CHANGES from ttn3n2 to ttn3n3:
+%% -- removed Peter Flynn's shadebox.sty
+%% -- added \small CD-ROM (\cdrom)
+%% -- JUST FOR THIS ISSUE: removed \newpage from Peter Schmitt's
+%% all-inclusive macro defs, to allow me to put something else
+%% at the bottom of his section, and _then_ do a \newpage (Ch.)
+%% -- added \spacefactor1000 to all \small defn's (Ch.)
+%% CHANGES from ttn3n3 to ttn3n4:
+%% -- added def for `CyrTUG'
+%% -- correction: \spacefactor1000} --> \spacefactor = 1000 } (Ch.)