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+%% This file contains all materials for TTN 3,2 (1994).
+%% IMPORTANT NOTICE #1: You *MUST* use version 3.2 of the TTN style
+%% file, called ttn3n2.sty.
+%% IMPORTANT NOTICE #2: Look for the \message command and read
+%% the instructions on using/circumventing
+%% the DC fonts, needed for a few characters in
+%% one item.
+%% (Ch. Thiele, Editor, TTN).
+\documentstyle[twoside]{ttn3n2} %% Version 3.2, April 1994
+% 1992.2.27: fix for underfull hboxes suggested by Phil Taylor (CJC)
+\tolerance = 1817 \hbadness = \tolerance
+%% Cover 1:
+%% For camera copy file, replace this page with material from file
+%% camera-copy-cover.tex
+ Volume 3, Number 2
+ April 1994
+\hrule height2pt
+ \Huge \TeX\ and TUG NEWS
+\hrule height2pt
+ for and by the \TeX\ community
+ A Publication of the\\
+ \TeX\ Users Group\\
+ Electronic version
+} %% end of \Large
+%% COVER 2 (editorial information):
+ {\Sectionfont\TeX{} and TUG NEWS}
+{\small \baselineskip=10pt
+\begin{center} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}
+ \begin{tabular}{||lp{9.5cm}||}
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\bf Mission Statement} \\ [6pt]
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{2}{||l||}{The \TUG\ (\tug) provides leadership:} \\
+ 1. & to encourage and expand the use of \TeX, \MF, and related
+ systems \\
+ 2. & to ensure the integrity and portability of \TeX, \MF, and
+ related systems \\
+ 3. & to foster innovation in high-quality electronic document
+ preparation \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+\noindent \TTN\ is a newsletter for \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} users alike:
+{\em a forum for exchanging information, tips and suggestions\/}; {\em
+a regular means of communicating news items to one another\/}; {\em a
+place where information about \TeX{} and TUG can be quickly
+Throughout the newsletter ``\TeX'' is understood to mean \TeX, \LaTeX,
+\AmSTeX, and other related programs and macros. \TTN\ is produced with
+the standard \LaTeX{} distribution, and is to be as portable a document
+as possible.
+The entire contents of this newsletter are being placed in the public
+domain. The source file of this issue will be placed in the CTAN
+archives. Copying and reprinting are encouraged; however, an
+acknowledgement specifying \TTN\ as the source would be appreciated.
+Submissions to \TTN\ should be short, the macros must work, and the
+files {\bf must} run without special font or graphics requirements:
+this is to be a {\em portable\/} newsletter (the new font selection
+scheme has not yet been implemented). Correspondence may be sent via
+e-mail to {\tt} with the subject line {\tt NEWSLETTER}\@.
+Advertisements are accepted in \ttn: contact the \tug\ office for
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ \bf \TUG & Phone: & +1 (805) 963-1338 \\
+ P.O.\ Box 869 & \fax: & +1 (805) 963-8358 \\
+ Santa Barbara, CA 93102 USA & E-mail: & \tt \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\TeX{} is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
+\par} %% end of \small \baselineskip=10pt
+{\footnotesize \baselineskip=9.5pt
+\noindent \TTN\ (ISSN 1065-240X) is published quarterly by the \TeX\
+Users Group, 735 State Street, P.O.\ Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102,
+U.S.A\@. The 1994 dues for individual members are \$60.00 for regular
+members and \$30.00 for students.
+Second-class postage paid at Santa Barbara, CA, and additional mailing
+offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to \TTN, \TeX\ Users Group,
+P.O.\ Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, U.S.A.
+Membership in the \TeX\ Users Group is for the calendar year, and
+includes all issues of {\sl TUGboat} and {\sl \TeX\ and TUG NEWS\/}
+for the year in which membership begins or is renewed. Individual
+membership is open only to named individuals, and carries with it such
+rights and responsibilities as voting in the annual election.
+\par} %% end of \footnotesize \baselineskip=9.5pt
+%% Editorial (p.1):
+\markboth{\TTN\quad Vol.\ 3, No.\ 2, 1994}
+ {\TTN\quad Vol.\ 3, No.\ 2, 1994}
+\setcounter{page}{1} %% to set first page of contents to p.1
+We're back again, with another issue of news and helpful hints from
+our regular columnists.
+Peter Flynn's back (pp.\ 3--5) with more tidbits on typesetting ---
+and yet another nifty little {\tt .sty} file you'll probably want to
+acquire. New Publications by Peter Schmitt continues to include
+articles about \TeX\ --- if you know of any, please get in touch with
+him (pp.\ 6--7). Jeremy's column has some pretty neat stuff too ---
+see pages 8--12. However, this will the last column for Robert Becker
+(pp.\ 17--19), who's moving on to other interests. I'd like to thank
+him for the columns he's given us, and for his hints in the current
+In \ttn\ 2,2:20, I reported on {\sl La Lettre GUTenberg\/}, and that
+it was going to use a different font in each issue. They're now on
+issue no.~3, and so far, they've kept to their word: {\sl Rotis\/} was
+used in no.~0, {\sl Stone} in no.~1, and now {\sl Lucida-Bright\/} in
+no.~3. From now on, we'll make a note of the font in our New
+Publications column --- you might consider becoming a member of
+\GUTenberg, if only for the font samples! And perhaps we could
+inveigle someone to bring sample copies to post at the annual meeting
+this summer. It's quite a nice treat to see these issues.
+Contests? Were you mildly intrigued by the last one? We have winners!
+But we have an even better contest lined up for you now! Go to page 28
+and find out more. And for those who've been reading {\sl La Lettre
+GUTenberg\/}, they've had a few interesting ideas as well!
+But we mustn't forget the first contest we ran: the ``A-in-\LaTeX''
+contest results are in! And the winners are:
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ Basic solution: & Peter Schmitt \\
+ Elegant and sophisticated solution:
+ & Jonathan Fine and Jean-luc Doumont \\
+ Guru solution: & nobody \dots \\
+ \end{tabular}
+Their full-blown, glorious solutions will be appearing in the next
+\TUB\ issue (sorry, we don't have the space here). Congratulations to the
+winners, and to all those who sat down and argued with \TeX\ and
+\LaTeX\ for a while.
+\subsubsection{Membership numbers are coming!}
+Starting with the 1994 members, we will finally be assigning
+membership numbers. This was to have been sent out with the \tug'94
+registration material, but there's been a bit of a delay. You will be
+receiving your membership number (which will always be yours, as long
+as you're a \tug\ member) via e-mail or regular mail during the next
+two months or so. And eventually this number will appear on all
+mailing labels. We just need a little more time to get all the bugs
+worked out. By July, we should all be tagged, though {\tt ;-)}.
+More from the office front: some of you may have noticed what seem
+like long delays in e-mail traffic, or even complete silence to your
+queries. It's because of the {\tt uucp} connection which we currently
+have --- recently, it's been really unstable. Please --- if you are
+corresponding with the office, it might be more effective (and less
+frustrating) if you use \fax\ or regular mail for the next while. We
+expect to change the network connections and upgrade to a proper link,
+but in the interim \dots\
+\subsubsection{Getting these newsletters out.}
+{\it Mea culpa\/}! The last issue's Table of Contents page bears the
+date 199{\bf 1}! It should of course have read 199{\bf 4}.
+Have you ever been working in {\tt report.sty}, and found that
+cross-referenced labels start with zero: e.g., Fig.~0.1? Maddening
+when you're really too busy to try and figure this one out. I found it
+maddening \dots\ it was in Peter Flynn's column. Solution? Insert
+\verb|\setcounter{chapter}{1}| to force the ``0'' to kick up to ``1'':
+we're usually so busy writing up our sections and subsections and
+subsubsections that we forget that above ``section'' in the \LaTeX\
+hierarchy comes ``chapter'' (and above that, there's
+Another command I've found occasionally useful is
+\verb|\centering{...}|\ts, rather than the more usual \verb|\begin ...
+And finally, some new elements we're considering: (a) occasional
+updates on \ctan; (b) carrying want ads (``Looking for signed copy of
+the \TB'' or ``Selling all my \TUB''); and (c) news from vendors.
+The \ctan\ updates would include such information as the following:
+{\small \baselineskip=10.5pt
+ After you ftp over to a \ctan\ node, you probably sit there and try
+ to think ``now where would they store {\tt xxxxx.sty}?''. Instead
+ of digging through the whole archive, try this: {\tt quote site
+ index} $< filename >$. {\small AND USE LOWERCASE}!! It's
+ case-sensitive and there was a bit of confusion in some early
+ documentation. But give it a try. And feel less intimidated next
+ time you step up to the ftp plate. Note: if you turn off messaging
+ by using a hyphen as the first character of your password, this
+ won't work.
+For want ads, we need to first see if there's a wide-spread demand for
+this. Send your comments and suggestions to {\tt}.
+And with this issue, I've started a subsection in the \AllTeX\ column
+called ``News from vendors'', since I keep getting their flyers! I
+don't pretend that this is all the news that's out there --- consider
+it a sampling. Send your comments and reactions to me as well.
+Well, I've had my say here for this issue --- hope you enjoy reading
+the rest of it! And plan on coming to Santa Barbara --- it's going to
+be a terrific 15th anniversary meeting: see pp.\ 22--23 for the
+prelimary program.
+ Christina Thiele\\
+ Editor, \TTN
+%% Typographer's Inn (Peter Flynn column) (pp.2-3):
+\Section{Typographer's Inn}
+ Peter Flynn \\
+ University College Cork \\
+ \tt
+\hyphenation{pa-ra-me-ters au-to-ma-ting helico-pter}
+\parfillskip=\parindent plus1fil
+\subsection*{Shady practice}
+A call for help on the {\tt comp.text.tex} Usenet newsgroup a while
+back asked how to create a shaded box superimposed on a word like
+\shade{this}. I cooked up a macro to do it, and posted it on the
+newsgroup, but since then I've been experimenting with more general
+applications and come up with some twiddles which could be useful in
+I'm not going to show them here: if they're ready in time they might
+be in a paper to the annual conference at the \TeX\ Users Group
+Meeting (this year it's in Santa Barbara, California,
+July~31--August~4). Book early for a seat: if you use, support or sell
+\TeX, this is the one show you can't afford to~miss.
+\subsection*{Ditto marks}
+Chet Creider of the University of Western Ontario has noticed that
+grammars published in England have a distinctive `ditto' mark
+consisting of a right double quote at the same level as a comma
+(Wright \& Wright's {\em An Elementary Old English Grammar} [OUP]) but
+American ones did not (Smyth, {\em Greek Grammar} [Harvard]). He asks
+if this has been implemented in~\TeX/\LaTeX.
+I know some non-English-language implementations of \TeX\ used to
+define open-quotes ,,like this``, and the DC fonts do it with extra
+sorts, but I have also seen ditto marks using commas cast at the
+x-height, and I have used these in Fig.~\ref{widths}. What do other
+people use? That is if they use anything\ts---\ts with
+computer-generated tables, ditto marks are not used to avoid having to
+reset the same word or number over and over again, but I feel they
+have a valid place as they indicate explicitly what the eye may miss
+in scanning large amounts of figures: exactly where a repeated value
+ceases to~repeat.
+In January, our editor Christina posted the table in Fig.~\ref{widths}
+to the {\tt TYPO-L} mailing list. It shows the result of setting five
+pages of text in different fonts. The differences are due to the `set'
+of each font, which is a measure of the horizontal space that an
+alphabet will occupy (and which foundries used to quote as part of the
+specifications of a font). My gripe a while back was that Palatino
+(for example) was implemented with too narrow a set in the
+ & {\bf Lines} &{\bf 5 pages} \\
+{\bf Font face} &{\bf per page}&{\bf `normal'}\\
+\strut Times New Roman& 43 & 4.5\phantom{0} \\
+Palatino & \ditto & 4.75 \\
+Computer Modern & \ditto & 4.7\phantom{0} \\
+New Century Schoolbook& \ditto & 5\phantom{.00} \\
+Pandora & 42 & \ditto\phantom{.00} \\
+\caption{Set widths in various fonts.}\label{widths}}
+Frans Goddijn from the Netherlands pointed out that Huib van Krimpen,
+the Dutch typographer, in a lecture for the \ntg\ (Dutch \TeX\ users
+group), went into detail on the very exact calculations a typographer
+has to make before deciding how to change fonts or layout, and
+remarked dryly that `using a {\small DTP} computer for typesetting is
+not the same as doing typography. But from the prints you see, it is
+obvious that many [people] {\em think} they are\dots'~\ I hope he
+wasn't referring to~\TeX.
+Christina also recommends Alex White's {\em How to Spec Type}
+[Watson-Guptill Publications, New York, 1987], and Tony Galt from
+Wisconsin says that those interested in Zapf and Palatino (and his
+other faces) might enjoy {\em Twentieth Century Type Designers} by
+Sebastian Carter [Taplinger,~1987].
+\subsection*{Interletter spacing}
+I didn't think I'd opened such a can of worms when I mentioned this
+topic. I've had both praise and brickbats, and a reminder of Frederick
+Goudy's statement that ``anyone who would letterspace [lower case]
+would steal~sheep''.
+I've even been taken to task by a colleague on my own campus who
+regrets abandoning her antique wordprocessor (on a {\small DEC}
+Rainbow, no less) for a more supportable product because the new
+program refuses to letterspace, and she feels adjusting the
+interletter spacing on loose or tight lines is an elegant addition to
+justified text. We've agreed to disagree on this~one.
+On a more technical note, I've had an interesting set of results from
+Wally Martin in Toledo, Ohio, who has made some experiments in
+adjusting the character widths in the {\tt .tfm} files for BitStream
+fonts and for a TrueType version of Bodoni (see
+Fig.~\ref{bodoni})\footnote[1]{For the purposes of portability, this
+does not use Bodoni, but the original PostScript file can be retrieved
+by anonymous {\tt ftp} from {\tt} as {\tt
+pub/tex/bodoni.eps}} using Personal \TeX's \hbox{PC-\TeX}
+The experiments used some of the BitStream utilities provided with
+\hbox{PC-\TeX}, their TrueType-to-{\tt tfm} for MS-Windows, and the
+normal {\tt tftopl} and {\tt pltotf} programs. He notes that a
+powerful text editor is needed (with the ability to do mathematics
+with digits coming from within the text) to perform the repetitive
+recalculation of the {\tt CHARWD}~entries.
+Joachim Schrod warned (in an article in {\em Offizin\/} [\dante,
+Bonn,~94\ts:\ts 1]\ts) about the dangers of this kind of
+manipulation. While it may have its place, I feel that hand-bodging
+{\tt .tfm} files still has its dangers, particularly when {\tt .dvi}
+and \PS\ rely on the font metrics matching the bounding boxes inherent
+in the outlines or bitmaps so that adjacent unkerned characters can be
+represented without positional information.
+It is clearly possible to do interletter space adjustments using
+\TeX. Whether or not it is a `good' thing to do is probably more
+a matter of \ae sthetics than dogma. Whether or not it will work with
+a specific driver or device is a moot point. Me, I don't steal~sheep.
+%% CT> to avoid having add-on files associated with ttn3n2.tex, I'll
+%% insert the bodoni.tex file here, rather than \input it:
+%% \input bodoni.tex
+%--------------------------- bodoni.tex -------------------------------
+% this file is concocted to illustrate the effects of changing
+% inter-letter spacing in Bodoni, but uses CMFIB8 as the font
+% in order to make the relevant issue of TTN portable! The
+% original PostScript file with the real Bodoni is at
+\font\fakebod=cmr17 at 10pt
+ \wtarget=#1 \advance\wtarget by100
+ \divide\wwid by100 \multiply\wwid by\wtarget
+ \leavevmode\hbox to\wwid{#3}}
+This is to test letterspacing of various sorts. (CMR 10, good)
+This is to test letterspacing of various sorts. (Serif, Inc.\ Bodonoff
+\doword3{This}{T\hss h\hss i\hss s} \doword3{is}{i\hss s}
+\doword3{to}{t\hss o}
+\doword3{test}{t\hss e\hss s\hss t} \doword3{letterspacing}{l\hss
+e\hss t\hss t\hss e\hss r\hss s\hss p\hss a\hss c\hss i\hss
+n\hss g} \doword3{of}{o\hss f} \doword3{various}{v\hss a\hss r\hss
+i\hss o\hss u\hss s}
+\doword3{sorts.}{s\hss o\hss r\hss t\hss s\hss .} (add 3\%)
+\doword6{This}{T\hss h\hss i\hss s} \doword6{is}{i\hss s}
+\doword6{to}{t\hss o}
+\doword6{test}{t\hss e\hss s\hss t} \doword6{letterspacing}{l\hss
+e\hss t\hss t\hss e\hss r\hss s\hss p\hss a\hss c\hss i\hss
+n\hss g} \doword6{of}{o\hss f} \doword6{various}{v\hss a\hss r\hss
+i\hss o\hss u\hss s}
+\doword6{sorts.}{s\hss o\hss r\hss t\hss s\hss .} (add 6\%)
+\caption{Adjusting the interletter spacing in an Adobe
+ font.}\label{bodoni}
+\subsection*{`Serif' magazine}
+Don Hosek's new magazine, {\em Serif}, will be a quarterly magazine of
+Type and Typog\-raphy with the first issue coming out in the fourth
+quarter of 1994. Requests for information should be directed to {\em
+Serif}, 555~Guilford, Claremont, CA~91711,~USA. Articles are always
+welcome and will be paid for at industry-typical~rates.
+In my last column, I praised the \verb|\path| macro found in Karl
+Berry's {\tt eplain} format. If I had read the documentation properly
+I would have credited it correctly: \verb|\path| was written by Nelson
+Beebe for {\tt path.sty} and reimplemented at Nelson's request by
+Philip Taylor in 1991. The latest version of {\tt path.sty} is
+available on {\tt} in {\tt /pub/tex/bib} (via
+e-mail, send ``{\tt send path.sty from tex/bib}'' to {\tt}). Sorry Nelson and Phil: always pays to~{\small
+%% `New Publications' column (Peter Schmitt) (pp.4--5):
+\begin{New Publications}
+< Peter Schmitt \\
+< |schmitt@awirap.bitnet| \\
+< || \\
+> P.W. Abrahams, K. Berry & K. Hargreaves: \|
+ \TeX\ per l'impaziente
+ [\TeX\ for the Impatient]
+ Milano: Addison-Wesley, 1991.
+ 396pp. \ISBN 88-7192-022-8.
+ # This is a translation (by Gaia and Guido Franchi) of the
+ well-known introduction, amplified by material relevant to
+ the Italian language.
+ (See review by Claudio Beccari, \TUB\ 14, no.\ 4, pp.\ 421--422.)
+> Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach & Alexander Samarin: \|
+ The \LaTeX\ Companion
+ Addison-Wesley, 1993.
+ 480pp. (paperback). US\$41.25. \ISBN 0-201-54199-8.
+ # This book is based on \LaTeXe, the new version of \LaTeX\ which
+ is currently available in its beta test release. It explains tools
+ and techniques that enhance the use of \LaTeX\ and help format
+ documents more quickly and more efficiently. Topics treated
+ include customizing commands and environments, changing page
+ layout, preparing indices and bibliographies, and the New Font
+ Selection Scheme (\nfss), as well as using \PS\ fonts and \PS\
+ images. [adapted from promotional material]
+> Helmut Kopka:
+ \LaTeX\ --- Einf\"uhrung
+ [\LaTeX\ --- Introduction]
+ Addison-Wesley, 1994.
+ # The new edition of Kopka's well-know (German) books on \LaTeX\
+ (also available in a partial English translation) includes
+ \LaTeXe\ and will comprise three (instead of two) volumes. The
+ first volume is already available.
+> Norman Walsh:
+ Making \TeX\ Work
+ O'Reilly and Associates, April 1994.
+ (approx.) 500pp. US\$29.95.
+ \ISBN 1-56592-051-1.
+ # There are many books on \TeX\ and \LaTeX, but so far (it seems) no
+ book has been devoted to the \TeX\ system as a whole, i.e., all
+ the software, tools, and macros that are available and can be used
+ when working with \TeX. This book tries to fill the gap and
+ provides a comprehensive guide to the world of \TeX. It discusses
+ the various implementations of \TeX\ on all common platforms and
+ how to obtain them, presents the major macro packages, discusses
+ the installation and the use of fonts (including \PS\ and TrueType
+ fonts), and the inclusion of graphics as well as the
+ prepara-\break tion of indices and bibliographies. It will
+ certainly be a valuable source of information, in particular, for
+ all those \TeX\ users who lack net access.
+> George Gr\"atzer: \|
+ Advances in \TeX\ Implementations.
+ II. Integrated Environments
+ Notices of the American Mathematical Society:
+ vol. 41, no. 2 (February 1994)
+ 106--111.
+ # ``In this article I will review two integrated \TeX\
+ implementations. _Textures_, the classical implementation on the
+ Macintosh (in its modern variant, _Lightning Textures_), and the
+ brand new _PC\TeX\ for Windows_ for IBM compatible computers. I
+ shall also review _Scientific Word_, a \TeX\ preprocessor.'' [from
+ the introduction]
+> Allyn Jackson: \|
+ _What's Happening_:
+ New Publication Takes the {\small AMS} in New Directions
+ Notices of the AMS:
+ vol. 41, no. 6 (July/August 1994)
+ 626--627.
+ # This article presents the concepts of a new publication. The
+ following is an excerpt from the production remarks: ``Though the
+ design is certainly more complex than the Society's other \TeX\
+ documents, \TeX\ was chosen over a what-you-see-is-what-you-get
+ desktop publishing program for its superior typographic quality.
+ (A few small sections of the book were produced using a desktop
+ publishing program but the output was manipulated and massaged by
+ hand to make it look as good as the \TeX\ output.)''
+> Tom Scavo, Yannis Haralambous, & Werenfried Spit: \|
+ \TeX\ on the Macintosh
+ Notices of the AMS:
+ vol. 40, no. 10 (December 1993)
+ 1353--1360.
+ # ``There are currently four implementations of \TeX\ available for
+ the Macintosh family of computers: _CMac\TeX_, _Direct\TeX_,
+ _Oz\TeX_, and _Textures_. The latter is a well-known commercial
+ product which won't be reviewed here; the others are either
+ freeware or shareware and are the focus of this report.'' [from
+ the introduction]
+> Baskerville:
+ vol.\ 4, no.\ 1, Feb.\ 1994, 24pp.;
+ vol.\ 4, no.\ 2, Apr.\ 1994, 24pp.
+% Official newsletter of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group.
+> GUST:
+ Zeszyt 3 (1994), 50pp.
+ Official newsletter of the Polish \TeX\ User Group.
+% Grupa U\.zytkownik\'ow Systemu \TeX.
+> La Lettre GUTenberg:
+ no.\ 2, f\'evrier 1994, 24pp. [using Lucida-Bright]
+% Official newsletter of \GUTenberg.
+> Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie:
+ 5.\ Jahrgang, Heft~3, Dezember~1993, 68pp.
+% vol. 5, no. 3, Dec. 1993, 68pp.
+% Official newsletter of DANTE.
+\end{New Publications}
+%% \newpage included in {New Publications} environment (Ch.)
+%% Jeremy Gibbons' column ``Hey --- it works!'' (pp.17--22):
+\Section{``Hey --- it works!''}
+ Jeremy Gibbons \\
+ University of Auckland \\
+ \tt
+\noindent Welcome again to {\sl ``Hey~--- it works!''}. This column is
+dedicated to elegant, interesting, or just plain useful techniques in
+\TeX{} and \LaTeX---in the style of Jon Bentley's {\sl Programming
+Pearls\/} or Richard Bird's {\sl Functional Pearls}, for the `computists'
+among you. If you have any such items, no matter how trivial, please pass
+them on to me at the above address.
+In this issue we have three pieces: one by Donald Arseneau on
+interleaving under- and overbraces; one of my own on constructing new
+symbols from existing ones; and one by Navindra Gambhir on
+constructing tables, illustrating the use of \verb"\afterassignment".
+\squashedsubsection{Non-nested braces}
+ {Donald Arseneau \\
+ Tri-University Meson Facility \\
+ \tt}
+%=========== oubraces.sty ==========================
+% oubraces.sty: Interleave \overbrace with \underbrace
+% Donald Arseneau, 1993
+% \overunderbraces{upper_braces}{main_formula}{lower_braces}
+\def\overunderbraces #1#2#3{{%
+ \baselineskip\z@skip \lineskip4\p@ \lineskiplimit4\p@
+ \displaystyle % deliberately generate error if not in math mode!
+% first, do the top half of the alignment in a save-box ...
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{\ialign{&\hfil${}##{}$\hfil\cr
+ \global\let\br\br@label #1\cr % upper labels
+ \global\let\br\br@down #1\cr % upper braces
+ #2\cr % main line of the formula
+ }}% finished partial alignment and \vbox.
+ \dimen@-\ht\z@ % Measure height of partial alignment --
+% ... it is the height we want for the whole.
+% Now do the whole alignment (notice the repetition from above)
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{\ialign{&\hfil${}##{}$\hfil\cr
+ \global\let\br\br@label #1\cr % upper labels
+ \global\let\br\br@down #1\cr % upper braces
+ #2\cr % main line of the formula
+ \global\let\br\br@up #3\cr % lower braces
+ \global\let\br\br@label #3\cr % lower labels
+ }}% finished whole alignment and \vbox.
+ \advance\dimen@\ht\z@ % calc. the necessary lowering
+ \lower\dimen@\hbox{\box\z@}% shift to get the desired height
+% Three aliases for \br.
+% #1=number of spanned columns, #2=label
+\def\br@label#1#2{\multispan{#1}\hidewidth $#2$\hidewidth}
+% oubraces.sty: Interleave \overbrace with \underbrace
+% Donald Arseneau, 1993
+% The syntax is:
+% \overunderbraces{upper_braces}{main_formula}{lower_braces}
+% Suppose we want the equation:
+% x y
+% ,-----^-----. ,-----^-----.
+% a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m = \pi r^2
+% `-----v-----'
+% z
+% There are seven segments:
+% x y
+% ,-----^-----. ,-----^-----.
+% a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m = \pi r^2
+% 11111111222222223333344455555666666667777777777...
+% `-----v-----'
+% z
+% Insert & between each segment (where the tips of the braces point)
+% to type the main_formula:
+% x y
+% ,-----^-----. ,-----^-----.
+% a + b +&c + d +&e + f&+&g + h&+ i + j&+ k + l + m
+% `-----v-----'
+% z
+% Each brace should be specified by typing
+% \br{number_of_segments}{label},
+% separated by & to indicate which segment to start at; and
+% where & & skips a segment that has no brace. For our
+% example formula, the upper and lower brace specifiers are:
+% top row: &\br{2}{x}& &\br{2}{y}
+% bot row: & &\br{3}{z}
+% Now put them all together:
+% \overunderbraces{&\br{2}{x}& &\br{2}{y}}%
+% {a + b +&c + d +&e + f&+&g + h&+ i + j&+ k + l + m}%
+% {& &\br{3}{z}}
+% = \pi r^2
+%===========end oubraces.sty ==========================
+% hacked version with extra labels for this article:
+% \Xoverunderbraces{upper_brace}{main_formula}{lower_brace}{special_labels}
+\newdimen \Xheight
+\def\Xoverunderbraces #1#2#3#4{{% #4 = special labels
+ \baselineskip\z@skip \lineskip4pt \lineskiplimit4pt
+ \displaystyle % deliberately generate error if not in math mode!
+% first, do the top half of the alignment in a save-box to measure the
+% height
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{\ialign{&\hfil${}##{}$\hfil\cr
+ \global\let\br\br@label #1\cr % upper labels
+ \global\let\br\br@down #1\cr % upper braces
+ #2\cr % main line of the formula
+ }}% finished partial alignment and \vbox.
+ \dimen@-\ht\z@ % Measure height -- it is the height we want for the whole
+% second, do the whole alignment without the rules to find its size
+ \Xheight\z@
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{\ialign{&\hfil${}##{}$\hfil\cr
+ \global\let\br\br@label #1\cr % upper labels
+ \global\let\br\br@down #1\cr % upper braces
+ #2\cr % main line of the formula
+ \global\let\br\br@up #3\cr % lower braces
+ \global\let\br\br@label #3\cr % lower labels
+ #4\cr % special labels
+ }}% finished whole alignment and \vbox.
+ \Xheight\ht\z@ \global\let\XV\relax
+% finally, do the whole alignment yet again in its final format
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{\ialign{\XV\hfil${}##{}$\hfil\XV&&\hfil${}##{}$\hfil\XV\cr
+ \global\let\br\br@label #1\cr % upper labels
+ \global\let\br\br@down #1\cr % upper braces
+ #2\cr % main line of the formula
+ \global\let\br\br@up #3\cr % lower braces
+ \global\let\br\br@label #3\cr % lower labels
+ \noalign{\global\let\XV\XVR}#4\cr % special labels
+ }}% finished whole alignment and \vbox.
+ \advance\dimen@\ht\z@
+ \lower\dimen@\hbox{\box\z@}% move alignment to get the desired height
+\def\XVR{\kern-.05pt\vbox to\z@{\vss\hrule width.1pt
+ height\Xheight}\kern-.05pt}
+% ==== begin real article ====
+Sometimes one would like to interleave braces labelling parts of an
+ \overunderbraces{&\br{2}{x}& &\br{2}{y}}%
+ {a + b +&c + d +&e + f&+&g + h&+ i + j&+ k + l + m}%
+ {& &\br{3}{z}}
+ = \pi r^2
+This is something that \verb"\overbrace" and \verb"\underbrace" cannot
+do. The solution I have chosen (for both plain \TeX\ and
+\LaTeX) is based on visual formatting into columns, like an
+array or table.
+First (on paper or imagination), write the formula and divide it into
+segments at the tip of each brace. In our example there are seven
+ \Xoverunderbraces{&\br{2}{x}& &\br{2}{y}}%
+ {a + b +&c + d +&e + f&+&g + h&+ i + j&+ k + l + m}%
+ {& &\br{3}{z}}%
+ {1&2&3&4&5&6&7}
+ = \pi r^2
+although segments 1 and 7 could be omitted. We will type the main
+line of the formula with \verb"&" inserted between each segment:
+ a + b +&c + d +&e + f&+&g + h&+ i + j&+ k + l + m
+Each segment then becomes a column in an alignment, and each brace may
+span multiple columns. The idea is best illustrated by a \LaTeX{}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{x}& & \multicolumn{2}{c}{y}\\
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\downbracefill}
+ & & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\downbracefill}\\
+ a + b +&c + d +&e + f&+&g + h&+ i + j&+ k + l + m\\
+ & & \multicolumn{3}{c}{\upbracefill}\\
+ & & \multicolumn{3}{c}{z}
+\end{array} = \pi r^2
+This doesn't work well, having bad braces with bad vertical and
+horizontal spacing. We should instead use \TeX's primitive
+\verb"\halign" command, and measure the size of boxes to get the
+correct vertical positioning of the formula's main line. Rather than
+type the very messy \TeX\ commands directly with each use, it is
+better to make a new command:
+\hbox to\hsize{\indent\verb"\overunderbraces{"{\sl
+ upper\_braces\/}\verb"}{"{\sl main\_formula\/}\verb"}{"{\sl
+ lower\_braces\/}\verb"}"\hfil}
+We already know how to write the main line of the formula (by
+segmenting the formula and inserting \verb"&" between segments), and
+we will also use \verb"&" between braces. Each labelled brace will be
+specified in the format:
+\hbox to\hsize{\indent\verb"\br{"$n$\verb"}{"\mbox{\sl
+ label\/}\verb"}"\hfil}
+where $n$ is the number of segments spanned by the brace. Each top
+brace of our example spans two segments (with an empty segment between
+them) and the bottom brace spans three segments, so they are specified
+\indent \hbox to8em{top braces:\hfil}\verb" &\br{2}{x}& &\br{2}{y}"\\
+\indent \hbox to8em{bottom braces:\hfil}\verb" & &\br{3}{z}"
+Having determined all three parameters to use with
+\verb"\over"\-\verb"under"\-\verb"braces", the complete command is
+ \overunderbraces{&\br{2}{x}& &\br{2}{y}}%
+ {a + b +&c + d +&e + f&+&g + h&+ i + j&+ k + l + m}%
+ {& &\br{3}{z}}
+ = \pi r^2
+which produces the equation at the start of this article.
+Here is the definition of \verb"\overunderbraces". It may look
+long, but it has some repetition in order to measure the height of
+the top half of the formula. There are also the auxiliary macros
+\verb"\brAup", \verb"\brAdown", and \verb"\brAlabel" that allow
+the same \verb"\br" command to produce up-braces, down-braces, and
+centered labels at the appropriate places.
+% \overunderbraces{upper_braces}{main_formula}{lower_braces}
+\def\overunderbraces #1#2#3{{%
+ \baselineskip=0pt \lineskip=4pt \lineskiplimit=4pt
+ \displaystyle % deliberately generate error if not in math mode!
+% first, do the top half of the alignment in a save-box
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\ialign{&\hfil${}##{}$\hfil\cr
+ \global\let\br\brAlabel #1\cr % upper labels
+ \global\let\br\brAdown #1\cr % upper braces
+ #2\cr % main line of the formula
+ }}% finished partial alignment and \vbox.
+ \dimen0=-\ht0 % Measure height of partial alignment --
+% ... it is the height we want for the whole.
+% Now do the whole alignment (notice the repetition from above)
+ \setbox0=\vbox{\ialign{&\hfil${}##{}$\hfil\cr
+ \global\let\br\brAlabel #1\cr % upper labels
+ \global\let\br\brAdown #1\cr % upper braces
+ #2\cr % main line of the formula
+ \global\let\br\brAup #3\cr % lower braces
+ \global\let\br\brAlabel #3\cr % lower labels
+ }}% finished whole alignment and \vbox.
+ \advance\dimen0 by\ht0 % calc. the necessary lowering
+ \lower\dimen0\hbox{\box0}% shift to get the desired height
+% Three aliases for \br.
+% #1=number of spanned columns, #2=label
+\def\brAlabel#1#2{\multispan{#1}\hidewidth $#2$\hidewidth}
+If you check the electronic version of this newsletter, you will find
+the text of \verb"oubraces.sty" which contains these definitions,
+except for some streamlining with `internal' commands such as
+\verb"\dimen@" used for \verb"\dimen0".
+\squashedsubsection{Overlaying symbols}{Jeremy Gibbons}
+% overlay.sty - overlay and align two symbols, respecting changing styles
+ % calls to \@overlay look like
+ % \@overlay\textstyle{{x}{y}{\hfil}{\hfil}}
+ % strip brackets from 2nd arg, to get
+ % \@@overlay\textstyle{x}{y}{\hfil}{\hfil}
+ \def\overlaystyle{#1}%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\m@th$\overlaystyle#2$}%
+ \setbox1=\hbox{\m@th$\overlaystyle#3$}%
+ \ifdim \wd0<\wd1 \setbox2=\box1 \setbox1=\box0 \setbox0=\box2\fi
+ % \box0 is now the wider box
+ \rlap{\hbox to\wd0{#4\box1\relax#5}}\box0%
+My particular branch of computer science often requires me to
+construct new mathematical symbols. Sometimes I do this with \MF{},
+but if I want to be able to distribute my \TeX{} or \verb"dvi" files,
+I need to construct the new symbols out of existing ones. One
+technique for doing this is simply to `overlay' two existing symbols;
+for this purpose, I wrote the style file \verb"overlay.sty".
+The basic usage is to overlay two symbols, centre-aligning them with respect to
+each other and producing a symbol as wide as the wider component. Thus,
+\verb"$\overlay{\triangleleft}{-\!\!-}$" yields
+`$\overlay{\triangleleft}{-\!\!-}$'. Two variations on this theme
+involve left- and right-alignment instead of centre-alignment; using
+\verb"\loverlay" or \verb"\roverlay" (great names!) yields
+`$\loverlay{\triangleleft}{-\!\!-}$' or
+`$\roverlay{\triangleleft}{-\!\!-}$', respectively.
+The macro copes with changing `styles', so that symbols get smaller in
+subscripts and so on. Thus,
+\verb"$X_{\overlay{\triangleleft}{-\!\!-}}$" yields
+`$X_{\overlay{\triangleleft}{-\!\!-}}$'. Within the arguments to
+\verb"\overlay", the macro \verb"\overlaystyle" expands out to the
+style, so the overlaid components can involve boxes and still respect
+changing styles; for example, the (rather contrived) definition
+yields `$\symbol$' in text style and `$X_{\symbol}$' in script
+style---note the different \verb"\bullet"s.\footnote[1]{Actually, this
+ definition is not quite right: an \verb"ex" doesn't get smaller in
+ script styles. The best fix I know of involves defining a macro
+ to replace the \verb"ex", choosing a dimension based on
+ \verb"\overlaystyle". Unfortunately, I don't think \verb"mu"s can
+ be used for vertical movement.}
+The macro is even sufficiently robust to cope with nested overlays;
+the code
+ {\raise.6ex\hbox{$\overlaystyle
+ {\roverlay{\circ}{\cdot}}{\roverlay{\circ}{\cdot}}$}}
+ \;\;
+ \overlay{\lower.6ex\hbox{$\overlaystyle\smile$}}
+ {\raise.6ex\hbox{$\overlaystyle
+ {\loverlay{\circ}{\cdot}}{\loverlay{\circ}{\cdot}}$}}$
+yields two friendly smileys:
+ {\raise.6ex\hbox{$\overlaystyle
+ {\roverlay{\circ}{\cdot}}{\roverlay{\circ}{\cdot}}$}}
+ \;\;
+ \overlay{\lower.6ex\hbox{$\overlaystyle\smile$}}
+ {\raise.6ex\hbox{$\overlaystyle
+ {\loverlay{\circ}{\cdot}}{\loverlay{\circ}{\cdot}}$}}$
+% overlay.sty - overlay and align two symbols, respecting styles
+ % calls to \@overlay look like
+ % \@overlay\textstyle{{x}{y}{\hfil}{\hfil}}
+ % strip brackets from 2nd arg, to get
+ % \@@overlay\textstyle{x}{y}{\hfil}{\hfil}
+ \def\overlaystyle{#1}%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\m@th$\overlaystyle#2$}%
+ \setbox1=\hbox{\m@th$\overlaystyle#3$}%
+ \ifdim \wd0<\wd1 \setbox2=\box1 \setbox1=\box0 \setbox0=\box2\fi
+ % \box0 is now the wider box
+ \rlap{\hbox to\wd0{#4\box1\relax#5}}\box0}}
+\squashedsubsection{Making tables by iteration}
+ {Navindra Gambhir \\
+ Cornell University, Ithaca NY \\
+ \tt}
+%% These macros are needed to typeset the example table below %%
+\newcount\exno \newcount\expoints \newcount\totalexpoints
+\def\doublestrut{\vrule height20.5pt depth3.5pt width0pt \relax}
+% each line of the table is made the proper height by including
+% \doublestrut in the preamble; interline spacing is turned off
+\def\maxpoints{\noindent $$\offinterlineskip
+ \halign\bgroup\doublestrut##\hfil& % preamble of the table...
+ \ \ \leaders\hrule\hskip6pc \ \ out of \hfil##\cr
+ Name \ \hrulefill\span\omit\cr % first line of the table
+ \global\exno=0 \global\totalexpoints=0 \getnum}
+% if the next number in the list is negative, wrap up the table;
+% otherwise generate the next line and continue
+\def\g@tnum{\ifnum\expoints<0 \let\next=\finishtable
+ \else \let\next=\nextline\fi \next}
+\def\nextline{\global\advance\exno by 1 Question \the\exno&
+ \global\advance\totalexpoints by\expoints \the\expoints\cr
+ \getnum}
+\setbox0=\vtop{\kern-22pt \maxpoints 35 5 60 -1}\dp0=0pt
+\hangindent=-16pc \hangafter=-11
+\noindent We sometimes use tables similar to the one shown on the
+right when grading homework or exams for a class. These tables differ
+from one problem set to another only in the values in the last column
+and the total number of rows. Therefore it is possible to build these
+tables by simply listing out the numbers that go in the last column.
+For example, the table shown here was typeset by typing
+`\verb|\maxpoints 35 5 60 -1|'. In general a table for $n$~questions
+with maximum possible points $p_1$,~$p_2$, \dots,~$p_n$ is produced by
+ \verb|\maxpoints| \ $p_1$ \ $p_2$ \ $\ldots$ \ $p_n$ \
+ $\langle$negative number$\rangle$\cr}
+The macro \verb|\maxpoints|, given below, uses \verb|\afterassignment|
+trickery to read the numbers one at a time. It generates a line
+specification for each non-negative number in the list. When it finds
+the negative number, it wraps up the table by generating the last
+(``Total'') line.
+ \newcount\exno \newcount\expoints \newcount\totalexpoints
+ \def\doublestrut{\vrule height20.5pt depth3.5pt width0pt \relax}
+ % each line of the table is made the proper height by including
+ % \doublestrut in the preamble; interline spacing is turned off
+ \def\maxpoints{\noindent $$\offinterlineskip
+ \halign\bgroup\doublestrut##\hfil& % preamble of the table...
+ \ \ \leaders\hrule\hskip6pc \ \ out of \hfil##\cr
+ Name \ \hrulefill\span\omit\cr % first line of the table
+ \global\exno=0 \global\totalexpoints=0 \getnum}
+ % if the next number in the list is negative, wrap up the table;
+ % otherwise generate the next line and continue
+ \def\getnum{\afterassignment\g@tnum\global\expoints}
+ \def\g@tnum{\ifnum\expoints<0 \let\next=\finishtable
+ \else \let\next=\nextline\fi \next}
+ \def\nextline{\global\advance\exno by 1 Question \the\exno&
+ \global\advance\totalexpoints by\expoints \the\expoints\cr
+ \getnum}
+ \def\finishtable{Total&\the\totalexpoints\cr\egroup$$}
+%% (La)TeX news (pp.13--15):
+\Section{\AllTeX\ News}
+%% TUGboat ToCs on-line
+%% German node of CTAN has moved
+%% Announcing a new publication:_Serif_
+%% Fraktur German Gothic font
+%% NTG's CD of 4AllTeX
+%% Where to announce new releases
+%% New releases from Karl Berry
+%% News from vendors:
+%% -- Micro Programs acquires Arbortext TeX stuff
+%% -- v.1.1 of Y&Y TeX package
+%% -- PCTeX for Windows
+\squashedsubsection{\TUB\/ tables of contents on-line}
+ {Barbara Beeton \\
+ Editor, \TUB}
+In the {\small SHSU} archive (\verb||), the \TUB\/ area is
+in \verb|tex-archive/|\break \verb|digests/tugboat|\ts. Among other
+things, it contains the plain and \LaTeX{} styles for \TUB\/ and the
+\tug\ meeting proceedings, complete tables of contents for all issues,
+and Nelson Beebe's explosion of this information into a \BibTeX{} file
+and permuted index.
+The tables of contents are stored by year in files named \verb|tb|{\it
+vvyy}\verb|.cnt| ({\it vv\/} is the volume number and {\it yy\/} the
+year); they can be run through \TeX{} in 5-volume chunks with
+``driver'' files named \verb|tbcv|{\it vv}\verb|.tex| where {\it vv\/}
+is a multiple of~5 giving the number of the last volume in the group.
+To process the tables of contents, the file \verb|tbcont.def| is also
+The file of \TUB\/ contents in \BibTeX{} form is \verb|tugboat.bib|;
+the files \verb|tugboat.kwic| and \verb|tugboat.ptx| pre\-sent the
+same information in keyword-in-context and permuted index form,
+I've done some work toward creating a ``real'' index for \TUB{} but it
+is still quite a way from completion. Until that is available, anyone
+looking for a particular \TUB{} article should be able to find it with
+the help of one of these files if they know either the author or some
+word(s) from the title.
+\squashedsubsection{German node of CTAN has moved}
+ {Rainer Sch\"opf \\
+%% Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum \\
+%% f\"ur Informationstechnik Berlin \\
+ {\tt} \\
+ {\tt}}
+The German node of the Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network (\ctan) has
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ {\em Old\/}:\quad \verb||
+ & {\em New\/}:\quad \verb|| \\
+ \end{tabular}
+The latter is a dedicated machine, kindly supplied by the Association
+of German-speaking \TeX\ users (\dante\ e.V.). We are grateful to the
+computing center of the University of Stuttgart, especially Barbara
+Burr and her crew, for having supplied the services to run the \TeX\
+archive on one of their hosts, and to \dante\ and its members for
+contributing the necessary funds through their membership fees.
+Note that {\tt ftp.uni-stuttgart} will continue to offer access to the
+\TeX\ archive; users of that node will not notice any difference.
+\subsection*{Announcing a new publication: {\sl Serif}}
+As mentioned in Peter Flynn's column, {\sl Serif\/} is a new
+publication coming out this fall (address on p.\ 4), put together by
+Don Hosek, a long-time member of the \TeX\ community. From the
+prospectus (done in Monotype Perpetua):
+{\small \baselineskip=10.5pt
+ While some designers are challenging the basic premise of
+ typography as a transparent means to present an author's ideas,
+ others are re-discovering the texts that they are typesetting and
+ eschewing the typographic innovations of their colleagues in favor
+ of a more traditional style.
+ \dots\ articles scheduled for the first issue ``American Type
+ Specimen Books,'' ``Notes on Century Schoolbook,'' ``Renaissance
+ Typefaces'' \dots\ [and] first issue authors \dots\ Charles
+ Bigelow, co-designer of the Lucida type family, Dan Carr, type
+ designer and punch cutter \dots~''
+\squashedsubsection{Fraktur German Gothic font}
+ {Daniel Taupin \\
+ \tt}
+\MF\ source of release 1.0 of Fraktur (German Gothic) fonts in {\tt
+cm}/{\tt dm} and {\tt dc} layouts (German Gothic) is available at
+\verb|| in \verb|[anonymous.gothic.fraktur]|\ts.
+These Fraktur fonts (now called {\tt cmfrak} and {\tt dcfrak}) were
+generated by myself, using the 1990 designs of font {\tt yfrak} by
+Yannis Haralambous.
+Additions to Yannis' work include shifting umlauted letters to the
+Cork positions, building umlauted versions for capitals and creating
+non-German accented letters (to enable quoting foreign proper nouns,
+for example), after moving the ligatures to some free places and
+removing the ``small-e-umlaut'' variants.
+The double-quote ligatures have also been removed, since they were not
+compatible with {\tt german.sty}, which makes the quote character {\em
+active\/}. Conversely, the {\tt s:} has been kept to yield the final
+short {\em s}. Unfortunately, it is likely that this ligature will
+inhibit the correct hyphenation of a word like {\em Ausgang} whose
+internal {\em s} is typed with a final {\tt s}.
+Complaints and suggestions about special letters are welcome ---
+especially Icelandic or Central European --- and should be e-mailed to
+{\tt taupin@rsovax.lps.}\break {\tt}\ts.
+\subsection*{NTG's CD of 4All\TeX}
+At the end of 1993 the \ntg\ (the Dutch-speaking \TeX\ users group)
+released the package ``4All\TeX: A \TeX\ Workbench for {\small MS-DOS
+PC}s'' on 31 discs. This June a {\small CD} will be released, on which
+the most important \TeX- and \LaTeX-related packages are assembled,
+including public domain system-independant software. This {\small
+CD-ROM} should enable users to set up a 4All\TeX\ system with minimal
+effort. The price of the {\small CD} plus booklet is set at Dfl.\
+60,-- or US\$35. To order, contact your local user group, or the \ntg\
+Secretary, P.O.\ Box 394, 1740 AJ, Schagen, The Netherlands, {\tt}. In the {\small UK}, contact Sebastian Rahtz ({\tt}). In North America, contact the \tug\ office (see
+address, cover 2).
+\subsection*{Where to announce new releases}
+The mailing list {\tt} is a good place to
+look for announcements of new \TeX-related software. To join, send
+email to {\tt tex-archive-}\break {\tt}. You may
+recognise this site as that of a machine and a list maintained by
+Nelson Beebe.
+Occasionally other archive-related discussions take place, but traffic
+is light. (And please keep it that way; this is not an appropriate
+place to ask questions about new releases, report bugs, etc.) If you
+yourself release \TeX-related software to the public, please do send
+mail giving the details, so the various archive maintainers can spread
+its availability. The list is archived; retrieve the files {\tt
+/pub/tex/mail/tex-archive*.*} on {\tt}.
+\subsection*{New releases from Karl Berry ({\tt})}
+Karl has been very busy this spring! All his stuff can be ftp'd
+directly from \verb||, in the \verb|/pub/tex| subdirectory.
+ \item [web2c 6.1:] There's a new release, version 6.1,\footnote[1]{By
+ the way, the new version number is 6.x because 5.8515 was
+ just too many decimal points (also running out of characters
+ on my system V file systems). --kb} of {\tt web2c}, a port of
+ the basic \TeX\ project {\tt WEB} programs (\TeX, \MF, {\tt
+ GFtoPK}, etc.)\ to {\small UNIX}. Subdirectory and files:
+ \verb|pub/tex/{web,web2c}.tar.gz|; they should also be
+ available from any of the \ctan\ sites in
+ \verb|tex-archive/systems/web2c|. Send bug reports to
+ \verb||; if you want support, or if you
+ cannot ftp, he suggests contacting {\tt
+ \item [eplain 2.5:] For those who haven't previously heard of
+ Eplain: it is a collection of macros intended to provide
+ relatively low-level capabilities, regardless of how your
+ document appears. For example, it has macros to do symbolic
+ cross-referencing, but not macros to produce a section
+ heading. It also has some definitions that make it easier to
+ change the conventions of plain \TeX's output. For example,
+ it lets you produce left-justified math displays by simply
+ saying \verb|\leftdisplays|\ts. Available in the file
+ \verb|eplain.tar.gz|\ts.
+ \item [kpathsea 1.8 {\rm and drivers}:] In early April, Karl
+ announced the release of new versions of {\tt kpathsea}
+ (version 1.8) and the drivers he's modified to use it: {\tt
+ dvipsk} (version 5.55a, a modified version of Tom Rokicki's
+ {\tt dvips}), {\tt dviljk} (version 1.1, modified version of
+ Gustaf Neumann's {\tt dvi2xx} driver), and {\tt xdvik}
+ (version 1.8, modified version of Paul Vojta's {\tt
+ xdvi}). The new releases can be found in the files
+ \verb|{xdvik,dvipsk,dviljk}.tar.gz|. As always, he thanks the
+ many contributors and invites ``additions, criticisms, or
+ other comments'' from the community.
+ \item [fontname 1.6:] Finally, he announced a new version of his
+ font naming scheme for \TeX\ fonts. The document is in
+ Texinfo format, so you'll need the \TeX\ macros in the file
+ {\tt texinfo.tex} to print it; he includes {\tt texinfo} in
+ the distribution (it's also available in most {\small GNU}
+ distributions). From the same ftp address as above, get the
+ file \verb|fontname.tar.gz|, which also contains files
+ showing the naming scheme applied to Adobe, Monotype,
+ Computer Modern, and fonts from other sources.
+\squashedsubsection{News from vendors}{Christina Thiele}
+Lots of bits and pieces to report from various vendors, as they
+continue to provide us with upgrades, enhancements, improvements, and
+generally work hard to compete with all that public domain stuff!
+\subsubsection{Micro Programs acquires Micro\TeX:}
+In November 1993, Micro Programs of New York acquired Arbortext's line
+of PC-based \TeX\ products, including Micro\TeX\ (by David Fuchs), the
+{\small PREVIEW} screen previewer, and the {\small DVILASER} drivers
+developed by Arbortext.
+Micro Programs can be reached at 251 Jackie Ave., Syosset, NY 11791
+USA. Phone: 516-921-1351; \fax: 516-921-1004.
+\subsubsection{PC\TeX\ for Windows:}
+Lance Carnes' {\small PTI} (Personal \TeX\ Inc.) has PC\TeX\ for
+Windows, with the following attributes: ``graphical interface and
+drop-down menu system incorporates Big PC\TeX/386, On-line Help, a
+built-in 64K text editor, fully scalable Computer Modern TrueType
+fonts (other TrueType fonts can also be used), plus {\small DVI}
+screen preview and print utilities for any Windows 3.1 supported
+monitor and printer.''
+{\small PTI} can be reached at 12 Madrona Street, Mill Valley, CA
+94941, USA. In North America: 1-800-808-7906, elsewhere: 415-388-8853;
+\fax\ orders: 415-388-8865. Note that their e-mail address has
+changed; it is now {\tt}. Registered users also receive a
+newsletter, {\sl PTI News}.
+\subsubsection{Release 1.1 of Y\&Y's \TeX\ Package:}
+Berthold Horn sent in an announcement that version 1.1 of Y\&Y's \TeX\
+for the {\small IBM PC} was available. Lots of key attractions listed,
+including the following points:
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=0pt
+ \item Y\&Y\TeX\ --- first `dynamic' \TeX\ for IBM PC
+ \item {\small DVIWI}ndo's new customizable `\TeX\ Menu' --- call
+ any application
+ \item {\small DVIPSONE} now {\em also\/} supports {\small TIFF}
+ image insertion
+ \item new integrated installation procedure
+Y\&Y can be reached at 106 Indian Hill, Carlisle, MA 01741-1747, USA.
+For North America: 1-800-742-4059; elsewhere: 508-371-3286.
+%% Column by Robert Becker: You Rang ...? (pp.12-14):
+\Section{``You Rang $\ldots$ ?''}
+ Robert Becker \\
+ Department of Mathematics, Room 2--332\\
+ Massachusetts Institute of Technology\\
+ 77 Massachusetts Avenue\\
+ Cambridge, MA~~02139--4307
+\subsection*{The look of automatically-generated numbers}
+Every kind of {\TeX} has a little memory box labeled ``page'', which
+contains the current page number. Each time {\TeX} typesets the page
+number it has to know what the current value is, so it looks in the
+box and sees what it is, just like you or I might do. Well, this is
+fine, but how does {\TeX} know how the page number is supposed to
+look? {\TeX} creates another box called ``thepage'' and {\em it\/}
+contains the formatting details. Normally (there are exceptions), the
+definition of the page number format is \verb+\rm\arabic{page}+. The
+\verb+\arabic+ command tells each form of {\TeX} to get the page
+number stored in the ``page box'' and typeset it using arabic numerals
+(1, 2, 3, etc.). The \verb+\rm+ command typesets the 1, 2, etc.\ in
+roman face, so our page numbers usually look like a roman 1, 2, etc.
+How do I change the way the page number appears? Change the
+definition of \verb+\thepage+!
+ In \LaTeX: & \verb+\renewcommand{\thepage}{--\em\arabic{page}--}+ \\
+ In plain \TeX: & \verb+\def\thepage{--\it\arabic{page}--}+ \\
+The same holds true for other automatically-generated things; equation
+numbers, for example. In {\LaTeX} each time we use a
+\verb+\begin{equation} ...+ \verb+\end{equation}+ environment, we use
+the {\tt equation} box (or counter). When we use a \verb+\section+
+command, the {\tt section} counter is used. When we use a
+\verb+\chapter+ command, the {\tt chapter} counter is used, and so on,
+and so on.
+Let's say we wanted our equation numbers to come out as
+\tt (chapter.section.equation)\qquad
+\it i.e.,\/ \rm (5.4.22)
+In {\LaTeX}, all we need to do is change the definition for the
+``theequation'' box, like this:
+ {(\arabic{chapter}.\arabic{section}.\arabic{equation})}}
+That does it!
+\subsection*{{\tt report.sty}: breaking lines in the Table of Contents}
+When {\LaTeX}ing the test file below, the word ``{\small
+SEGMENTATION}'' is hyphenated to the next line in both the
+\verb+\part+ and \verb+\subsection+ sections.
+Normally, to break to the next line we would use \verb+\\+.
+Unfortunately, if this is put in the sectioning command {\LaTeX}
+complains loudly. This is because \verb+\\+ is a fragile command (see
+Lamport, page~190) and fragile commands have to be ``protected''.
+{\LaTeX} offers the \verb+\protect+ command to do this. Here's how:
+\begin{enumerate} \itemsep=-2pt
+ \item [\empty] Insert
+ \verb+\protect{\\}+ just before the word {\small
+This solves the hyphenation problem, but raises two more:
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=-2pt
+\item When you {\LaTeX} the file, you'll notice that {\small
+ SEGMENTATION} breaks to the left margin on the ``part'' line in
+ the {\tt .toc} file, making the part number hard to see; and
+\item We need to make sure {\LaTeX} doesn't overwrite our
+ changes the next time we typeset the file ({\LaTeX} re-writes
+ the {\tt .toc} each time it's run on a file).
+Here's what to do:
+\begin{enumerate} \itemsep=-2pt
+\item Leave the entire problem alone until the text is finished
+ completely.
+\item Add a \verb+\nofiles+ command to the preamble of the
+ document. This will prevent {\LaTeX} from re-writing the
+ {\tt .toc} file (or any other file, for that matter).
+\item In the first \verb+\contentsline+ command you see several
+ \uppercase {i}\phspace {1em}
+ These commands add an ``I'' and a certain amount of horizontal
+ space for visual effect. On the line where {\small SEGMENTATION}
+ appears we need to skip that amount of space, whatever it is. To
+ do this we use the \verb+\hphantom+ command from plain {\TeX}, and
+ we do it this way:
+ \hphantom{I\phspace{1em}}SEGMENTATION
+ The \verb+\hphantom+ command does a ``horizontal phantom''
+ typesetting of ``\verb+I\phspace{1em}+'': it doesn't print it, but
+ it {\em does\/} leave the horizontal space (which is why it's a
+ {\em phantom\/})!\footnote[1]{Ed.: Further to Robert's point
+ about \verb|\phantom|, here's a small rule of thumb I find pretty
+ handy. Maybe it's gimmicky but \dots
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=-2pt
+ \item \verb|\llap| and \verb|\rlap| mean ``print it but don't
+ measure it!'' (especially useful in tables)
+ \item \verb|\phantom|, etc.\ means ``measure it but don't print it!''
+} %% end of \footnote
+Typeset the file again, and voil\`a! it works.
+\subsection*{More about protecting ``fragile'' commands}
+Generally, the only time a fragile command has to be protected is when
+it's in a ``moving argument''. What's that, you say? Glad you asked.
+A ``moving argument'' occurs when an argument gets put in more than
+one place ({\em i.e.,\/} it ``moves''). For example, the argument of
+a \verb+chapter+ command gets put not only in the text, but also in
+the {\tt .toc} file, and maybe even the header of a page. Commands
+that do this include sectioning commands and also the \verb+\caption+
+command from the {\tt figure} and {\tt table} environments. (Remember
+that there's a \verb+\listoffigures+ and a \verb+listoftables+
+In these cases, \verb+\protect+ is used to protect fragile commands in
+the moving argument. For example, the \verb+\cite+ command is
+fragile. If you were to cite something in the caption of a figure,
+you would do this:
+ \caption{Example of science (see Janson, \protect{\cite{AFJ}}).}
+Another example of where \verb+\protect+ is useful is when one is
+trying to create bold math symbols in a sectioning command. The usage
+is similar to the caption command above. The \verb+\boldmath+ command
+is fragile, and it's used this way:
+ \section{\protect{\boldmath$\alpha$}}
+What if you have a mathematical expression with only one symbol bold
+in your sectioning command (bad style, I know, but anything is
+possible). The expression might look like this:
+ $f \times \mbox{\boldmath$\alpha$}$
+In this case, we protect {\em only} the boldmath'd material, as
+ \section{$f \mbox{\protect{\boldmath$\alpha$}}$}
+The key here is that {\em you only protect the command that is
+fragile, not the command that contains the fragile command\/}.
+%% Reports on Meetings (pp.15-17):
+\Section{Reports on Meetings}
+\squashedsubsection{Nordic Group --- Nov.\ 1993 in Finland}
+ {Dag F.\ Langmyhr \\
+ University of Oslo \\
+ \tt}
+The 1993 annual meeting of the {\small NTUG} (Nordic \TeX{} Users
+Group) was held on Monday, November 29th, at the University of
+Helsinki, Finland, and hosted by Martti Nikunen. The following talks
+were presented:
+ \item [Typesetting of multilingual documents:] Johannis Likos
+ talked about the problems of typesetting text with non-Latin
+ characters. The presentation focused on the use of
+ Scholar\TeX, a package that makes it possible to typeset such
+ documents using \TeX, created by Yannis Haralambous and
+ commercially available for various platforms. It contains
+ several alphabets, including Arabic, Hebrew, and polytonic
+ Greek.
+ \item [The \TeX{} multilingual effort:] Enn Saar (Estonia) gave a
+ summary of the present status of this project, and
+ particularly the {\small TWGMLC} (Technical Working Group on
+ Multiple Language Coordination). At the \tug\ meeting last
+ year in Aston, this group had formulated the contents of a
+ minimal \TeX{} language package, and has since extensively
+ discussed the subtleties of the future language-switching
+ commands. Most languages will be able to use the Cork code
+ table for output, but one of the most serious problems is how
+ to incorporate into the packages the myriad of existing input
+ encodings. The mechanisms proposed include filters, \TeX{}
+ active characters and the \TeX{} codepage extension. Saar
+ favoured the last as the most complete solution, although
+ this does not belong to the standard \TeX.
+ \item [\PS\ fonts for Scandinavian languages:] Dag F.~Langmyhr first
+ told the history of the particular Scandinavian letters
+\message{WARNING: This item requires the DC fonts -- read these
+ instructions!!}
+%% Tactics: (a) replace the 3 chars in question as indicated, or
+%% (b) install/use the DC roman font dcr10.
+%% Tactic (a)
+%% i. ^^f0 is the Icelandic letter ``eth''. Available in the
+%% DC fonts, it is also available in the AMS symbols
+%% font msbm10, under the name \eth (char. position
+%% "67; charcode '167). If you have the wsuipa font
+%% and the macro def'ns, use \eth (charcode '023).
+%% ii. << and >> are the French guillemets (``quotation
+%% marks''). Approximations appeared in TTN 2,3:5--9.
+%% Better still, consult _french.sty_ v3.25, by
+%% Bernard Gaulle. Below, a hack is used, based on the
+%% TTN article.
+%% iii. ^^12 is the quotation mark '' set at baselineheight. The
+%% command \raisebox{-1.35ex}[0.3ex][0.2ex]{''}
+%% should approximate the effect.
+%% To use this approach, uncomment the following lines:
+%%\font\Makedo=msbm10 %% AMS symbols font
+%% NOTE: IF you have the WSUIPA fonts, uncomment the following for a
+%% slightly bolder-looking eth:
+%% \font\Makedo=wsuipa10
+%% \def\Eth{{\Makedo\char'023}}
+%% (e.g., \ae, \Eth\ and \"a) and quotation
+%% marks (e.g., \Frenchopening\ and \LowerQuotes) in \TeX{} and
+%% Tactic (b) if you have the DC fonts installed, then uncomment the
+%% following 2 lines:
+(e.g., \ae, {\upgrade^^f0} and \"a) and quotation
+marks (e.g.,{\upgrade <<} and {\upgrade^^12}) in \TeX{} and
+ Computer Modern. The Cork encoding made all these characters
+ available and made it possible to use the letters in
+ hyphenation patterns.
+ Using the Scandinavian characters in \PS\ fonts was also
+ difficult for many years, until it became possible to specify
+ an encoding vector to the {\small DVI}-to-\PS\ driver. The
+ most important remaining problem is that \PS\ font metrics
+ seldom give any kerning pairs for the Scandinavian
+ characters. This issue has now been solved by Alan Jeffrey's
+ package {\tt fontinst}, which creates kern pairs based on
+ character similarity.
+The final part of the meeting was spent discussing how to make it
+easier for Scandinavian users to install and maintain an up-to-date
+\TeX{}. It was decided to split the Nordic \TeX{} archive in two: one
+in Finland for PC implementations, and the other in Sweden for {\small
+UNIX} and Mac installations.
+The next {\small NTUG} meeting will be held in Oslo on May 16th of
+this year.
+\subsection*{TUG'94 --- Santa Barbara, California \\
+ 31 July -- 4 August}
+By now most of you will have received the pink flyer with preliminary
+information on the conference: the presentations are outlined on the
+next page, the courses are listed on p.\ 26. Some points to highlight
+ \item The conference and accommodation fees cover the period from
+ {\bf Saturday evening} (30 July) to {\bf Thursday afternoon}
+ (4 August).
+ \item {\bf Registration} begins on Saturday; the {\bf Reception}
+ will be held that evening.
+ \item The {\bf Banquet} is {\em included\/} in the accommodations
+ fee (for those staying off-campus there will be a \$35
+ charge).
+ \item {\bf News Flash!} There will be a one-day registration fee of
+ 100.00 (can only be used once).
+\subsubsection{Bursary Fund:}
+This will be the second year for \tug's Bursary Fund. Although some
+funds were left over from last year, we are taking this opportunity to
+let the membership know that the current Bursary Committee will be
+inviting all \tug\ members to consider contributing to the fund.
+\tug'94 registration forms will provide a space for donations; if you
+are unable to attend, but would still like to contribute to the fund,
+you may do so by contacting the \tug\ office directly for more
+information. The Bursary Committee comprises Bernard Gaulle and Norman
+Naugle, with Christina Thiele as liaison to the board.
+The bursary fund is intended to provide financial assistance to cover
+travel and/or expenses to attend the upcoming \tug\ meeting in Santa
+Barbara. The fund is not focused on any specific geographic region;
+rather, the fund is for those who demonstrate reasonable need, and/or
+have never attended a \tug\ meeting before.
+If you wish to apply for a bursary, kindly send a letter to Bernard
+Gaulle, chair of the Bursary Committee, providing details of your
+requirements, including precise costs where possible. Bernard Gaulle,
+4, avenue Cadoux-Girault, F-92270 Bois-Coulombes, France; e-mail: {\tt}.
+\subsection*{Preliminary outline program}
+\subsubsection{Sunday July 30th: \\ [2pt]
+ \sl Publishing, languages, literature and fonts}
+\font\slbx=cmbxsl10 scaled 913
+{\small \baselineskip=11pt \raggedright
+ \itemindent=0pt}
+\item Glenn Reid: {\sl Reflections}
+\item Frank Mittelbach: {\sl Real Life Book Production}
+%% --- lessons learned from {\em The \LaTeX\ Companion}}
+\item Yannis Haralambous: {\sl Typesetting the Holy Bible in Hebrew,
+ with \TeX}
+\item Basil Malyshev: {\sl Automatic Conversion of {\slbx METAFONT}
+ Fonts to Type1 \PS}
+\item Alan Jeffrey: {\sl \PS\ Font Support in \LaTeXe}
+\item Y.\ Haralambous: {\sl An Indic \TeX\ Preprocessor ---
+ Sinhalese \TeX}
+\item Michel Cohen: {\sl Zebrackets: A meta{\slbx METAFONT}}
+\subsubsection{Monday August 1st: \\ [2pt]
+ \sl Colour and \LaTeX}
+ \itemindent=0pt}
+\item Leslie Lamport: {\sl Looking Back At, And Forward From, \LaTeX}
+\item Tom Rokicki: {\sl Advanced `Special' Support in a {\tt dvi}
+ Driver}
+\item Timothy van Zandt and Denis Girou: {\sl An Introduction to
+ PStricks}
+\item Sebastian Rahtz and Michel Goossens: {\sl Simple Colour Design
+ in \TeX}
+\item Michael Sofka: {\sl Color Book Production Using \TeX}
+\item James Hafner: {\sl The (Pre)History of Color in Rokicki's {\tt
+ dvips}}
+\item Friedhelm Sowa: {\sl Printing Colour Pictures}
+\item Angus Duggan: {\sl Colour Separation and \PS}
+\item Jon Stenerson: {\sl A \LaTeX\ Style File Generator}
+\item Johannes Braams: {\sl Document Classes and Packages in \LaTeXe}
+\subsubsection{Tuesday August 2nd: \\ [2pt]
+ \sl \TeX\ Tools}
+ \itemindent=0pt}
+\item Oren Patashnik: {\sl \BibTeX\ 1.0}
+\item Minato Kawaguti and Norio Kitajima: {\sl Concurrent Use of
+ Interactive \TeX\ Previewer with an Emacs-type Editor}
+\item Y.\ Haralambous: {\sl Humanist}
+\item Pierre Mackay: {\sl A Typesetter's Toolkit}
+\item Jean-luc Doumont: {\sl Pascal Pretty-printing: An Example of
+ ``Preprocessing within \TeX''}
+\item Michael P.\ Barnett and Kevin R.\ Perry: {\sl Symbolic
+ Computation for Electronic Publishing}
+\item Norm Walsh: {\sl A World Wide Web Interface to CTAN}
+\subsubsection{Wednesday August 3rd: \\ [2pt]
+ \sl Futures}
+ \itemindent=0pt}
+\item Chris Rowley and F.\ Mittelbach: {\sl The Floating World}
+\item Joachim Schrod: {\sl Towards Interactivity for \TeX}
+\item Arthur Ogawa: {\sl Object-oriented Programming, Descriptive
+ Markup, and \TeX}
+\item William Erik Baxter: {\sl An Object-oriented Programming System
+ in \TeX}
+\item John Plaice: {\sl Progress in the Omega Project}
+\item Philip Taylor: {\sl e-\TeX\ \& NTS: A Progress Report}
+\item Jonathan Fine: {\sl Documents, Compuscripts, Programs and
+ Macros}
+\item George Greenwade: {\sl \TeX\ as a Commodity}
+\subsubsection{Thursday August 4th: \\ [2pt]
+ \sl Publishing and design}
+ \itemindent=0pt}
+\item Maurice Laugier and Y.\ Haralambous: {\sl \TeX\ Innovations
+ by the Louis-Jean Printing House}
+\item Michael Downes: {\sl Design by Template in a Production Macro
+ Package}
+\item Gabriel Valiente Feruglio: {\sl Macro Packages for Typesetting
+ Commutative Diagrams}
+\item Alan Hoenig: {\sl Less is More: Restricting \TeX's Scope Enables
+ Complex Page Layouts}
+\item Don Hosek: {\sl Sophisticated Page Layout with \TeX}
+\item Henry Baragar and Gail E.\ Harris: {\sl An Example of a Special
+ Purpose Input Language to \LaTeX}
+\item Marko Grobelnik, Dunja Mladeni\'{c}, Darko Zupani\v{c} and Borut
+ \v{Z}nidar: {\sl Integrated System for Encyclopaedia Typesetting
+ Based on \TeX}
+\item Y.\ Haralambous and J.\ Plaice: {\sl First Applications of
+ ${\it\Omega}$: Adobe Poetica, Arabic, Greek, Khmer}
+\subsubsection{Posters, workshops and discussion sessions}
+\item The TUG WWW Server (Peter Flynn)
+\item Accessing CTAN (N.\ Walsh)
+\item Practical Indexing (Nelson Beebe)
+\item \TeX\ and Linguistics (Christina Thiele)
+\item \TeX\ and Humanities Journals (C.\ Thiele)
+\item Database Publishing (M.\ Grobelnik)
+\item Floats (David Salomon)
+\item Adobe Acrobat and Related Technologies (S.\ Rahtz)
+\item Standards for Colour Drivers (T.\ Rokicki)
+ \begin{tabular}{||ll||}
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\Large\bf INNOVATIONS!} \\ [1pc]
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\bf TUG 15th Anniversary Meeting} \\ [6pt]
+ \hline
+ \mbox{} & \\ [-8pt]
+ Where? & Santa Barbara, California (west northwest of Los
+ Angeles) \\ [2pt]
+ When? & July 31 to August 4 (with courses before/after these
+ dates) \\ [2pt]
+ Who? & Everyone interested in \TeX, \LaTeX, and \MF! \\ [2pt]
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+\subsection*{Euro\TeX '94 --- Sobieszewo, Poland \\
+ 26--30 Sept.}
+Euro\TeX '94 will take place at Sobieszewo on an idyllic island off
+the coast of Gdansk in Poland. The conference will run from Monday to
+Friday, 26--30 Sept., and the {\em maximum} cost (two people sharing)
+will not exceed \$260.00/\pounds 175.00/DM 450.00. Those arriving
+early on Monday will be able to take part in a guided tour of the old
+town of Gdansk, whilst Tuesday to Thursday will be jam-packed with
+talks and tutorials on \TeX\ and related topics.
+Delegates will stay in a single building, cut off from civilisation
+for a whole week: no distractions, no need to leave the island ---
+everything will be provided. For those unable to sustain the pace,
+quiet meditative walks along the shore searching for amber will
+provide the ideal opportunity for therapeutic meditation.
+Early registration for the conference is advised: with its Central
+European location and idyllic setting, the conference is expected to
+attract many delegates. If you are even {\em thinking\/} of coming,
+then you are urged to contact us to be added to the mailing list.
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ Provisional registration: & 1 June (no charge for cancellation) \\
+ Confirmed registration: & 1 Sept. (cancellation charged at 50\%) \\
+ Late registration: & 15 Sept. (no cancellation possible) \\
+ \end{tabular}
+As with Euro\TeX '92 and the \tug\ meeting at Aston last year, it is
+hoped to be able to offer financial assistance to delegates who would
+otherwise be unable to attend; of course, we cannot be sure at this
+stage that sponsors will be as generous as in the past, but intending
+delegates who will need assistance in order to be able to attend
+should indicate in the space provided the {\em minimum\/} bursary
+which would allow them to be able to attend, and should give clear
+reasons why they are applying. All applications will be treated in
+the strictest confidence. Delegates who are in no need of a bursary
+and who are able to assist others less fortunate are urged to pledge a
+\subsubsection{Tutorials and Courses:}
+It is intended to offer both tutorials (which will take place during
+the week of the conference proper), and courses (which will take place
+during the week following the conference); proposed topics include
+book design and \LaTeXe, but no firm decisions have yet been taken on
+topics, durations or costs. Further details concerning this area will
+be circulated as soon as they are known.
+Sent queries to Euro\TeX '94 Conference Organisers, c/o W{\l}odek
+Bzyl, Department of Mathematics, University of Gdansk, Poland; e-mail:
+W{\l}odek Bzyl at {\tt EuroTeX@Halina.Univ.Gda.Pl}
+%% Board Activities (pp.17-23):
+\Section{TUG Board Activities}
+\squashedsubsection{New officers}{Christina Thiele \\
+ President}
+The board has elected new officers to take the place of outgoing
+Vice-President Ken Dreyhaupt and Treasurer Bill Woolf. The new faces
+are, respectively, Michel Goossens and George Greenwade. I would like
+to take this opportunity to thank Ken and Bill for their work for
+\tug, and I also welcome the arrival of Michel and George. Peter Flynn
+continues as Secretary.
+\squashedsubsection{$\bullet$ Conference Planning Committee}
+ {Jackie Damrau, Chair}
+\noindent The Conference Planning Committee (CPC) has completed its
+search for new committee members---Michael Doob and Walter
+Obermiller---to replace outgoing member Mimi Jett.
+We are actively working on a draft of Conference Guidelines that will
+help in organizing future conferences. A large thank-you goes to
+Peter Flynn and Christina Thiele for their excellent work on the first
+draft. We do have plans to make it available on a {\small WWW} in the
+Ongoing committee activities include getting tentative meeting sites
+lined up for 1996 (for Europe) and 1997 (for the North American West
+Coast), and of course, beyond. If you would like more information,
+please contact the CPC at: {\tt}\ .
+\begin{center} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}
+ \begin{tabular}{||c||}
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\large\bf Next Board Meeting} \\ [4pt]
+ \hline
+ 29--30 July, at \tug94 \\
+ University of Santa Barbara, California \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+ \begin{tabular}{||ll||}
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\bf 1994 TTN Schedule for Submissions} \\ [4pt]
+ \hline
+ \mbox{\hspace{3.75cm}} & \\ [-8pt]
+ \qquad July issue & \quad \bf June 1st \\
+ \qquad Oct.\ issue & \quad \bf Sept.\ 1st \\
+ \qquad Jan.\ issue (1995) & \quad \bf Dec.\ 1st \\ %% [2pt]
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{2}{l}{\empty} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+%% TUG Courses for 1993/1994 (p.24):
+\Section{\Large\bf \TeX\ Users Group \\
+ 1994 Course Schedule}
+\multicolumn{3}{c}{\Large\bf Courses at the Annual Meeting} \\ [6pt]
+\hline \hline
+\bf 26--29 July & Intensive Course in \LaTeX & Malcolm Clark \\ [2pt]
+\bf 27--29 July & Doing More with \LaTeX & Michael Goossens \\
+ & & Frank Mittelbach \\ [2pt]
+\bf 5--7 August & Typography & Peter Flynn \\ [2pt]
+\bf 5--7 August & \PS\ and Graphics & Sebastian Rahtz \\
+ & & Michel Goossens \\ [2pt]
+\bf 8--11 August & Beginning/Intermediate \TeX & To be announced \\ [2pt]
+\bf 8--11 August & Advanced \TeX & To be announced \\ [2pt]
+\hline \hline
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Beginning/Intermediate \TeX*}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Intensive Course in \LaTeX*} \\
+\quad Santa Barbara & Oct.\ 17--21
+ & \quad Santa Barbara & Oct.\ 24--28 \\ [6pt]
+ *Lab classes --- computers will be provided for
+ all students} \\ [6pt]
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=0pt
+ \item \tug\ courses are small, with 8--15 students in most classes.
+ \item Dates and locations subject to change. Direct course
+ inquiries to John Berlin at the \tug\ Office. Anyone
+ interested in courses dealing with \TeX\ and {\small SGML}
+ should contact John as well ({\tt}).
+ \item \tug\ office: phone 805-963-1338\quad
+ \fax\ 805-963-8358\quad
+ {\tt}
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+ \large\bf On-Site \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ Courses from \TUG\
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=0pt
+ \item Courses in \TeX{}, \LaTeX{}, {\small SGML} and \TeX,
+ \PS, or \TeX{} for Publishers tailored to the needs of
+ your group
+ \item Courses at every level from beginning to advanced
+ \item Five full days of instruction at your site
+ \item One-week course fee includes all instructor fees and expenses
+ plus textbooks and other materials for up to 15 students
+%% Upcoming Events (p.25):
+\Section{Upcoming Events}
+{\tabcolsep4pt \setbox 0 = \hbox {\bf Spring 1994}
+\dimen 0 = \hsize
+\advance \dimen 0 by -6\tabcolsep
+\advance \dimen 0 by -\wd 0
+\advance \dimen 0 by -4.5 cm
+\begin{tabular}{p{\wd 0}p{4.5cm}p{\dimen 0}}
+\bf 30 April--\nl
+ 2 May & {\small\bf GUST}: ``Bacho\TeX '94''\nl
+ 2nd General Meeting of the\nl
+ Polish \TeX\ Users Group,\nl
+ Bachotek (Brodnica Lake\nl
+ District), Poland.
+ & Hanna Ko{\l}odziejska, \nl
+ International Computers Ltd.\ Poland,
+ ul.\ Leszno 21, 01-199 Warszawa,
+ Poland \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 16 May & {\small\bf NTUG} (Nordic Group): \nl
+ Oslo, Norway.
+ & Dag F.\ Langmyhr \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 20 May & {\bf The Goudy Center}:\nl
+ ``Starting Your %% 1-day course
+ Own Publication'' (with Frank Romano).\nl
+ Rochester, NY.
+ & Margaret von Koschembahr\nl
+ Phone: (716) 475-2052 \nl
+ \fax: (716) 475-7029 \\
+\bf 2 June & {\small\bf GUTenberg}:\nl
+ \LaTeXe\ (with Goossens and Mittelbach);
+ \GUTenberg\ annual general meeting.\nl
+ Paris, France.
+ & (331) 30 87 06 25 \nl
+ {\tt tresorerie-gutenberg@ens\rlap{.fr}} \\
+\bf 8--10 June & {\small\bf SSP} 16th Annual Meeting:\nl
+ ``Reshaping the Information Marketplace''.\nl
+ San Francisco, California.
+ & Phone: (303) 422-3914\nl
+ \fax: (303) 422-8894\nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 9--10 June & {\small\bf NTG} 13th Meeting:\nl
+ ``{\rm \AllTeX}, \MF, and\nl tools education.''\nl
+ Groningen, the Netherlands.
+ & Gerard van Nes\nl
+ {\tt} \\
+%\bf 6--8 July & {\bf Universit\'e de Rouen}:\nl
+% National Colloquium on\nl
+% Writing and Documentation,\nl
+% Rouen, France.
+% & Jacques Labiche \nl
+% {\tt labiche@la3i.univ-rouen\rlap{.fr}} \\
+\hline \hline \hline
+\bf 31 July--\nl
+ 4 Aug. & {\small\bf TUG\ts'94}:\nl
+ 15th Annual Meeting,\nl
+ Santa Barbara, California.
+ & Debbie Ceder \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\hline \hline \hline
+\bf 26--30 Sept.
+ & {\bf Euro\TeX'94}:\nl
+ Sobieszewo, Poland.
+ & W{\l}odek Bzyl\nl
+ {\tt} \\
+%% 12 APR 94: No room in this issue. Insert them into the July issue
+%% of TTN (Ch.)
+%\bf 17 Nov. & {\small\bf NTG} 14th Meeting:\nl
+% ``Publishing with \AllTeX''.\nl
+% Antwerp, Belgium.
+% & Details not yet avail. \\
+%\bf May 1995 & {\small\bf NTG} 15th Meeting:\nl
+% ``Multimedia and \AllTeX''.\nl
+% TU Twente, The Netherlands.
+% & Details not yet avail. \\
+%\noindent {\bf Note}: Also consult the ``Calendar'' in the previous
+%issue of \TUB\ for more dates and details.
+%% Page 28:
+\Section{Fun and Games}
+\squashedsubsection{Teaser}{Malcolm Clark \\
+ Christina Thiele}
+Malcolm and I ran this little teaser in the last issue of \ttn\
+(3,1:14): ``What's special about this sentence?'' The answer? Put it
+all into caps, and then change the font, and \dots\ voil\`a!
+The first three answers received were from: Jacques Andr\'e (France),
+Ulrik Vieth (Germany), and Martyn Johnson (UK). Honourable mentions go
+to Katherine Butterfield (California) and Ed Baker (Massachussetts).
+But that was, as we said, just a teaser. Now go on to the next stage!
+The task: Create the longest sentence possible using the letters in
+``\MF''. It {\em does\/} have to be a (semi-)plausible sentence. The
+\begin{enumerate} \itemsep=0pt
+ \item You may use any letter as many times as you wish to form a
+ word.
+ \item You may not use the same word more than once in the sentence.
+ \item Sentences may be created in any language: diacriticals are
+ not required. If the sentence is not in English, a
+ translation must be supplied.
+ \item The words should be able to be verified by reference to an
+ authoritative language dictionary (e.g.\ {\sl OED} for English,
+ {\sl Langenscheidt\/} for German, {\sl Larousse} for French).
+ \item Only one entry per person.
+ \item Deadline for submissions: {\bf June 15, 1994}, via e-mail to
+ {\tt cthiele@ccs.}\break {\tt} or snail mail to
+ Christina Thiele, 5 Homestead Street, Nepean, Ont.\ K2E 7N9
+ Canada.
+This time, the {\em best\/} three will be selected, each in a
+different language (choosing the first three answers turns out to be a
+bit unfair --- you're at the mercy of your postal service!). To the
+esteemed panel of judges (Malcolm and myself), we've added Berthold
+and Blenda Horn. Good luck --- and start creating!
+%% Cover 3 (Table of Contents):
+{\vsize=47pc \baselineskip=11.75pt
+ {\Sectionfont \TeX{} and TUG NEWS\\
+ \medskip
+ Table of Contents}
+\contentsline {section}{{\it Editorial}}{1}
+\contentsline {section}{Typographer's Inn \\
+ \indent {\em Peter Flynn}}{3}
+\contentsline {section}{New Publications \\
+ \indent {\em Peter Schmitt}}{6}
+\contentsline {section}{``Hey --- it works!''\\
+ \indent {\em Jeremy Gibbons}}{}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Non-nested braces
+ \quad {\em Donald Arseneau}}{8}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Overlaying symbols
+ \quad {\em Jeremy Gibbons}}{10}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Making tables by iteration
+ \quad {\em Navindra Gambhir}}{12}
+\contentsline {section}{\AllTeX\ News \\
+ \indent \hskip-4pt \TUB\ tables of contents on-line \\
+ \indent \qquad {\em Barbara Beeton}}{13}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad German node of \ctan\ has moved \\
+ \qquad {\em Rainer Sch\"opf}}{13}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad Announcing a new publication: {\sl
+ Serif}}{14}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad Fraktur German Gothic font\\
+ \qquad {\em Daniel Taupin}}{14}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad \ntg's {\small CD} of 4All\TeX}{14}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad Where to announce new releases}{15}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad New releases from Karl Berry}{15}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad News from vendors \\
+ \qquad {\em Christina Thiele}}{16}
+\contentsline {section}{``You Rang \dots\ ?''\\
+ \indent {\em Robert Becker}}{}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts The look of
+ automatically-generated numbers}{17}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts {\tt report.sty}: breaking
+ lines in the Table of Contents}{18}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts More about protecting
+ ``fragile'' commands}{19}
+\contentsline {section}{Reports on Meetings \\
+ \indent Nordic Group --- Nov.\ 1993 in Finland}{20}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace \tug'94 --- July in
+ California}{21}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace Euro\TeX'94 --- Sept.\ in
+ Poland}{24}
+\contentsline {section}{\tug\ Board Activities \\
+ \indent New officers}{25}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace Conference Planning Committee}{25}
+\contentsline {section}{\TUG\ 1994 Course Schedule}{26}
+\contentsline {section}{Upcoming Events}{27}
+\contentsline {section}{Fun and Games}{28}
+ \bf Volume 3, No.\ 2, 1994
+%% Cover 4 (TUG'94 promo):
+\noindent {\large\bf July 31--August 4, 1994 \hfill
+ \TeX\ Users Group}
+ \Large\bf Innovations! \\
+ \vspace{1pc}
+ \Large\bf TUG'94 in Santa Barbara
+\noindent We would like to take this opportunity to elaborate on what
+we have scheduled as social events for the conference this year. The
+conference will open with registration on Saturday and that evening
+there will be a reception in the Residence Hall. This will be a good
+time to say hello to old friends and possibly meet new ones. Sunday
+will see the ever-popular night of bowling.
+For those staying on campus, Monday evening's dinner will be a
+barbeque on one of the beaches surrounding the campus. Tuesday
+afternoon will be open for exploring Santa Barbara, sightseeing in the
+Santa Barbara Channel aboard one of the charter boats, or a trip to a
+local winery for a tasting experience. That evening we will all meet
+at the Red Dog Saloon for a romping good time of country and western
+music and dance.
+The banquet will take place outdoors on Wednesday evening in the
+courtyard of Santa Rosa Residence Hall. The cost of the barbeque and
+the banquet are part of the room and board fees for those staying on
+campus. If you choose to stay off-campus and wish to take part in
+these activities, please contact the \tug\ office for the additional
+We at the \tug\ office want this year's conference to be the most
+memorable to date and are striving to make it as entertaining for all
+as possible. Santa Barbara is a beautiful setting and we hope your
+stay with us will be a pleasant one.
+ \begin{tabular}{||ll||}
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\bf TUG 15th Anniversary Meeting} \\ [6pt]
+ \hline
+ \mbox{} & \\ [-8pt]
+ \bf Where? & Santa Barbara, California (west northwest of Los
+ Angeles) \\ [2pt]
+ \bf When? & July 31 to August 4 (with courses before/after these
+ dates) \\ [2pt]
+ \bf Who? & Everyone interested in \TeX, \LaTeX, and \MF! \\ [2pt]
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ See pp.\ 21--23 for more details on the meeting.